Share your struggle story


All Star
Sep 17, 2014
@Jisselle, Sometimes, everything hits you at once and you're overwhelmed, but it's OK because that shyt is human and healthy. Anyone going through your type of adversity would be weepy, so I hope you don't feel as though you're weak or blowing things out of proportions. You have my sincerest condolences for your loss, and I honestly hope you're taking time to grieve and have someone to talk to.

I am so proud of you for wanting to finish your education and making it out of a system that has many flaws and often harms those it is designed to help (Foster Care).

Take Inventory of Your Dopeness:

  1. You made it out of a shytty sytem alive.
  2. You have goals that you can and will attain.
  3. You remain funtional while dealing with intense grief.
  4. You have the mental capacity to know you should remain positive and seek support. Self pity kills more people than we realize, you are a beast outchea.
  5. You were adorable as a baby.

You will win, because you are wonderful and capable.

Needed to read this, this morning. Thank you. I do get hard on myself, sometimes I feel like this is never ending. Like, I'll never graduate, I'll never make a life for myself, I'll always be stuck like this.

You're absolutely right on all your points, and you definitely brought a smile to my face, thanks :hug::hug::hug::hug::hug:


All Star
Sep 17, 2014
My Skruggle in the Past Year :wow::
  • A close cousin was shot and killed, today is actually the year anniversary.
  • My Sister's BF was shot and subsequently died in a bar fight about week before Christmas 2014
  • My Ex fractured my hip (pushed me down), didn't realize until a couple months later in March 2015.
  • Fled the apt me and the ex shared when he left for an overnight music festival. I had no money, nowhere to go, and a fractured hip that had me walking with a limp.
  • I didn't give a fucc. I had 2 weeks until I graduated with my Bachelor's. Being homeless, injured and depressed wasn't reason enough for me to miss graduation. I'd already bought my shoes:usure:
  • Day after my graduation, I packed a uhual, hitched my car up and paid a nikka to go with me to retrieve my furniture from my apt. He wasn't about to keep my Ikea bed:wtb:
  • I drove across the country alone to get to my hometown. I had never done anything like that in my life, but I had no choice.
  • I was supposed to stay in my families house while they were away. My mom hid the key's to the house I grew up in and wouldn't tell anyone where they were because I forgot to call her on Mother's day....while I'm driving across the country....alone....with a fractured hip....fleeing domestic violence. :beli:
  • Ended up losing my temper with her bullshyt and cussed my own mother until she cried. I still ain't sorry:pacspit:
  • Arrived in my hometown, got a quick job get me on my feet in less thsn 2 weeks:obama:
  • Found my apt in less than 30 days:whew:
  • Got a repo note for my precious car in the mail:dwillhuh:
  • Called my credit union and told them my circumstances were extenuating as FUCC:to:They told me, and this is a direct quote, "You need to get off the phone with me and figure out where to get the money, or we're taking the car:birdman:"

Soooo..that's what I've been going through. However:

-I now work with an organization that works directly in my degree field, starting low on the totem pole but makin more than minimum wage, plotting on their opening positions:youngsabo:

-I have a bigger apt than I had with the abusive ex, and a better studio space:ooh:

-Randomly started a side hustle helping people with their resumes. I get a new referral every week off my superior professionalism and formatting:smugdraper:

My car that was about to get snatched?:lupe:

Loan paid out COMPLETELY and title is in the mail:lawd: I'm saving for my next car now. I'm buying it outright, I learned my lesson Ain't nobody disrespecting me that cold again :ufdup:

That was so much to deal with! And you came out of it! How's your hip feeling now?

I'm so glad that you've found happiness, makes me happy!

Spike Tarantino

Jun 23, 2015
Filfee Nasteh Duddy Souf
That was so much to deal with! And you came out of it! How's your hip feeling now?

I'm so glad that you've found happiness, makes me happy!

Thank you. Good part is, whenever something annoying or negative happens these days I just remember my past year. I can smile through just about anything. :heh:

You'll have that moment too, trust me. Everything will pass and you'll be stronger.

I can't run, and I have some pain if I jig or overdo it with moving around all day, but it's manageable. Thank you for asking.

I think of it as reminder not to accept any "nice guy" tendencies or unwarranted aggression in my next relationship. A hint of fuccboy flavor, then its:camby:


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012

I've been sitting in my driveway crying in my car like the world's biggest wuss feeling down on myself.

The past year has just been ridiculously rough. Though life has always been tough, I feel like lately I've been feeling defeated.
I grew up in the foster system with my two sisters, one of my sisters passed away last year (which is basically half of the family I have). That threw me off more than anything. I have been dealing with her death in my own way, but I have tried to remain positive. I am in my last year of school, I have work (I'm a teacher), and I live on my own. Bills, tuition and work are just CRUSHING ME.

I got into a car accident today and now my car has to be repaired with cash I don't even have, cash I was saving towards this last year of school. I feel like no matter how many steps forward I make, I'm STILL trying to catch up. I feel like I'm drowning. Like I'm always drowning.

I just couldn't even bring myself to get out of my car. I know everyone has their struggles, I know everyone has had tough times. Honestly, I just need to hear some struggle stories. I need to hear how you/someone you know was down and how they motivated themselves to get back up.

Please, feel free to share. Knowing life is hard and stressful is a given, ACCEPTING that it is seems to be another story altogether.

Damn, sorry to hear that :mjcry:

How much they charging you to fix your car?


Staff member
Sep 9, 2013
First, :hug: I'm sorry all this is going on. I always try to tell myself. Things are temporary. As bad as you feel, as bad as it seems it's temporary and you will do how you always do. Cry, get it out reset and keep moving forward. You are really strong girl. The situation seems like everything is coming down all at once but that is temporary too.

I have been there, the drowning feeling. The feeling like no matter what I try to do and the progress I have made...I always got knocked down. For me, it's like I give so much I am so nice to people, I go above and beyond for people but things were always so hard, or things kept happening to me. I wondered is this what I deserve? Is this the life I am supposed to have? Why? If so then F it.

From mid 2013 to mid 2014. I had reached my limit it was a progression. I stopped going to church, I closed everyone out in my real life. I stopped believing in everything. I just felt empty. I remember talking to my dad and him being scared for me. I told didn't care about anything anymore but my son and that was the only reason I was still alive. I remember the look in his eyes. He shook me like trying to shake sense into me. He tried to tell me how he was there for me. He walked out my parents room hurt and frustrated. Tears were in his eyes. I cried for like 30 minutes. Even through all that I was still trying to help people and talking to friends about their issues. It's crazy.

Going throught struggles, after I come out on the other side of the storm. I see how strong I really am. I look back on things and I remember how bad I felt. I see even during those times, all the stuff I was doing. In my lowest points still trying to move forward. Plan a life, plan happiness. That's what you have to do. Move forward so you can look back on it.
Last edited:


Jun 23, 2012

I've been sitting in my driveway crying in my car like the world's biggest wuss feeling down on myself.

The past year has just been ridiculously rough. Though life has always been tough, I feel like lately I've been feeling defeated.
I grew up in the foster system with my two sisters, one of my sisters passed away last year (which is basically half of the family I have). That threw me off more than anything. I have been dealing with her death in my own way, but I have tried to remain positive. I am in my last year of school, I have work (I'm a teacher), and I live on my own. Bills, tuition and work are just CRUSHING ME.

I got into a car accident today and now my car has to be repaired with cash I don't even have, cash I was saving towards this last year of school. I feel like no matter how many steps forward I make, I'm STILL trying to catch up. I feel like I'm drowning. Like I'm always drowning.

I just couldn't even bring myself to get out of my car. I know everyone has their struggles, I know everyone has had tough times. Honestly, I just need to hear some struggle stories. I need to hear how you/someone you know was down and how they motivated themselves to get back up.

Please, feel free to share. Knowing life is hard and stressful is a given, ACCEPTING that it is seems to be another story altogether.

Would you be opposed to getting a room mate or even downsizing to a room or efficiency until school is up? I think that would help lighten your burden significantly. Even if you do it for 2 years. Since you're a teacher, usually there are programs that will allow you to purchase a house for significant discount. I'm not sure what city you're in, but find something that has a basement or attic space, live in the smaller space and rent out the larger space, hopefully for enough to cover your mortgage.

I know this is late, but as far as your car goes, I would try ask around your school for people that know a good body shop, get an estimate and try to set up a payment plan. Or you can do that yourself...explain your situation and you never know how kind people are. Even if you ask to do some light sweeping, cleaning or answering phones for the shop in exchange for work. Don't be afraid to barter (just don't sell your ass). You will be fine!


All Star
Sep 17, 2014
First, :hug: I'm sorry all this is going on. I always try to tell myself. Things are temporary. As bad as you feel, as bad as it seems it's temporary and you will do how you always do. Cry, get it out reset and keep moving forward. You are really strong girl. The situation seems like everything is coming down all at once but that is temporary too.

I have been there, the drowning feeling. The feeling like no matter what I try to do and the progress I have made...I always got knocked down. For me, it's like I give so much I am so nice to people, I go above and beyond for people but things were always so hard, or things kept happening to me. I wondered is this what I deserve? Is this the life I am supposed to have? Why? If so then F it.

From mid 2013 to mid 2014. I had reached my limit it was a progression. I stopped going to church, I closed everyone out in my real life. I stopped believing in everything. I just felt empty. I remember talking to my dad and him being scared for me. I told didn't care about anything anymore but my son and that was the only reason I was still alive. I remember the look in his eyes. He shook me like trying to shake sense into me. He tried to tell me how he was there for me. He walked out my parents room hurt and frustrated. Tears were in his eyes. I cried for like 30 minutes. Even through all that I was still trying to help people and talking to friends about their issues. It's crazy.

Going throught struggles, after I come out on the other side of the storm. I see how strong I really am. I look back on things and I remember how bad I felt. I see even during those times, all the stuff I was doing. In my lowest points still trying to move forward. Plan a life, plan happiness. That's what you have to do. Move forward do you can look back on it.

You've always been the best with advice over the past year, you're such a good friend, you ALWAYS make me feel better :hug::hug::hug:


All Star
Sep 17, 2014
:damn: they taxing

What city are you in?

Would you be opposed to getting a room mate or even downsizing to a room or efficiency until school is up? I think that would help lighten your burden significantly. Even if you do it for 2 years. Since you're a teacher, usually there are programs that will allow you to purchase a house for significant discount. I'm not sure what city you're in, but find something that has a basement or attic space, live in the smaller space and rent out the larger space, hopefully for enough to cover your mortgage.

I know this is late, but as far as your car goes, I would try ask around your school for people that know a good body shop, get an estimate and try to set up a payment plan. Or you can do that yourself...explain your situation and you never know how kind people are. Even if you ask to do some light sweeping, cleaning or answering phones for the shop in exchange for work. Don't be afraid to barter (just don't sell your ass). You will be fine!

I live in Trinidad. It's NOTHING like the states here. If you're born into shyt, you die in it here. There's no such thing as programs to help purchase a house, there's also no rent control here so people charge exorbitantly for rent.

There's no payment plans options, we rarely use credit cards down here, to qualify for one you have to have all sorts of qualifications. It's third world, in the States I feel like it'd be much easier to prosper, but down here, it seems hopeless.


Super Moderator
Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
I live in Trinidad. It's NOTHING like the states here. If you're born into shyt, you die in it here. There's no such thing as programs to help purchase a house, there's also no rent control here so people charge exorbitantly for rent.

There's no payment plans options, we rarely use credit cards down here, to qualify for one you have to have all sorts of qualifications. It's third world, in the States I feel like it'd be much easier to prosper, but down here, it seems hopeless.

Have you thought about moving to America?