Science eventually leads back to God

EBK String

Better Ring String
Nov 8, 2017
I'm someone who knows how to read a scientific article before saying my assessment on it. Way more qualified than you.

:jbhmm: its also weird that someone like you who posts the names of numerous logical fallacies has not realized that you have been using the appeal to authority fallacy this whole time.:ohhh:

Argument from authority - Wikipedia.

Maybe your knowledge of logical fallacies are like your knowledge of science. No understanding but just parroting to look smart

you are the one saying I'm not qualified to talk about science when you have no background in science to determine your premise.


Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
You are projecting that you think that scientists are way smarter than you and you think we are all doing that.

Can you quote where I said scientists are smarter than everyone on thecoli?

I did get you confused with the other poster who actually said scientists were smarter than everyone on the coli. So my apologies for attributing that direct quote to you.

However, please cut the bullshyt. I quoted that man and bolded the exact part I responded to. Then responded and said my reasons why I believe that ti be false. THEN YOU QUOTED ME saying I’m projecting. Sounds like you may be a dog that is hollering. Are you in the field of science? Maybe you got offended. Because you quoted me responding to someone saying scientist are smarter than everyone on the coli. The exchange is as follows:

I don’t get some of y’all no disrespect. Science doesn’t make any solitary statement or stance that A creator does or doesn’t exist. They say that. So everyone can beleive what they want. Now science can make you have that conclusion, but science is not some sort of conspiracy theoretics or field aimed at disproving religion. It’s just logic like math. They are only presenting discoveries and real life truths on what actual scientific studies and physical proof has been provided to mankind. (People smarter than anyone on this site. ) The issue is if your religion completely conflicts with science. If it does, then you need to consider your beleifs may not be reality. But mere fables. If they don’t conflict, good for you. Everyone is so set on proving THEY GOD is the true one and nothing they believe can be false, so make a enemy out of science. Scientist are not a bunch of satanist. They dedicate their entire lives to studying the universe for the benefit of mankind.

Scientist are not smarter than anyone on this site. People kill me with that shyt. They are subject matter experts in their field. They not doing nothing a lot of people can’t do. They doing shyt a lot of people don’t want to do. And scientists can mean many different type people of professions. Some more academic intensive than others. Just cause a mothafukka study the sciences don’t make them a goddamn genius. And people got the right to question whatever they want in any manner they choose

Breh you are projecting, anyone who knows science knows this. But scientists are not science, so proving them personally wrong means nothing.

Now religious people always seem to make scientists out to be some arrogant genius but too arrogant to see "whats in front of them" (god horseshyt). So proving scientists wrong seems to be more about making yourself feel smarter than the "established geniuses"


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015

Between this and the 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps' thread, brehs really coming with the stupid dumb shyt today :obama:

Your argument that there wasn't anything before the big bang is a childishly naive interpretation of science.
it's not that there wasn't anything before the big bang, it's that the big bang is a spacetime singularity that we simply cannot look past, same way we can't see what's inside a black hole. You're misunderstanding on a basic, fundamental level, what those scientific theories are saying. Additionally, some theories (not widely accepted), like Sir Penrose's Cosmic Cyclical Cosmology (CCC), claim that maps of the background radiation of the universe displays concentric circles which points to super massive black holes from a universe before the big bang. So yeah, your argument is invalid. Not to mention that you didn't even apply the same logic to your own line of thinking: if nothing comes from nothing, then where tf does your primary mover come from? :heh:

Not to mention that many Christian/religious types, including priests and popes going back to at least John XXIII over 50 years ago, have moved passed and already accepted that their theistic conceptions of reality are outdated and don't fit within a scientific understanding of the universe; that doesn't mean they abandon their religion, it just means they stop trying to explain shyt through these mythological fabrications. Besides, you're coming from a straight up racist perspective, because many religions, like hinduism and buddhism, also conceive of the universe as infinitely recurring without any primary mover. You're basically discrediting billions of people's religious beliefs (who have actually contributed to science, unlike your funky ass judeo-christian babble) by coming with this bs monotheistic dogmatism angle.

Which is to say, mf'ers are stupid af out here. :mjlol:

Because nothing can come from something the universe had to have a pre existing origin. If you argue that the universe comes from an older universe that was destroyed then you will go down a never ending line of pre existing universes which is logically impossible.

Eventually there had to be a creator that has no beginning to be logically sound.
how is it logically impossible? :mjlol:

again, you have a very overlysimplified and outright incorrect understanding.
the current theories explain that quantum fluctuations in a vacuum produce seeds for early particles. so your understanding of 'nothing' is wrong, it's not nothing, there's just a sea of quantum fluctuations (and the evidence for such virtual particles is Penrose-Hawking radiation around the event horizons of black holes). If you're asking where that came from, again, it's unknown right now - not because there isn't a cause - but because that level presents a boundary which we haven't seen past; the same way atoms were the boundary until quantum physics explained their existence.

You can try to cap and go "well where did those come from :jawalrus: " but if your understanding of the basic tenants of the big bang are this out of touch, it'd be useless to try and get into even more esoteric questions of quantum physics.

TL;DR: Das ist nicht nur nicht richtig; es ist nicht einmal falsch!
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All Star
May 28, 2012
Tell someone with a doctorate from a top 10 law school they like to pretend to smart when you probably in your mom's basement reading scientific America calling yourself an intellectual on your tinder profile.


I'm still aiming for anyone to refute my original premise. This entire thread is ad hominem attacks and strawman arguments.

Your entire premise for this thread is based on a strawman, so it really doesn't need refuting. You say "before the big bang, there was nothingness". Well, scientists don't claim to know what was before the big bang, as "before" may be non-sensical, considering space and time began at the big bang. Scientists certainly don't claim there was a time when nothing existed ... "nothing" isn't something than can be observed... so you completely pulled this out of your ass.

What scientists do claim is that the universe was a small singularity that rapidly expanded at the time of the big bang. There are hypothesises, but no one can know what happened before t=0.... like I said earlier, there may not be a "before".

Anything you said after your first sentence is just unfounded conjecture derived from a flawed premise... so I didn't read it.


All Star
May 28, 2012
I 100% agree with this, though I think god is absolute infinity and not a man in the sky.

Everything has always been here and god is the infinite total of that (in my opinion)

What do you mean by absolute infinity? It sounds like you're just relabeling the universe "god".


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
God believes in all of these lost fools on here. It's not Gods fault they choose darkness and God isn't begging them to get out the darkness either. Keep suffering :yeshrug:
He actually doesn't. At least according to y'alls own bible. God could give a single fukk about anyone who doesn't outright worship his narcissistic ass:

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Matthew 7

All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity...Behold, ye are of nothing, and your work of nought: an abomination is he that chooseth you. Isaiah 41

I could go on, but I think you get the picture. God dgaf about anyone who isn't on his jock.


Jan 12, 2017
I did get you confused with the other poster who actually said scientists were smarter than everyone on the coli. So my apologies for attributing that direct quote to you.

However, please cut the bullshyt. I quoted that man and bolded the exact part I responded to. Then responded and said my reasons why I believe that ti be false. THEN YOU QUOTED ME saying I’m projecting. Sounds like you may be a dog that is hollering. Are you in the field of science? Maybe you got offended. Because you quoted me responding to someone saying scientist are smarter than everyone on the coli. The exchange is as follows:
Breh the only ones who think scientists are smarter than everyone is you. You thinking it was me just because I am on the side of science shows your projection


Sep 28, 2012
He actually doesn't. At least according to y'alls own bible. God could give a single fukk about anyone who doesn't outright worship his narcissistic ass:

“Not everyone who says to me, ‘Lord, Lord,’ will enter the kingdom of heaven, but the one who does the will of my Father who is in heaven. On that day many will say to me, ‘Lord, Lord, did we not prophesy in your name, and cast out demons in your name, and do many mighty works in your name?’ And then will I declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from me, you workers of lawlessness.’
Matthew 7

All nations before him are as nothing; and they are counted to him less than nothing, and vanity...Behold, ye are of nothing, and your work of nought: an abomination is he that chooseth you. Isaiah 41

I could go on, but I think you get the picture. God dgaf about anyone who isn't on his jock.
You can't comprehend what you pasted. Keep suffering tho big fella


May 21, 2012
What do you mean by absolute infinity? It sounds like you're just relabeling the universe "god".
The infinity of infinites is what I think absolute infinity is. I’m labeling that god. So, maybe it’s the metaverse I’m labeling god. I’ve occasionally referred myself to an atheist who believes in god…lol. The correct term is panthiest though

Double Burger With Cheese

May 6, 2012
Breh the only ones who think scientists are smarter than everyone is you. You thinking it was me just because I am on the side of science shows your projection

No, that silly shyt don’t work with me breh. I quoted someone responding to a specific sentence I bolded. You then quoted me responding to what I wrote. I’ve laid all the shyt out in detail and quoted the shyt in my last post. I don’t know how smart you may be, but you sure are good at playing dumb as fukk


The Tape Crusader
Mar 9, 2015
You can't comprehend what you pasted. Keep suffering tho big fella
tf are you talking about :heh:

jesus repeatedly calls out pharisees and false believers, the bible does not fukk with nonbelievers at all. that's why they made up hell, as a way to punish people who didn't follow their beliefs.

but you're too fukking stupid to properly debate your own scripture, so you pretend like you're above it all, when I doubt you've read any of those books in the first place.


May 27, 2012

Between this and the 'pull yourself up by your bootstraps' thread, brehs really coming with the stupid dumb shyt today :obama:

Your argument that there wasn't anything before the big bang is a childishly naive interpretation of science.
it's not that there wasn't anything before the big bang, it's that the big bang is a spacetime singularity that we simply cannot look past, same way we can't see what's inside a black hole. You're misunderstanding on a basic, fundamental level, what those scientific theories are saying. Additionally, some theories (not widely accepted), like Sir Penrose's Cosmic Cyclical Cosmology (CCC), claim that maps of the background radiation of the universe displays concentric circles which points to super massive black holes from a universe before the big bang. So yeah, your argument is invalid. Not to mention that you didn't even apply the same logic to your own line of thinking: if nothing comes from nothing, then where tf does your primary mover come from? :heh:

Not to mention that many Christian/religious types, including priests and popes going back to at least John XXIII over 50 years ago, have moved passed and already accepted that their theistic conceptions of reality are outdated and don't fit within a scientific understanding of the universe; that doesn't mean they abandon their religion, it just means they stop trying to explain shyt through these mythological fabrications. Besides, you're coming from a straight up racist perspective, because many religions, like hinduism and buddhism, also conceive of the universe as infinitely recurring without any primary mover. You're basically discrediting billions of people's religious beliefs (who have actually contributed to science, unlike your funky ass judeo-christian babble) by coming with this bs monotheistic dogmatism angle.

Which is to say, mf'ers are stupid af out here. :mjlol:

how is it logically impossible? :mjlol:

again, you have a very overlysimplified and outright incorrect understanding.
the current theories explain that quantum fluctuations in a vacuum produce seeds for early particles. so your understanding of 'nothing' is wrong, it's not nothing, there's just a sea of quantum fluctuations (and the evidence for such virtual particles is Penrose-Hawking radiation around the event horizons of black holes). If you're asking where that came from, again, it's unknown right now - not because there isn't a cause - but because that level presents a boundary which we haven't seen past; the same way atoms were the boundary until quantum physics explained their existence.

You can try to cap and go "well where did those come from :jawalrus: " but if your understanding of the basic tenants of the big bang are this out of touch, it'd be useless to try and get into even more esoteric questions of quantum physics.

TL;DR: Das ist nicht nur nicht richtig; es ist nicht einmal falsch!
Look at this heathen jumping in like his white ass opinion matters :mjlol::russ: