It did start off slow. The characters aren't really that interesting,
My sentiments exactly while at the movies this evening. I was actually getting sleepy, thought it was just me.
Also, I just couldn't connect to any of the characters, save the two Asians, even tho blue eyes on Asians in real life, film, even cartoons is VISUALLY the most annoying thing ever to me no matter what, no race baiting, just said it because it's in the movie and kept the character from being 100% perfect for me personally cuz it was distracting, but 99% for blind dude is good enuf.
Forest was dope, except for some reason his character came across as a dope Star Trek character in a Star Wars movie.
Plus, Im tired of so many characters having BREATHING problems, sh!t was even annoying on Grievious having him sound like a "west indian" with asthma, leave that sh!t to Vader, please no more breathing problems, breathing enhancements, whatever, anybody else ever again in anything to do with Star Wars.
Anybody notice that they gave Vader's eye lenses a very subtle slant when they first showed him, trying to make him more sinister lookin, like NOBODY would notice, save that 4 the old school promo posters, comics and vid games and gifs. Plus his quip when dude asked about the Emperor was corny, no more Vader jokes, cuz the originals were classic. "Apology accepted" in Empire never stops being funny, ever
Of course, the way he slaughtered those hoes at the end was pricless and instantly classic, that part was executed perfectly, they were banging on those doors screaming for help so hard and terrified it reminded me of Aliens when scumbag tried to lock Sigourney and da lil girl in the room with the alien

Plus they did his movements and speed perfect, was afraid they would speed him up, so props 4 that.
That 2 second pose they had Vader strike with his light sabre as the rebels were haulin ass was wack tho, save that for a Star Wars calendar or deck of cards.
Another white super girl kickin ass and takin names was just

, I give no fux who she was, however I was kinda moved when she died tbh.
I just hated Rey so much in Episode 7, I couldn't take it. Once she told HAN SOLO which button to push in the MILLENNIUM FALCON I hated her fukkin guts so bad I wanted her to get sodomized by Kylo Ren screaming and crying for Finn's help, then taken to Snoke to get sodomized again while screaming and crying for Finn and Han's help. I mean at least this chick was HUMAN, I know if it wasn't for Rey, homegirl in Rogue wouldn't have been on my radar like that, I mean she was humbled by that choke slam in the begining. Just

Anyway back to Rogue, good points, I LOVED the seriousness of this movie, the tone was dead serious.
Also as somebody pointed out this was like a straight up war, props 4 that as well
U know what I did feel some type of way when the droid/robot or whatever made that sacrifice play, so I guess I did connect with some characters.
The storyline itself with the father being the ultimate secret agent was ill as fukk, I don't know if I ever seen any undercover character in any movie be that convincing, the way he actually SPED UP the count for the troops to shoot everybody to smoke out the snitch and then had the rest of the suspects shot super quick anyway was classic as well.
Feel niccas need to chill with the Tarken CGI, if I hadn't seen the movie I'd think it was SyFy channel CGI quality or some sh!t, it honestly was cool to me, I just think since everybody already knew the actor was dead it subconsciously had peeps analyzing CGI details on steroids. Wasn't that serious, it didn't RUIN the movie, cot dam

calm down on Tarkin, da fuk, they had the lights dim on some of his parts, I understand the point of why not just cast someone else, but they didn't, end of story, at least I admit my biased, CGI will never be 100%...becuz it's CGI, the quality was cool. Wow
Glad they didn't show a lot of Vader, as well as not showing Palpatine at all. Props.
doing a Rise of Vader movie SOUNDS GREAT... but do you really trust anyone to do it right, honestly??? U really wanna risk the nikka Vader's legacy like that, just read the book.
We hit the lottery with the Vader slaughter in this, hit the lotto in Revenge of the Sith showing how he became Vader, and hit the lotto wit Kylo wanting to BE Vader in Force Awakens. Matter fact the only thing Rey did that was good was shout out Vader's power in Episode 7, other than that, that 100% instantly good at everything headstrong perfect b!tch needs to get fisted in the ass with Luke's metal hand in Episode 8, but I digress with my bias against her perfection.
Bottom line, leave Vader alone.
Rogue >>> Force Awakens.
Movie started slow as fukk but "prepare a boarding party" paid 4 all of our tickets.
Be happy Forest didn't c00n out.
Aside from that they shoulda left anything Skyywalker at 1-6 anyway 4real 4real and brought the Darth Bane story to the big screen