Share your struggle story


Just Like That
Mar 2, 2015

I've been sitting in my driveway crying in my car like the world's biggest wuss feeling down on myself.

The past year has just been ridiculously rough. Though life has always been tough, I feel like lately I've been feeling defeated.
I grew up in the foster system with my two sisters, one of my sisters passed away last year (which is basically half of the family I have). That threw me off more than anything. I have been dealing with her death in my own way, but I have tried to remain positive. I am in my last year of school, I have work (I'm a teacher), and I live on my own. Bills, tuition and work are just CRUSHING ME.

I got into a car accident today and now my car has to be repaired with cash I don't even have, cash I was saving towards this last year of school. I feel like no matter how many steps forward I make, I'm STILL trying to catch up. I feel like I'm drowning. Like I'm always drowning.

I just couldn't even bring myself to get out of my car. I know everyone has their struggles, I know everyone has had tough times. Honestly, I just need to hear some struggle stories. I need to hear how you/someone you know was down and how they motivated themselves to get back up.

Please, feel free to share. Knowing life is hard and stressful is a given, ACCEPTING that it is seems to be another story altogether.

Beloved (cue Iyanla voice), I'm so sorry for your loss. What I want to say to you, though is that you are just on the upside of a victory. I know it doesnt look like it , but that is what it is. What you are going through is just life's way of saying, "show me you want to BE". And, I know that you will be just fine. What YOU have to do is know that, somehow, some way, all of the solutions that you need in your life right now are already yours. Live your life right now, and always, like LIFE IS RIGGED IN YOUR FAVOR. It doesn't matter the "hows" or the "whens" or the "whos" all that matters, truly, is that you believe that YOU GOT THIS. And, you DO.

I wouldn't be saying this to you if I didn't know it to be true by experience. When I tell you I have been through the fire and to hell and back, I mean, I have seen and experienced a lot of hardship. But it was my belief in myself and a higher power that got me through. The KEY is knowing in your heart that, despite your rough patches, despite your shortcomings, what is FOR YOU is FOR YOU and there is no one, no entity, no scenario that can usurp it. But you have to believe this in your heart for it to work and you musn't revert back to feeling helpless or out of control. YOU GOT THIS. Now, the test is that you know in your heart that YOU GOT THIS. Love and blessings!


All Star
Sep 17, 2014
Beloved (cue Iyanla voice), I'm so sorry for your loss. What I want to say to you, though is that you are just on the upside of a victory. I know it doesnt look like it , but that is what it is. What you are going through is just life's way of saying, "show me you want to BE". And, I know that you will be just fine. What YOU have to do is know that, somehow, some way, all of the solutions that you need in your life right now are already yours. Live your life right now, and always, like LIFE IS RIGGED IN YOUR FAVOR. It doesn't matter the "hows" or the "whens" or the "whos" all that matters, truly, is that you believe that YOU GOT THIS. And, you DO.

I wouldn't be saying this to you if I didn't know it to be true by experience. When I tell you I have been through the fire and to hell and back, I mean, I have seen and experienced a lot of hardship. But it was my belief in myself and a higher power that got me through. The KEY is knowing in your heart that, despite your rough patches, despite your shortcomings, what is FOR YOU is FOR YOU and there is no one, no entity, no scenario that can usurp it. But you have to believe this in your heart for it to work and you musn't revert back to feeling helpless or out of control. YOU GOT THIS. Now, the test is that you know in your heart that YOU GOT THIS. Love and blessings!

I really appreciate these kind words. Thank you! It is a process, sometimes it gets disheartening but you're right, I got this. It'll just take some time. :hug:


girls just wanna have funds
Dec 19, 2013
my parents divorced, then my dad had a heart attack

seeing him in that ICU really fukked me up

i just... i kept looking to my mum for what to do, then i remembered she wasn't his wife anymore

i didn't know how to deal with the fact i might lose him and i didn't know how to deal with us not being a family

he's alright now though. we'll be alright.

Spike Tarantino

Jun 23, 2015
Filfee Nasteh Duddy Souf
my parents divorced, then my dad had a heart attack

seeing him in that ICU really fukked me up

i just... kept looking to my mum for what to do, then i remembered she wasn't his wife anymore

i didn't know how to deal with the fact i might lose him and i didn't know how to deal with us not being a family

he's alright now though. we'll be alright.

Divorce and mortality are very hard to deal with at any time, at any age. Please know that even though both are commonplace issues, it isn't supposed to be easy, it's OK to feel overwhelmed with these transitions.

I'm glad you're re-affirming the truth, which is that YA'LL GONE BE ALRIGHT.

Your family may be a different composition than you're used to, but they love you just like always, on that I'm sure your parents will agree.


The Project's Manly P Hall
Resting in Peace
Oct 25, 2012
I'm Hard Like D-Block Readin The Book Of Enoch...
the righteous are undergoing rites of passage into the new Yuga/The Age of Aquarius,the harder it is/gets the greater your gift of (r)evolution into the King Dome of the entire Cosmos,this earth/3-d reality isn't the beginning,nor the end,tis just a boot camp to lift up your Icarus boot straps,don't fall trap to the Deluge of Delusion,the fault lines or flood lines,the linear line-age or bloodlines,you're all of that and none of that,the greatest physical/material gifts on this planes are cleverly hidden curses,the biggest curses are wisely devised gifts of wis(e)dome and compassion...

i could break the interweb with the agonizing pain i've&all my soul family has undergone,but i've spent enough "time" wallowing in misery for this round on the dharmacakra,this world twas given to the evil(reverse the word) as a recruitment playground,and as stated earlier,inversely,a training launchpad for eternal exodus,tis all what you choose to make(or break) of it...better to learn all you can now than burn later

and crying is a great gift of replenishment refreshment,you're meant to spill plasma,perspiration,and pain water whilst in the physical form,how else would you know you even lived or helped the boundless seeds grow,everything needs hydration..:mjcry::hug:


Too tired to think of something witty to say...
Jun 10, 2015
You gals always make my millennium!!!!! All of you ladies and gents are strong and one of a kind!!!! Just remember God don't make no trash baby!

I would share my story, but it would take way too long!!! I have lots of struggle stories... Lol. I'm grateful that God gave me the strength to endure the things I have been through in the past 15 years or so.

We all are gonna be A-1!!! I so proud of my babies.:bryan:


The Project's Manly P Hall
Resting in Peace
Oct 25, 2012
I'm Hard Like D-Block Readin The Book Of Enoch...
just briefly browsed through the whole thread,we got some trill life souljah's of I-N-I on here..:whoo::whew::salute:

see all the fukkery,inane debates,and straight lies and forget there's still a few real one's left,props to ya'll for persevering through the storm,keep stoking that mentality,cause tis only gonna get more hectic/chaotic in the future,the people gonna need heads that have/will kept/keep cool through the storm..

sometimes i get too abstract/metaphysical with the encapsulation/advice but that's cause i've evolved/somewhat desensitized to my own personal struggle to try and not dwell on it in particular,and use that anger/sadness/nihilism as fuel for my own soul& day when i'm feeling more nostalgic/pondering i'll drop more perhaps..all the peeps from the:hamster:kinda know my story in a sense,but i'm just not the type to be too literal with my own pain,i've been betrayed far too much by familia,therapists,the system,friends,to really just get willy nilly with the dealathon(the system will blackball you if you know too much for your caste system position!)..sadly being too real with your pain/ideas is to your own detriment,you just gotta encode better and hope those meant to will/can decode:manny:


Spike Tarantino

Jun 23, 2015
Filfee Nasteh Duddy Souf
@Spike Tarantino after your ordeal, I was inspired. You made it out, I thought about it so much. I heard this song and it made me think of you, it's so beautiful.

@Paradise Road @Rawtid you guys too :smile:

Aw, thanks so much! :hug:Yuna is a lovely singer/songwriter, so this was really a compliment. I really, truly did not know I could do everything I ended up doing and still do today. I didn't need to be rescued through a lot of my ordeal.

You are me, and I really am you. As sure as I made it, you will too!


Aug 13, 2014
The true definition of resiliency despite your struggles my island (sexy :takedat:) queen. :salute:

I've been through hell and back and you wouldn't want to hear my dark tales growing up in Jamaica. I'm not proud of what I've done in the past. I've done terrible and wicked things because I was struggling just like everyone else and needed everything the fast way. All that changed when I reincarnated myself into a new man that I am today. I'm still struggling but I'm working my ass off.

Salute to you my queen. :salute:
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Regine Hunter

Captain Fupa
Dec 14, 2013
  • currently squatting at my friend's house. She's moving, so i have 3 days to find somewhere to live.
  • been going to many interviews, praying one will call me back.
  • luckily, my school doesn't require you to pay up front before attending classes, if not i wouldn't be attending school
  • speaking of school, this is my 5th year in a 4 year program. my parents are livid and disappointed in me for this.
  • i have no money, can't afford textbooks. Been staying in the library to do my readings from the textbooks they have on reserve.
  • again, i have no money (shout out to the coli member that helped me out this week. They know who they are and I am indebted to them.)...but so far a few people have helped me eat this week (ex. today, someone let me use their swipe to eat dinner)