She Broke that Nikka Cam Newton down to Particles! Keep Her Away from Nick Cannon

Still Benefited

Apr 30, 2012
Having a pregnancy fetish is a sign of mental illness. High wealth countries don't have shyt like this because they value the family unit. Mother Father and kids. The type of life Cam and Nick build is pure dysfunction and chaos and a hit to the wealth you're supposed to pass on to your kids.

Now when Cam and Nick die you will have a bunch of kids and baby mama's fighting over what's left after providing for all these people for his entire life or not as I would not be surprised if he deprives some of his kids eventually.

The people in high wealth countries value their money. What yall are essentially saying is that its not normal for men to want to have kids,and find that more important than money. Men actually have biological inner clocks and urges to have kids as well. When your love grows for a woman its normal to want her to have your child. Yes this can happen several times over if you deal with many women. Yes men lie and sell dreams to ease womens skepticism so that they have his child. And some men genuinely feel a woman has changed him and he is optimistic she is the one. Its never as simple as women assume it to be,or men paint it as. Ive talked women out of using birth control. Ive lied to talk women into and out of abortions. Sometimes being wishy washy on the matter.

This is all little boy shyt,created by many black mens shifless,yet passionate minds.

Its imperative that we understand our nature. That nature is to want children by women we care about. Once you know your nature and your astrology,you know feelings can come and go quickly. Sometimes those feelings are a brief infatuation.

But theres a such thing as a call of duty,and its not a video game. In the past if you had a child it was your duty to stay in the picture and be honorable. Whether you still loved that person or not.

Today in this society,women are easily the most outspoken against this. Honoring the call of duty to do whats right for the children goes both ways. Women no longer need you to honor your call of duty. And men know this to be a fact. So without that expectation on either side,theres nothing forcing two people to be unnaturally held together in an unnatural environment:respect:

T.he I.nformant

1st Ballot HOF Teller
May 3, 2013
Wherever nikkas need to be told on
When she started the compartmentalizing and boxes bit felt like Franklin stepped in the room



Mar 11, 2022
The people in high wealth countries value their money. What yall are essentially saying is that its not normal for men to want to have kids,and find that more important than money. Men actually have biological inner clocks and urges to have kids as well. When your love grows for a woman its normal to want her to have your child. Yes this can happen several times over if you deal with many women. Yes men lie and sell dreams to ease womens skepticism so that they have his child. And some men genuinely feel a woman has changed him and he is optimistic she is the one. Its never as simple as women assume it to be,or men paint it as. Ive talked women out of using birth control. Ive lied to talk women into and out of abortions. Sometimes being wishy washy on the matter.

This is all little boy shyt,created by many black mens shifless,yet passionate minds.

Its imperative that we understand our nature. That nature is to want children by women we care about. Once you know your nature and your astrology,you know feelings can come and go quickly. Sometimes those feelings are a brief infatuation.

But theres a such thing as a call of duty,and its not a video game. In the past if you had a child it was your duty to stay in the picture and be honorable. Whether you still loved that person or not.

Today in this society,women are easily the most outspoken against this. Honoring the call of duty to do whats right for the children goes both ways. Women no longer need you to honor your call of duty. And men know this to be a fact. So without that expectation on either side,theres nothing forcing two people to be unnaturally held together in an unnatural environment:respect:
Thanks for the honesty. Dudes act like this isn’t the MO of a lot of dudes, especially when young.


Mar 11, 2022
You're being disingenuous and arguing in bad faith. Nobody's absolving Cam of anything. The problem is when y'all try to make Cam the face of all black men. Again it was all good when you were saying 80% of black men have kids and we're getting daps and "Good points", now nikkas "absolving men" while this thread and twitter is shytting on Cam(deservedly)

You keep glitching out at the fact that these men cannot do what they do without women willing to fukk them. Nobody's getting raped here both the man and the women are intentionally creating kids

For the third unanswered time, if most black men are childless what are they supposed to do about the Cams and Nick Cannon's? This is not a troll question
YALL don’t have to do anything but tell them to straighten up because they are an embarrassment.

What I’m asking is WHY does OUR CULTURE produce more Cams and Nicks than others? Of the ones we have, why do so many not care about the consequences of these actions and decisions? THAT is all.

There’s another thread going right now where a breh said he has a baby with his girl and how she wants to get married but he’s actually thinking of leaving her, and another breh in the thread said “just leave, you can make more kids with someone else”.

I kid you not.

THAT is what I’m talking about. THAT is the attitude that gets shared amongst our men. Dudes act like we making that shyt yup when it’s an exact conversation happening RIGHT NOW on this forum. Encouraging their fellow men to leave because “it’s hard” “she changed”, etc.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
WHY does OUR CULTURE produce more Cams and Nicks than others?
I’m not sure this is true.

These dummies will get on tv and talk about it, but in most any culture rich men end up fathering all types of babies from different women.

Hell the idea that this is a “bad” thing is a relatively new concept in human society.


Jun 1, 2012
YALL don’t have to do anything but tell them to straighten up because they are an embarrassment.

What I’m asking is WHY does OUR CULTURE produce more Cams and Nicks than others? Of the ones we have, why do so many not care about the consequences of these actions and decisions? THAT is all.

There’s another thread going right now where a breh said he has a baby with his girl and how she wants to get married but he’s actually thinking of leaving her, and another breh in the thread said “just leave, you can make more kids with someone else”.

I kid you not.

THAT is what I’m talking about. THAT is the attitude that gets shared amongst our men. Dudes act like we making that shyt yup when it’s an exact conversation happening RIGHT NOW on this forum. Encouraging their fellow men to leave because “it’s hard” “she changed”, etc.
"Tell them to straighten up" Yea you right. Lemme just hit up Cam and tell him to cut all this nonsense out:dead: that'll do the trick:mjlol: You're being wild unrealistic and that's the shyt that makes me say you're acting in bad faith because that answer is ridiculous

You keep asking the same questions but are not listening or you just don't like the answers. Again what do you want the responsible men to do when it's two consenting adults? You want the childless black men to start policing bodies?

Why is it more black men? Because they have more sexual access. It really is that simple Cam cannot do what he does to a woman that says "No" We all know that Cam wants to do this. At that point you take the information and move accordingly. But your arguments are framed like black women are children that can't make educated decisions

You keep double talking in an attempt to die on this hill that's based on a lie. You keep refusing the lie part because the looks bad. AND you're being disrespectful in your stubbornness

What makes your premises disrespectful, whether you see it or not, is that fact that you keep repeating these points like black men aren't having these conversations when black men have been having them for forty years. Black men have had the "Don't be out here being a deadbeat daddy/wrap it up/child support is killing me/she won't let me see my kid" discussions, and the behavior has improved.

Nikkas are not having kids:mjlol: They don't want the drama, financial burden, or the stress. Also keep in mind that births are down across just about all demographics, but one group still manages to keep cranking out babies:manny:

This "Why don't we talk about black men?" Shyt is gonna stop because when are black men not being talked about or blamed for something? Cut that shyt out:camby: Meanwhile you have black men assessing and improving behaviors based on lies and propaganda.

This Cam/Nick shyt is not at the feet of black men, especially when most of them have taken steps to not be like them

Nobody's acting like you're making shyt up, but you're dying on a hill of made up shyt. This is no different than thinking all black men are gang members because you watched some drill videos
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