Reverse Racism: (non gundumb edition)


May 1, 2012
Cracker, just for the record, IS a racist term. It is a derogatory term used to describe someone of a particular race.
" You know, they think that because of who I am and where my politic[al] base has traditionally been, they may want me to go sort of hustle up what Lawton Chiles used to call the 'cracker vote' there." Bill Clinton

I don't think that Clinton was being racist or insulting in that quote, do you?

alright fukkers...cut all the cemantics

"Cracker" may not be associated with oppression and racism like "******" is

But it is most definitely a derogatory term. That isn't even up for debate.
It can be used as a derogatory term or it can just be a neutral term, it depends on the context.

" You know, they think that because of who I am and where my politic[al] base has traditionally been, they may want me to go sort of hustle up what Lawton Chiles used to call the 'cracker vote' there." Bill Clinton


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
it actually means an "english" speaker.
Fuk I had a long ass audit and now a month end closing, but once I catch up on some of this crap here at work i'm be back in on this.

Cracker, just for the record, IS a racist term. It is a derogatory term used to describe someone of a particular race.

I must have missed the post were we re-defined what racism means.
HISTORICALLY cracker and nicaa are not even in the same league, though they are both racist terms.

IF you believe a white person using the term nicca(either -er or -a) makes them a racist than you do yourself a disservice by allowing a pass on anyone who uses a racist term period.

Even in a contextual basis the shyt is wrong.
Def Poetry - Julian Curry - ******s nikkas & nikkaz - YouTube

In the Wikipedia article they are referencing black or caribean people using the term, not whites.

Cracker can be used as a derogatory term but so can "white boy" it all depends on the context in which your speaking.

Is Bill Clinton a racist for using the term cracker, did he mean it in a derogatory manner?

And I don't think using the word nikka makes a white person automaticaly racist. Maybe misinformed, or inconsiderate. But a person is racist no matter what words they use or don't use.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
" You know, they think that because of who I am and where my politic[al] base has traditionally been, they may want me to go sort of hustle up what Lawton Chiles used to call the 'cracker vote' there." Bill Clinton

I don't think that Clinton was being racist or insulting in that quote, do you?

It can be used as a derogatory term or it can just be a neutral term, it depends on the context.

" You know, they think that because of who I am and where my politic[al] base has traditionally been, they may want me to go sort of hustle up what Lawton Chiles used to call the 'cracker vote' there." Bill Clinton
Here's the thing.
The use of the word itself is wrong, period. Bill saying it was wrong and if anything only proof positive that racism has damn near embedded itself into our normal lives to the point where we are literally arguing if racist terms are racist.

I'm sure you saw me saying:
"Well [insert rapper here] says nigca all the time, does that mean nigca is a racist term?" or,
"so if a white person says nigca but means it in an "endearing" way does that mean it's NOT racist"

Like I said, the bottom line is that both terms should not be used period by any civilized person.

:smh: at using a term that was used to degrade a group of people for centuries as an endearing terms.

folks have been bamboozled and don't even recognize it.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
In the Wikipedia article they are referencing black or caribean people using the term, not whites.

Cracker can be used as a derogatory term but so can "white boy" it all depends on the context in which your speaking.

Is Bill Clinton a racist for using the term cracker, did he mean it in a derogatory manner?

And I don't think using the word nikka makes a white person automaticaly racist. Maybe misinformed, or inconsiderate. But a person is racist no matter what words they use or don't use.

I hear where people are coming from on the "context" tip, I really do and while I think it's a dangerous road, an ignorant road and a damaging road I DO understand that argument take note my original "thesis" if you will was to arrive at an understanding that the term "cracker" and other racist terms were in fact racist terms, just like "nigca" is a racist term.

Sounds like most people actually agree with this now.
? (yes/no) ?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
Here's the thing.
The use of the word itself is wrong, period. Bill saying it was wrong and if anything only proof positive that racism has damn near embedded itself into our normal lives to the point where we are literally arguing if racist terms are racist.

I'm sure you saw me saying:
"Well [insert rapper here] says nigca all the time, does that mean nigca is a racist term?" or,
"so if a white person says nigca but means it in an "endearing" way does that mean it's NOT racist"

Like I said, the bottom line is that both terms should not be used period by any civilized person.

:smh: at using a term that was used to degrade a group of people for centuries as an endearing terms.

folks have been bamboozled and don't even recognize it.

If a white person uses nikka in an endearing way it makes them stupid for ignoring the history of the word, not racist

Historically nikka has been used to degrade a group of people. No question about it.

Historically cracker hasn't, yes some people have used it for hate. But the word originated as a stand in for a white person of a certain region.

I dont remember an uproar of white people mad that Clinton used the term. To some it is and has always been a non derogatory term.

You can't compare this to nikka, cause even though we use it as a term of endearment, the word still resurfaces all the feelings of hate and inferiority that was bestowed upon us by racist white people. Those feelings are still there. We chose to accept them and be proud of our ancestors and embrace the legacy of the word but we didn't forget the meaning behind the word.

I agree with you that we should all treat each other with respect. I don't use the word cracker and I don't feel the need to. But this notion that cracker and ****** are somehow equal is insulting to those that were called and treated ******s in the past.


Jun 8, 2012
the main reason why its socially acceptable to be racist against white people

do you know what racism really is? its not calling names.

its the reality of supremacy. black folks dont have supremacy over any group of people. to do so, you have to be in a position of power as a group.
for example. obeezy is the pres. but he cant do nothin without congress(a bunch of white dudes for the most part).

most of the top level armed forces guys are white.

most of all of wallstreet top big wigs are white.

most of the main farm are ran by whites.

most of the top real estate moguls are White.

so what i'm telling you is. lets say obeezy said eff these cracker jacks. and said "its war". obeezy would got shot right then and there by one of his own WHITE secret service guys.

they run the money, they run the food, they run the land, they run the jobs, they run the guns(army). so us little old black folk cant do nothing to a white people in general. there is no supremacy there. therefore there is no RACISM. now we can be mean spirited in saying certain things. we can be slightly unfair in certain instances. but thats about as far as it goes.

white people have to face this reality or live a lie. and living a lie is also being racist. you're not admitting your position in this society vs black people.


May 1, 2012
Here's the thing.
The use of the word itself is wrong, period. Bill saying it was wrong and if anything only proof positive that racism has damn near embedded itself into our normal lives to the point where we are literally arguing if racist terms are racist.
who are you to say the Clinton was wrong there? You're not even white right? You have no idea what you're talking about. I'm quite sure that Bill Clinton is a lot more familiar with the term than you are.

I'm sure you saw me saying:
"Well [insert rapper here] says nigca all the time, does that mean nigca is a racist term?" or,
"so if a white person says nigca but means it in an "endearing" way does that mean it's NOT racist"
for the thousandth time, history is what separates ****** from cracker. No, your example doesnt fly. It is notthe same thing. Without the hundreds of years of racism against blacks associated with the term ******, then it would be a term that anyone can use because it wouldn't be a racist slur.

Like I said, the bottom line is that both terms should not be used period by any civilized person.
You can say this over and over, you're still wrong. When you say this you are making a false equivalence. Bill Clinton was not being racist in the quote that I posted. He was referring to people that he was courting.

:smh: at using a term that was used to degrade a group of people for centuries as an endearing terms.

folks have been bamboozled and don't even recognize it.
So cracker has been used to degrade white people for centuries? Whoever told you that lied to you.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
who are you to say the Clinton was wrong there? You're not even white right? You have no idea what you're talking about. I'm quite sure that Bill Clinton is a lot more familiar with the term than you are.

for the thousandth time, history is what separates ****** from cracker. No, your example doesnt fly. It is notthe same thing. Without the hundreds of years of racism against blacks associated with the term ******, then it would be a term that anyone can use because it wouldn't be a racist slur.

You can say this over and over, you're still wrong. When you say this you are making a false equivalence. Bill Clinton was not being racist in the quote that I posted. He was referring to people that he was courting.

So cracker has been used to degrade white people for centuries? Whoever told you that lied to you.
first the last term i was referring to was nicga not cracker.
Secondly, history does not justify the usage of a racist term. YOU might not see it as a racist term, that does not mean it's not racist.

Clinton did catch blow back for that by the way. IF obama comes out and says, "i need to work my nigca vote" how do you suppose that'll come off? Even if he means it lovingly.

Apparently there is some deficiency in reading going on here.
i said
The use of the word itself is wrong
cracker, like it or not, is a term (based on race) that is used in a derogatory manner (especially in HL).

I don't particularly remember no see where I said Bill was a racist.

I don't have to be white to know cracker is a racist term, just like I don't have to be black to know nigca is a racist term.

Like i've been saying over and over gain, the irony behind people wanting to fight racism while at the same time perpetuating it is...well ironic.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
If a white person uses nikka in an endearing way it makes them stupid for ignoring the history of the word, not racist
agreed. Using a racist term is ignorant.
Historically nikka has been used to degrade a group of people. No question about it.
yup no question about it.

Historically cracker hasn't, yes some people have used it for hate. But the word originated as a stand in for a white person of a certain region.
? and? Do we need to revisit the numerous definitions of cracker again? EACH ONE pointing out the fact that it is a derogatory term? The difference between my understanding of “cracker” and yours is that mine is based in fact and definition, yours is based in your own prejudiced definition of the term.

I dont remember an uproar of white people mad that Clinton used the term. To some it is and has always been a non derogatory term.
Check again, there were people who took offense.

You can't compare this to nikka, cause even though we use it as a term of endearment, the word still resurfaces all the feelings of hate and inferiority that was bestowed upon us by racist white people. Those feelings are still there. We chose to accept them and be proud of our ancestors and embrace the legacy of the word but we didn't forget the meaning behind the word.
Simple question, are nigca and cracker derogatory terms?

I agree with you that we should all treat each other with respect. I don't use the word cracker and I don't feel the need to. But this notion that cracker and ****** are somehow equal is insulting to those that were called and treated ******s in the past.
Again the reconciliation is what I’m after on how you can personally want and preach that we should all respect each other and in the same breath say it’s ok to disrespect a certain group of people.

NIgca and cracker are the same ONLY IN THAT they are both racist terms, terms based in race.
Sorta like a Fiat and a Ferarri are the same but only in that they have 4 wheels. The degree and magnitude of their differences are vast indeed, I cannot nor would I want to argue that they are the exact same thing.

DO you believe there is any benefit to anyone saying or referring to someone as nigca?


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
first the last term i was referring to was nicga not cracker.
Secondly, history does not justify the usage of a racist term. YOU might not see it as a racist term, that does not mean it's not racist.

Clinton did catch blow back for that by the way. IF obama comes out and says, "i need to work my nigca vote" how do you suppose that'll come off? Even if he means it lovingly.

Apparently there is some deficiency in reading going on here.
i said
cracker, like it or not, is a term (based on race) that is used in a derogatory manner (especially in HL).

I don't particularly remember no see where I said Bill was a racist.

I don't have to be white to know cracker is a racist term, just like I don't have to be black to know nigca is a racist term.

Like i've been saying over and over gain, the irony behind people wanting to fight racism while at the same time perpetuating it is...well ironic.

Words aren't racist, people and their actions are. To fight racism isn't to make people stop using certain words. It is to stop racist policies and discrimination.

I can denounce racism, without even the mention of cracker or nikka. It's not about the words it is about the ACTUAL racism.

Saying cracker is no comparison to nikka is not perpetrating racism. But calling people reverse racist for using the term cracker is in fact perpetrating racism.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
? and? Do we need to revisit the numerous definitions of cracker again? EACH ONE pointing out the fact that it is a derogatory term? The difference between my understanding of “cracker” and yours is that mine is based in fact and definition, yours is based in your own prejudiced definition of the term.

The definition we all found and agreed on said it was SOMETIMES used in a derogatory manner but the actual MEANING for the word is "white person from a certain region or background" This has nothing to do with a prejudged meaning. I said the word is SOMETIMES used in a derogatory manner but not always and the word wasn't CREATED to perpetrate hate against white people.

Check again, there were people who took offense.
Some people did, some people set out to give him the cracker vote he was searching for.

Simple question, are nigca and cracker derogatory terms?
nikka=yes no matter who says it, due to the history of the word and the ACTUAL MEANING of the word.
Cracker= depends on context, it can be derogatory but that depends on the speaker and the listener.

nikka= ignorant savage less than human
Cracker= white person

Again the reconciliation is what I’m after on how you can personally want and preach that we should all respect each other and in the same breath say it’s ok to disrespect a certain group of people.

I never said it was ok to disrespect anyone. If a person feels disrespected by the word cracker than they have a right to speak out against it. And they have a right to not be called by that name. Thing is, cracker isn't offensive to EVERYONE, and there is no hateful discriminatory history tied to the word so the word alone is not disrespectful.

NIgca and cracker are the same ONLY IN THAT they are both racist terms, terms based in race.
Sorta like a Fiat and a Ferarri are the same but only in that they have 4 wheels. The degree and magnitude of their differences are vast indeed, I cannot nor would I want to argue that they are the exact same thing.
"Boy" can be used as a racist term as well but it does not compare with the word nikka. And it doesnt make the term itself racist outside of context.

DO you believe there is any benefit to anyone saying or referring to someone as nigca?

I don't think there is a benefit, but I dont condemn the usage of the word by black people. If the successful powerfull party calls you something derogatory for hundreds of years you can either A. hate yourself for being different or B. Take pride in yourself and your ancestors for being different. By taking over the use of the word nikka black folks have tried to turn a negative history into a positive future.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
Words aren't racist, people and their actions are. To fight racism isn't to make people stop using certain words. It is to stop racist policies and discrimination.
to fight racism is to change the way a person thinks, it's to fight ignorance. You CANNOT policy your way out of racism, it's more than just laws, it's a battle for the mind.

I can denounce racism, without even the mention of cracker or nikka. It's not about the words it is about the ACTUAL racism.

Ah ok here's the disconnect then.
NIGGE/ER is NOT racist, the people who use it are.
NIGG/ER is just a word. Right?

How is it you can ascribe all this "history" and meaning to a word in the defense of cracker and nigca not being the same and then simply say, words are not racist.

Saying cracker is no comparison to nikka is not perpetrating racism. But calling people reverse racist for using the term cracker is in fact perpetrating racism.
so defending a racist term is not perpetuating racism but calling out racism IS racism?

Bruh you got this shyt ALL twisted up.

THAT is the danger of not recognizing the power of words.

Serious fam you're LITERALLY defending the use of racist words and calling anyone who points it out a racist.


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
to fight racism is to change the way a person thinks, it's to fight ignorance. You CANNOT policy your way out of racism, it's more than just laws, it's a battle for the mind.

Ah ok here's the disconnect then.
NIGGE/ER is NOT racist, the people who use it are.
NIGG/ER is just a word. Right?

How is it you can ascribe all this "history" and meaning to a word in the defense of cracker and nigca not being the same and then simply say, words are not racist.

so defending a racist term is not perpetuating racism but calling out racism IS racism?

Bruh you got this shyt ALL twisted up.

THAT is the danger of not recognizing the power of words.

Serious fam you're LITERALLY defending the use of racist words and calling anyone who points it out a racist.

Yes ****** is just a word. ****** has a definition and it has nothing to do with black people. ****** means ignorant, savage, less than human. If you think all black people are ******s, you are a racist. Cracker just means "white person" if you think all white people are crackers, you maybe rude or inconsiderate but not racist.

I'm not defending the use of anything. I am condemning the notion that cracker and ****** are comparable.