Serena Williams on the Steubenville Rape case: "I'm not blaming the girl, but..."


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Everyone knows teenage boys are horny as hell, if you're the only girl around and getting pissed drunk, and dudes giving you drinks, it's not a safe situation.

The reason we're putting so much emphasis on personal responsibility, is because she can't help what other people are going to do, BUT SHE CAN HELP WHAT SHE DOES. It's the world we live in, monsters are among us, but you can't live like those monsters don't exist and expect not to be fukked over. Why is it so hard for people to look in the mirror and go "Yeah I fukked up, that wasn't very smart"?

The fact is girls often get raped in such situations, and it's the parent's duty to educate their young girls on shyt like this. This isn't some rare occurence where you can chalk it up to shyt just happening.

I guess Im failing to understand what your overall point here is. Nobody that is challenging Serena's statement is saying the victim made a great decision, and Im sure the victim herself didnt look in the mirror the next day after being gang raped and said "You know what I made a great decision getting blackout drunk last night. Im proud of myself."

I mean the fcking girl was gang raped and violated for Christ's sakes. Dont you think she suffered enough for her "bad decision"? Serena didnt make a general statement that girls should avoid those types of situations --- she attacked the victim, and thats foul as fck to me and any decent human being.


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
I guess Im failing to understand what your overall point here is. Nobody that is challenging Serena's statement is saying the victim made a great decision, and Im sure the victim herself didnt look in the mirror the next day after being gang raped and said "You know what I made a great decision getting blackout drunk last night. Im proud of myself."

I mean the fcking girl was gang raped and violated for Christ's sakes. Dont you think she suffered enough for her "bad decision"? Serena didnt make a general statement that girls should avoid those types of situations --- she attacked the victim, and thats foul as fck to me and any decent human being.

I bet you she thinks she didn't do anything stupid either.

I'm addressing your posts, not Serena's statement. My point is we need to collectively do a better job in terms of having personal responsibility and not jumping to the victim conclusion and not learning anything from the situation. This starts with the parents, then moves on to the individual themselves.

What happened to this girl is awful, but she's gotten enough coddling from this, and some people have to address her actions and point out what she did wrong. You may not want to address this, but if I had a daughter, I would use this situation as an example to her and educate her on vulnerability and how many scum bags there are out there who prey in situations like these. See there? I'm trying draw some fukking awareness from this situation, so girls see this and become more aware/cautious. Or we can just continue on with the perpetual vicim thing and not draw any insight from it.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
So again your saying you leave your door open, count money in the street, other behaviors like this cause you don't want to have your life dictated by criminals? .

It's not a matter of what I do. It's a matter of what I SHOULD be able to do. I think that's the point you're missing.

I've left my car open, roof open, apartment door open before and nothing has ever happened. If aint yours dont fukk with it, point blank. That's how things should be. Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong, tell me thats not how things should be and therefore argue/imply that someone should have robbed me instead or whatever.

People make mistakes. That doesn't imply that anything should happen to them.


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
It's not a matter of what I do. It's a matter of what I SHOULD be able to do. I think that's the point you're missing.

I've left my car open, roof open, apartment door open before and nothing has ever happened. If aint yours dont fukk with it, point blank. That's how things should be. Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong and therefore argue/imply that someone should have robbed me or whatever.

That's how things should be, but it's not how they are. My female neighbor who usually keeps her door unlocked, until I told her to start locking it experienced it first hand. She was home alone at night, and someone knocked on her door, she didn't answer, but the person knocking tried to open the door, yanking hard on the handle. Now what would have happened if that door was unlocked?


No nikkas!
May 2, 2012
But I reject your established starting point in your analogy. If I were partying with ex-cons, then I was knowingly entering into a dangerous situation, and I abandoned all good common sense to stay and remain. Thats what you and others are trying to impose on this young girl, and thats some serious social naivete. Ex-cons arent my friends...these teenagers were her peers, and people she knew. She explicitly stated that she thought she could trust them in court.

Rapists arent going to come across as if they're creepy trolls under the bridge. They were no doubt charming, pleasant, and promised fun and seemed cool. Rapists manipulate. What you think she knew there was a good chance she was going to be gang raped and pissed on, and she went ahead anyway and got blacked out drunk for the hell of it? They were all having a good time until she lost control, no doubt.

Of course Im not going to encourage someone I love to get blacked out drunk anywhere, but if an error in judgment is made thats not an excuse to violate someone in such a devastating way. You say that you are not excusing the actions of the rapists, but if thats the case why are you guys putting such an emphasis on her "personal responsibility" in getting drunk and trusting these cats, and not the rapists responsibility? She's not responsible for anything that happened that night.

dog, are you black? no shots, but im always surprised when black people say things like this... we, OF ALL PEOPLE, should know that there are things that WE can't control. Maybe not everyone was raised the same, but as a young black child, I was taught that life wasn't fair. That as a black kid, I had to work twice as hard, and be twice as careful not to put myself in situations where I would get caught up cause I would get twice the punishment. I went to a HS that was 97% white, and because of that upbringing, I often avoided getting into the trouble my white friends got into because there was a REAL POSSIBILITY that while they got off with a slap on the wrist, my punishment could have been more severe. Does that mean that ALL white people are racist? Of course not, but I don't see the harm in walking through life with the idea that there is always a possibility that the white guy in front of me hates my guts cause of my black skin and to keep myself guarded.

This is the same way we should raise our young women. Not every man you meet is a rapist, but you will never know that until it's too late so treat them all like they could be. You HAVE to do everything you can to protect yourself, fair or not. All a woman can do is protect herself, she can never worry about another person responsibility in an issue, the fact that their DEAD wrong for what they did to her doesn't make her feel better about what happened, the fact that they will go to jail and get the worst treatment for what they did won't change the fact that she got raped, nor did it do anything to prevent it. The ONLY thing that would have in this situation would have been her being more responsible that night. It's a shytty, but it's reality.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
That's how things should be, but it's not how they are. My female neighbor who usually keeps her door unlocked, until I told her to start locking it experienced it first hand. She was home alone at night, and someone knocked on her door, she didn't answer, but the person knocking tried to open the door, yanking hard on the handle. Now what would have happened if that door was unlocked?

Someone could have walked in, no doubt.

But watch this, do you live your life based on what COULD happen to you? If so, do you go to the club? You COULD get in a fight. It COULD catch fire and you COULD get stuck inside amongst the crowd. Do you fly? That plane COULD go down. Do you ever make people mad/angry? You COULD get shot. If any of these things happen to you, should you hold some of the blame since you very well knew why Could happen when you engaged in said activities?

Or do you operate on how you think like SHOULD be? Most people operate on SHOULD. It's also known as freedom/non-paranoia.


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
Someone could have walked in, no doubt.

But watch this, do you live your life based on what COULD happen to you? If so, do you go to the club? You COULD get in a fight. It COULD catch fire and you COULD get stuck inside amongst the crowd. Do you fly? That plane COULD go down. Do you ever make people mad/angry? You COULD get shot. If any of these things happen to you, should you hold some of the blame since you very well knew why Could happen when you engaged in said activities?

Or do you operate on how you think like SHOULD be? Most people operate on SHOULD. It's also known as freedom/non-paranoia.

I agree, however there is a difference between using simple common sense and being aware, and letting fear and paranoia control your life to the point where you can't do simple shyt like fly or go to the club.

I'm for the former, no the latter.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
I agree, however there is a difference between using simple common sense and being aware, and letting fear and paranoia control your life to the point where you can't do simple shyt like fly or go to the club.

I'm for the former, no the latter.

Understandable. I'm just saying that the ideal that a victim (in any circumstance) should shelf some blame because of what could happen is kinda absurd because no sane person lives their life on the thought of such, but rather what they think should happen.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
It's not a matter of what I do. It's a matter of what I SHOULD be able to do. I think that's the point you're missing.

I've left my car open, roof open, apartment door open before and nothing has ever happened. If aint yours dont fukk with it, point blank. That's how things should be. Go ahead, tell me I'm wrong, tell me thats not how things should be and therefore argue/imply that someone should have robbed me instead or whatever.

People make mistakes. That doesn't imply that anything should happen to them.
Never said you should be I'm just saying don't be surprised when you are doing things that way. Like @AITheAnswerAI said there is a difference between being rediculous and taking normal precautions. I don't think you should live in a bubble but things like locking your door, not going into bad neighborhoods at night, he'll even getting in unnecessary trouble at the club I always try to avoid that. I still live my life but things like planes falling I can't control that outside of not getting on one but I never would condone living in fear like that even though I don't like flying that much for that exact reason lol.
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just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
I could walk through a bad area with a chain on and have it get snatched.

I could blame the person who snatched that shyt all day but I gotta be stupid if I don't blame myself for going against my better judgement.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
I bet you she thinks she didn't do anything stupid either.

I'm addressing your posts, not Serena's statement. My point is we need to collectively do a better job in terms of having personal responsibility and not jumping to the victim conclusion and not learning anything from the situation. This starts with the parents, then moves on to the individual themselves.

What happened to this girl is awful, but she's gotten enough coddling from this, and some people have to address her actions and point out what she did wrong. You may not want to address this, but if I had a daughter, I would use this situation as an example to her and educate her on vulnerability and how many scum bags there are out there who prey in situations like these. See there? I'm trying draw some fukking awareness from this situation, so girls see this and become more aware/cautious. Or we can just continue on with the perpetual vicim thing and not draw any insight from it.

I dont know why you would draw such an insulting conclusion that the victim doesnt think she think she made an error by blacking out. What, do you think she liked what happened to her that night or somethin?

If Serena and others in this thread wanted this to be a "teachable moment", then they would address other girls, and not attack the victim in question. What awareness are you looking for here? People have general common sense, but that doesnt mean that we all arent capable of errors in judgement. Especially as immature teens. But I know Im talking to a bunch of perfect niqqas in this thread who have never made a mistake or engaged in a risky moment or two, so Im sure ya'll cant relate.

And this girl has not been "coddled". She has received numerous death threats, and the small town as a whole has sided with the football stars over the victim. On top of that, she now has one of the biggest sports stars in the world publicly ridiculing her. This is typical of rape cases, and its why females are petrified in speaking out if they're assaulted (the real problem here). They know that they will be called hoes n sluts, and whatever they did will be a justification for their rape. They were too "stupid", their dress was "too short", they were "too drunk". Thats if they're lucky. Most people will reject their story completely and call them liars. Only reason victim bashers couldnt do it in this case, is because the dumb niqqas put the shyt on camera.

There is absolutely a rape culture in this country.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
Never said you should be I'm just saying don't be surprised when you are doing things that way. Like @AITheAnswerAI said there is a difference between being rediculous and taking normal precautions. I don't think you should live in a bubble but things like locking your door, not going into bad neighborhoods at night, he'll even getting in unnecessary trouble at the club I always try to avoid that. I still live my life but things like planes falling I can't control that outside of not getting on one but I never would condone living in fear like that even though I don't like flying that much for that exact reason lol.

So if you decided to catch a plane and something did happen, your family wouldn't ask for a settlement right being that you knew what could happen but choose to fly anyway? Would it be okay for the airlines to be like "planes crash every week b :ld:"

The whole idea of "what could" happen is never legally plausible and there fore shouldn't be brought up to burden the victim.

I could walk through a bad area with a chain on and have it get snatched.

I could blame the person who snatched that shyt all day but I gotta be stupid if I don't blame myself for going against my better judgement.

So I'm guessing you wouldn't press charges correct? Being that you admittedly committed half the "crime" yourself and volunteered yourself to such abuse (by your own words) you'd just chalk up it up to the game right?

Or are you serving 1/2 of the time too? Or would you only ask for half the chain back? :ohhh:
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just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
So I'm guessing you wouldn't press charges correct? Being that you admittedly committed half the "crime" yourself and volunteered yourself to such abuse (by your own words) you'd just chalk up it up to the game right?

Or are you serving 1/2 of the time too? Or would you only ask for half the chain back? :ohhh:
Press charges or not what is important is that I'd advise others not do what I did.

Way happened to me has happened. I prioritize it not happening to others.