schoolin' these fools in here tryna spin shyt to further their agenda of blackwashing the whole world. they don't realize that does more HARM than good.
no.... the sad part is they know EXACTLY what they're saying and it all comes down to p*ssy. lets make every damn "feature" a black feature so when we lust after nothing but mixes and "barely blacks" we can say "hey, i'm not a c00n they're still technically black" .
it's so intellectually dishonest. i mean people call me c00n up and down on here but at least i have the BALLS to actually admit i perfer white dudes mostly inpart to the way i was socialized growing up. these fukk kneecrows would rather make every other race "potentially black" than admit they don't prefer their OWN. disgusting and why i can't respect them .
You were raised by white folk?
I was raised around white folk, but when i first got a glimpse of a black woman in all her glory, i was like



Now, in my old age, and after my existential phase, i'm unable to pinpoint which race of women i prefer, but rather, the type of human being i want to spend my life with.
Don't pigeonhole yourself by compartmentalizing them most intrinsic aspect of humanity....