Point is they're gonna remaster popular games for newer consoles. This is just what has always been.there was no backwards compatibility with the NES and SNES. you can already play Horizon on the PS5
Super Mario All Stars was also 4 games bundled together, one of which (Lost Levels) was never released in the west
The other side of the argument is the value of this.
This is really the first console generation in the HD Era where devs can get the most out of these games. So they're gonna go for it.
Apparently Naughty Dog did well with LOU so no reason Guerilla can't do the same. I've only played the demo of Horizon 2 but that shyt looks crazy on my OLED.
Are people paying full price though? Who knows.
Basically gamers are gonna decide this trend kind of in the same way of micro transactions and nfts.
I don't see the issue really unless all PS studios halts production on their other work and starts re-releasing all PS4 games. Except Bloodbourne of course which is probably the one that would actually get universal praise.