Serena Williams on the Steubenville Rape case: "I'm not blaming the girl, but..."


Survive the drought
May 31, 2012
Great Pyramids of Giza
I know that, you know that but he acting like he doesn't. Chances are he is white so he doesn't really notice it, kind of like being used to your own scent so you don't notice it. I remember growing up and our parties in high school was basically nikkas tryna fukk the chicks or get some head or something. there was hardly any liquor involved at all. You had a few people drinking but not most and I grew up in a fukked up ass area. But the white kids were getting black out drunk and fukking each other like rabbits at their parties. You'd hear the stories in school about how Meagan passed out and Jed teabagged her in his moms Volvo. Even in college you saw the same shyt. That frat culture in the white community is a BIG problem but for some reason won't be addressed seriously.

:ld: Bro stop, this ain't about race. The sane shyt you are talking about happens at black parties, especially in the suburbs. Race has nothing to do with this discussion.


Jun 4, 2012
More general assumptions !! Not every white chick is a free for all, just like not every black chick knows exactly who their going to fukk. I've seen wild shyt go down at both types of parties. 2001, I went to a party in Harlem called "Brain Fest", all black girls in there. And there was a dikk sucking contest, A dikk SUCKING CONTEST !! Which ever girl got the dude to blow his load first, won some shyt. A shorty pulled my pants down and licked my ass. That shyt aint never happened at white party.

:whoa: :dead: :dead:

lol, these are generalizations.. but in the black community it takes nothing to be considered a slut.. and black chicks usually try to avoid that. Most white girls don't care about that shyt... the same way young white guys aren't checking for the latest shoes and listen to more Florida than Nas or Jcole. Whereas young black guys can be broke as shyt and materialistic at the same time. There are some differences.


May 1, 2012
More general assumptions !! Not every white chick is a free for all, just like not every black chick knows exactly who their going to fukk. I've seen wild shyt go down at both types of parties. 2001, I went to a party in Harlem called "Brain Fest", all black girls in there. And there was a dikk sucking contest, A dikk SUCKING CONTEST !! Which ever girl got the dude to blow his load first, won some shyt. A shorty pulled my pants down and licked my ass. That shyt aint never happened at white party.
They just getting freaky, they not drinking hella kegs, playing beer pong and experimenting with countless drugs. Nothing wrong with getting freaky in the club but them frat type parties be on that other shyt. Trust me, I've been to plenty of both. The black parties would be more chill, more sober but a lot more hostility because nikkas aren't super drunk. White folks be fukking hammered at them parties high school/college parties. I mean like near death drunk.

Commander in Chiefin

Passing blunts and bills $$$
May 1, 2012
Green Party
I know that, you know that but he acting like he doesn't. Chances are he is white so he doesn't really notice it, kind of like being used to your own scent so you don't notice it. I remember growing up and our parties in high school was basically nikkas tryna fukk the chicks or get some head or something. there was hardly any liquor involved at all. You had a few people drinking but not most and I grew up in a fukked up ass area. But the white kids were getting black out drunk and fukking each other like rabbits at their parties. You'd hear the stories in school about how Meagan passed out and Jed teabagged her in his moms Volvo. Even in college you saw the same shyt. That frat culture in the white community is a BIG problem but for some reason won't be addressed seriously.

Since you're so interested in my background, I'm a mixed Haitian of the fairer kind. My family is mixed and I've dealt with stupid race issues all my life so thats why I see shyt with gray areas as opposed to strictly black and white. I was fortunate to grow up in Jamaica queens where I had the ability to hang out with both black and white kids, where I was able to see and live with both ends of the spectrum.


Jun 23, 2012
:whoa: :dead: :dead:

lol, these are generalizations.. but in the black community it takes nothing to be considered a slut.. and black chicks usually try to avoid that. Most white girls don't care about that shyt... the same way young white guys aren't checking for the latest shoes and listen to more Florida than Nas or Jcole. Whereas young black guys can be broke as shyt and materialistic at the same time. There are some differences.

LMMFAO!! Son, what the fukk are you talking about?

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
I don't think anyone really cares about Serena's sponsership offers as what this statement does to them. The focus of this thread, the real discussion, has been on victim shaming and responsibility.

Is it wise for an individual to drink to excess in an unfamiliar situation? No. Never.

Does that individual deserve people sexually abusing them because of it? Absolutely not.

My response was to those saying white media and twitter will get on her. Thinking she'll regret it later. They don't know Serena and what she been doing and saying for years.

As to the blame game. It's never the victims fault. As my mom used to tell me, a woman should be able to walk around naked and not be raped. Nothing is an excuse or a reason

But that's not what Serena said. What she said was it IS wrong. But also lets not be blind. A 16 year old is getting so fukked up she can't remember fukking multiple men. And still can't to this day. That's real fukked up.

And like it or not, THE TRUTH, is that if she was not that fukked up, it wouldn't have happened. Now is that blaming her for being raped. No. Is that calling it how it is. Yes.

Some people so mad, they ignore facts of the case. People get raped everyday. Even when sober. We not talkin bout people. We talking about THIS GIRL. This girl got raped cause she was fukked up and dudes saw an opportunity

the next guy

May 2, 2012
In Serena Williams' Steubenville Apology, She Feels Bad for the 'Accused' Rapists - Alexander Abad-Santos - The Atlantic Wire

After a Rolling Stone interview with Serena Williams surfaced yesterday in which the tennis star said that the Steubenville rape case's 16-year-old victim "shouldn't have put herself in that position," Williams is undergoing heavy damage control, and her apology curiously involves her calling the case that stormed the American conscience "a horrible tragedy" for the families "of the rape victim and of the accused" — as in the convicted rapists.


Jan 17, 2013
The Comfort Zone
Backtracking like I knew she would.

That headline is misleading. The quote state she feels bad for the accused convicted dudes' families, not them.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
I used that as an example to get away from this particular case and to show that prevention doesn't equate with blaming the victim. I did not mention the Stubenstein case at all in my post, but was chiming in the GENERAL discussion about preventing rape/crime.

Again, my last sentence is that there are enough situations in which you just can't do ANYTHING and in which bad luck/scumbags ruin your life, I'm aware of that and I think everybody here is. My point was that GIVEN that there are such situations anyway (as someone rightfully pointed out, some perverts will rape a girl no matter where she is/how she is dressed/how intoxicated she is, so it's useless to "blame the victim"), one might want to consider diminishing risks where that is possible. In some cases it just isn't, because some a$$hole can't keep it zipped up.

That's why I provided the example of my ex-gf just avoiding to go in a country where many Western girls have been raped lately, and rather go to a country where that has not been the case. That's also why when she came to my place in a somewhat "difficult" neighbourhood in Brussels and she once got bothered by some local drug dealers, I told her to start calling me beforehand to tell me when she would be getting at the metro stop so I could wait for her there. Was that me blaming her for getting bothered by those guys? No, that was me wanting to avoid her getting bothered again. That's also why I always have my gfs text me when they get home, just to be sure they're safe. It sucks, but that's the world we're living in for now.

You're comparing apples and hand grenades. How is Serena trying to promote preventative measures over a gang rape that has already occurred? No, she just attacking the victim. That was her goal, and shes a real bytch for that.

WTF, you dont think the victim realizes now she should have watched her drink, and or not accepted a drink from the person who drugged her --- or if she got wasted, that she shouldnt have drank to excess? You dont think she lives with this crime and violation everyday, and that she regrets her decision to trust the people that invited her to that party? You dont think her parents are remorseful for allowing her to go that party, which led to her gang rape? Cmon, this is some basic social literacy, and common decency stuff here. The victim and her fam dont need lecturing from some stupid primadonna bytch over what happened that night.

If Serena were really concerned about preventative measures regarding women's safety, then she would have made a generalized statement regarding such, rather than calling out and ridiculing a victim, all because she made a decision to accept a party invitation.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
You're comparing apples and hand grenades. How is Serena trying to promote preventative measures over a gang rape that has already occurred? No, she just attacking the victim. That was her goal, and shes a real bytch for that.

WTF, you dont think the victim realizes now she should have watched her drink, and or not accepted a drink from the person who drugged her --- or if she got wasted, that she shouldnt have drank to excess? You dont think she lives with this crime and violation everyday, and that she regrets her decision to trust the people that invited her to that party? You dont think her parents are remorseful for allowing her to go that party, which led to her gang rape? Cmon, this is some basic social literacy, and common decency stuff here. The victim and her fam dont need lecturing from some stupid primadonna bytch over what happened that night.

If Serena were really concerned about preventative measures regarding women's safety, then she would have made a generalized statement regarding such, rather than calling out and ridiculing a victim, all because she made a decision to accept a party invitation.

Breh. How many times I got to say I'm not even talking about this particular case? I did not say ONE THING about the Stubenstein case/Serena. Not ONE WORD. I couldn't care less about what Serena said tbh, it's not like she's someone whose opinion is important :dahell:

I'm making a more general statement about society and trying to avoid certain situations WHEN THAT IS POSSIBLE. I added that sometimes IT ISN'T POSSIBLE TO AVOID SAID SITUATIONS NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO.

I said what I said, if that means to you that I'm blaming rape victims then you don't get my point, but it's whatever because I know these cases are too touchy to be discussed. So I'll leave it at that.


American Weirdo
May 23, 2012
I would NEVER condone rape, want someone to be raped, or say someone deserved to get raped. EVER. No matter who they are or what they're wearing.

With that said, if someone covered themselves in raw meat on some Lady Gaga shyt and walked through a den of lions, would you be surprised if the Lion tore their ass to pieces? They were kinda setting themselves up for that kind of treatment, right?

Juliano Soprano

May 1, 2012
Well Im not part of the white media, and I think her comments are vile and idiotic. This blame the victim culture has really exploded in the internet age, and its out of hand. No matter what, the victim was always asking for it and always had it coming according to these narcissists. Now being drunk is an invitation for gang rape; how fcked up is that? Serena got the body of a brickhouse, and the brain of a bird, and she's an excellent example of how growing up as a Jehovah witness can cause mental illness.

fukk outta here with that Jehovah's Witness comment. I'm not actively one, and don't plan to follow any structured religion anytime soon, but i grew up as one and the religion is not even close to what lame nikkas like you think it is, mental illness my nikka? The rules are strict if your parents/head of household choose to follow them, but there along the lines of Muslim rules, it ain't no mental illness associated with a JW household. You sounding extra ignorant with that BS.


✌️ Coli. Wish y’all the best of luck. One
Jul 19, 2012
Breh. How many times I got to say I'm not even talking about this particular case? I did not say ONE THING about the Stubenstein case/Serena. Not ONE WORD. I couldn't care less about what Serena said tbh, it's not like she's someone whose opinion is important :dahell:

I'm making a more general statement about society and trying to avoid certain situations WHEN THAT IS POSSIBLE. I added that sometimes IT ISN'T POSSIBLE TO AVOID SAID SITUATIONS NO MATTER WHAT YOU DO.

I said what I said, if that means to you that I'm blaming rape victims then you don't get my point, but it's whatever because I know these cases are too touchy to be discussed. So I'll leave it at that.

Well, the Serena comment, and this particular case, is what Ive been responding to and what the discussion is here, and not some general idea of female safety, but I see what you're saying.