Segragation is/was better for Blacks and Intergration was a trap


May 2, 2012
Then lets say that we stayed on that route. You dont think racist whites wouldnt use their power to stunt us?

You know about Black Wall Street too.
man, we always bring up BWS. i would rather white folks have to burn our cities down every time they spring up, over us just giving up and joining them. and whites ALREADY use that power to stunt our growth. once again, the wealth disparity between black sand whites has gotten WORSE over the last 50 yrs.

If we remove ourselves then who will check them when they decided to go at blacks? They will grow without our intervention and eventually get enough power to put us down and then you will see a civil war part 2.
i dont know what u mean by this, breh.
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just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
man, we always bring up BWS. i would rather white folks have to burn our cities down every time they spring up, over us just giving up and joining them. and whites ALREADY use that power to stunt on us. once again, the wealthy disparity between black sand whites has gotten WORSE over the last 50 yrs.

i dont know what u mean by this, breh.
You think they would stop at burning cities? If we leave the racist whites to takeover and take the helm of the US they would do more than that with a Cvil War 2. :snoop:

Yeah lets alienate any white people that have no interest in keeping us down as well and let the racist whites rise in number. :snoop:

I guess you would rather live in a community where we succeed and they burn in down in an endless cycle right? What is this I dont even

What I mean by that is us being in congress, us being in the police force etc. gives us influence. We need that influence and need to use it to make sure that the racist whites dont spring back up and control the US.

If we go back to segregation and give up our voice and influence then that leaves racist whites in charge to do more than what they did to black wall street. You think they are gonna be like o look at those ******s succeeding, Im happy for them? NO they would see us and our communities as a threat to their positions and make moves to stunt us way more than they do now thanks to no blacks in power to check them.


May 2, 2012
You think they would stop at burning cities? If we leave the racist whites to takeover and take the helm of the US they would do more than that with a Cvil War 2. :snoop:

I guess you would rather live in a community where we succeed and they burn in down in an endless cycle right? What is this I dont even

yes i would prefer that over the brain dead idea of joining these very same people :cac:

What I mean by that is us being in congress, us being in the police force etc. gives us influence. We need that influence and need to use it to make sure that the racist whites dont spring back up and control the US.

If we go back to segregation and give up our voice and influence then that leaves racist whites in charge to do more than what they did to black wall street. You think they are gonna be like o look at those ******s succeeding, Im happy for them? NO they would see us and our communities as a threat to their positions and make moves to stunt us way more than they do now thanks to no blacks in power to check them.

here's a question, what moves are currently being made by a black congressmen to help the BC? we have a half black president that doesn't even show interest in the community. also, i would much rather we police ourselves, rather than the current standard of white folks being bused in from the burbs to terrorize lower-middle class black folks. last time i'll rub this in, the WEALTH disparity between races has gotten WIDER; MLK even realized social integration was a TRAP.


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
yes i would prefer that over the brain dead idea of joining these very same people :cac:
So apparently you rather say fukk all white people instead of acknowledging the non racist ones that exist?

I hate racist whites as much as the next guy but I cant just pretend that the non racist ones dont exist and alienate them. So I guess this will be a difference of opinion between you and me.


here's a question, what moves are currently being made by a black congressmen to help the BC? we have a half black president that doesn't even show interest in the community. also, i would much rather we police ourselves, rather than the current standard of white folks being bused in from the burbs to terrorize lower-middle class black folks. last time i'll rub this in, the WEALTH disparity between races has gotten WIDER; MLK even realized social integration was a TRAP.
Well then why dont we focus on that? Get these blacks in influential places in congress and in the police force etc to show concern with the Black community?

As for Cops I can agree that we should be able to police ourselves since the cops are beyond help or at the least the blacks in the police force need to prioritize addressing the racist issues in the police force.

Yea the wealth disparity between blacks have gotten wider but what did desegregation have to do with it? :snoop:

I really want to know because we could do exactly what we did in the segregation days and have even more room to flourish now that everything has been desegregated.


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
A classic example of how integration caused the demise of many black-owned businesses is the former Dee Dex Snack Bar. During the late 1960s and 1970s, integration opened the doors of fast food restaurants like Piggy Park on Rutledge Avenue and the Patio on Spring Street. Until then, Dee Dex Snack Bar had been the premier fast food restaurant for blacks downtown.

The business was originally located on Calhoun Street where Gaillard Auditorium is now. The auditorium's construction displaced the snack bar and drugstore owned by the late Deward Wilson and scores of black families. When the business relocated to Spring Street, its business continued to flourish, but its days were numbered.

The old Brooks Motel, formerly located on Morris Street, is another example of how integration has contributed to decreasing numbers of viable black-owned businesses. Built prior to the signing of the Civil Rights Act into law by President Lyndon B. Johnson in 1967, the motel accommodated most of the civil rights leaders when they came to Charleston, including Dr. Martin L. King, Jr. Today, there's no sign of the motel or Brooks Restaurant, across from the motel on Morris Street. Both were demolished to make way for condominiums, which have displaced not only businesses but also families in the traditionally black neighborhood.

While integration has contributed to a reduction in the number of black-owned businesses, I'm convinced that our failure to fully implement integration is the greater culprit. America has never fully integrated its society, and that has left many would-be black entrepreneurs out of the economic loop.


All Star
Mar 27, 2013
Like I said in the similar thread...the problem isn't integration but integrating for the sake of integrating

The purpose of integration should have to been to collect their resources, information and generally get a good understanding of how the system works, how to manipulate it for your own benefit, then go back and help your own communities/business.... instead of just trying to integrate with them for the sake of integrating and not going back to develop your own

A lot of immigrants do this, work for the system, but then sending money and invest back "home"


YSL as a gang must end
Sep 7, 2013
Black Wealth Stagnated or Declined After Integration

During segregation, Blacks were forced to start and support the businesses in their own communities. Many of these businesses flourished and even helped made some Black communities, such as the Greenwood community in Tulsa, Okla., (often called Black Wall Street), wealthier than their white neighbors.

After segregation ended, African-Americans flocked to support businesses owned by whites and other groups, causing Black restaurants, theaters, insurance companies, banks, etc. to almost disappear. Today, Black people spend 95 percent of their income at white-owned businesses.

Even though the number of Black firms has grown 60.5 percent between 2002 and 2007, they only make up 7 percent of all U.S firms, and less than .005 percent of all U.S business receipts.

In 1865, just after Emancipation, 476,748 free Blacks – 1.5 percent of U.S. population– owned a .005 percent of the total wealth of the United States. Today, a full 135 years after the abolition of slavery, 44.5 million Black Americans – 14.2 percent of the population — possess a meager 1 percent of the national wealth.

Black Family Structure Collapsed After Integration

From 1890 to 1950, Black women married at higher rates than white women, despite a consistent shortage of Black males due to their higher mortality rate. According to a report released by the Washington D.C.-based think tank Urban Institute, the state of the African-American family is worse today than it was in the 1960s, four years before President Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act.

In 1965, only 8 percent of childbirths in the Black community occurred out of wedlock. In 2010, that figure was 41 percent; and today, out-of-wedlock childbirths in the Black community is at an astonishing 72 percent.

Researchers Heather Ross and Isabel Sawhill argue that marital stability is directly related to the husband’s relative socio-economic standing, and the size of the earnings difference between men and women.

Instead of focusing on maintaining Black male employment to allow them to provide for their families, Johnson passed the Civil Rights Act with full affirmative action for women. The act benefited mostly white women and created a welfare system that encouraged removal of the Black male from the home.

Many Black men were also dislodged from their families and pushed into the rapidly expanding prison industrial complex that developed in the wake of rising unemployment.

The Unemployment Rate of Black Men Quadrupled After Integration

Since integration, the unemployment rate of Black men has been spiraling out of control. In 1954, white men had a zero percent unemployment rate, while African-American men experienced about a 4 percent rate. By 2010, it was at 16.7 percent for Black men compared to 7.7 percent for white men.

The work force in 1954 was 79 percent African-American. By 2011, that number had decreased to 57 percent. The number of employed Black women, however, has increased. In 1954, 43 percent of African-American women had jobs. By 2011 54 percent of Black women are job-holders.

Although the earnings gap between African-Americans and their white peers has narrowed, it still persists, with a Black man earning about 70 percent of white man’s income. In 1960, Black men earned about 60 percent of what white men were paid.

Myth of a Colorblind Society Propagated After Integration

The Civil Rights Movement pushed for laws that would create a colorblind society, where people would not be restricted from access to education, jobs, voting, travel, public accommodations, or housing because of race. However, legislation has been ineffective in eradicating white privilege.

Michael K. Brown, professor of politics at University of California Santa Cruz, and co-author of “Whitewashing Race: The Myth of a Color-Blind Society” says in the U.S., “The color of one’s skin still determines success or failure, poverty or affluence, illness or health, prison or college.”

Colorblind policies that treat everyone the same, no exceptions for the historically oppressed and disenfranchised, are often used to argue against corrective policies such as affirmative action. But “colorblindness” today merely bolsters the unfair advantages that color-coded practices enabled white Americans to accumulate over a very long time.

Black Community Became Dependent After Integration

African-Americans have appealed to the descendants of our oppressors to right their ancestors’ wrongs, pay us sufficient wages to take care of our families, educate our children and police our neighborhoods.

As a result, only 2 percent of all working Black Americans work for another Black person within their own neighborhood. Because of this, professionally trained Black people provide very little economic benefit to the Black community.

The Black median household income is about 64 percent that of whites, while the Black median wealth is about 16 percent that of whites. Millions of Black children are being miseducated by people who don’t care about them, and they are unable to compete academically with their peers. At the same time, the criminal justice system has declared war on young Black men with policies such as “stop and frisk” and “three strikes.”

Marcus Garvey warned about this saying:

“Lagging behind in the van of civilization will not prove our higher abilities. Being subservient to the will and caprice of progressive races will not prove anything superior in us. Being satisfied to drink of the dregs from the cup of human progress will not demonstrate our fitness as a people to exist alongside of others, but when of our own initiative we strike out to build industries, governments, and ultimately empires, then and only then will we as a race prove to our Creator and to man in general that we are fit to survive and capable of shaping our own destiny.”


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
Like I said in the similar thread...the problem isn't integration but integrating for the sake of integrating

The purpose of integration should have to been to collect their resources, information and generally get a good understanding of how the system works, how to manipulate it for your own benefit, then go back and help your own communities/business.... instead of just trying to integrate with them for the sake of integrating and not going back to develop your own

A lot of immigrants do this, work for the system, but then sending money and invest back "home"
Thanks you.

What we need is self discipline and commitment to using the resources gotten from integration to raise our people not some training wheels to hopefully force blacks to support our own.

In fact I cant even say segregation would be training wheels because it locks us in a snow globe within the US that racist whites could crack at any time which is basically modern slavery.
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May 1, 2012
OP is an idiot if he things people should still be segregated in 2014.
We are still segregated. That only thing that's integrated is our money. If one thing for you mental midgets to not agree with this thread, but the anti intellectualism is embarrassing. If you're too stupid to offer an intelligent counter to what's being said in the OP, you'd be better off not saying anything.

Kilgore Trout

May 2, 2012
We are still segregated. That only thing that's integrated is our money. If one thing for you mental midgets to not agree with this thread, but the anti intellectualism is embarrassing. If you're too stupid to offer an intelligent counter to what's being said in the OP, you'd be better off not saying anything.

That whole segregation argument you're trying to make is just a gross over simplification. Its easy to say dumb shyt like 'nikkas should still be segregated' because you're afraid of taking responsibility or living in reality. Maybe you should start practising group economics like every other group does.


May 2, 2012
Yea the wealth disparity between blacks have gotten wider but what did desegregation have to do with it? :snoop:
black folks would have circulated more money amongst eachother, instead of spending it trying to fit in w/cacs socially. if every business in our immediate areas were owned and operated by other black folks, it'd stand to reason the gap in wealth wouldn't be as wide.

if a BWS were allowed to thrive unchecked, we would have eventually had our own car companies, our own airline. things that seem completely out of reach in this day and age. i mean, with your spill about congress; that's something we could have fought for separately.
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May 1, 2012
That whole segregation argument you're trying to make is just a gross over simplification. Its easy to say dumb shyt like 'nikkas should still be segregated' because you're afraid of taking responsibility or living in reality. Maybe you should start practising group economics like every other group does.
I have made any argument you dumb son of a bytch. What I've done is tell you that if you can't counter the argument in the OP then you should shut the fukk up instead of just dumb shyt just to have something to say. You still haven't said anything. How is pointing out that our society is still segregated an "oversimplification"? We are still segregated in this country, integration is nothing but a myth. You even acknowledge as much with your "you should practice group economics like other races" comment. No shyt dumbfukk? Of course blacks should practice group economics like all other races, that's the point idiot. Blacks are the only ones who've truly bought into this "integration" bullshyt. As Dr. Welding would say, we've fallen for the "illusion of inclusion". Other races segregate themselves from white society anbunsen their money within their own communities. Blacks should do the same. We should stop trying to integrate in white society and keep our money in our own communities. Segregation in that context would certainly be helpful to our community.

Btw, you can take those rep points and shove em' up your mom's loose ass, punk motherfukker.