overpaying celebs for middle of the road content isn’t the same as making content that just doesn’t work.none of these are/looked particularly good. streaming services are taking the wrong lessons. stop making subpar shyt. people will watch whatever you throw on your streaming service, but don't be shocked when they start talking about how "mid" everything is. and you can't just fukkin course correct by producing more cheap dogshyt inscripted stuff, throw your hands up and say, "well, we tried movies." realize you are putting out subpar content to fill your feed. at least Netflix is slowly realizing that they don't have to give Ryan Reynolds and the Rock $40 mil each to fight in front of shytty green screens. yeah millions watch it, but that's b/c it's there. make good shyt and they'll watch that and itch for more. every netflix blockbuster costs $200 mil, and they pump out 66% done scripts.
I‘ll never watch Shonda Rhimes shows but that’s not to say a large number of people are enjoying season 20 of Grey’s Anatomy when it is no way as popular as it once was.
These streamers got it in their heads they could just pay a bunch of celebrities for publicity to get subscriptions which is dumb. So the celebrities took advantage and just “write-off” a basic heist movie as a necessary 200 million dollar movie for their production company.