Roland Martin Afraid Black Women May Join "Bothsides"


Aug 23, 2019
Exactly. It's the way to literally make shyt happen. As opposed to the poster above you, who is literally just bytching on the internet.
Nobody talking to you but you talking to me:

You: Look at how Biden gave 18 billion to HBCU's
Me: So how much will this actually reduce the average cost of attending HBCU's?
You: You're just bytching on the internet, how dare you actually ask the right questions! 😡😡😡😡

Y'all internet shills boy I swear :dead:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
I salute this line of thinking:salute:. It's the one shared by the average every day person, and it's the mentality that has created the political climate we're in today. Keep that status quo going my guy.

I gave you the strategy by which policies have actually changed in real time. :heh:

You yourself already ADMITTED that Biden has moved to the left on student loans. He's also moved to the left on mass incarceration, policing, banking, and environmental issues. All that movement to the left occurred because we put Obama over Clinton in 2008, because Sanders put heavy pressure on Clinton in 2016 (would have been even better if he won), because AOC, Omar, Pressley, Tlaib, Bowman, Bush, Casar, Lee, and Ramirez unseated establishment Dems in 2018-2022, and because Sanders put pressure on establishment candidates again in 2019-2020 (would have been better if he won).

Meanwhile, your entire response was to complain about three things that literally CAN'T be changed by the president, and suggest that's why you won't vote for him. The president can't determine tuition at HBCU's, he can't control commodity prices, and he can't change what already happened in the 1990s. But he CAN give students billions so they can pay for tuition, he CAN give people a stimulus so they can pay for commodities, and he CAN reverse the policies that were wrongly instituted in the 1990s.

The fact that you dismiss the 2nd list of things a president can do, and instead ask for things literally impossible for him to do, makes you look like an agent.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Your point about the War on Drugs, redlining etc is exactly the point some of us who are actually serious about accomplishing things under our our system of government and not role-playing as damn smart-dumb militants try to get yall to understand.

These policies were not "specific" to anyone. It would be literally unconstitutional to enact a crime bill that is specifically and explicitly targeted towards black people. But it was obvious what it was all about. But if Democrats pass laws that don't reach this unconstitutional golden standard of "specifically for black American ADOS" but is largely beneficial to us, yall say it don't count.

You CANNOT write laws the way yall think you can force and "demand" Democrats to do. Even if they did it would just fail and be an embarrassment. Not even the damn Civil Rights Act is "specific" to any particular race despite its background. If black folks settled for nothing less than "tangible pay checks" and something "specific to us and only us" it wouldn't have passesld. When Democrats tried to do something "specifically" for Pell grants recipients in Bidens student loan relief bill it was taken to court and struck down by conservative activists under the argument of being "discriminating towards whites" because they knew Pell Grant recipients are largely black. But yall think reparations is just a matter "Democrats" with no consideration whatsoever for public and legal opposition. Opposition that Trump has solidified into our courts and into our public discourse in less than 4 years.
This is classic cognitive dissonance. The fearmongering is that Republicans will create laws or are actively creating laws that don't name Blacks specifically, but consequentially directly target Blacks negatively. Yet, when we ask or demand for laws from Democrats that target Blacks positively, without specifically naming Blacks, that somehow can't be done. "It doesn't work like that", "It requires strategy", "Y'all need to vote harder", "Y'all need to wait.", etc.

Ending the war on drugs, raising the federal minimum wage, nationalized healthcare, an $80k retirement account by age 18 in lieu of Social Security, etc are all non-race specific policies that would greatly enhance the lives of Black people. What are Dems doing about these? Nothing. Blacks aren't mad because Dems aren't doing things a certain way, but aren't really doing anything.


All Star
Mar 11, 2022
Breh, I already pointed out to you that the Equal Protection Clause wasn't interpreted that way until the Civil Rights Movement. I have no idea why you're talking about shyt from the 1940s as if that's going to change how right-wing justices rule in 2024.
First I stated that Redlining was a law. Then you say it wasn't, but when I point out how it was, you then imply that the law was justified in that era. What are you saying?

The classic "Framers Intent" argument used by even the most ultra-conservative judges is that the constitution was written by racist men, but crafted to be greater than the men who wrote it. The freedoms it claimed men were suppose to possess (Self evident truths) weren't limited to the racial views of the day it was written. Its also their argument against claims that the constitution was a "Pro Slavery Document". Thus the arguments used to sway opinion on the Equal Protections Clauses can be used to justify restitution for damages from what now are interpreted as unconstitutional laws/policies.

Redlining existed well into the late 60s. My parents' are clear victims of redlining in Detroit and my mother still lives and owns her home that she was limited to purchasing. Its now in a heavily depressed real estate area. Its as much a economic and property issue as it is a race based one. The trick is to make you believe all these economic issues are race based. Thus the framing exist for legislation that makes it nearly impossible for a judge to claim its race-based, especially given the number of Black Americans who wouldn't qualify due to their foreign heritage. Ultimately, you need a political party willing to push it through Reconciliation when they gain house majorities. Which is what this thread is really about. Its not what Dems can't do, but what Dems won't do.


Aug 23, 2019
I gave you the strategy by which policies have actually changed in real time. :heh:

You yourself already ADMITTED that Biden has moved to the left on student loans. He's also moved to the left on mass incarceration, policing, banking, and environmental issues. All that movement to the left occurred because we put Obama over Clinton in 2008, because Sanders put heavy pressure on Clinton in 2016 (would have been even better if he won), because AOC, Omar, Pressley, Tlaib, Bowman, Bush, Casar, Lee, and Ramirez unseated establishment Dems in 2018, and because Sanders put pressure on establishment candidates again in 2019-2020 (would have been better if he won).

Meanwhile, your entire response to was to complain about three things that literally CAN'T be changed by the president, and suggest that's why you won't vote for him. The president can't determine tuition at HBCU's, he can't control commodity prices, and he can't change what already happened in the 1990s. But he CAN give students billions so they can pay for tuition, he CAN give people a stimulus so they can pay for commodities, and he CAN reverse the policies that were wrongly instituted in the 1990s.

The fact that you dismiss the 2nd list of things a president can do, and instead ask for things literally impossible for him to do, makes you look like an agent.

Bro, I saluted your line of thinking. It's literally the same brand of politics my Boomer parents, Gen X older cousins and Millennial peers practice that has put the black collective into the political position it is in today.

Y'all keep up the good work, the black collective is in an excellent position after practicing this brand of politics going on decade number 5 post civil rights now and our collective net worths reflect this and are on the up and up. Rising tides lift all boats, incremental progress, no progress like slow progress, I get it. I can look at any economic chart and see the progress this brand of politics has generated and smile. Y'all got it.:salute:
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Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
First I stated that Redlining was a law. Then you say it wasn't, but when I point out how it was, you then imply that the law was justified in that era. What are you saying?

It was not a law, dumbass, stop lying. It was an internal policy. :comeon:

And I didn't say it was "justified", I said that the right-wing judges who are blocking race-based laws in 2024 didn't give a shyt about blocking race-based laws before the 1960s.

How fukking disingenuous can you get?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
This is classic cognitive dissonance. The fearmongering is that Republicans will create laws or are actively creating laws that don't name Blacks specifically, but consequentially directly target Blacks negatively. Yet, when we ask or demand for laws from Democrats that target Blacks positively, without specifically naming Blacks, that somehow can't be done.

This is a total lie, they've been doing it repeatedly. :what:

There was just a thread on the Biden Administration giving $17 billion to HBCUs. Helping HBCUs is a method of helping Black folk without having to name Black folk in the actual policy of the law.

When the Republican judges blocked the money for Black farmers because it mentioned race specifically, Biden reissued the money to farmers who could "demonstrate a history of suffering discrimination" - once again, another workaround that doesn't mention race specifically.

The stimulus money disproportionately helped Black folk due to the income targets. Same with a lot of the student loan relief, it disproportionately helped Black students more than White students due to who suffers from student loan debt and the rules around who was eligible for relief (like specifically targeted Pell Grants).

They've been doing the exact shyt you claim they said is impossible. :dead:

Ending the war on drugs, raising the federal minimum wage, nationalized healthcare, an $80k retirement account by age 18 in lieu of Social Security, etc are all non-race specific policies that would greatly enhance the lives of Black people. What are Dems doing about these? Nothing. Blacks aren't mad because Dems aren't doing things a certain way, but aren't really doing anything.

But Biden DID reduce penalties for drug offenses, put federal bans on no-knock warrants and chokeholds, fight for raising the wage (he didn't have the votes, but dems across the country have done it in individual states), expanded access to health care in a way that disproportionately helped Black folk. Literally all the things you're asking for, just not far enough.

If you claim he did "nothing", then ask for the exact shyt that's being done, why take you seriously?

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether


Aug 23, 2019
Hey guys. Aren't y'all happy that Biden donated HBCU's 18 billion so that your children can have the privilege of paying 80,000 a year to go to Howard one day?

Don't you dare ask about the government working with schools to get that tuition lowered tho. Don't you dare use that as any kind of metric of success and use that as your criteria. He gave them 18 billion, be happy your pockets be damned! All y'all do is bytch online, the real progress is made by



The charts absolutely reflect this!

Idiots :mjlol:

Professor Emeritus

Poster of the Year
Jan 5, 2015
the ether
@Professor Emeritus killed all the bullshyt.

If you have a retort after his posts, you are either disingenuous or plain stupid

You see it. Every single comment this poster has made has been blatant disingenuous attempt to avoid discussing actual policies and change.

You: Look at how Biden gave 18 billion to HBCU's
Me: So how much will this actually reduce the average cost of attending HBCU's?
You: You're just bytching on the internet, how dare you actually ask the right questions! 😡😡😡😡

Y'all internet shills boy I swear :dead:

The president can't determine HBCU tuition charges They are not federal institutions. What part of that don't you understand?

However, what he CAN do is provide billions in debt relief for HCBUs so they can have an easier time meeting their budget, and provide billions of dollars in grants to HBCU students so they can easier pay tuition. And he did both those things. It's literally impossible to predict how that will impact price of HBCU education for the average student, because you can't predict the other decisions the institutions will make or other financial pressures that will be on them.

You tried to deflect from $17 billion in good money to help the Black community by asking for something you knew was impossible.


Aug 23, 2019

The president can't determine HBCU prices. They are not federal institutions. What part of that don't you understand?

However, what he CAN do is provide billions in debt relief for HCBUs so they can have an easier time meeting their budget, and provide billions of dollars in grants to HBCU students so they can easier pay tuition. And he did both those things. It's literally impossible to predict how that will impact price of HBCU education for the average student, because you can't predict the other decisions the institutions will make or other financial pressures that will be on them.

You tried to deflect from $17 billion in good money to help the Black community by asking for something you knew was impossible.
Bro you brought giving money to HBCU's into the picture as if this is supposed to move me off top.

I asked what that number you through out there would do to lower the costs of attending HBCU's because that is what would move me and that is what I care about and you been spiraling ever since.

This is exactly why your brand of politics has 5 decades of ineffectiveness behind it. But keep on fighting the good fight breh. You out there being ineffective as hell, but at least you're out there with the other 10's of millions of bluenomatterwho politically active black folks putting us into better positions that we can't exactly quantify with any kind of empirical evidence but I'm sure we're in. :salute:


The Fire Rises 2023
Feb 2, 2014
Hey guys. Aren't y'all happy that Biden donated HBCU's 18 billion so that your children can have the privilege of paying 80,000 a year to go to Howard one day?

Don't you dare ask about the government working with schools to get that tuition lowered tho. Don't you dare use that as any kind of metric of success and use that as your criteria. He gave them 18 billion, be happy your pockets be damned! All y'all do is bytch online, the real progress is made by



The charts absolutely reflect this!

Idiots :mjlol:

Its funny they keep bringing up this hbcu donation but what about black folks that didnt go to a black college what about us?!?:what:

*Crickets :dead:


Sep 15, 2014
You see it. Every single comment this poster has made has been blatant disingenuous attempt to avoid discussing actual policies and change.

Its odd because the black people i know in real life, know the game. They have beef with democrats but recognize Republicans are active the anti black efforts.

Most of these posters do not strike me as black or interact with black people period.