@ trying to school me on some social-political stuff.
First of all it does not get "blacker" the further south you go. Their are BLACK North Africans, that are DARKER then some Africans SOUTH of the Sahara.
Look at the current President of Tunisia (the uppermost country of Africa):
Compare to the wife of the Congolese dictator (right):
Africa is the most DIVERSE continent of the world with the most DIVERSE people in the world.
SECOND: Their are NOT that
many Arabs that even want to be associated with AFRICA, and rather they be called MIDDLE-EASTERN.
It is MORE than just separating from the rest of Africa purely based on political and cultural conditions. It is because
THEY don't want to be associated with BLACK Africa. Tell that to the Arabs who rioted in Libya when Gaddafi invited them to work. Or when they started KILLING Black Libyans in the Civil war.
And yet you claim is just PURELY on geographic and cultural differences
If that is so, then
WHY is it commonly referred as "Black Africa"???