Seems that a lot of men have lost their virginities at a young age to significantly older women


New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL
I think I said on the first page sis, that it's a battle not worth fighting. A lot are fukked up in the head. Sexual abuse does pretty irrefutable damage to children growing up, girls accept it, boys neglect it because they are taught to.

Little story:

I had a guy tell me he was raped by his moms best friend and her daughter (he was.. I knew the girl..her older sister dated one of my older brothers and we used to hang out all the time despite her being like 7 years older than chick) and I tried to tell him maybe that's the reason he was 4 baby mommas in at 19 (yeah I told you these nikkas are severely damaged). He cursed me out and told me he's just a straight male that loves p*ssy. I told him that being hypersexual is a mans way of coping, along with unneeded aggression, he told me I didn't know men and got upset and really peaced out on me. Literally last I checked he's in jail for trying to run over one of his women. I knew the real him tho. A sweet boy who didn't know how to cope with what happened to him. His mom and his auntie beat the breaks off her friend who was in her damn 40's and the daughter lives out here in LA so they told me if I ever see her to pop the trunk on her..but why should I if the nikka didn't even think he was a victim? He has all girls but no doubt if he had boys he'd try to get them raped too.

Moral of the story: It did something to me when he told me that in confidence, you can tell he was holding back tears. I went home and cried. But guess what? The next day at school he told everybody I sucked his dikk. Lol no lie. He was literally sitting on my floor telling me this while I was sitting on my bed then went back to school and sexualized me. My twin bros put something on him tho

:flabbynsick: I know you didn't ask for this but I wanted to share cuz I never told anybody the full story

Complete with the dikk sucking rumors :sadbron:
Nah he got 4 bms cuz he stupid.


New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL
far from it. when I was shy, p*ssy still got thrown at me. i literally had chicks bucknaked in my room sitting on my lap. i went on dates. i made out, sucked on titties but still would not have sex.

the average age humans begin remembering from their childhood is around 3 1/2 years old. My memories go back to around 1 1/2.
Yeah breh you got raped. At 4 you were too young 14 is okay but 4 is too young. Sorry you getting raped turned you into a fakkit.


May 1, 2012
I think I said on the first page sis, that it's a battle not worth fighting. A lot are fukked up in the head. Sexual abuse does pretty irrefutable damage to children growing up, girls accept it, boys neglect it because they are taught to.

Little story:

I had a guy tell me he was raped by his moms best friend and her daughter (he was.. I knew the girl..her older sister dated one of my older brothers and we used to hang out all the time despite her being like 7 years older than chick) and I tried to tell him maybe that's the reason he was 4 baby mommas in at 19 (yeah I told you these nikkas are severely damaged). He cursed me out and told me he's just a straight male that loves p*ssy. I told him that being hypersexual is a mans way of coping, along with unneeded aggression, he told me I didn't know men and got upset and really peaced out on me. Literally last I checked he's in jail for trying to run over one of his women. I knew the real him tho. A sweet boy who didn't know how to cope with what happened to him. His mom and his auntie beat the breaks off her friend who was in her damn 40's and the daughter lives out here in LA so they told me if I ever see her to pop the trunk on her..but why should I if the nikka didn't even think he was a victim? He has all girls but no doubt if he had boys he'd try to get them raped too.

Moral of the story: It did something to me when he told me that in confidence, you can tell he was holding back tears. I went home and cried. But guess what? The next day at school he told everybody I sucked his dikk. Lol no lie. He was literally sitting on my floor telling me this while I was sitting on my bed then went back to school and sexualized me. My twin bros put something on him tho

:flabbynsick: I know you didn't ask for this but I wanted to share cuz I never told anybody the full story

Complete with the dikk sucking rumors :sadbron:
:mindblown: Serious tho, what's separating your friend from the other dudes who have crazy baby mamas and never had any sexual abuse, my problem is y'all trying to absolve people of they natural fukked way. Something that happened to him 15 years ain't in his head when he didn't put that condom on and fukked them bytches raw


- 8ball Investments™ CEO -
May 18, 2015
Why ban me? Bekuz I use Reality and you use Talking Points eloqating about Experiences that you never had?

Don't tuck your head in between your legs now. Tell these people all about it since you're so smart


Im Not American
Aug 9, 2013
This and @Dre Space Age post are prime examples of what I mean.

When a young male is used for sex by an older woman, his view of women and the world changes completely
Look at Chris Brown. Prime example. Lost his to a chick who was 15 at 8.

  • Hates women..check
  • Abuses women..check
  • Sexual relations with men..check
  • Reckless sexual behavior...check

Ooh Marty

Jun 18, 2012
Somewhere plottin
I think I said on the first page sis, that it's a battle not worth fighting. A lot are fukked up in the head. Sexual abuse does pretty irrefutable damage to children growing up, girls accept it, boys neglect it because they are taught to.

Little story:

I had a guy tell me he was raped by his moms best friend and her daughter (he was.. I knew the girl..her older sister dated one of my older brothers and we used to hang out all the time despite her being like 7 years older than chick) and I tried to tell him maybe that's the reason he was 4 baby mommas in at 19 (yeah I told you these nikkas are severely damaged). He cursed me out and told me he's just a straight male that loves p*ssy. I told him that being hypersexual is a mans way of coping, along with unneeded aggression, he told me I didn't know men and got upset and really peaced out on me. Literally last I checked he's in jail for trying to run over one of his women. I knew the real him tho. A sweet boy who didn't know how to cope with what happened to him. His mom and his auntie beat the breaks off her friend who was in her damn 40's and the daughter lives out here in LA so they told me if I ever see her to pop the trunk on her..but why should I if the nikka didn't even think he was a victim? He has all girls but no doubt if he had boys he'd try to get them raped too.

Moral of the story: It did something to me when he told me that in confidence, you can tell he was holding back tears. I went home and cried. But guess what? The next day at school he told everybody I sucked his dikk. Lol no lie. He was literally sitting on my floor telling me this while I was sitting on my bed then went back to school and sexualized me. My twin bros put something on him tho

:flabbynsick: I know you didn't ask for this but I wanted to share cuz I never told anybody the full story

Complete with the dikk sucking rumors :sadbron:
Damn....he will never fully understand how that horrible incident affected him and might never will :francis:


New York knicks and phoenix suns stan
Dec 11, 2014
Chicago, IL
I would like this poster barred from accessing this thread, thanks. @Reinscarf @cook
Cry to the mods, brehettes take your dumb ass back to the kitchen you just mad most men are adults SEXUALLY at 13. Well god designed women to suck dikk and make sandwhiches. :stopitslime:

fukk you aND this dumb ass thread:blessed:

Take your candian ass to reddit if you want poltical correctness. :dame:


Im Not American
Aug 9, 2013
:mindblown: Serious tho, what's separating your friend from the other dudes who have crazy baby mamas and never had any sexual abuse, my problem is y'all trying to absolve people of they natural fukked way. Something that happened to him 15 years ain't in his head when he didn't put that condom on and fukked them bytches raw
He was a good boy. I knew him from around the neighborhood. I knew him. My momma allowed him in my room alone when we were kids cuz he was raised right and a good kid and my momma don't trust no fukk nikka..young or old. That abuse at 8 messed him up. It's like drugs. You a hypersexual male judging from the two replies I read. I'm not a man so I can't tell you what nikkas think but he didn't want that. He and my families got along cuz we were like the only 2 parent households..our dads fishes together and both of our moms were from the Horn. I don't know about the rest of these dirty ass filthboys running around the hood who were probably gonna be garbage men regardless but he was a good kid.


Im Not American
Aug 9, 2013
Damn....he will never fully understand how that horrible incident affected him and might never will :francis:
That's all I'm saying. You can't make somebody see something they don't want. They're not victims, let them tell it.


Then they ain't victims and we should focus on the people who are in actual need of help, love, and resources. Women and girls.

Dre Space Age

Jun 9, 2012
Look at Chris Brown. Prime example. Lost his to a chick who was 15 at 8.

  • Hates women..check
  • Abuses women..check
  • Sexual relations with men..check
  • Reckless sexual behavior...check
Not everyone is the same. I never abused women I was friends with or dated but I have beat up random bytches who spit in my face during an argument. Some disrespect I just can't tolerate I don't care what your sex is. I don't have reckless sexual behavior due to discovering the benefits of nofap as a teen and I don't fukk with gay shyt or entertain any of that nonsense. As far as hating women go, well I went through a long period of time thinking that bytches ain't shyt and if I ever get married she better be a mothafukking virgin. Grew out of that phase though.