Roland Martin Afraid Black Women May Join "Bothsides"

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Its odd because the black people i know in real life, know the game. They have beef with democrats but recognize Republicans are active the anti black efforts.

Most of these posters do not strike me as black or interact with black people period.

They're either extremely low-info voters, or straight agents. They incessantly repeat questions that have already been answered, call for policies that have already been put in place, and then move the goalposts to something they already know is literally impossible to provide.

From what I've seen of their posting history, I have a fairly good idea of which ones are merely ignorant and which ones are trying to fool people.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Biden gave $17 billion to HCBUs, $4 billion to Black farmers, aid to black-run small businesses in the covid relief act, banned no knock entries and chokeholds and mandated body cams, eliminated student debt for everyone they could legally do it for, reduced costs for insulin and other prescription drugs, put pressure on states that are underfunding HBCUs, etc.

Is it enough? No, not even close. But you bytch about them not doing anything, then don't pay any attention or acknowledge what they do. What incentive would they have to make positive moves forward if the target population isn't voting and isn't paying attention to what's been done?

The most realistic path forward is to increase the power of Black folk in the Democratic party by voting in primaries at higher levels and running for local office, in order to push the Democrats further towards Black issues both internally and by primarying centrists. Democrats aren't going to move to the left based on general elections because they see the white moderates and old people in the middle as the people who actually show up at the polls consistently, and thus those are the ones whose vote they target.

Exactly, Black people need to be more strategic and push the Dems to adhere to our demands from within.

I think the best most effective way to do so is the reverse migration in which Black folks politically control 5 states in the south.

Imagine if we had 10 senators fighting for "tangibles" for FBA.

Or we could take the AIPAC and dark money route and put more money in the system but that would take the average Black person to be way more politically involved.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
Nobody talking to you but you talking to me:

You: Look at how Biden gave 18 billion to HBCU's
Me: So how much will this actually reduce the average cost of attending HBCU's?
You: You're just bytching on the internet, how dare you actually ask the right questions! 😡😡😡😡

Y'all internet shills boy I swear :dead:

The bottom line is "don't vote" is not getting us closer to our objectives.

Anyone not telling Black people to be MORE politically involved is an agent.

I agree that the Dems are not doing nearly enough directly for the descendants of the slaves but how you counter that is to get more power and influence within politics not relinquish the little that you have.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Exactly, Black people need to be more strategic and push the Dems to adhere to our demands from within.

I think the best most effective way to do so is the reverse migration in which Black folks politically control 5 states in the south.

Imagine if we had 10 senators fighting for "tangibles" for FBA.

Or we could take the AIPAC and dark money route and put more money in the system but that would take the average Black person to be way more politically involved.

I like the idea of reverse migration, the problem being it'll be slow. In the meantime. the biggest move can be made by voting in races where Black votes can have the biggest impact. That means democratic primaries (way less voters than the general and Black folk are a larger % of the electorate), House races (like how Omar, AOC, Pressley, Bowman, Bush, etc. got into office), and state House/Senate races.


Aug 23, 2019
Its funny they keep bringing up this hbcu donation but what about black folks that didnt go to a black college what about us?!?:what:

*Crickets :dead:
I mean yeah they ignore the black people who likely didn't go to college because of the costs and then call the black people who did go to college asking questions about how this funding will help reduce costs agents.

"You tried to deflect from $17 billion in good money to help the Black community by asking for something you knew was impossible."

Asking for how much this money will help reduce costs is an impossible ask and me attempting to deflect. Me asking about and being concerned about the affordability of HBCUs is deflection. :dead:

Nah clown, you just aren't a focused person.

Voice of Reason

Jan 7, 2016
I mean yeah they ignore the black people who likely didn't go to college because of the costs and then call the black people who did go to college asking questions about how this funding will help reduce costs agents.

It's an unreasonable, goal post shifting impossible

Trump cut Pell grants and took billions from the reserves.

Biden increased Pell grants

Biden seeks $750 Pell Grant increase as shortfall looms.


May 1, 2012
Thread would never have been made if fakkit ass dems passed cash reparations :wow:

Literally would guarantee at least 95% of the black vote for centuries :wow:

Nah lets write blank checks to cacs in ukraine and israel and illegals:wow:
Yeah Dems totally have the power to just write a 10 trillion dollar check to the black community. I mean its absolutely nothing Republicans could do to stop this. The Dems just don't wanna do it. It's as easy as putting pen to a check, but that damn Biden won't do it.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
This is a total lie, they've been doing it repeatedly. :what:

There was just a thread on the Biden Administration giving $17 billion to HBCUs. Helping HBCUs is a method of helping Black folk without having to name Black folk in the actual policy of the law.

When the Republican judges blocked the money for Black farmers because it mentioned race specifically, Biden reissued the money to farmers who could "demonstrate a history of suffering discrimination" - once again, another workaround that doesn't mention race specifically.

The stimulus money disproportionately helped Black folk due to the income targets. Same with a lot of the student loan relief, it disproportionately helped Black students more than White students due to who suffers from student loan debt and the rules around who was eligible for relief (like specifically targeted Pell Grants).

They've been doing the exact shyt you claim they said is impossible. :dead:
The HBCU funding isn't impressive, as its effects aren't guaranteed to trickle down to enough students to even matter. Its cute, but not real student debt relief. I didn't follow the Black farmer issue, so I'll take your word for it. The stimulus money was a joke. Biden promised $2k checks, and only gave out $600. That said, the stimulus packages covers a much larger social and economic issue not worth covering here. Blacks were ultimately harmed more than benefited from them. Student Debt relief remedies were proposed by Dems before Biden took office. He tweeted out "Additionally, we should forgive a minimum of $10,000/person of federal student loans, as proposed by Senator Warren and colleagues" He used different and weak legal authority for his plan and means tested it, insuring it would get killed by the courts. The aggregate of student debt relief Biden put forward is a joke compared to the actual policy proposed and drafted by members of his own party.

But Biden DID reduce penalties for drug offenses, put federal bans on no-knock warrants and chokeholds, fight for raising the wage (he didn't have the votes, but dems across the country have done it in individual states), expanded access to health care in a way that disproportionately helped Black folk. Literally all the things you're asking for, just not far enough.

If you claim he did "nothing", then ask for the exact shyt that's being done, why take you seriously?
The war on drugs targeted young Black males between the ages of 16 - 25 for 50+ years. It has caused the greatest harm to the Black community outside of Jim Crow laws and Slavery. The War on Drugs is a woefully failed experiment with no positive metrics to justify its ongoing existence. The vast majority of No-knock warrants and chokeholds don't come from federal agents but local and state law enforcement. So the ban is just window dressing. As I stated earlier, the federal minimum wage hike was voted out of the Reconciliation bill by Dems, not Republicans. Bidens own home state Senators voted against it. Biden campaigned on a "Public Option" for National Healthcare. Has he even mentioned it during his term? You only have to hold Biden up to his own campaign promises to see the joke he is. Bro stop shilling.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
The HBCU funding isn't impressive, as its effects aren't guaranteed to trickle down to enough students to even matter. Its cute, but not real student debt relief.

Breh, that funding literally included $4 billion in real student debt relief. And the other money was very specifically allotted, so why claim it doesn't matter?

The exact ways the funding were distributed are given right here:

I didn't follow the Black farmer issue, so I'll take your word for it.

Which means you'll ignore it and change the subject.

The stimulus money was a joke. Biden promised $2k checks, and only gave out $600.

Why are you blatantly lying?

Trump is the one who only signed off on $600, Biden promised to add $1400 to that so it would be a total of $2000, and that's exactly what he did.

That said, the stimulus packages covers a much larger social and economic issue not worth covering here. Blacks were ultimately harmed more than benefited from them.

"Biden should have given more in stimulus, and also stimulus is bad." :laff:

Student Debt relief remedies were proposed by Dems before Biden took office. He tweeted out "Additionally, we should forgive a minimum of $10,000/person of federal student loans, as proposed by Senator Warren and colleagues" He used different and weak legal authority for his plan and means tested it, insuring it would get killed by the courts. The aggregate of student debt relief Biden put forward is a joke compared to the actual policy proposed and drafted by members of his own party.

So Biden has given over $150 billion in student debt relief, but that doesn't count because he tried to give even more and the courts blocked it?

The war on drugs targeted young Black males between the ages of 16 - 25 for 50+ years. It has caused the greatest harm to the Black community outside of Jim Crow laws and Slavery. The War on Drugs is a woefully failed experiment with no positive metrics to justify its ongoing existence.

I agree. And which party has been repealing War on Drug laws for 15 years? Which party reduced the crack penalties and legalized marijuana? Which party keeps reducing sentences and calling for more reductions? Which party instead has repeatedly tried to double down on the "tough on crime" bullshyt even now?

The vast majority of No-knock warrants and chokeholds don't come from federal agents but local and state law enforcement. So the ban is just window dressing.

:mjlol: Once again dismissing Biden doing something he has control over while complaining about something he has no control over.

As I stated earlier, the federal minimum wage hike was voted out of the Reconciliation bill by Dems, not Republicans.

And you lied. It needed 60 votes to go through, they had 43 Democrat votes and 0 Republicans.

But instead of saying, "Let's vote out the Republicans and conservative Democrats", you want to vote out the Democrats who supported it.

Biden campaigned on a "Public Option" for National Healthcare. Has he even mentioned it during his term? You only have to hold Biden up to his own campaign promises to see the joke he is. Bro stop shilling.

It's disappointing that he hasn't followed through on public option, but there's been a MASSIVE follow-through on the reduction of drug prices. The administration pulled of the reduction in insulin prices and the Medicare negotiations with drug companies that people have been asking for for 30 years and no one had managed to institute. You keep ignoring everything he's actually done, so what incentive are you giving him to keep doing it?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
Notice one of the easiest ways to identify the agents - they're dapping each other up no matter what they complain about. Even when one of them pushes blatant misinformation or contradict each other, not once in the thread will you see them disagree or correct each other. They aren't actually looking for answers or incorporating new information, they're just fighting for a team. And they know they're on the same team so long as they're pushing "Black people don't vote" by any means possible.


Aug 23, 2019
Notice one of the easiest ways to identify the agents - they're dapping each other up no matter what they complain about. Even when one of them pushes blatant misinformation or contradict each other, not once in the thread will you see them disagree or correct each other. They aren't actually looking for answers or incorporating new information, they're just fighting for a team. And they know they're on the same team so long as they're pushing "Black people don't vote" by any means possible.

People on a niche hip hop message board of about 2000 active users are disagreeing with me and agreeing with each other, they must be agents! :gladbron:

The ineffective strike again and they be in think tanks confused as all hell about why they can't get new voters to listen to them. :wow:

Detroit Wave

Feb 9, 2014
The D
Yeah Dems totally have the power to just write a 10 trillion dollar check to the black community. I mean its absolutely nothing Republicans could do to stop this. The Dems just don't wanna do it. It's as easy as putting pen to a check, but that damn Biden won't do it.
America has the bread. Thats an inarguable fact.

They had a majority in congress then squandered it.

Republicacs would try to tie it up in the supreme court but legal precedent from japanese interment camp reparations would kill their case.

Boom all three branches of govt covered:umad:

The window was open and democacs ignored it


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Notice one of the easiest ways to identify the agents - they're dapping each other up no matter what they complain about. Even when one of them pushes blatant misinformation or contradict each other, not once in the thread will you see them disagree or correct each other. They aren't actually looking for answers or incorporating new information, they're just fighting for a team. And they know they're on the same team so long as they're pushing "Black people don't vote" by any means possible.

When you claim the people who disagree with you are agents you look suspect. If you cant refute the information dont be mad about it. The dems are weak asf and only fought for their pockets to get fat. The average citizen gets fukked over but vote harder maybe next time right???:dead:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
When you claim the people who disagree with you are agents you look suspect. If you cant refute the information dont be mad about it.

You're talking to yourself, YOU are the one who can't refute anything I say so you're blabbing about the name-calling instead.

I already refuted the arguments in detail and everyone can see it. Why haven't you responded to those?

Personally, I don't think you're an agent, from what I've seen of your other posting I think you're just too poorly informed and illogical to know any better. The other two guys I was communicating with are the agents and you're just a useful idiot to them.

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
This is a total lie, they've been doing it repeatedly. :what:

There was just a thread on the Biden Administration giving $17 billion to HBCUs. Helping HBCUs is a method of helping Black folk without having to name Black folk in the actual policy of the law.

When the Republican judges blocked the money for Black farmers because it mentioned race specifically, Biden reissued the money to farmers who could "demonstrate a history of suffering discrimination" - once again, another workaround that doesn't mention race specifically.

The stimulus money disproportionately helped Black folk due to the income targets. Same with a lot of the student loan relief, it disproportionately helped Black students more than White students due to who suffers from student loan debt and the rules around who was eligible for relief (like specifically targeted Pell Grants).

They've been doing the exact shyt you claim they said is impossible. :dead:

Other ones I missed that were caught by @Voice of Reason :

$9 billion extra from the treasury to fund community development banks and minority deposit institutions

$10.3 billion extra from HUD for housing and community development activities

$8.7 billion extra for small and minority-owned businesses

Notice that when @Voice of Reason made the thread about those programs, the EXACT same posters running interference in here were in that thread too. In that thread, they were using other excuses to dismiss those programs. But now, they're trying to claim those programs don't exist.

That's why I don't trust those posters at all. They keep changing their arguments depending on the information, but they never change their position. "Don't vote Black people!" is the only unifying thread to their logic.