Serena Williams on the Steubenville Rape case: "I'm not blaming the girl, but..."


May 2, 2012
All of you a$$holes talmbout, "We're not blaming the victim; we're just saying protect yourself," are full of shyt, and you're clearly using this as an excuse to perpetuate your blatant misogyny, as evidenced by the ridiculous comparisons you keep bringing up.

"If you left your keys in your car, it's your fault you got robbed." Yes, because stealing a material object is comparable to having one's body violated. :beli:

"If you stepped in a lion's den with raw meat all over you, it's your fault if you got attacked." This is just too stupid to even reply to. :snoop:

"All you self-righteous liberals don't want to teach personal accountability." We're talking about somebody getting raped here, you piece of shyt. :what:

And to top things off, you idiots want to talk about, "You need to teach your kids to protect themselves," as if anybody is saying otherwise. Of COURSE she should protect herself and be cognizant of her surroundings. That still does not mean she deserves some of the blame for getting raped. :wtf:


May 1, 2012
But lets say this. Say for whatever reason you made a slight error one night, and forgot to lock the door which led to a home invasion in which you were robbed and beaten to within an inch of your life. Making an error in judgment does not mean you deserved, or asked for such a violent result, correct? Yes, of course you understand you should have locked the door that night --- so what? What does ridiculing you after the fact supposed to accomplish?

The message is more than to her, it's to young ladies all over the country to tighten up. And to your example the point would be extra sure that your door is locked at night. :wtf: I don't understand why you're missing the point bro.You are a very knowledgeable poster.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
The message is more than to her, it's to young ladies all over the country to tighten up. And to your example the point would be extra sure that your door is locked at night. :wtf: I don't understand why you're missing the point bro.You are a very knowledgeable poster.

I see parallels between your guys' insistence on her accepting "personal responsibility", and the way racist whites go after Trayvon Martin and his actions that led to his murder on that fateful day. GZ supporters devote their entire focus to Trayvon's activity and dissect those actions: what he did, what he should have done, what he didnt do --- when he was completely innocent and minding his own business before some crazy idiot decided to strap up and stalk him.

They do such to blame him for the result, and absolve GZ. I dont think many of you are trying to absolve the rapists, I hope not at least, but you are blaming the victim for her fate. She was innocent, and simply chose to attend a party with disturbed cats with bad intentions. We are social creatures, and as humans we all make basic mistakes and errors in judgement. We should all have the reasonable space to make such judgments without people trying to cast complete blame on us if things go bad at the hands of another. Getting to know others, especially male to female, all puts us in relatively vulnerable situations. If we obsessed ourselves with potentially grave outcomes, then we would never leave the house ever.

Thanks for the compliment, btw. Back at ya, fam.


May 1, 2012
I see parallels between your guys' insistence on her accepting "personal responsibility", and the way racist whites go after Trayvon Martin and his actions that led to his murder on that fateful day. GZ supporters devote their entire focus to Trayvon's activity and dissect those actions: what he did, what he should have done, what he didnt do --- when he was completely innocent and minding his own business before some crazy idiot decided to strap up and stalk him.

They do such to blame him for the result, and absolve GZ. I dont think many of you are trying to absolve the rapists, I hope not at least, but you are blaming the victim for her fate. She was innocent, and simply chose to attend a party with disturbed cats with bad intentions. We are social creatures, and as humans we all make basic mistakes and errors in judgement. We should all have the reasonable space to make such judgments without people trying to cast complete blame on us if things go bad at the hands of another. Getting to know others, especially male to female, all puts us in relatively vulnerable situations. If we obsessed ourselves with potentially grave outcomes, then we would never leave the house ever.

Thanks for the compliment, btw. Back at ya, fam.
See that isn't the argument myself and a few of the other posters in here are attempting to make. No one here is saying she deserved to be raped or should be raped if she gets black out drunk somewhere. The point we are attempting to make is life isn't fair and there are evil people out there. We must protect our children and ourselves from harmful situations. We both know that walking through certain areas alone at night isn't a good idea because that heightens the chances that something can happen to you. I'm not afraid to go to Kroger and shop for groceries but i would take notice if I'm going to the projects to cop weed. The fact that some are pointing out that they she should not have been black out drunk is not absolving the rapist or blaming her for being raped. It's just the truth, because she shouldn't have been black out drunk regardless if she was raped or not. I myself have heard rape victims give speeches on how getting high lead to them being put into bad situations and lead to bad things happening. We all know rapists are evil, demonic people but lessons should be learned from bad situations.


All Star
May 2, 2012
more money
So you dont think there would be self-awareness on your part that you made an error in judgment in accepting a party invitation, getting drunk, and then being brutally assaulted by people whom you had a reasonable expectation to trust? You really think you would need people lecturing you about "personal responsibility", and ridiculing you over your decision to attend that party and drink? Wouldnt that be something that you would be naturally regretful over, because it led to such grave consequences that you, and you alone, suffered?

Thats the problem here. A lack of empathy. People seem so unwilling to put themselves in other people's shoes, and try to feel what someone who is hurt is obviously feeling. Its easy to shame and try to further embarrass a victim, and had Serena wanted to avoid that and make a general point about personal responsibility among young females, she could have accomplished that without putting this victim's name, her situation, and her family in her mouth.

Of course I’d be self aware and I doubt I need people telling me what I did wrong in that instance, however thats besides the point. In the post I had responded to, you said I "dismissed betrayal", I’m simply saying that getting betrayed does not absolve someone of a careless choice they make.

I have a young sister and rest assured that if the same thing happened to her I'd be making the news for all the wrong reasons, so yes, I'm empathetic towards the young woman and no I am not trying to embarrass her. My only issue here is you and others trying to downplay irresponsible behavior, by doing that you're promoting a harmful way of thinking.

Edit: reports are saying she was spiked, as i said before, if this is true she doesn't share any blame what so ever.


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
Then stop being a dumbass and stop comparing humans to wild beasts as if its somehow logical.

You really thought you had something with that post. :laff:

Of course I do. You're just too thirsty to argue and talk shyt to see.

Don't put yourself in an blatantly unfavorable position to be attacked/raped is the point. Obviously wild beasts and people aren't the same, but they both have a propensity for taking advantage of easy prey.

I am not absolving the rapist. I am saying that the victim should have been smarter.


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
I am not absolving the rapist.

So don't place him/them in the realm of something that can't control itself. Point blank, common sense. :yeshrug: they are capable young men. To liken them to anything else is insulting.


Everyone understands everyone but you can't seriously live your life by the standards of criminals.

If women stop drinking at parties, rapes at parties will still happen.

If women stop going to parties, rapes will still happen outside of parties.

If we home school our kids they will still have to go outside and rapes will still happen outside.

Victims should never sponsor any of the blame because that just keeps giving criminals leeway to keep pushing humanity back to the brink to protect themselves.

At that point you're letting criminals predict your lifestyle, not actually stoping crime, which should be the ultimate goal no matter how impossible it seems.

You can't live your life to meet the standards of a criminals abilities. You'll end up with no freedoms and under the reign of criminals. Kids should feel safe around other kids, point blank.


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
So don't place him/them in the realm of something that can't control itself. Point blank, common sense. :yeshrug: they are capable young men. To liken them to anything else is insulting.


Everyone understands everyone but you can't seriously live your life by the standards of criminals.

If women stop drinking at parties, rapes at parties will still happen.

If women stop going to parties, rapes will still happen outside of parties.

If we home school our kids they will still have to go outside and rakes will still happen outside.

Victims should never sponsor any of the blame because that just keeps giving criminals leeway to keep pushing humanity back to the brink to protect themselves.

At that point you're letting criminals predict your lifestyle, not actually stoping crime, which should be the ultimate goal no matter how impossible it seems.

You can't live your life to meet the standards of a criminals abilities. You'll end up with no freedoms and under the reign of criminals. Kids should feel safe around other kids, point blank.
So again your saying you leave your door open, count money in the street, other behaviors like this cause you don't want to have your life dictated by criminals? I find that hard to believe. More then likely you are spreading things you don't practice yourself. If a girl got raped just walking to the store this thread isn't this big or probably not here at all because there is nothing you can do to prevent random bad luck like that. When you're a victim and there are things that maybe someone could have done differently it's not off the table to speak on them. I don't think that's a bad thing cause don't we all do that when something bad in our own life goes down ESP if it has consequences like this? I know I have.

the next guy

May 2, 2012
I see parallels between your guys' insistence on her accepting "personal responsibility", and the way racist whites go after Trayvon Martin and his actions that led to his murder on that fateful day. GZ supporters devote their entire focus to Trayvon's activity and dissect those actions: what he did, what he should have done, what he didnt do --- when he was completely innocent and minding his own business before some crazy idiot decided to strap up and stalk him.

They do such to blame him for the result, and absolve GZ. I dont think many of you are trying to absolve the rapists, I hope not at least, but you are blaming the victim for her fate. She was innocent, and simply chose to attend a party with disturbed cats with bad intentions. We are social creatures, and as humans we all make basic mistakes and errors in judgement. We should all have the reasonable space to make such judgments without people trying to cast complete blame on us if things go bad at the hands of another. Getting to know others, especially male to female, all puts us in relatively vulnerable situations. If we obsessed ourselves with potentially grave outcomes, then we would never leave the house ever.

Thanks for the compliment, btw. Back at ya, fam.
She said she was sorry
Serena Williams: Steubenville rape comments in Rolling Stone "insensitive and hurtful" - CBS News


Jun 23, 2012
So again your saying you leave your door open, count money in the street, other behaviors like this cause you don't want to have your life dictated by criminals? I find that hard to believe. More then likely you are spreading things you don't practice yourself. If a girl got raped just walking to the store this thread isn't this big or probably not here at all because there is nothing you can do to prevent random bad luck like that. When you're a victim and there are things that maybe someone could have done differently it's not off the table to speak on them. I don't think that's a bad thing cause don't we all do that when something bad in our own life goes down ESP if it has consequences like this? I know I have.

When you hang out with your friends do you expect them to commit crimes against you?

I don't think anyone is saying you should trust everyone but there are certain groups of people where you don't have your guard up around them.


Ethereous one
May 11, 2012
But lets say this. Say for whatever reason you made a slight error one night, and forgot to lock the door which led to a home invasion in which you were robbed and beaten to within an inch of your life. Making an error in judgment does not mean you deserved, or asked for such a violent result, correct? Yes, of course you understand you should have locked the door that night --- so what? What does ridiculing you after the fact supposed to accomplish?

Let me ask you a question breh, and i'm not addressing this particular post, but hear me out anyways.

If you had a daughter who was 16 years old, and wanted to get black out drunk around a bunch of teenage boys. Do you not think this is unwise behavior? Can you really no expect any negative consequences from such actions? I'm stressing the personal responsibility and accountability that's missing in your posts. No one is saying "Well she gets what she deserves" However, if things are the way the are, meaning people get raped often, and often use alcohol as an aid, then you should take measures to avoid such a strong possibility of occuring on you.

Let me ask you this, you are at a party with a bunch of ex-cons, and they want to get you black out drunk and encourage you to keep drinking and drinking, even handing you drinks...Are you going to feel comfortable and uninhibited to keep drinking around these nikkas? Or are you going to have some fukking common sense and think that maybe these nikkas are trying to rob you or rape your ass?


Jun 8, 2012
My response was to those saying white media and twitter will get on her. Thinking she'll regret it later. They don't know Serena and what she been doing and saying for years.

As to the blame game. It's never the victims fault. As my mom used to tell me, a woman should be able to walk around naked and not be raped. Nothing is an excuse or a reason

But that's not what Serena said. What she said was it IS wrong. But also lets not be blind. A 16 year old is getting so fukked up she can't remember fukking multiple men. And still can't to this day. That's real fukked up.

And like it or not, THE TRUTH, is that if she was not that fukked up, it wouldn't have happened. Now is that blaming her for being raped. No. Is that calling it how it is. Yes.

Some people so mad, they ignore facts of the case. People get raped everyday. Even when sober. We not talkin bout people. We talking about THIS GIRL. This girl got raped cause she was fukked up and dudes saw an opportunity
THIS x 1000

those dudes were wolves. when wolves catch you slippin, we already know how that turns out. so do what you can not to get caught slippin.

dont do everything in your power to SLIP(get black out drunk).

again, you should be able to walk around the hood with $100 in your hand for all to see and not get robbed. but thats not reality. reality is, wolves are watching and trying to see your weak points. put the money away before you go out there in the open where wolves can see you. sure some wolf can just knock you upside the head and take your wallet(that just so happens has the $100 in it). but thats another story. do what you can to keep the wolves at bay. again, do what who can? YOU CAN. and thats all you can do.