We got the lowest marriage rates, highest out of wedlock rates, and now we got prominent Black male entertainers talking about why it’s ok to produce 8+ kids w/various women in various households out of wedlock.“I’m comfortable in my abandonment” - nick cannon . @Gloxina is right many black men gotta hold this L. I’m childless tho. Always wrap it up before I smack it up.
Literally, purposely birthing kids who will never grow up in households watching a wife and husband —MOTHER and FATHER— interacting together. So they are purposely producing children who will go out into the world not experiencing and witnessing what an actual intact family is, further contributing to the problem we are currently having in Black American culture.
I mean, the call is coming from inside the house.
Cam, Nick and the men defending them are putting this dysfunction on display for the WORLD.
I…I don’t think brehs understand how this looks