By the age of ~40 close to 80% of brehs have at least one kid.
There isn’t some large swath of grown ass men out here who are childless lol
And high 5-6 figures?? What’s the percentage of brehs who make that? Not many because we have the lowest median salary in this nation. Black folks are the brokest in this country, so we don’t have to tailor this to the 6 certs 6 figure subset.
And the white college girls are doing the same thing as any other girl trying to get married- they are dating and falling in love and making it clear they want marriage.
Ain’t no young girls out here saying what they “won’t do” for their man

That’s when women get jaded down the road.
Majority of these girls aren’t doing anything beyond the normal stuff girls do with their boyfriends.
White and Asian cultures in general make it clear that their young men need to be preparing for marriage. You can see the same in African cultures.
Y’all talk about shame, but Black culture doesn’t shame Black men for anything.
The condition of the hood, having kids out of wedlock, etc. Black women get shamed by a certain age or if they have more than one kid out of wedlock, but y’all don’t get shamed by Black society.
And look, I’m not saying
we don’t have room for improvement, but culturally- no. On a grand scale our young men are not out here pushed to be ready to propose at 26-30.
I’ve said it before, it happened in my family, but they were on top of their sons to knock out grad school, be homeowners and be in a position to afford an engagement ring by 30/31. But that isn’t typical experience in our community. It used to be, back when we had the highest marriage rates.
I mean dawg— this site is the home of “GMB”, and most of these dudes ain’t being facetious!
The ultimate point is women have to peep game and not fall for it, but men need to wrap it up if they know they don’t want kids.
This Cam interview is going viral because his cavalier attitude is NOT new. What’s new is someone looking men in the eye and saying that a man having multiple babies is as unappealing and dysfunctional as a woman being a babymomma.
He thought it was different for him cuz he’s rich.