Ryan Coogler officially signs on to write and direct Black Panther sequel


Jun 26, 2015
:wtf: the only thing they needed to do was have t'challa address the African Union instead of the UN and it would have been perfect. It would of symbolized T'challa recognizing that Kilmonger although extreme his perspective was in the right direction for blacks globally. Him addressing the UN makes it seem like he (t'challa) still doesn't get it. But you can't stray to far away from the source material I guess :manny:
why? the african union stood by and watch a lot atrocities take place and did nothing. killmonger was a young brother who was caught up in emotions and not on wisdom on how Africans rolled. how did he expect the king to hold down 57 countries where they have a different perspective on what actual freedom is?


King of Wakanda.
May 2, 2012
oh yea man.
it was bad. had ole boy stressed the hell out cuz them execs was fukkin with his vision of how bp should be directed

I believe all this. I loved the movie but I can tell he was handicapped with how the movie was compared to FS and Creed. They had even replaced the editor he brought on from his other movies with the editor from Spiderman Homecoming. Hopefully with the massive success of the first movie they'll let Coogler do his thing with his vision.


Mar 11, 2015
The handicapping may be what held this up for so long. Coogler has too much integrity to just sign on if he can't do his own vision. So I'm sure there were talks about this during negotiations.

Better hand to hand combat,more gadgets and we good:salute:
Also make Tchalla a little more no nonsense,he has been a little too comprimising so far. But we are at the beginning stages of his character. He's just still a little too hopeful about people,he was advertised as not being like that.

Dr. Narcisse

May 1, 2014
Wasn't bothered by the fight scenes. Thoroughly enjoyed the warrior falls fight scenes and the final sequence with the war between the tribes. The movie was more about the story than the action for me.

The only time the CGI took me out of the movie at all was when Killmonger and T'challa fell through the air into the mines. shyt was mad cringe. Other than that I had no issue.

The script, the acting, the set design, the costume design and the music far outweighed any issues with either of those two things.

They will 100% be improved upon though. If the sequel gets IW level CGI and Winter Soldier level action yet still maintains the overall excellence of the first film, that shyt will be an out of body exoerience :pachaha:

I REALLY don't get the complaints about the fight scenes.

This shyt here is as good as anything in Civil War.

The issue wasn't poor hand to hand combat. The issue was there wasn't a lot of it and the scenes were dark in the theater. I mean look at the spinning kicks that look real and explosive.

oh yea man.
it was bad. had ole boy stressed the hell out cuz them execs was fukkin with his vision of how bp should be directed
There was a rumor here about how one of the issues was how long were the fight scenes.
The Production Designer mentioned how execs turned down some of her more exotic ideas.
The cinematographer mentioned how they had film in a sandbox because Marvel likes a lot of control in post production.
Coogler fought hard to keep that W'Kabi/Okoye scene that was deleted.
We know they didn't even let Coogler fly to Korea to film any of the chase scene.

Still great that the film turned out so great.
I believe all this. I loved the movie but I can tell he was handicapped with how the movie was compared to FS and Creed. They had even replaced the editor he brought on from his other movies with the editor from Spiderman Homecoming. Hopefully with the massive success of the first movie they'll let Coogler do his thing with his vision.

I really do want to see that 4 hour cut. I bet that Homecoming editor did her best to make it more Marvel, but it undercut some of the rawness that Coogler brings to his films. Obviously a theatrical cut can't be 4hours. However, I'm betting some great stuff got left on the cutting room floor.

And PLEASE film this movie in Africa. Or at least half of it.

Inexcusable that other films they let directors/actors film elsewhere.

I know brehs like @Ziggiy are excited, but fukk it.

I hope Coogler ONLY signed because they agreed to up the budget, creative freedom and gave him room to do his own shyt outside the Marvel framework. Marvel is dope. However, the only real flaws in the movie is when it tried to be a regular superhero movie.

Let Coogler give us that unfiltered African Epic and we wont be wondering if it gets nominated for best picture, but if it will win it.