Robin Thicke's Black Son

May 16, 2012
I understand your fear of us losing political power but socially, culturally, we are and will continue take bigger losses by lying and pretending that differences don't exist.

I'm now beginning to think that most of the people commenting on this thread are NOT black. How can any black person in America make the argument that light skin/multiracial folks shouldn't be considered one of us anymore. Is there a single black person in America that doesn't have light skin members in their family? My family has every color of black imaginable and there are no white people in there. Maybe you can claim it happened in the past but it doesn't matter now because we all are part of the same family. Remember it was white people that rejected their own children during slavery. After raping their black slaves, they would routinely sell their own children off as property. Are you now claiming we start disowning our own family and kids because they don't look exactly like us? Maybe this is easy for white people to do. But it ain't part of the culture I grew up in.

no Blackness is purely genetic, biological, and skin complexion

Black is a color

It has nothing to do with culture and consciousness

You guys are just trying to redefine Blackness to include non-Blacks in the category who don't meet the biological qualifications. That is your agenda. Just admit it.

Race (as we know it) is nothing more than a social construct. Genetics tells us that Africa is the most diverse continent with "black" people in that continent being more different from one another than some of them are from white people. The San Bushmen of South Africa (who Nelson Mandela is from) are very different from the Bantu (which are the people most black folk in America are descended from). Is Nelson Mandela not "black" because he's part Bushmen and they have yellow skin and chinky eyes like Asians? There are the people in places like Papua New Guinea who look indistinguishable from West Africans (same wide noses, black skin, and kinky hair) yet are genetically most similar to East Asians like the Japanese and Chinese. Do you consider the people of Papua New Guinea Asian or black? Or how about the natives from the Andaman Islands off the court of India? They are the blackest people on earth with the kinkiest hair yet they are most genetically similar to the Indians. Are they also not "black"? I'll tell you this if they were walking down the street with Trayvon, George Zimmerman woulda shot them both. I could go on and on. What we know as race isn't scientific or biological, its social. We created it. To act like its being an affront on biology or science for light skin or mixed people to be considered black just shows are ignorant, stupid, and even racist all ya'll nikkas are.

You can't redefine hundreds of years of social construction with bullshyt logic and misapplied science. The only thing science can tell about race is that it DOES NOT EXIST. It only exists because we choose for it to exist. Every human being on planet earth is descended from the same common ancestor who existed 150,000 years ago. That means every human on earth is more similar than most chimps in Uganda are to one another. If chimps in Uganda who are separated by more than 150,000 years aren't scientifically classified as different races then neither are humans.
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All Star
Mar 27, 2013
It's not matter of disowning your family it's about acknowledging that a white person and a black person make biracial children period, why would you disown your biracial family members? What is wrong with acknowledging the fact that European blood does have an effect on someone's phenotype?

It's a damn lie to say individuals who are 50 to 60% Sub-Saharan Africa are an accurate representative of Black race. As diverse as Black people are most Black people do not look like Halle berry or Vanessa Williams, Halle berry would stand out in MOST Majority Black countries as a mixed raced or colored individual and NO she would not pass as Ethiopian or a San Bushman or a Fulani. she is a blend of African and European mixture period.

It seems the proponents of mixed race= black are posters that have a preference for mixed race features but do not want to be considered self-hating or w.e hence why they are trying to shove the Halle Berries to the forefront of the Black race

Interestingly enough Swagnificent’s latest thread is about Dark skin women not being beautiful on average, very interesting considering that the average Black women is dark skin, sad. I guess this is the reason why he wants to push light skin women and biracial women , trying to "beautify" the race
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custom user title
May 9, 2012
How can any black person in America make the argument that light skin/multiracial folks shouldn't be considered one of us anymore.

If people are "one of us" then they get to represent us, speak for us, portray us, etc. etc.

You don't have a problem with someone that is bi-racial, multiracial, light skin representing the whole?

Swagnificent said:
Race (as we know it) is nothing more than a social construct.

Race is a construct

But color is not and people come in different skin colors or complexions that distinguish themselves from one another.

Swagnificent said:
To act like its being an affront on biology or science for light skin or mixed people to be considered black just shows are ignorant, stupid, and even racist all ya'll nikkas are.

It doesn't make much sense to call someone who is light "black" (dark)

Why are you so insistent on claiming them?


All Star
Mar 27, 2013

My own broad is high yella, :youngsabo:but the difference between her and PP is that she's actually attractive and dont run her mouth to the media about our sex life.

I knew this asswipe would post the blackest nikkas in Africa to prove a point....

Exhibit A, unfortunately for you those "blackest nikkas in Africa" are more representative of the average Black person then your high yella women who probably has an considerable amount of European Blood.


May 7, 2012







custom user title
May 9, 2012
It's not matter of disowning your family it's about acknowledging that a white person and a black person make biracial children period, why would you disown your biracial family members? What is wrong with acknowledging the fact that European blood does have an effect on someone's phenotype?

It's a damn lie to say individuals who are 50 to 60% Sub-Saharan Africa are an accurate representative of Black race. As diverse as Black people are most Black people do not look like Halle berry or Vanessa Williams, Halle berry would stand out in MOST Majority Black countries as a mixed raced or colored individual and NO she would not pass as Ethiopian or a San Bushman or a Fulani. she is a blend of African and European mixture period.

It seems the proponents of mixed race= black are posters that have a preference for mixed race features but do not want to be considered self-hating or w.e hence why they are trying to shove the Halle Berries to the forefront of the Black race

Interestingly enough Swagnificent’s latest thread is about Dark skin women not being beautiful on average, very interesting considering that the average Black women is dark skin, sad. I guess this is the reason why he wants to push light skin women and biracial women , trying to "beautify" the race

You got it.

A lot of them have disdain for what the typical/average Black women looks like. They want to jump the fence without being known or labelled as "fence jumpers"

Also, many of them have an inferiority complex but are in denial.


Long time lurker
Nov 13, 2012
Anotherigrl is living in her own fantasy land to think that her kids will come out with white features especially if she's not at least half white herself.

For the most part half black half white kids usually come out brown skinned with curly hair but you'll still be able to tell that they're part black.

lol @ her bringing up that she's preggo(probably duck tales just to piss black guys off).

I can't believe people are out here experimenting races just to make mixed kids.

These are human beings we''re talking about, not pokemon.


Long time lurker
Nov 13, 2012
I'm willing to bet anothergirl's boyfriend/husband is one of those weird ugly looking white dudes.

Most good looking white dudes i know would never consider dating a black girl or mating with them.

I'm curious to see how her mate looks like.

And i'm pretty sure she's trolling about her pregnancy.

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
I'm now beginning to think that most of the people commenting on this thread are NOT black. How can any black person in America make the argument that light skin/multiracial folks shouldn't be considered one of us anymore. Is there a single black person in America that doesn't have light skin members in their family? My family has every color of black imaginable and there are no white people in there. Maybe you can claim it happened in the past but it doesn't matter now because we all are part of the same family. Remember it was white people that rejected their own children during slavery. After raping their black slaves, they would routinely sell their own children off as property. Are you now claiming we start disowning our own family and kids because they don't look exactly like us? Maybe this is easy for white people to do. But it ain't part of the culture I grew up in.

Race (as we know it) is nothing more than a social construct. Genetics tells us that Africa is the most diverse continent with "black" people in that continent being more different from one another than some of them are from white people. The San Bushmen of South Africa (who Nelson Mandela is from) are very different from the Bantu (which are the people most black folk in America are descended from). Is Nelson Mandela not "black" because he's part Bushmen and they have yellow skin and chinky eyes like Asians? There are the people in places like Papua New Guinea who look indistinguishable from West Africans (same wide noses, black skin, and kinky hair) yet are genetically most similar to East Asians like the Japanese and Chinese. Do you consider the people of Papua New Guinea Asian or black? Or how about the natives from the Andaman Islands off the court of India? They are the blackest people on earth with the kinkiest hair yet they are most genetically similar to the Indians. Are they also not "black"? I'll tell you this if they were walking down the street with Trayvon, George Zimmerman woulda shot them both. I could go on and on. What we know as race isn't scientific or biological, its social. We created it. To act like its being an affront on biology or science for light skin or mixed people to be considered black just shows are ignorant, stupid, and even racist all ya'll nikkas are.

You can't redefine hundreds of years of social construction with bullshyt logic and misapplied science. The only thing science can tell about race is that it DOES NOT EXIST. It only exists because we choose for it to exist. Every human being on planet earth is descended from the same common ancestor who existed 150,000 years ago. That means every human on earth is more similar than most chimps in Uganda are to one another. If chimps in Uganda who are separated by more than 150,000 years aren't scientifically classified as different races then neither are humans.
:heh: Tell em breh

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
People on here honestly believe that a white womb/seed can produce Black children lol? Biracial and quadroon children are not interachangable with Black children!
Tell that to the next black woman who wants to claim Halle Berry as a black women when they bring up her cac pets. Didn't you remember she swore up and down she is black?

Lol at how quickly black people forget :heh:
May 16, 2012
It's not matter of disowning your family it's about acknowledging that a white person and a black person make biracial children period, why would you disown your biracial family members? What is wrong with acknowledging the fact that European blood does have an effect on someone's phenotype?

It's a damn lie to say individuals who are 50 to 60% Sub-Saharan Africa are an accurate representative of Black race. As diverse as Black people are most Black people do not look like Halle berry or Vanessa Williams, Halle berry would stand out in MOST Majority Black countries as a mixed raced or colored individual and NO she would not pass as Ethiopian or a San Bushman or a Fulani. she is a blend of African and European mixture period.

It seems the proponents of mixed race= black are posters that have a preference for mixed race features but do not want to be considered self-hating or w.e hence why they are trying to shove the Halle Berries to the forefront of the Black race

Interestingly enough Swagnificent’s latest thread is about Dark skin women not being beautiful on average, very interesting considering that the average Black women is dark skin, sad. I guess this is the reason why he wants to push light skin women and biracial women , trying to "beautify" the race

Who are you to say what is an accurate representation of the black race? Has there been a census done on what the average black person looks like? How would such a study even be made? It would fail before it even begins because it would start with a bias on what a "real" black person looks like. All I know is that black people are diverse and come in many different shades EVEN WITHOUT ANY ADMIXTURE. Its FALSE to say that light skin Igbo or Fulani girls are descended from some other people. Halle Berry would not look out of place in Ethiopia. Stop lying. There are many women with her features in both East and West Africa.

And my thread was about dark skin black women being the most beautiful women PERIOD. In terms of aggregate MOST women regardless of race are ugly IMO. My thread only said that in the world of dimes, dark skin chicks are the best looking. I just haven't run into as many as there are when it comes to light skin dimes. I'm guessing the more I travel in places like Africa, the more I'll see dark skin dimes in the same proportions as there are light skin dimes. Stop putting words in my mouth bytch.

Benjamin Sisko

Still that resident truth-bringer
May 29, 2013
Exhibit A, unfortunately for you those "blackest nikkas in Africa" are more representative of the average Black person then your high yella women who probably has an considerable amount of European Blood.
Exhibit C:
This poster comes up with this conclusion based on her overall ignorance of the Africwn continent and its people whichis probably based on what "she" sees on the BBC. She also throws this one post about my girl to try to further reiterate whst she is saying but she utterly fails because it has no basis to the subject at hand.



All Star
Mar 27, 2013
Who are you to say what is an accurate representation of the black race? Has there been a census done on what the average black person looks like? How would such a study even be made? It would fail before it even begins because it would start with a bias on what a "real" black person looks like. All I know is that black people are diverse and come in many different shades EVEN WITHOUT ANY ADMIXTURE. Its FALSE to say that light skin Igbo or Fulani girls are descended from some other people. Halle Berry would not look out of place in Ethiopia. Stop lying. There are many women with her features in both East and West Africa.

You can't be this stupid the Average Black people would be a Dark skin Sub-Saharan African based on shear numbers and proportions.

Yes Black people do come in many shades but the 99% are within the caramel brown to dark brown range, even the majority of Igbos and Fulani and Ethiopians are within this range they just have a higher frequency of caramel brown tones, any high yellow/ mixed raced individual would stand out period. MAJORITY OF WOMEN IN EAST, WEST AND SOUTHERN AFRICA DO NOT LOOK LIKE HALLE BERRY AND INSINUATING THIS IS INSULTING!

And my thread was about dark skin black women being the most beautiful women PERIOD. In terms of aggregate MOST women regardless of race are ugly IMO. My thread only said that in the world of dimes, dark skin chicks are the best looking. I just haven't run into as many as there are when it comes to light skin dimes. I'm guessing the more I travel in places like Africa, the more I'll see dark skin dimes in the same proportions as there are light skin dimes. Stop putting words in my mouth bytch.

The title of your thread said it all!