You didn't like No Snakes Alive (that was on this EP too before Take Me Too Your Leader)!?!I remember sampling this at tower records. I didn't cop back then but this was the only song I liked.
i forgot it was on the Take Me Too Your Leader. That one's good too.You didn't like No Snakes Alive (that was on this EP too before Take Me Too Your Leader)!?!
Caption is classic Shaun bullshyt... ended his career and ruined his personal life?quote him saying any of that anywhere...
you can't help but insert politics into everything you post. this thread is about DOOM fukk a Shaun King. don't bring no lame political theatre in here that's using him for clout.
find me one quote of DOOM saying out his own mouth his life and career were ruined to support what you just posted here which is someone using his death and legacy for attention. Just post one receipts or keep trash out this thread. let people celebrate a mans legacy without diversions and spectacles.I have posted damn near a dozen posts in here, from music, to him officiating weddings, to his ethnic heritage. I am just posting angles on this story. Stop being a butthurt puussy. We are grown. If not grown, you will be soon.
Still mad I missed out on these when they dropped.
The Doom Nike sb.
Gotta come back and say RIP again
But on the topic of madvillianys influence, is it safe to say nobody was really doing albums with 2 minutes songs with no hooks and just a verse or 2? I've heard that claim back in the day when I started listening to DOOM but I recently heard Talib Kweli say it and I'm like damn he might be right...but I can't think of anyone else
Word word interestingCould argue Slum Village was doing that as well with the Fantastic albums. Obviously, Dilla had a big influence on Madlib when they were crafting Madvillainy.