Roland Martin to Biden aide: Biden/Harris/Dems MUST EXCLUSIVELY speak to BLACK MEN DIRECTLY! - ASAP!


Jul 17, 2013
Agents and white men using fake black voices to call rolands show

This is some wild shyt. When has any politician for president spokedirectly to a specific race and gender to win votes? Y’all got these agents out here trying to make y’all look crazy. If you really about black uplifting why would you be okay with them talking to us exclusively and not our sisters?
Or y’all just really want a free check ?:picard:


May 17, 2012
Brick City, NJ
I said that months ago that Biden and Harris cannot.go into.election day without mentioning Joe and the Crime Bill and Kamala's stance on incarceration. They are going to have to.address this.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
This is some wild shyt. When has any politician for president speak directly to a specific race and gender to win votes? Y’all got these agents out here trying to make y’all look crazy. If you really about black uplifting why would you be okay with them talking to us exclusively and not our sisters?
Or y’all just really want a free check ?:picard:
You're a fool if you think they're not speaking to black women :gucci:

Are you trolling right now? :dahell:

I'm not jealous, I'm just saying that black men are more at risk of voting for republicans or NOT voting than black women.

Like 99% of black women will vote for Biden. Black men is WAY lower and if dems want to win they need to fix that.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Roland is backing this shyt up with data too :whoo:
Trump and Biden are both courting the votes of Black men. Will it make a difference?


D.C. resident James L. Walker III, a lawyer, says he hopes to see presidential candidates address issues such as student loan debt and mass incarceration. (Marvin Joseph/The Washington Post)
The television ad “Shop Talk” shows a group of African American men — masked up, socially distanced — seated inside a Black-owned barbershop in Durham, North Carolina. “Good governance counts,” asserts one. “We need to have individuals in office like Joe Biden and Kamala Harris,” says another.

In a radio spot airing on Black radio stations across the country, listeners hear from former NFL star Herschel Walker. “I’ve known Donald Trump for 37 years,” he says. “He keeps right on fighting to improve the lives of Black Americans. He works night and day. He never stops. He leaves nothing on the field.”

Move over, soccer mom. America’s presidential campaigns have a new coveted voter: Black men. Both Republicans and Democrats are courting this demographic, for reasons that seem tied to recent voting patterns. According to Pew Research Center, 64 percent of eligible Black women and 54 percent of eligible Black men voted in 2016. Black women overwhelmingly (98 percent) favored Hillary Clinton, but among Black men, she won 81 percent. Trump got 14 percent — still a relatively small percentage, yet an improvement on the 11 percent that, according to NBC exit poll data, Mitt Romney won in 2012.

In addition, Pew found that Black men (77 percent) are less likely than Black women (87 percent) to identify as Democrats. And according to Gallup, Trump’s approval rating is 8 points higher (19 percent vs. 11 percent) among Black men than it is among Black women.

Terrance Woodbury, a partner at HIT Strategies, whose clients include Democrats, told me the firm’s focus groups and polling show Republican appeals to some Black men — especially younger ones — are effective. According to his data, Black men “are not confident that Democrats can and will improve race relations. They also believe Democrats take their votes for granted.”

Leo Terrell, 65, a civil rights lawyer in Los Angeles who’s appeared on Fox News, is a case in point. Democrats have “given in to the left wing, even violent extremists, and abandoned [their] civil rights and equality-for-all roots,” he says. “Joe Biden made the assumption that if you’re Black you have to vote Democrat. I find that insulting to every African American because we don’t vote as one group.”

Paris Dennard, RNC senior communications adviser for Black media affairs, told me: “Trump Victory is appealing to all Black voters and we know that Black men will see all of the Black men at our events, on staff at the White House, the RNC, the Trump campaign, and on our Black Voices for Trump Advisory Board and feel included especially when they see, read and hear President Trump’s record and his new Platinum Plan” — a set of proposals meant to appeal to Black voters — “from all of our Black male surrogates all over the country.” (Neither the Trump nor Biden campaigns could say how much they’re spending on outreach to Black voters.) The Black Voices for Trump coalition kicked off in late 2019 at a rally in Atlanta where the president appeared. Dennard says more than 100 events have taken place at venues including churches and Black-owned businesses, as well as virtually. Black Voices also hosts “Real Talk Online!,” a YouTube show featuring such topics as entrepreneurship. Dennard cites criminal justice reform, funding for HBCUs and school choice as issues on which Trump policies have benefited the Black community.

Trump has, however, faced more allegations of racism than any recent president — a situation that could help Democrats to solidify the Black male vote. In August, the Biden campaign kicked off “Shop Talk,” a series of discussions for Black men that has welcomed community leaders and celebrities. The program is a cousin of sorts to “Chop It Up,” which the Democratic National Committee, together with the DNC Black Caucus, launched in May 2019. “Chop It Up” consists of a series of barbershop-style conversations that are designed to center Black men and their concerns, and to empower individuals to organize and build political networks.

“The guiding principles of our strategy to engage and mobilize Black men this election cycle [were] to start early and to meet them where they are,” says Brandon Gassaway, DNC national press secretary. “There is no one type of Black male experience, so it’s critical that we spend more time listening than anything else, so brothers from all walks of life feel our party is accountable to them.”

Quentin James, co-founder of the Collective PAC, which supports progressive Black candidates, thinks 12 to 17 percent of Black men “might” vote for Trump, but he hopes it will be fewer. Black men, he says, are seeing “police officers shoot us in the back, knee us, and kill our wives and girlfriends. I am concerned if he is reelected it will unleash an avalanche of white supremacists in our communities.”

In recent weeks, my interviews with Black male voters yielded a range of thinking about the campaign. James L. Walker III, 25, is a D.C. resident who worked his way through Howard University Law School as an airline baggage handler. He often gets election news via social media. “A lot of times, the [political] rhetoric infuriates me,” he says, “but I want the perspective of both sides.” He hopes to see issues such as student loan debt and mass incarceration addressed. “I don’t think people realize the true power a president has. These decisions will affect our kids’ kids. I definitely plan to vote.”

John Verdejo, 41, of Raleigh, N.C., calls himself a “super-voter” who casts ballots in every election. “Black men are a demographic that has often been ignored and, worse, made to look like a threat,” says Verdejo, a contract administrator. “Yet we are fathers, educators, scientists, business owners, religious leaders, [company] presidents and media moguls, cultural influencers and athletes at the top of our fields. We have plenty to say.” His say? Biden.

Marc T. Little, 55, is a lawyer and pastor. He is board chairman of the Center for Urban Renewal and Education, a conservative think tank in D.C. He’s backing Trump. An evangelical Christian, Little is antiabortion, favors limited government and wants conservative justices appointed to the Supreme Court. “My inclination is to first apply a biblical worldview to my vote,” he says. “I do not believe any Christian has the option to leave their values at home.”

Notwithstanding voters like Little, the reality is that Black men are overwhelmingly registered Democrats — and if decades of voting patterns hold true, the majority could vote by a wide margin for Biden. Still, how wide that margin proves to be and how many Black men turn out are among the factors that could affect the final result.

For now, it’s clear that Black men — who have often been overlooked by the political establishment — are having their say. “This is a very important election for Black men,” says Vernard L. Alsberry Jr., 65, mayor of Hazel Crest in the Chicago suburbs. The killing of George Floyd and the Black Lives Matter protests have weighed heavily on him, and he wants Trump out of the White House. “We must go to the polls,” he says, “and carry our sons too.”

Donna M. Owens is a writer in Baltimore.

@Red Shield @Michael's Black Son @Sukairain @YouMadd? @Basil of Baker Street @SupremexKing @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @panopticon @johnedwarduado @neotheflyingone @Ishlibidish23 @SJUGRAD13 @BlueHeffner
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Jul 17, 2013
You're a fool if you think they're not speaking to black women :gucci:

Are you trolling right now? :dahell:

I'm not jealous, I'm just saying that black men are more at risk of voting for republicans or NOT voting than black women.

Like 99% of black women will vote for Biden. Black men is WAY lower and if dems want to win they need to fix that.
It comes across as coddling. If you need Dems to tell you why voting in this election is extremely important your already a lost cause. The whole country is literally collapsing with Trump. Not to mention what he is doing to the black community. With information at our fingertips ignorance is not a excuse


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
It comes across as coddling. If you need Dems to tell you why voting in this election is extremely important your already a lost cause. The whole country is literally collapsing with Trump. Not to mention what he is doing to the black community. With information at our fingertips ignorance is not a excuse
Nah, fukk that.

You have to reach voters where they are and not take them for granted. Dems go talk to black women all the time and hold multiple targeted events with funding and infrastructure. Theres only skeleton operations for black males.

Of course everything is on the fukking website. The problem is PEOPLE NOT GOING TO THE GOD DAMN WEBSITES!

self motivated voters aren't the problem. YOU aren't the problem.

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
A lot of people / companies don’t speak exclusively to us. We always seem to be dismissed from these convos.

It's really no need to help black males if your in politics, you need to keep the system in tact you just have to address and try to restore the faith lost during Obama's second run. I do think the black folks like Travis and Cornell did hurt Obama a bit and opened up people's eyes to a different view point. I don't think we care about Kamala nor who she married that's her personal business but locking up black people for petty things will be a issue.

I think Social Media folks hurt the dems since they have a very independent message (Tariq, Tommy) but I agree with the OP that the dems need to speak to black males but I still feel why should they? They need prisions filled and they need us socially to motivate and create for other cultures, they just need to restore the faith that alot of younger black folks lost.

I think Roland is correct though but we're still gonna vote Dem but for 24 I think the dems need to make sure to address black folks in the 4 years or it's a wrap for the party.

It's a hard job for them, no group wants to stand next to us and that's the main issue.


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
i don't disagree with em man. All he's talking about is, if you're going to vote, looking at a candidate from a Black Nationalist point of view, which is what I've been preaching since I've been on this board. The first foremost and only question from our standpoint should be: what's in the best interests of the masses of Black people.

Black women have responded well to kamala for the most part (and even some of them feel she's am opportunist and not genuine) but black women gonna vote at highest rate and they're all Democrat regardless. I don't think the Kamala pick helped.

Indians are too small of a group to move a needle

A lot of people / companies don’t speak exclusively to us. We always seem to be dismissed from these convos.

If there was ever a time to be aggressive with your outreach to black (men) voters, it would be while running against a candidate that's trying to give you the game.

If the fear of being specific toward alienated voters persist only to not offend those who would defect your candidacy or campaign as a result, it must be admitted that supporters of yours don't hold the values that you/your campaign espoused to.

I think Biden selecting Kamala as his running mate was a BIG mistake. Should have selected Elizabeth Warren, the Michigan governor, or Tammy Duckworth.

I said that months ago that Biden and Harris cannot.go into.election day without mentioning Joe and the Crime Bill and Kamala's stance on incarceration. They are going to have to.address this.

It comes across as coddling. If you need Dems to tell you why voting in this election is extremely important your already a lost cause. The whole country is literally collapsing with Trump. Not to mention what he is doing to the black community. With information at our fingertips ignorance is not a excuse

Them posters on the 1st page all cacs. We cant even have a discussion about the dems reaching black men on a black website without the cacs showing up smh:francis:

It's really no need to help black males if your in politics, you need to keep the system in tact you just have to address and try to restore the faith lost during Obama's second run. I do think the black folks like Travis and Cornell did hurt Obama a bit and opened up people's eyes to a different view point. I don't think we care about Kamala nor who she married that's her personal business but locking up black people for petty things will be a issue.

I think Social Media folks hurt the dems since they have a very independent message (Tariq, Tommy) but I agree with the OP that the dems need to speak to black males but I still feel why should they? They need prisions filled and they need us socially to motivate and create for other cultures, they just need to restore the faith that alot of younger black folks lost.

I think Roland is correct though but we're still gonna vote Dem but for 24 I think the dems need to make sure to address black folks in the 4 years or it's a wrap for the party.

It's a hard job for them, no group wants to stand next to us and that's the main issue.

Roland got the data and the stakes... black men are about to be a problem for democrats if they don't fix this shyt ASAP :whoo:

@Red Shield @Michael's Black Son @Sukairain @YouMadd? @Basil of Baker Street @SupremexKing @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @panopticon @johnedwarduado @neotheflyingone @Ishlibidish23 @SJUGRAD13 @BlueHeffner


The Original
Dec 9, 2012
The Deep State
Dems aren’t stupid.. black men don’t vote. No point of catering to them.

Their base is black women, Hispanics, LGBT and millennials

Roland has been ringing this alarm for years and this was a round table he had on this days ago.

This is a real issue and its showing up in the polling.

@Red Shield @Michael's Black Son @Sukairain @YouMadd? @Basil of Baker Street @SupremexKing @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @panopticon @johnedwarduado @neotheflyingone @Ishlibidish23 @SJUGRAD13 @BlueHeffner

Stick Up Kid

Aug 29, 2012
Newark NJ

Roland has been ringing this alarm for years and this was a round table he had on this days ago.

This is a real issue and its showing up in the polling.

@Red Shield @Michael's Black Son @Sukairain @YouMadd? @Basil of Baker Street @SupremexKing @Cat piss martini @AndroidHero @Pirius Black @panopticon @johnedwarduado @neotheflyingone @Ishlibidish23 @SJUGRAD13 @BlueHeffner

It's the truth.. Dems will win this whether black men vote or not.

Biden needs to win Michigan, Wisconsin, Pennsylvania... that's it. election is over.. and those 3 states dont have a high black male turnout regardless who the candidate is.

Scott Larock

Its hard leaving thecoli but I gotta find a way...
Mar 11, 2013
Dems aren’t stupid.. black men don’t vote. No point of catering to them.

Their base is black women, Hispanics, LGBT and millennials

Educated black men usually vote, non-educated and lower income usually don't hence the stripper ad trying to get black males to vote which is stupid.

Trumps opportunity zones is something the dems should have been doing, I understand targeting the educated kids going off to HBCUs but they should try to address the ghettos a bit more. Trump actually wasn't that bad with that idea he's just Trump so Trumps gonna Trump and people know he full of it.

Dems should have locked this up since Nov 19.