Roland Martin Afraid Black Women May Join "Bothsides"


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
You're talking to yourself, YOU are the one who can't refute anything I say so you're blabbing about the name-calling instead.

I already refuted the arguments in detail and everyone can see it. Why haven't you responded to those?

Personally, I don't think you're an agent, from what I've seen of your other posting I think you're just too poorly informed and illogical to know any better. The other two guys I was communicating with are the agents and you're just a useful idiot to them.

Yeah ok...:mjlol: im informed enough to know the black base is leaving the democratic party... And the dems did it to themselves...:troll:


Aug 23, 2019
When you claim the people who disagree with you are agents you look suspect. If you cant refute the information dont be mad about it. The dems are weak asf and only fought for their pockets to get fat. The average citizen gets fukked over but vote harder maybe next time right???:dead:
Nah Biden handed out 9 billion to minority programs.

You're an agent if you don't jump for joy over this and that doesn't win your vote

#thoughtsoftheineffective :mjlol:

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Nah Biden handed out 9 billion to minority programs.

You're an agent if you don't jump for joy over this and that doesn't win your vote

#thoughtsoftheineffective :mjlol:

The alternative is a Trump who wants to make it harder for Black people to get mortgages

Dumb clueless Negros like you should slap yourselves.

We are in a fight for our liberty and rights in this country and you idiots don't know up from down.

"At least six investigations into discriminatory mortgage loan “redlining” have been halted or stalled — against staff recommendations — under the Trump administration’s Office of the Comptroller of the Currency."

"A federal judge has sided with community groups to restore key mortgage lending transparency requirements, finding that the Trump-era Consumer Financial Protection Bureau acted unlawfully in issuing a 2020 rule exempting many mortgage lenders from reporting obligations designed to help combat redlining and other fair lending and fair housing violations."

" Sessions ordered a sweeping review of consent decrees with law enforcement agencies relating to police conduct – a crucial tool in the Justice Department’s efforts to ensure constitutional and accountable policing. The department also tried, unsuccessfully, to block a federal court in Baltimore from approving a consent decree between the city and the Baltimore Police Department to rein in discriminatory police practices that the department itself had negotiated over a multi-year period."

"Trump’s fiscal year 2018 budget proposed eliminating the Office of Federal Contract Compliance Programs (OFCCP) and transferring its functions to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC). This would have impeded the work of both the OFCCP and the EEOC as each have distinct missions and expertise, and would have thereby undermined the civil right"

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Nah Biden handed out 9 billion to minority programs.

You're an agent if you don't jump for joy over this and that doesn't win your vote

#thoughtsoftheineffective :mjlol:

It was closer to $50 billion just from the programs listed in this thread alone, but you already know that, as we've seen you keep distorting the facts and moving the goalposts throughout the thread.

I don't think that's nearly enough, so my rational response is to push for more by encouraging more black folk with passion to run for local office and state seats as well as vote for more progressive candidates in primaries to move the party to greater pro-black priorities.

You, on the other hand, just run with getting Republicans elected, which has never worked.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Which means you'll ignore it and change the subject.
I didn't ignore it I actually conceded. I took your word for it. You can't even see a W for an L.
Why are you blatantly lying?

Trump is the one who only signed off on $600, Biden promised to add $1400 to that so it would be a total of $2000, and that's exactly what he did.
Numerous videos of Biden in Georgia promising $2000 checks, not a check that makes the aggregate sum equal to $2000. That's classic retconning. Here is the first video I got just from googling it.

Again, its an undisputed fact admitted by the majority of even liberal media.
"Biden should have given more in stimulus, and also stimulus is bad." :laff:
The Stimulus checks came in lieu of people being able to work. You can add up all the Stimulus checks, extra-unemployment benefits, and PPP loans, and it only equals a fraction of the stimulus money printed. Just check the Fed balance sheet. We got hosed, yet you want to celebrate it.

So Biden has given over $150 billion in student debt relief, but that doesn't count because he tried to give even more and the courts blocked it?
$150 Billion isn't close to the amount promised of $10k per student. Bidens executive order got blocked by the courts because Biden designed it that way. He intentionally used legal arguments and added means testing to make sure it didn't pass. He completely ignored the legally sound drafted course laid out for him.

And you lied. It needed 60 votes to go through, they had 43 Democrat votes and 0 Republicans.

But instead of saying, "Let's vote out the Republicans and conservative Democrats", you want to vote out the Democrats who supported it.
You are correct, it did require 60 votes, but Delaware Senators did vote against it along with Sinema. Sanders only put it up for a vote because the Senate Parliamentarian stated that it didn't qualify for Reconciliation. The Dems had full authority to replace the Senate Parliamentarian as Republicans have done in the past. So ultimately, it didn't require a vote at all. Yet the Do nothing Dems didn't want the $15 Federal Minimum wage hike. What's hilarious is Sanders 2020 campaign for $16 minimum wage is actually worth $19 today, when adjusted for inflation.

Biden has been notorious for promising one thing than offering up something of significantly less value.


Aug 23, 2019
The alternative is a Trump who wants to make it harder for Black people to get mortgages
You could vote Green Party and go down ballot so that the House and Senate are able to mitigate the damage. You're just gonna have to make sure a Democrat with actual political savvy to get around the courts gets into position to run for office in the next election. Buuuut, you're definitely gonna need that to be the standard moving forward in the first place. Joe Biden/Kamala Harris have demonstrated they can't get around the conservative courts.


Aug 23, 2019
It was closer to $50 billion just from the programs listed in this thread alone, but you already know that, as we've seen you keep distorting the facts and moving the goalposts throughout the thread.

I don't think that's nearly enough, so my rational response is to push for more by encouraging more black folk with passion to run for local office and state seats as well as vote for more progressive candidates in primaries to move the party to greater pro-black priorities.

You, on the other hand, just run with getting Republicans elected, which has never worked.
Hmm, no the actual strategy is to show up, vote around certain issues and let it be known that it's not enough so an upcoming/ambitious politician looking to steal votes adds that to their platform. If that upcoming politician wins or poses enough of a threat that policy gets absorbed by the bigger politician to steal back those votes.

But I don't expect good deductive reasoning from the #ineffective so of course that's your ineffective read on my ideas. I wouldn't expect anything close to resembling reality from you. :yeshrug:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I didn't ignore it I actually conceded. I took your word for it. You can't even see a W for an L.

If you just concede your opponents' arguments but don't change your actual position, what does that say? :what:

Numerous videos of Biden in Georgia promising $2000 checks, not a check that makes the aggregate sum equal to $2000. That's classic retconning. Here is the first video I got just from googling it.

Why are you ignoring that you LIED and claimed Biden only gave $600???

If you thought Biden only gave $600, then it suggests you aren't even paying attention to the money # at all. You're just trying to find your Biden hits.

He said $2000 in the speech because they had just been debating for two months with the Democrats arguing for $2000 and the Republicans arguing for $600. NO ONE was promising they were going to give $2600. Then Trump finally compromised and gave $600 on December 27, 2020, the same week as Biden's speech. Biden continued to say $2000, and when he got into office, they quickly added $1400 to make it a total of $2000.

Whether you argue that there should have been $2600 in stimulus rather than $2000, either way you were still lying when you claimed that Biden only gave $600.

$150 Billion isn't close to the amount promised of $10k per student. Bidens executive order got blocked by the courts because Biden designed it that way. He intentionally used legal arguments and added means testing to make sure it didn't pass. He completely ignored the legally sound drafted course laid out for him.

You will tie yourself into knots to create these conspiracies where Democrats are responsible for everything Republicans do. :mjlol:

You are correct, it did require 60 votes, but Delaware Senators did vote against it along with Sinema.

Once again, 43 Democrats voted for it and ZERO Republicans voted for it. But instead of punishing the Republicans and conservative Democrats and working to get more liberal Dems into office, you try to blame the 10% of Democrats who voted against it rather than the 100% of Republicans.

You're literally blaming Democrats for the problems Republicans cause and then arguing we should help Republicans get into power as a solution. :laff:

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Under Trump companies would only get 1 dollar fines for being caught doing racist shyt.

Democrats are on this dumb immigration ship but the Republicans are out right racist against Black folks in all kinds of policies.

Housing discrimination, banking discrimination, employment discrimination, consumer protection all get worse for Black people under republicans.

And that's not to mention police accountability.

Under Biden:

Wells Fargo to pay $3.7 billion settlement over latest allegations of "illegal activity"

Under Trump:

Judge reverses Trump-era HMDA rule, forcing small mortgage lenders to comply

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
"I want more stimulus. Biden added another $1400 to Trump's meager $600, but I wanted him to add $2000. We'll solve that with Trump 2024!"

"I want student loan relief. Biden granted a trillion in student loan relief, but Trump's judges blocked it. Biden then granted $150 billion in relief from various workarounds, but that's not enough for me. We'll solve that with Trump 2024!"

"I want a higher minimum wage. Biden fought for higher minimum wage and 43 Democrats voted for it, but that wasn't enough to pass. Instead of trying to get the moderates and Republicans out of office, let's punish the ones on our side. Trump 2024!"

"I want more tangibles for Black folk. Biden gave over $50 billion to programs to benefit minorities including $17 billion to HBCU's, but that's not enough. Sure, Trump didn't give even 10% of that, but I'm sure that'll change eventually if we get Trump 2024!"

That's literally the argument that poster is making. Biden has done every single thing he's asked for, but he wants Biden out of office because Biden didn't go as far as he wanted, and through some 4D chess, another 4 years of Trump getting all his judges in place will somehow make it happen.

Notice that no one has EVER told the white racists to stop voting for Republicans. Even when they appointed a Black chair to the RNC in 2009, even when Trump made promises like the "Platinum Plan", the white racist wing of the Republican Party never once said, "If you don't stop this Black stuff, we're going to leave." Instead, they've voted even harder and keep getting voting more and more extreme figures into office.

There's only one group of voters who are being told that all of their dreams will be met if they stop participating in the system. And it's not a coincidence that that's the same group who those people have ALWAYS wanted to keep out of the voting booths.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
If you just concede your opponents' arguments but don't change your actual position, what does that say? :what:
What position did I take on the Black farmers?
Why are you ignoring that you LIED and claimed Biden only gave $600???

If you thought Biden only gave $600, then it suggests you aren't even paying attention to the money # at all. You're just trying to find your Biden hits.

He said $2000 in the speech because they had just been debating for two months with the Democrats arguing for $2000 and the Republicans arguing for $600. NO ONE was promising they were going to give $2600. Then Trump finally compromised and gave $600 on December 27, 2020, the same week as Biden's speech. Biden continued to say $2000, and when he got into office, they quickly added $1400 to make it a total of $2000.

Whether you argue that there should have been $2600 in stimulus rather than $2000, either way you were still lying when you claimed that Biden only gave $600.
I provided video evidence of Biden promising $2000 checks and he gave a different amount. Yet, I'm the liar? I'm not here telling folks here to vote for me.
You will tie yourself into knots to create these conspiracies where Democrats are responsible for everything Republicans do. :mjlol:
No conspiracies involved. $10k student debt relief was a thoroughly planned out by Democrats for Biden to execute. He delayed, then completely changed the plans. No Biden spokesman is willing to explain why he changed the plan. The failure of the executive order is directly related to the changes he made.
Once again, 43 Democrats voted for it and ZERO Republicans voted for it. But instead of punishing the Republicans and conservative Democrats and working to get more liberal Dems into office, you try to blame the 10% of Democrats who voted against it rather than the 100% of Republicans.
Why did Bernie Sanders put it up for a vote?

Micky Mikey

Sep 27, 2013
"I want more stimulus. Biden added another $1400 to Trump's meager $600, but I wanted him to add $2000. We'll solve that with Trump 2024!"

"I want student loan relief. Biden granted a trillion in student loan relief, but Trump's judges blocked it. Biden then granted $150 billion in relief from various workarounds, but that's not enough for me. We'll solve that with Trump 2024!"

"I want a higher minimum wage. Biden fought for higher minimum wage and 43 Democrats voted for it, but that wasn't enough to pass. Instead of trying to get the moderates and Republicans out of office, let's punish the ones on our side. Trump 2024!"

"I want more tangibles for Black folk. Biden gave over $50 billion to programs to benefit minorities including $17 billion to HBCU's, but that's not enough. Sure, Trump didn't give even 10% of that, but I'm sure that'll change eventually if we get Trump 2024!"

That's literally the argument that poster is making. Biden has done every single thing he's asked for, but he wants Biden out of office because Biden didn't go as far as he wanted, and through some 4D chess, another 4 years of Trump getting all his judges in place will somehow make it happen.

Notice that no one has EVER told the white racists to stop voting for Republicans. Even when they appointed a Black chair to the RNC in 2009, even when Trump made promises like the "Platinum Plan", the white racist wing of the Republican Party never once said, "If you don't stop this Black stuff, we're going to leave." Instead, they've voted even harder and keep getting voting more and more extreme figures into office.

There's only one group of voters who are being told that all of their dreams will be met if they stop participating in the system. And it's not a coincidence that that's the same group who those people have ALWAYS wanted to keep out of the voting booths.
Well stated.
Trump can literally post Nazi memes on Social Media and get no pushback from these idiot both siders. Biden hasn't been perfect but it's obvious a lot of these people aren't being genuine in their criticisms.


May 28, 2012
Tangible plan is black people who stay on code and don't sell out for money or their own best interest infiltrating the party and strategically taking over key positions. Same way the FBI said white supremacist did to law enforcement agencies. That means in politics at the local state, and national level, in the courts, in the police departments, on executive boards, etc. The problem is blacks now who get in positions of power get a taste of the money and change their tune.

People like you want change but don't want to sacrifice anything if its going to affect your bottom line or your comfortable way of life. Hell, you won't even stop using Twitter, buying Teslas when the bigot owner clearly tell you how they feel about you. Real change will take black people keeping their eye on the prize (aka stay on code) and making sacrifices.

On another note, we in a position now that we are having to re-solidify the rights we have now, because the white population is shrinking, and is doing a power grab to hold their positon at the top of the totem pole as long as possible. Thats what you dont understand about the Republican party. Its not about what they are willing to offer for our vote. They dont want the black vote. They want your ass to stay at home and not vote. The goal for them is "14 Words." Look it up if you dont know what it means. Where do you think this whole "White Replacement Theory" came from?
So...your "answer" is create a secret cabal of Black politicians to infiltrate the DNC?


Most of the dudes talking about tangibles just use it as an excuse for why they don't vote.
Until very recently, I've been talking about voting Cornel West, you Democrat shills said it didn't count since it wasn't your man. Now what?
Well stated.
Trump can literally post Nazi memes on Social Media and get no pushback from these idiot both siders. Biden hasn't been perfect but it's obvious a lot of these people aren't being genuine in their criticisms.
For the billionth time:

They don't ask us for our vote
They haven't had our vote for 60 years and shyt on us with empty promises
They don't pretend to "have our back" :smugbiden: