Share your struggle story


All Star
Sep 30, 2015
I think the struggles and trials we experience are similar to when we first started buying smarphones.

And you were told to initially go home and completely drain the battery so that when you charge it, it can get a full charge. Otherwise the battery will be marked and it can only get as much energy to the extant that it was depleted.

So with our lives to the extant of the trails we've been through the energy drained the emotions when you feel as though you are completely taxed beyond measure. That's when you are poised to receive and appreciate and accept the greatest joy blessings and new beginnings of you life:blessed:


Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015
Thank you. Good part is, whenever something annoying or negative happens these days I just remember my past year. I can smile through just about anything. :heh:

You'll have that moment too, trust me. Everything will pass and you'll be stronger.

I can't run, and I have some pain if I jig or overdo it with moving around all day, but it's manageable. Thank you for asking.

I think of it as reminder not to accept any "nice guy" tendencies or unwarranted aggression in my next relationship. A hint of fuccboy flavor, then its:camby:

:dwillhuh: Care to explain?

Spike Tarantino

Jun 23, 2015
Filfee Nasteh Duddy Souf
:dwillhuh: Care to explain?
I honestly could write a book expounding on the multi-faceted aspect of "nice-guys" and they're bullshyt:usure:

But I'll limit it to a list of things I've encountered that tip me off:manny:

  • Insecure about their social status amongst their family friends.:huhldup:
  • Unable to articulate or accept their flaws :leostare:
  • Ardent, excessive, and disproportionate affection early on in the relationship before any commitment.:whoa:
  • All of their exes are crazy (by their account) and the termination all of their past relationships are nondescript :patrice:
  • Tendency to want stay in the social orbit of women they are attracted to without directly shooting their shot:rudy:
  • Outbursts of emotion (anger/affection/fear/excitement):demonic:


Jesus Loves you...Your Cat doesn't. {#Dogset}
Sep 2, 2015
I honestly could write a book expounding on the multi-faceted aspect of "nice-guys" and they're bullshyt:usure:

  • Ardent, excessive, and disproportionate affection early on in the relationship before any commitment.:whoa:

I was doing good until I saw that......

I've had my rough patches with women starting out since I'm prone to showing alot of affection once I get comfortable with a girl, but I guess that's mainly because I'm a bit of a cuddle whore and they've been with guys who are more reserved in showing that sort of affection early if at all.:yeshrug: It was like as if they were waiting for the other shoe to drop and see some sort of malicious or domineering side to me that I tried to hide with being so so overtly affectionate in order to bring their guard down or somethin'. Your other points are valid as fukk, though, cheers for clarifying.:jawalrus:


Apr 23, 2013
All of my struggles, heartache, sorrow, and pain in life have been caused by my family. I used to vent thru various webpages about my pain to get better... I will share some of those pieces here. It's when I was actually going thru my struggles.

I was a decent child growing up, the type of child every decent parent asks for. I stayed out of trouble and kept my nose in them books at school. Pleasing my parents and making them proud was a very high priority to me, especially my mother. She used to be my best friend and loved her dearly. Nobody could ever come near my mothers greatness.

My mother could be the nastiest, meaniest, craziest bytch you could ever meet. She had a rough life growing up and was raised on the streets of north philadelphia. Any tiny bit of disrespect, my mother was at your throat, man, woman, or child no matter the place either. I'll never forget being downtown and my mom got in a arguement with this latino women at the counter, she gripped that chick up from over the counter and dragged her across the counter beating her ass. I ran out the store crying because I was so embarrassed by her actions. She came out angry at me telling me I was a little bytch. I was only 6 to 8 years old at the time.

When she didn't have her cigarettes, she was straight up terrifying! I didn't realize it back then because all our cousins got whoopins too, but we were physically and mentally abused growing up. My mom took great pleasure in whoopings. She would tell my dad to put on music like "Why can't we be friends" smiling and laughing about the incoming beatings. My mother also never hesitated to let my sisters and I know she has no problems beating our asses like a stranger in the street. My older sister got it worse. I don't know why, but my mother hated her. I can't get the image out my head when we went to visit family in philly, I don't know what my sister did, but my mom literally stomped the shyt out of my older sister on the floor. I remember at home, my mom would lock my sister in the cold cellar turning off the lights to torture her. Another type, I think my older sister had a accident at 10 or something, both my parents chased her around the house with belts to whoop her for it like she was some type of slave.

Despite all this, I had a unbreakable bond my with my mother back then.

I didn't interact much with my dad much growing up, he didnt' treat me bad but it didn't seem that he really cared for it. Some always told me something wasn't right with him either. My dad started cheating on my mom with this woman. My dad gotten so brazen with it, he would take me and my little sister out with them on there dates. My mom started suspecting something after a few months then one day bribed me with money and videogames for the truth. She was heartbroken for months. All she would do is cry all day. I would try to console her but it didnt help. She was so depressed she quit her job.

Honestly tho, I don't think she was faithful either. She would hit the bar and club everyday friday night dressed up in ho outfits. My dad was the total opposite of her. He wasn't into that scene, neither did he drink or smoke. My mom would go to the club with no money, but come back with her pockets lined up.

My mom eventually moved out to the projects but that didn't last long. She absolutely hated being around so many bummy ass people and moved back in with us months later. We lived in a 2 bedroom duplex house. My mom took the master bedroom, my younger sister and I shared the 2nd bedroom, my dad slept in the livingroom and my older sister slept on one side of the basement turned into a room.


Apr 23, 2013
I posted this post over 5 years ago on another forum... It was a question about women being molested and raped.

I witnessed this myself...I would stay away from abused Women at all costs.

Growing up my Mom used to club/bar hop all the damn time but I never cared, that's what she liked. Even my Dad dropped off there all the time. I remember my Mother was a straight bully to my Father, telling him what to do arguing, just straight bytchy atittude but she regarded him a good man and told me to grow up to be like him because she wasn't shyt.

She used to straight toture older half sister... Like my lil sis and me got whoopings but big sis got straight ass kickings, anytime even in public. I think she hated her because she was a spliting image of her.

Anyway, well my Dad starts cheating on my Mom, even bring my lil sister and I around this Woman, even had the balls to be intimate in front of us. Well my Moms suspcions arose after a while of us not being home anymore and she bribes me with money and videogames to snitch out my Dad.

Big arguement, Mom is depressed for some months and she moves to the projects after several months. I hated seeing my Mom in the projects because I always associated it with poorness and dirtiness.

Couple months later my Mom moves back and they just tolerate each other. A year later my older half sis reveals that he molested her for 6 years :( That really hurt me because that thougt lingered in my 11 year old mind...

I used to sleep my Dad in the living room. My older half sis slept in the basement, one side was her room and the othe was for washing clothes...My Dad used to always get up 12 or 1 in the morning, go to the basement to "wash clothes" I grew suspcious and would get up and check on him and he'd act like he was putting clothes away :smh:

That really fukked my Mom up. She was ready to kill him, had the steak knife to his neck and everything. I think 2 years go pass and my Mom and older sis kinda forgive him. My Mom starts clubbing again bringing random men home, coming home pissy drunk throwing up on the floor, asking me shyt like are you gay cuz my older sis would call me gay to piss me off.

Moms starts to get really depressed and taking any man she can find because she wanted to be loved....Man they all beat the shyt out of her. She put these abusive men before her very own children much of the time. I think she got married and divorced 3 times in the span of 5 years.

I remember her bytch ass husband coming to the house and throwing bricks through each and every window at 4AM, one narrowingly missing my sisters head all because she got him locked up for beating on her. Of course she took him back like a month later.

So it's like 2003 my young sister emulates the hip hop groupie lifestyles to the fullest. All types of boys in the house doing what ever the fukk she please and my Mom is co-signing it saying "girls mature quicker than boys" She 15 dating 23 fukking year olds!

So this one Saturday afternoon, I invite my boys over and we are playing Halo 2, 4 TV's 16 players having a fukking blast and my bytch ass sister walks in the house, calls my Mom talking about "she scared" My Mom rushes over and tells all my friends to get the fukk out. What are you serious!? Do you know much went into gather 4 tv's, 4 xboxs, 4 Halo 2's and 16 people in one spot!?

My friends roll and I'm livid...fukking enraged because this lil tramp gets away with everything (like posing nude on the webcam in 7th grade and showing it to classmates bringing the FBI to our home) and I can't even hang out with my friends who aren't causing any trouble.

I call my Mom all types of names bytch whore, you name it and I told her to leave me the fukk alone. She dears me to hit her cuz she kept getting in my face so I pretended like I was...She punches me in the face and tells me my lil sister the tramp to call the cops, she did it with a big ass grin...

My relationship with my Mother died right their. How the fukk can you call the cops on your Son who never did you dirty, had your back, always listened to you and stayed loyal. Haven't had an ounce of love for her since than.

A year later I meet my Wife and my Mom is ultra jealous of her. Telling her that I'm dog, I ain't shyt, I'mma leave her just like all these other guys do to they fam than telling me that she going take me to the cleaners for child support, all types of dispicable shyt that should never come from a Parent's mouth towards they child.

My Mother was so scorned that she even looked thru my cell at my text/pic messages between my Woman and I...My girl pregnant at this time and texted me "imagine me 9 months pregnant giving you head" and my Mom throws it in my face like I should be ashamed...

I finally move out my Dad's house, we get a apartment, build our next, and move onto a house. We living the good life while my Mom fall off hard. One time I walked into her Downtown and she didn't even recognize me...She hanging with this slutty ass women so I figure she is prosituting now...

One day my younger wannabe gangster ass sister runs her mouth off with the wrong females...She calls my Mom for back up and she rushes to her aid fighting the females in the middle of downtown with everybody taping on they cellphones.

She gets locked up and can't make rent so I offer her to stay with us under two conditions...No smoking period around this house and you must maintain employment. She gets a lil cleaning job, it's going well for a month until I start noticing she is staying home more often, offering more help around the house...I give her the benefit of the doubt. lol her job calls my phone and tell her not to come into work, your fired.

I ask her was she still working and said yeah lying to me so I kicked her out. She mad as fukk talking about I'mma beat your ass, I ain't going no where, call the fukking police fakkit, I'm a punk ass motherfukker who thinks he's hard because he has a job and a house, it was my master plan the whole time to move her in to kick her out to hurt her blah blah blah She finally leaves after an hour of this mess.

Some more months roll by and I let her move back in with me again because I'm not heartless...She moves out on her own surprisingly...She found her self a simp ass lil arm old white dude who lets her lives rent free and takes his disability paychecks, drinking them away.

One day she rolls by my house in a drunken stupor revealing that my Father may not be my real Father. I just :lol:, and it all makes sense to me now. My mom was a straight up ho, she had a 1 night stand with some bum ass dude she met at a bar, knew he wasn't shyt, targeted my Simp ass Father who she saw who was weak (He accepted her daughter who was 4 before I was born) knew he would care for his children and said she was pregnant after 1 month of dating. Just plain set his weak ass up.

What's really crazy, in 2006 I was browsing Craiglist personal ads and SURPRISE it's my lil sis advertising booty for sale. I notified my Father and Mother...My Mom's response was this "how do you keep finding this stuff? just leave her alone" SMH she wasn't concerned the least bit.

Another year later, wannabe hood younger sis fukks up big time...She murders her boyfriend during the 4th of July in the middle of downtown in front of a crowd of people. (He called her whore because she openly flirted with this guy in front of her, they argued and she pulled out his gun, he called her bluff saying "do it" and she let it go) I refuse to speak to this complete embarrassment of life so gets on this christian family bullshyt "she needs you right now, God forgave her" lol

To let my Mother stay in touch with my dumbass sis, I turned on a cellphone for her which she contributes nothing to the bill each month. Every so often she would call pestering me, beggging me to talk to my sis but my answer was always a firm no.

One day she turns into a child calling me bytch and hanging up while I was speaking. I left her voice message do not contact me or my family ever again. We haven't spoke since.

Last time I heard, she is very depressed selling water and painting homes to make an ends meet. I do not feel the least bit for her. From my understanding, my Grandma has 14 children...majority girls. It was always hinted that they were molested/raped throughout the years...I never asked because I didn't want to know...

My older half sister is fukked up for good too, she blames everything that goes wrong in her life on being molested. SMH she has a daughter too. I remember she was living with this dude, met some cat off the internet and let him move after 2 weeks of speaking online. Dude came from ATL and claimed to house. After living together with 2 men for a year, keeping her child around that mess they move to ATL to find out online dude was lying about have a place turning them assed out.


Apr 23, 2013
This is my younger sister myspace
Chondala Terrii (coogi_barbie) on Myspace

:smh: Before all this fake ass gangster shyt, she was a creative person, loved art, and learning code to make snazzy Blackplanet pages, she had so much potential. I even sent her message urging her to change her life around because life has so much to offer than hanging with this bum azz dime bag selling losers. She deleted my message and ignored me.

Woman Sentenced For Killing Boyfriend At Pittsburgh Bus Stop
...She threw it all away for nothing. She followed my Mothers footsteps and my Father totally let her down. It's not totally their fault...I think she had an mental illness as well.

Don't let this happen to you or any of your family members y'all.

lol I failed to mention my sister was Married to some other guy, forgot his name but she got his name tattooed on her neck...Months later she leaves him for Chandale and gets his name tattoed to her hand LOL! She is still legally married to the first guy tho.

I remember a lot of corny dudes on here thought "they ruined my marriage" and I even played a lot fabricating a story for more entertainment value. Truth be told the forum had nothing to do with my marriage ending and I actually could of saved it if I choose so. I had well meaning intentions when I got married and had children but did it for the wrong reasons. I was so embarrassed and ashamed of my upbringing that I wanted a family of my own to show my mom and dad how you really raise a family. i wanted to return honor back to my family. Unfortunately all this did was turn my ex wife into a victim of my depression with my family. I was my ex wife's first everything and I treated her very well. Her family loved me.

Years started to pass and I started feeling like I was getting the short end of the stick. I started working in the hotel industry during the night shift that way I could care for my sons during the day and spend quality time with them. A couple years go past and I start to become burned out with the night shift because I felt I was missing out on life. I became envious and jealous of all the happy guests I constantly seen coming back from there night on the town. It didn't help that I used to marvel my one pimpish co worker who was a janitor but constantly had a revolving door of decent chicks come thru to bust down. He be like "4north1side2, hit me up with that vacant room list" and I knew what was up lol.

At this time, I got super serious into fitness and even made a journal of my highs and lows on I started getting noticed heavy by other women but remained faithful to my wife at the time. I got so sick of never having a weekend to myself I asked my Wife would she start working nightshift and I could work during the day. She was like no, didn't even entertain a maybe... I was so repulsed by her answer because I was like here I am working my fukking ass off in and out of the home willing to do anything for you and you can't do that for me? Wooooooooooooooow. I kept my thoughts to myself.

That's when I started to despise her. I was cut up like a diamond at this point and she became fat. I thought I could do way better especially with females throwing themselves at me now. I loved the attention I was getting and joined multiple dating websites. I didn't fukk around yet, I just used chicks for compliments and lavished in it. I got my wife a gym membership and even worked out with her, tried for both of us eat healthier but she couldn't get with it.

On top of that, she didn't have any hobbies or interests it seemed anymore. She used to love to read or write poetry but now all she did was watch tv. She didn't spend time with anyone else but me really. I would try to push her to hang with her fam or friends but she only did it occasionally. At this point I got sick of her and was like fukk it, I'm a live life to the fullest.

I quit my nightshift job and got a front desk gig at a hotel smack dab of the party scene in my city. That's when I started cheating but I covered my tracks so well. I also was a expert liar and manipulator.

During these years, i was still trying to work on having a relationship with my mother. I tried so damn hard and it caused me so much pain and tears. It hurt so bad that she wouldn't cooperate or see that I was trying to have a mother son relationship with her. The day I finally woke up that she didn't give a fukk about me was when I needed her most. I partied so much at this job I got fired for it. I was ready to start a new job but had no baby sitter. I told her I really needed her this day to watch my sons since its a day shift job.

So she comes over but my cousin is there fixing my dining room light who she has beef with cuz some shyt happened in philly. I'm assisting my cousin to fix the light because the room is dark and shes just sitting there in the dark staring a fukking hole thru his face. It was just a erie awkward silence so I politely suggest to her to play with her grandsons in the living room. She asks why and I say we are busy fixing this, I'm sure they want to play with you too. She asks why again and I become stern saying "Can you please just play with the boys in the living room"

She flips the fukk out and says fukk this northside, I don't need this shyt, you treat your fukking cousin better than your own fukking mother! I'm going home! Im like are you forrreal, after all days I need you? Really, fukk you worthless bytch, matter fact, give me my motherfukking cell phone I been paying for back along with my house key and get the fukk on out of here you stupid dirty bytch. You don't give a fukk about nobody but yourself.

That was the last straw when I woke up and realized my mom never cared about me, she's just been using me for all these years. Whether it was for materialistic things or for fraudulent love so she wouldn't feel like a shytty parent. I never had a ounce of love for her since then. Along with her, I removed the shytty friends of my life out as well. I started working a janitoral job at the hotel which was followed by a respectable job being a military contractor.

I was living the life. Wife at home with multiple gf's on the side for years. They never found about each other. Women would even come to my house while my wife was home and still never got caught. I would gf's to other gfs houses when they weren't home. I had 3 different houses lol. I made sure to spend quality time with everyone and all my excuses when I couldn't made perfect logical sense. It became exhausting and after a few years of this lifestyle. I contemplated telling my wife it was over. I was afraid of breaking her heart, didn't want to rip the family apart, and was afraid of starting all over again.

But I became really reckless and began to stop caring to cover my tracks. I met two women who I licked but didn't love. They wanted marriage but I couldn't commit. They weren't worth leaving my wife for and changing my life totally around. I thought I would never meet a chick like that but to my ultimate surprise I did...


Apr 23, 2013
People asked me for a update to my story on the forum a year ago and I wrote

Man I've gone thru so much shyt with my mother I do not remember it all but the worst is what I've experienced first hand with my girlfriend this past year. It takes a very special type of person to remain supportive of a abuse survivor instead of walking out on them. I had no idea how how abuse affects the human physce until I met my gf, depression, anger, self esteem, weight, trust, relationships etc I'm writing this part to let y'all know I was no saint either and I played a role in her mistrust of people.

This is going to be a super long read...

Before I met my girlfriend, I was living the good life. I was married with no trouble at home but also had numerous side chicks eating my cake too, I never got caught. I had a tight ass job within a hotel working as a military contractor as a liaison. All I did was sit in my office, check in military applicants and babysat them by shooting the breeze with them just talking or playing video games.

As you can imagine, I had a bunch of young fine ass females come thru and I could of easily took them to rooms to fukk but I took my job very seriously at the time so I didn't really pay these females any mind at the time.

A couple months later I met my girlfriend for the first time. As she was walking thru the office door, she had this huge grin on her face and I remember her recruiter Sgt. Smith do not leave the hotel premises, matter of fact, don't even leave your room to stay out of trouble. She was joining the army, wanted to be military police.

My girlfriend sat down, Sgt.Smith made sure she was cool and dipped after I gave her the briefing. Usually applicants leave after I give the briefing but she continued to sit there and we start talking. She wanted a room to herself but I say fukk no, I know your trouble and I can tell your the type who gets her way all the time. Truthfully I didn't like her at first because I thought she was a entitled bytch.

She had a smart mouth and she liked that I had a smart mouth too so we are talking and talking. She recognizes that she saw me before, she says I had a blue shirt and I was like oh shyt you saw me on hot or not. I have a lil internet fame. We joke and talk for hours and hours. People would check in and she'd patiently wait till she had my full attention again.

Hours go by and she still didn't even leave to check out her room yet, she just rather talk, joke, and bullshyt with me. We get to family and she tells me she lives with her aunt, aunts husband, and uncle. She speaks very highly of her uncle and grandfather who is in the hospital. She says that her uncle is very classy, old school, stand up man who puts up with no bullshyt. She was joining the Army to make them proud. Basically nobody will ever take her uncles or grandfathers place.

She grows tired and retreats to her room, I wanted to ask her for her number but she is 17, her birthday was in a month but I still wasn't comfortable having it so I just told her nice meeting you and good luck with everything. This was in November.

In January, she comes back to the hotel for some shyt like a lot of military applicants do, they didn't pass something at MEPS or didn't have a document, I've seen people come back more than 7 times.

She comes back this time, she's so happy to see me and I'm very happy to see her as well. This was my new buddy. We talk for hours, and like the first time, she never left my desk except to go eat like the first time. I ask her about her family and she doesn't speak so highly of her uncle like the first time, said he was getting on her nerves and we moved to the next topic.

We went to the pool area of the hotel and I later informed her that I was married with kids. Soon as I said that, it was as if her world turned upside down, her whole expression changed and I felt like shyt. I thought we were friends so I didn't understand why she was acting like this. I left shortly after because my shift was over but I did manage to get her number this day since she was 18.

We would snapchat and text here n there but nothing serious. I kept in mind she was 18 and didnt take her serious and I was fukking with other women at the time. She always looked so damn happy in her snapchats, you never got a sense that anything was wrong This was in January.

March comes and she tells me that shes coming back to the hotel. I'm so fukking excited and so is she. This time I made sure to put her in a room by herself because I was spending the night with her. It was great and she was so happy. We had very long deep talks. I asked about her fam again and this time she says she hates her uncle and can't fukking stand him, cant wait to get out of the house. I tell her not much longer, you'll graduate in June, just hang in there. I went thru the same bullshyt with my parents.

She would kiss me and shyt like she wanted to fukk, but when I would go in for the kill she would stop me. At one point, she started crying. I talk it out with her and she says she just don't want her grandfather who passed away months ago to be disappointed in her from heaven. I say I understand and quit my pursuit. She felt some type of way and thought it was crazy I didn't want to hit no more. She thought I wasn't attracted to her no more. She went a little crazy about it actually. I couldn't get it up anymore lol... I did get my dikk sucked tho later before she left for MEPS.

I forgot to mention I lied to her made up a story that my wife is dead and I take care of my sons my self with some help from parents so she could fully like me again. I'm really feeling this girl now and I know she likes me but I think she's playing me because she's pretty as fukk and young. I tell her I can't allow myself to get played.(I got too much too lose unlike her) She says she really wants me but I don't believe her.

I learned a lil more about her past and current living situation. Her aunt is ultra religious and uncle is super strict. They do not allow her outside of the house for nothing except for church and school, no friends allowed over, and was home schooled from 6th grade to 11th grade.

We would text and talk to each other for hours. No fukking lie, in April, we spoke on the phone for a total of 88 hours. During this phase, this is when the red flags really started sticking out to me. We could talk on the phone all day but soon as I didn't have time for her, she would flip the fukk out on some crazy shyt. She was very obsessive about me. Also she didn't talk about her uncle anymore in a positive light, she straight up hated him at this point in her words.

Because of what my father did to my sister in the past, it crossed my mind that her uncle was taking advantage of her but I didn't ask her because I didn't want to offend her being that she put this dude on a pedestal the first time we met, I was like, no way he would do that to her.

Last time she came to the hotel was April which was a great night for us. At this point, I dropped all my side chicks for her but I didn't fully invest myself in her yet because every time I tried to visit her she had a excuse which prevented me from believing she was serious. it drove me insane because I was ready to lay out and change my whole life for her but I felt that she was bullshytting me. The only thing I asked was "is everything ok at home, is he hitting you" she said no and I didn't press on.

So I decide to test her love for me. We talking on the phone and I say to her "When you graduate, why don't you come live with me for the summer before you graduate so we can spend some real time together" and she gave me the answer I expected which was a polite no "Hmmmmm that sounds really good, I'll think about it ok" I say to myself in my head, "LOL!!! I knew she was bullshytting this whole time, I'm justified!"

Well 2 weeks later she runs away from home. She calls me randomly and says "4north1side2, I been thinking about what you said to me a couple weeks ago and want to live with you" I'm like OH shyt!!!! What the fukk am I going to do being what I said was a complete farce but on the outside I say "cool! we are going to have so much fun before you go"

I'm fretting about the future now because my life is about to change forever. I was sick of my marriage at this point and it was mad obvious the love was gone on my part. I didn't even want to hang out with my wife no more at this point, we were like roommates. I had no money saved up either. I immediately start searching for a second full time job and a place.

My girlfriend is living with a church woman named Wanda and one night Wanda and I was on the phone. Wanda and I share a laugh because we think my girlfriend is just being rebellious like we were as teens. My girlfriend overhears us and becomes immensely upset.

It was like 11 at night, we on the phone and she said I got to tell you something. I say what is it it, she says your not going to believe me. I say tell me, she says again, your not going to believe me, I become teary eyed because I know where this is leading, I assure her I will believe her, tell me, no your not going to, my anger grows and I yell tell me!

She reveals that her uncle was raping her from the age of 11 or 12 till she ran away. I start to cry and feel like complete shyt. i say I knew it, I knew it, I knew it! I become furious and want to kill this dude but she begs me not to because she doesn't want anybody to know. I'm upset with myself because I now wish I asked for her number in November to prevent some of her suffering. This opens up old wounds from my past where when my father did this to my older half sister and how I wished I could of prevented that by being more proactive by going to the basement at night more. She asks me to promise her not to tell but that didn't last....


Apr 23, 2013
My girlfriend and I had many trials and tribulations while living together, she refused to get help so I pretended to be her on a abuse forum desperately looking for a solution to our relationship woes. I'll share this with y'all to get a idea of what I was dealing with at home. Everything I wrote is exactly what my girlfriend told me she felt.

Hi all, I am an recent child sex abuse survivor who is 7 months removed from her 9 year dreaded ordeal. I am very thankful to find an forum with so many supportive people and wish all of you guys the best. Thank you in advance to everyone who takes the time out to read and reply back to my thread. It's an very long read, you've been warned.

1. Unlike a lot of other sexual abuse victims, I'm not that bothered by the sexual abuse... I remember it feeling wrong but I just kept telling myself that life could be much more worse to get thru it. I'm much more affected by his verbal and mental abuse. Everyone expects me to act an certain way or see him as a monster because of what he did, like super angry or upset but I don't. Why is it that it doesn't bother me as much as people think it should? To be honest, he was a minute man who didn't last longer than 5 minutes, his penis was small so I never really felt it and I faked it all the time. I never once was turned on... even a couple times I did try to get into it to make the ordeal better but still I was completely turned off with a very dry vagina. The worst part for me was kissing.. UGH it was so bad because he had rotten teeth and horrible cigarette breath. The only sexual hang up I have was that my Uncle had a very hard time getting it up and I always sucked his dikk to get it up. I can't stand the sight or putting soft penises in my mouth, it really puts me off and reminds me of him. When it happened, I just told myself that a lot of people out there has it way worse to me and I didn't have to put up with it for long.

The abuse only happened in his room and no where else... He didn't dear try it anywhere else. Also the sex was strictly sex, he would gesture for me to do things and wasn't verbal during the acts... I think because he was non verbal, I'm able to have sex very normally with no problems.

What hurts me is that having this person take care of you half your life and then their just gone like that and don't want anything to do with you when all you tried to do is make them happy no matter how much you became unhappy in the process. This is what hurts me the most with my Uncle and him never believing in me when I was joining the Army.

2. When I ran away, everyone thought I was just being an rebellious teen... including my boyfriend. When I heard my boyfriend sharing a laugh with the woman who was watching over me at the time reflecting on being the same way they thought I was being at the time, it hurt. Later that night, I broke down and confided to my boyfriend what my uncle did to me for years. He got super upset and said he suspected what was going on which was true because he kept asking me was everything ok at home leading up to me leaving, asking was my uncle physically hurting me but I always told him no and I was ok... He said he didn't feel comfortable asking was I being molested because I did paint my Uncle to my boyfriend as an world class upstanding gentlemen so he didn't wan't to disrespect me.

I had my boyfriend promise not to tell anyone because I was over it already, it didn't really bother me.... Well months later my boyfriend told my parents what my uncle (my mothers brother) did to me at an family gathering in private which left me devastated. Again, up until this point, what my Uncle did didn't even bother me but once my family found out, I felt like such a shytty disgusting person. Just wanted to curl up and die. I hated my boyfriend so much for this! Felt that he stabbed me in the back, He was selfish, didn't care how I felt or how it would affect me and only did what made him feel better. Did he stab me in the back?

I feel that my boyfriend ruined my relationship with my Uncle. Even tho we weren't on good terms, I still had contact with my Uncle up until this point. My boyfriend took all that away from me. He even confronted my Uncle over the phone. it was crazy, whenever I did something my Uncle didn't like, he would call or text saying "I'm a piece of shyt, I won't do anything with my life, I don't care about him, bytch" etc immediately. Not this time, instead of doing that, he just stopped contacting me but contacted everyone in the family trying to save face by telling them I was lying.

My Uncle never threatened me or told me not to tell.... I guess he got me trained so good he just knew I would never tell but once my boyfriend told, I know that hurt him immensely. I feel really bad for him and hope he won't hurt his self. I just feel so sorry for him since he didn't live a good life.

I didn't want my parents to know because they were the catalysts that put me in this situation which is why I resent them so much. There was a positive out of it, I never told anyone before because I always thought no one would believe me but my whole family believed reached out in support of me.

3. Even tho I was child, I can't come to terms that my uncle "raped" me because at times I would initiate sex with him to make him feel better and get him to talk to me. I feel dirty and disgusting now I'm away from that situation but at the time, even tho something tugged at me saying this was wrong, it was normal at the time to me. I can't get over being an willing participant.

4. Was it a cry for help? My boyfriend says I couldn't of kept this secret forever and I was going to break some day. I don't think so at all and we just see things differently. When I told him of the abuse, I wasn't looking for sympathy, I just wanted to prove him wrong... Throughout our relationship, I did drop hints to him here and there, like truths mixed with lies so he didn't know what I was fully talking about. I do remember beginning to a couple older trusted family members but they discouraged me from telling before I was finished by just saying just keep it to yourself before I cause myself and others more trouble.

5.Despite what my Uncle did to me, he's still a good guy who wanted to see me do good in life but my boyfriend disagrees with me vehemently... He pieced me and my uncles relationship together saying he groomed and manipulated me from a little baby till now to get what he wanted. I'll tell you what my boyfriend said and let me know what you guys think.

My Dad was away from home alot and my Mom was stressed out watching over us rowdy kids so they let the Uncle move in with us because he needed a place to stay and he could help out. We didn't respect my mom or dad at all but we were terrifeid of our Uncle. What ever he told us to do, we did. My Uncle was a family man and he did nice things for me and my brothers trying to hold close relationships. I spent a lot of time in my Uncles room with the door closed. My boyfriend says that was totally inappropriate, no child should be in any room with the doors closed. In my house, we respected privacy and didn't barge in on closed doors. I do remember my Dad telling me he didn't like me being in there so much and to stop it but I didn't...

My Uncle didn't touch me or do anything in appropriate... He'd just let me hang out on his cool comfy chair and talk to me unlike my parents. My Uncle gave my brothers and I money to buy candy from the store and he brought us school clothes. I always thought my Uncle treated us all equally but after my boyfriend asked me some questions and I thought about it.. He did treat me a little different. My uncle would give my brothers like a couple of dollars for candy but would give me lots of money. My Uncle brought us school clothes but I he kept my school clothes in his room and I was only allowed to put them on in his room but my brothers didn't. My boyfriend says he was grooming me.

When I was 9 or 10 years old. My Dad and Mom got into a fight which resulted him leaving to get drunk at the bar. He came back in an drunken stupor and started touching me while I pretended to sleep. Once he stopped, I got up screaming hysterically telling my Mom what he did. I can't remember what happened but everything went to normal the following day. About a week or two later, my uncle told me I had to sleep in his room because sleeping with a bunch of boys (my brothers) wasn't right. I slept on the floor but I remember him calling me to bed and thats when he first molested me. He just touched me and kissed me.

It only happened once and again everything was back to normal. I didn't scream or tell this time because I felt like since my Dad did it and now my Uncle did it, this is whats supposed to happen in life I guess. About 2 months pass, life was going great and then suddenly my life changed dramatically. I was at school, was called out of class and escorted by police to talk to a school nurse or therapist telling her what my Dad did to me. CYS was called and they told my mother that either my Dad leaves the home or I go, sadly my Mother chose my Father over me. My aunt who lived 7 hours away said I can move in with her. I don't understand why this happened, I was a good girl in school and I wasn't acting out at home. The abuse didn't bother me because it only happened once with my dad and uncle.

What happened was my Uncle told an Aunt who didn't like my mother that "I wasn't doing ok" and told her what my Dad did conviently leaving out that he did it too. The aunt called CYS to get back at my mom... not because she cared about me or what happened. Once I moved away, this Aunt who called CYS never once called me and asked how I was doing. My boyfriend says my Uncle masterminded this all along in a sick way. He touched me to test the waters, he waited the outcome and seen that I wouldn't tell. My uncle wanted to do things to me but risked getting caught in a house with so many people so he had to get you away some how. He knew my aunt didn't like my mom so he told her. He also knew my mom would choose my dad over me because she was always desperate for men in her life. It kinda does make sense to me...

When I was plucked away from my family and moved 7 hours away to the middle of no where now living with my Aunt, her husband and there daughter. My Uncle moved in with us a year later because he said "he didn't want me to be lonely with these new people" My new family were super religious, I wasn't allowed to do anything at all. No make up, no shorts, because I have big boobs, they would always say I was trying to be a slut showing my boobs which I couldn't help, not allowed any friends, just locked up in a house all day with nothing to do.

My Uncle was the only thing I had. He was very hard on me at times, very controlling, demanding with an bad attitude. When he was mad at me, he would ignore me up to a whole week which fukked me up in the head. The only thing that would make him feel better was if I came to his room and had sex with him. This became my daily ritual. My boyfriend again, said this was manipulation to get what he wanted. My Aunt didn't allow me to have a phone so my Uncle secretly brought me one, once in a while, he'd take it away from me but say if I did something with him, i could use it. My phone was my only outlet other than him so I would do it.

He would also constantly tell me how I was the only thing he had and say how much he hates it where he lives, saying he's going back to where we used to live. I would cry my eyes out begging him to stay, cuddle with him and do things with him so he would stay. My boyfriend said again, more mind games to keep you where he wanted me and to get what he wanted.

6. Do you think my Aunt and Uncle knew... more specifically my Aunt? All of our rooms were upstairs, at times we would be having sex and we could hear my Aunt walking to the bathroom. At times we'd stop and he'd tell me to be quiet until we heard her go back to her room. She kept her tv in her room really loud so she couldn't hear us. My boyfriend said she has to be the dumbest person alive not to know what was going on and she is just as guilty as my Uncle because she did know... I do remember a couple times we resumed having sex thinking she went back to her room but a couple times she lingered around then we heard foot steps as we were doing it. Also a couple times she'd come to his door, he'd have to throw on his clothes really quick telling her "just a minute" and my uncle would open the door barely and my aunt could see me on the way side of the bed under the covers. I don't think my Aunt knew because everyone knew my Uncle and I had a super close relationship. My boyfriend says that's all the more reason she should of suspected something.

7. I refuse to see an therapist, my experience with one at 9 years old was so horrible and I refuse to go thu that degrading shyt again. I don't think they help and I feel much more comfortable talking to family about what I'm going thru. Well my boyfriend and I've got into some very nasty fights... even got physically a few times because of me.... I would hit him a lot... sometimes up to 20 times in one day I would slap him in the face just because I perceived him doing something wrong. His is a super ultra patient man but a couple times he politely asked me to stop hitting him but I kept doing it to press his buttons and snapped back by slapping the force out my face. We've gotten much better since those dark times but the other day we had another argument.

It was like he gave up on me like everyone else. He said "I can't do this anymore! I'm not a professional or an expert you need to get pro help! I can't help you, I don't know what your going thru and I'm not trained to do it" That really hurt... I just can't bring myself to go to therapy.


Apr 23, 2013
Final part, the affects of child abuse I actually delt with.

In the beginning, my girlfriend used to slap me in the face pretty hard a lot. I used to laugh it off and chalk it up as her culture, she's Puerto rican and italian and they are known for having fiery sides. Well the slaps started to increase and didn't matter where or who was around.

One time we were out and about, she slapped the shyt out of me in front of my sons for buying vodka. I got so fukking pissed but instead of hitting her back. I left her ass at the mall and left her to find her own transportation home. One day, she slapped me over 20 fukking times. I estimate I was slapped over 200 times.

Over time I grew tired of the slapping and told her to keep her hands off of me, it's not cute anymore. She got mad at me over some dumb shyt and slapped the shyt out of me, this day I wasn't having it. I pleaded with her, Sarah please don't touch me again, I'm not playing with you. She tested me and I instinctively slapped the fukk out of her back. She took her ass right to sleep and didn't slap me for months.

Since I chose to be with her, I still had my sons to support so I held down two full time jobs for a year. That's 80 hours a fukking week, sometimes more. Well my girlfriend was so suspicious of me cheating and also scared of being left alone that she would hang out at both my jobs all day everyday literally!!!

People at my first job became jealous and snitched on me to my boss but I continued to let her there to avoid further problems with her. We were just more discrete.

Sometimes tho, she would get highly angry because she would come into my office and see a girl sitting at my desk so she assumed we was "talking" which led to fights at work. Me yelling at the top of my lungs for her to get the fukk out of my office or your going to force me to call security or me pushing her the fukk out of it. Shed cry exclaiming I'm just like everybody else.

She constantly looked in my phone or internet history for signs of cheating. Questioning me all day everyday who so and so female is and turning my lady friends into a fight.

She swears she doesn't but I noticed she gets jealous of the attention I show my sons. If I'm hanging out with them, she'd call me to her under the guise of "help" for attention.

I became a woman beater for a lil bit. Everytime she put her hands on me or get in my face, I would walk away but she'd follow me constantly harrassing me by hitting me and calling me names. I try so hard to get away but she would not let up so she took me across that line a couple times. I would choke the fukk out of her, slam her, slap her.

Sometimes she would beg me to lay my hands on her because it was would make her feel better but I never did it when she asked.

The worst was when she pissed me off something serious when I planned a date for us. I said fukk this you don't deserve it and took our ass home. She got mad about it and called me a ****** while driving, I said you think that shyt is cute ok punched her in the arm, she cried and said ****** again, so I did again, her pride would not let her shut up so I punched her 3 or 4 more times in the arm when she said it. Her arm was completely black.

She called her mom and told her what happened. This woman from another state called the police on me here and they came within 15 minutes. My girlfriend and I played it cool and they left us alone.

Actually another bad time was when she tried to stab me with a knife in front of my sons and completely degraded her in front of them. I said boys, look at her, she's a fukking bum and will never amount to anything in life, don't be like her. I felt like that wasn't enough damage for her pulling that stunt in front of my sons so I started touching her and breathing heavy how she described her uncle would, she didn't get it at first but then it hit her heavy. She started crying hysterically.

We got into a huge fight after thanksgiving in front of her dads house, it was over me being too tired after working 16 hours and driving 8 hours to her familys crib and I slept the whole day missing dinner. I got so sick of her at this point, I threw all her shyt on the curb and drove off. Chick grabbed the door handle and got dragged a lil bit on some don't leave me shyt.

Our sex was off the chain in the beginning. She would suck and fukk me all day no matter where at in the beginning. She lived for it. I got the porn star treatment everyday but now that she is processing everything that has happened to her. We have sex 2 times the most a week.

Our sex sessions used to last 20 minutes on average, now it's 5 minutes... She says I last too long. Can't do certain things like before or it triggers her. I can't slap or choke her during sex anymore because it reminds her of her uncle. When she does want that, it has to be extremely hard so it bares no similarities to him.

When I'm fukking her missionary and she can't focus her eyes on me, shes thinking of him so I stop, will only keep going if she asks me to. She used to love giving me head whenever I ask but now she says no a lot. She initiates all of the sex because I'm always getting shot down.

When she is angry, she likes to scream I don't support her or love her. She grabs random shyt and chucks it. Once she threw pepsi all over a hotel room.

She constantly thinks I'm going to leave her to get back with my sons mom and checks our text messages saying we are too friendly by being cordial saying Hi.

Constantly looking at my eyes to see what I'm looking at accusing me of checking out other women.

I could spend a whole week with her exclusively but soon as I want 1 hour of me time, it becomes a major fukking problem.


Apr 23, 2013
I was desperate for help, I would go to forums and call 1 800 numbers for help but never got the answer I wanted to hear.... Everyone told me leave

So yesterday my girlfriend and I was cuddling in bed having an wonderful weekend together. My son's were in the room next door bickering, my youngest came in crying saying his older brother wouldn't give him a certain toy. My girlfriend gets up, decides to punish them both for bickering by telling them to both put the toys away.

I speak up and say you didn't even get the whole story, I tell my oldest to give his little brother the toy back because he was on punishment already for lying about not recieving homework 2 weeks in a row to everyone. My oldest son starts to cry so I tell him to come lay down with me, stop crying, this is what happens when you lie and not do your homework.

He's now in bed with my girlfriend and I, quietly watching tv with us. My girlfriend out the blue gets upset, jumps out of bed, shuts off the tv, slams the door, and stomps off. I get really angry because she did this in front of my son who admires her very much but then take a deep breath and say to myself, she has the perfect explanation.

She comes back a little time later, demanding he leave by saying "jadyn go watch tv in the other room" but he says he wants to stay. I tell Jadyn to go watch tv now because we obviously need to talk now.

She says, I got mad because you always baby him (which isn't true, this is the first time she said this to me about my oldest, usually she complains that I baby the youngest all the time) I asked her how I do I baby him? She's at an lost of words, so I repeat myself. She's still trying to form her words. So I start getting really angry and repeat myself once more yelling and telling her I'm about to blow up.

She says I always override her and give them what they want. I say how the ###$ is my son laying in bed with quietly watching tv babying him. I never told him he did nothing wrong, I didnt give him the toy or reward him with anything. I seperated the two and now it's peace n quiet. What you did was plain rude and disrespectful, you should know how he feels about you now and by you doing that, he may feel like it's his fault for you being upset. Do not bother me for the rest of the day!

She starts to cry, says I'm sorry, and pleads for me not to be mad at her but im livid at this point. She begins to touch me and I yell dont ######6 touch me. She keeps grabbing me and I keep repeating myself over and over don't ######6 touch me while trying to get away from her.

I finally lose it, and slaps her hands away from me. She gets mad and begins to fight me by swinging at me. I think I swung on her a few times, then grab her yelling im too tired for this $#%^ today then pushing her on the bed then slapping her in the face. She gets really mad and begins to destroy some item off the night stand by throwing it at me so I grabbed her and started shaking her violently while saying I told you don't touch me.

I'm done now and try to get away but she isn't finished yet. She swings on me and I push her away hard. Since she won't let me be, I just get back in bed saying leave me alone. She pulls the cover off of me saying something like oh you think you going to hit me then go to sleep. I get really mad and throw her to the ground and she screams. I get in bed then she gets in bed. We don't talk the rest of the day.

Obviously this isn't the first time this has happened. I can't get away because she refuses to leave. The apartment is in our name. I took care of her for a full year while she didn't work and now she finally has a job but she can't afford to pay the bills on her own if I was to leave. I poured my life into this woman but I don't think anything will ever make her happy. Today showed, she is ultra jealous of everyone I show attention to, even when it comes to my own children.


Apr 23, 2013
She's not a bytch, she's a victim to her mother, fathers, and uncle selfish neglect. We are still a couple and continue to work on oursel ves to have a happy thriving relationship.

To be honest, this is the hardest thiing I've dealt with in my whole entire life, raising my sons, cutting off my parents for good, getting a divorce and working 2 full time jobs 80 hours a week for a full year was a walk in the park compared to what I go thru with her but I'm still there for her.

No doubt I wanted to leave her ass a few times and I even told her a few times, anybody else in my shoes would of kicked your ass out a long time ago or killed you. I took care of 100% of her needs and never held it over her head or used it against her.

I stay for a few reasons, first and foremost I love her. Second I always believed in her, she has so much talent and potential inside. Third I made a vow to never turn my back or desert her like everyone else, she always had my back and understood me. Four, I had a idea what I was getting into when we together, I just didn't know it'd be this damn hard. I made my bed, now I got to lay the fukk in it.

I do feel that I need counseling or therapy now but I have no time for it but I have called 1800 numbers, done tons of online research, and brought books on the subject for help. Sometimes I feel so lost and alone because I have no one there to guide me. I'm happy to report that she has been making strides to become a better person little by little.

She doesn't hit me anywhere nearly as much as before. She fukks up here and there during a argument. She harrasses me less by not following me around during argument while I try to get space. She doesn't look thru my phone or check my internet history for cheating anymore. No more fighting in front of my children or in public. Takes constructive critism less personal. More open and understanding of the trauma she's gone thru.

Theirs no easy fix to this and its going to take us years to repair some of the damage done, as long as she's willing to make that change, shell forever have my love and support.


Apr 23, 2013
After our last fight where she went back home for a week and came back. She finally made that call for the help she oh so needed. The therapist she called is cool as fukk and has been a tremendous help in our lives. There has been bumps in the road but nothing like before but after that... I went thru some more shyt with my mother.

Thanks for the advice, yes your right absolutely right especially about the abandonment issue, and I've said the same exact shyt to her but I believe in her. She's not a lost cause like my mother... This is from a recent Facebook post I wrote regarding a incident my mother put me thru.

Mental illness ain't no joke. I've experienced the most embarrassing and shameful episode of public drama today at the hands of my mother today. She publicly aired out my laundry, went on a racist tirade and degraded me in front of everyone including my young sons in a restaurant for about 15 minutes. I should of walked away but I stayed letting her lash out in order for her to let off her frustration so I could really get to the bottom of what her problem is so I can fully understand what's going on with her and maybe repair our relationship. ___

Instead she continued her verbal barrage. I was handling it supremely well until she started lying and putting my girlfriend down continuously. She finally won and I got lost in my emotions splashing my drink on her. She tried to fight me but all I did was defend myself by pushing her off of me. She immediately cried wolf hollering I hit her and call the police. ____________

What's really fukked up is that for 15 minutes while she went off the deep end, nobody spoke up, not even the employees.... In this day and age of worldstarhiphop I'm sure people were laughing and taping from there phones for online high fives, but soon as she cried wolf, I was swarmed by 10 -15 treating me like a criminal screaming at me, main one being the restaurant supervisor named debbie (GET OUT GET OUT NOW, YOU DONT TOUCH NO WOMAN, I DONT CARE IF I DIDNT YOU SEE DO IT, GET OUT IM CALLING THE POLICE NOW, GET OUT WHILE YOU HAVE A CHANCE). My mother was smiling full of glee as she and multiple others called the police. So sad my sons had to witness all that garbage. ___

I grabbed my sons and walked down the street to cool off patiently waiting for the police to answer for my lapse of judgement. The whole time my mother is yelling "apologize or you going to jail" over and over, this made her so happy trying to hurt me in front of my sons. Thankfully one patron came up to me and said I witnessed the whole thing, you showed great restraint while she was out of control, you never hit that woman. __
Cut the story short, I was never arrested (never apologized for something I didn't do either, my dignity matters to me). I want to thank the officers for showing the up most professionalism and understanding, my girlfriend and sons mother for taking swift action putting my sons well being first, and my sons for not letting this mess get to them. The supervisor named debbie, I will personally be having a one on one with her regional manager julie on monday about her poor professionalism. _________

After it was all said and done, I called my mother later, told her I'm not really mad at her, today was just a scream for help she needs professional help and I am willing to attend counseling or therapy with her. She flipped it on me not surprisingly so I told her she will never see her grandsons ever again until she gets help because of her demostration of her complete lack of care for them today. ___

I really want her to be happy but I'm afraid it's too late, she let the hatred and unresolved issues manifest in her heart and mind so long she is going to die miserable.