Serena Williams on the Steubenville Rape case: "I'm not blaming the girl, but..."


I wear a crown of curls.
May 11, 2012
NYC, Boston, #ByrdGang
So the rape victim was the underage village whore. It is known. And? What?

The ppl who assaulted her are not excused in the slightest degree.

It aint open season cuz she lacks upbringing, self-esteem, underwear, an IQ above room temp, sobriety, consciousness, or the age of majority.

Nope. -_-

***Serena Williams need not publically comment on such matters. Skinny white women already call her a damn man. Don't gloat when one of them is exploited, Serena. Be more gracious than that. Be the bigger person.

--> aq out <--


May 1, 2012

Like black kids weren't getting fukked up during that 4loko craze. STFU !! Y'all stay with this white vs black shyt. NEWS FLASH, teenagers of all races get fukked up at one point or another. Not just "cac kids" :beli: And when has society ignored this issue, when they raised the drinking age to 21 ? when they made laws against selling to minors ? Unless prohibition is brought back, teens will find a way to get alcohol. Don't you know the more you forbid someone from doing something, the more they want to try it. Countries that have a drinking age of 16 or 18 do not have the problems that we have here.

And stop being naive, you can preach all you want to your kids about drugs and alcohol and they can still go out and experiment. Short of keeping them locked inside, they're going to come across it at least once during their teenage years.
Did I offend you by saying the word cac? You seem hurt bruh? And the point is that the shyt is called the "frat boy" lifestyle which is why a dude like Rob Gronkowski is given all kinds of passes. The shyt is not acceptable for kids to be drinking and they should face stiffer punishments when they get caught doing it. So fukk your the more you forbid something, the more people want to try it logic. If they penalties were more strict, I bet there would be a lot less 16 year olds getting drunk and doing dumb shyt.

And yeah why do "we" bring up this black and white shyt. Because that matters, even though fukkers like you want to act like racism is over because Obama is in office. Cats like you make me sick with that shyt. I bet your the type that hates Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and is quick to accuse black people of using the race card. Disgusting.


Knicks: 93 til infinity
May 3, 2012
Brussels, Belgium
but she wasnt with strangers, and she wasnt in a foreign country by herself. She was with her peers, people whom she felt she knew and could trust. That trust was betrayed. What part of that is so confusing to you? You guys are so obsessed with focusing on her behavior, to the point where she is seemingly on trial for drinking with peers.

I used that as an example to get away from this particular case and to show that prevention doesn't equate with blaming the victim. I did not mention the Stubenstein case at all in my post, but was chiming in the GENERAL discussion about preventing rape/crime.

Again, my last sentence is that there are enough situations in which you just can't do ANYTHING and in which bad luck/scumbags ruin your life, I'm aware of that and I think everybody here is. My point was that GIVEN that there are such situations anyway (as someone rightfully pointed out, some perverts will rape a girl no matter where she is/how she is dressed/how intoxicated she is, so it's useless to "blame the victim"), one might want to consider diminishing risks where that is possible. In some cases it just isn't, because some a$$hole can't keep it zipped up.

That's why I provided the example of my ex-gf just avoiding to go in a country where many Western girls have been raped lately, and rather go to a country where that has not been the case. That's also why when she came to my place in a somewhat "difficult" neighbourhood in Brussels and she once got bothered by some local drug dealers, I told her to start calling me beforehand to tell me when she would be getting at the metro stop so I could wait for her there. Was that me blaming her for getting bothered by those guys? No, that was me wanting to avoid her getting bothered again. That's also why I always have my gfs text me when they get home, just to be sure they're safe. It sucks, but that's the world we're living in for now.


Jun 4, 2012

Like black kids weren't getting fukked up during that 4loko craze. STFU !! Y'all stay with this white vs black shyt. NEWS FLASH, teenagers of all races get fukked up at one point or another. Not just "cac kids" :beli: And when has society ignored this issue, when they raised the drinking age to 21 ? when they made laws against selling to minors ? Unless prohibition is brought back, teens will find a way to get alcohol. Don't you know the more you forbid someone from doing something, the more they want to try it. Countries that have a drinking age of 16 or 18 do not have the problems that we have here.

And stop being naive, you can preach all you want to your kids about drugs and alcohol and they can still go out and experiment. Short of keeping them locked inside, they're going to come across it at least once during their teenage years.

If you've attended white parties and black parties in HS- you know the difference. Those white parties... it's nothing to get drugged by someone. It's nothing for a random slut to suck u off.
At a black party there is different shyt.. like violence... having to work for some p*ssy... music that isn't top 40, etc. The cultures are different. I don't think there is a white chick in america that hasn't place themselves in potentially volatile situations - it's the CAC america way.


Apr 30, 2012
Jacksonville, FL
I agree with Serena

She adds, "I'm not blaming the girl, but if you're a 16-year-old and you're drunk like that, your parents should teach you -- don't take drinks from other people."

And Williams is also quoted as saying: "She's 16, why was she that drunk where she doesn't remember? It could have been much worse. She's lucky. Obviously I don't know, maybe she wasn't a virgin, but she shouldn't have put herself in that position, unless they slipped her something, then that's different."

She makes sense :manny:


...fresh outta fux...
May 1, 2012
:ohhh: so now it's just a cac party, even though one of the guys who raped her is black? or does he not count when we're discussing race? or does race of the raper not matter and only the rapee or 16 year old who shouldn't have been drinking?


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
You are right I am mad that your just stupid (want my brothers to be right) and so is your co signer Bama. Well actually he's beyond that he just a lost young lad that don't know what to do with himself so that's why I entertain his sillyness. I don't want him to off himself before he finds himself. I want everybody to :cook: I'm glad I could touch you in such a way good day young man. :youngsabo:

The Devil's Advocate

Call me Dad
Jun 1, 2012
Better to reign in Hell than serve in Heaven
Serena don't give a fukk!!! She never has. She's just a black girl from Compton who probably got shyt on all her life by white people. I can't imagine there was too many Black girls in her tennis classes and tournaments. She could give a fukk about white media cause SHE WINS

Kobe actually raped a bytch. Got that ring. Nobody cared. Serena wins championships 3-4 times a year. Next win everyone will forget she even said this. Plus she's caked up enough to really not give a fukk. And picture Nike dropping her. Who else they picking up? They picked up Kobe quick after his case. Couldn't wait. Literally


Jun 19, 2012
The 215
Admitting that both were in the wrong is acknowledging that the right things could have been done is it not? Is that not what you do when you say something is wrong?

No need for this "I'm not blaming her, but..." BS

It's like a naggy ass wife riding shot gun in your car or some shyt. The GPS has already told you that you went the wrong way and you're clearly not at the right spot but your bytchin' ass wife still in the passenger seat talkin' about "See! If you woulda went left....!" Damn, stfu. We don't need to state the obvious and rub things in dumb ass. Leave it alone, unless you just wanna be an annoying, blabbermouth, bytch.
Thats why I said we should never talk about things like this cause your right what's done is done and there is no reason on either side to mention the obvious. I don't work like that when the bad things happen from not preventing it best you can but with the gps example I understand. It's easier to move on when like the gps incident happens nobody was hurt to move on similar to leaving your door unlocked to your house.


May 14, 2012
Serena don't give a fukk!!! She never has. She's just a black girl from Compton who probably got shyt on all her life by white people. I can't imagine there was too many Black girls in her tennis classes and tournaments. She could give a fukk about white media cause SHE WINS

Kobe actually raped a bytch. Got that ring. Nobody cared. Serena wins championships 3-4 times a year. Next win everyone will forget she even said this. Plus she's caked up enough to really not give a fukk. And picture Nike dropping her. Who else they picking up? They picked up Kobe quick after his case. Couldn't wait. Literally

I don't think anyone really cares about Serena's sponsership offers as what this statement does to them. The focus of this thread, the real discussion, has been on victim shaming and responsibility.

Is it wise for an individual to drink to excess in an unfamiliar situation? No. Never.

Does that individual deserve people sexually abusing them because of it? Absolutely not.

Commander in Chiefin

Passing blunts and bills $$$
May 1, 2012
Green Party
Did I offend you by saying the word cac? You seem hurt bruh? And the point is that the shyt is called the "frat boy" lifestyle which is why a dude like Rob Gronkowski is given all kinds of passes. The shyt is not acceptable for kids to be drinking and they should face stiffer punishments when they get caught doing it. So fukk your the more you forbid something, the more people want to try it logic. If they penalties were more strict, I bet there would be a lot less 16 year olds getting drunk and doing dumb shyt.

And yeah why do "we" bring up this black and white shyt. Because that matters, even though fukkers like you want to act like racism is over because Obama is in office. Cats like you make me sick with that shyt. I bet your the type that hates Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson and is quick to accuse black people of using the race card. Disgusting.

LOL, at being offended by some no name on the internets. I'm just amazed at how you declare it as a white vs black thing, rather than society at a whole. Gronk is an adult, I don't see what his antics have anything to do here. So America should adopt Taliban style laws against our youth ? And throwing out random assumptions on my dealings with race is part of your argument. :patrice:

If you've attended white parties and black parties in HS- you know the difference. Those white parties... it's nothing to get drugged by someone. It's nothing for a random slut to suck u off.
At a black party there is different shyt.. like violence... having to work for some p*ssy... music that isn't top 40, etc. The cultures are different. I don't think there is a white chick in america that hasn't place themselves in potentially volatile situations - it's the CAC america way.

Growing up I attended both kinds of parties, and yes while there were more drugs at the white parties, K, Ex, shrooms, etc. The "black" parties i went to in south ozone and cambria heights had weed, 40's, jungle juice, etc. And the hoes were grinding on nikka in a hot dark corner, which led to other shyt.

So miss me with that "white and black parties are totally different" :rudy:


Jun 4, 2012
Growing up I attended both kinds of parties, and yes while there were more drugs at the white parties, K, Ex, shrooms, etc. The "black" parties i went to in south ozone and cambria heights had weed, 40's, jungle juice, etc. And the hoes were grinding on nikka in a hot dark corner.

So miss me with that "white and black parties are totally different" :rudy:
lol, you know they are different.

black girls get grinded on.. but already know who she's fukking before she came to the party... either her BF or some grown ass Man who no one else knows.

typically, white chicks are a free for all... and get sloppy drunk. A black girl sippin on some drink and getting high isn't the same. Plus at white parties no one uses the phrase "naw I don't fukk w that shyt" in reference to ANY drug.

The majority of black parties stop at weed, and stop at consensual trains being ran on sluts. White parties, imo, are different. I went to two white universities.... white girls get it ALL out of their system before the get married.


May 1, 2012
lol, you know they are different.

black girls get grinded on.. but already know who she's fukking before she came to the party... either her BF or some grown ass Man who no one else knows.

typically, white chicks are a free for all... and get sloppy drunk. A black girl sippin on some drink and getting high isn't the same. Plus at white parties no one uses the phrase "naw I don't fukk w that shyt" in reference to ANY drug.

The majority of black parties stop at weed, and stop at consensual trains being ran on sluts. White parties, imo, are different. I went to two white universities.... white girls get it ALL out of their system before the get married.

I know that, you know that but he acting like he doesn't. Chances are he is white so he doesn't really notice it, kind of like being used to your own scent so you don't notice it. I remember growing up and our parties in high school was basically nikkas tryna fukk the chicks or get some head or something. there was hardly any liquor involved at all. You had a few people drinking but not most and I grew up in a fukked up ass area. But the white kids were getting black out drunk and fukking each other like rabbits at their parties. You'd hear the stories in school about how Meagan passed out and Jed teabagged her in his moms Volvo. Even in college you saw the same shyt. That frat culture in the white community is a BIG problem but for some reason won't be addressed seriously.

Commander in Chiefin

Passing blunts and bills $$$
May 1, 2012
Green Party
lol, you know they are different.

black girls get grinded on.. but already know who she's fukking before she came to the party... either her BF or some grown ass Man who no one else knows.

typically, white chicks are a free for all... and get sloppy drunk. A black girl sippin on some drink and getting high isn't the same. Plus at white parties no one uses the phrase "naw I don't fukk w that shyt" in reference to ANY drug.

The majority of black parties stop at weed, and stop at consensual trains being ran on sluts. White parties, imo, are different. I went to two white universities.... white girls get it ALL out of their system before the get married.

More general assumptions !! Not every white chick is a free for all, just like not every black chick knows exactly who their going to fukk. I've seen wild shyt go down at both types of parties. 2001, I went to a party in Harlem called "Brain Fest", all black girls in there. And there was a dikk sucking contest, A dikk SUCKING CONTEST !! Which ever girl got the dude to blow his load first, won some shyt. A shorty pulled my pants down and licked my ass. That shyt aint never happened at white party.


Countdown to Armageddon
Apr 30, 2012
Well Im not part of the white media, and I think her comments are vile and idiotic. This blame the victim culture has really exploded in the internet age, and its out of hand. No matter what, the victim was always asking for it and always had it coming according to these narcissists. Now being drunk is an invitation for gang rape; how fcked up is that? Serena got the body of a brickhouse, and the brain of a bird, and she's an excellent example of how growing up as a Jehovah witness can cause mental illness.
Pretty much. Serena just needs to play tennis, look good and shut the fukk up.