Reverse Racism: (non gundumb edition)


May 24, 2012
Tha Land
I would argue boy yes, the others no. THey are not founded on racial criteria, though they are demeaning.

What happened to nigg/er being a term of endearment? THAT is not in the dictionary definition of the word.

I'd be more than happy to conceded the point that cracker is a racist term if you're willing to concede the point that nigg/er is a racist term devoid of "endearment".

****** at its core is not a term of endearment. Blacks have been degraded so long using the word, that they decided try to "take the word away" from the hateful white man and use it as a sense of pride for their ancestors and their contributions to the country. It's kinda like a "if you can't beat them join them mentality" saying "well i can't get them to stop calling me ****** so I might as well be the best ****** I can be". I grew up being called and calling others nikka. My pops called me lil nikka and i called others nikka. It's funny cause it got to the point where it didn't matter what I was talking about I would use the word to describe anything from people of all colors to animals or anything else talmbout "look at that puppy dog over there, that nikka looks hungry". As I get older i have an evolving opinion on the words use, but I still find myself saying the word all day. I think the hate, discrimination, and inferiority has been so ground into our very existence, that we can know the meaning and the history of the word but we just can't shake it. I hear the word used by young black males in public and I cringe, but at the same time i go home and call my son a lil nikka.

This is why cracker can never be compared to nikka. nikka is the only word in the English language that can make so many different people feel so many different ways.


May 1, 2012
IF you have a problem with my definition of racism or the categorization of “Cracker” as a racial slur then please take it up with any number of dictionaries and encyclopedias that have been linked to in this thread, THEN come back and we can talk. I don't have a problem with dictionaries or encyclopedias, I'm simply tellin you thatthey aren't the end all be all. When you can understand what that means then you get back at me.

SOME white folks. You're a lie. Clinton caught no real blowback from that comment. Not even in the middle of a presidential campaign where anything becomes a story. It never became a real story.

Ah is that why it’s not a big deal when a black person uses nigg/er? Your argument doesn’t even stand up to a self check of logic man. You’re arguing emotions at this point. If Obama had tried to use ****** in the same context that Clinton used cracker, then it would've been a huge deal. You're too stupid to even remember what you're arguing. First you seemed to recognize the socalled double standard between ****** and cracker, not you're acting as if both terms are treated equally. There's a reason that people react differently to those terms, you just arent smart enough to comprehend it.

You’ve tried to explain to me why you feel the two words can’t be compared. You tried to convey your feelings and your thoughts and regardless of the FACTS and definitions and outright logical checks (some of them your very own) your idea that cracker isn’t a racist term falls dead on all counts. Outside of your personal belief, and that of the few other emotional cats in here, cracker is in fact a racial slur. Again, it's not just me who doesn't consider cracker to be a racial slur. Bill Clinton doesn't consider it to be a racial slur either. Why are you so slow? You keep trying to fall back on your definitions, but even in those definitions it gives several different meanings for the term and says that it can be used as a slur in certain contexts. That doesn't support your position that its a racial slur anytime anybody uses it. Why are you so slow?

I’m repeating the same things because I’m hoping that at some point you’ll check the double standard and dark tinted glasses you’re approaching this argument with. Alas I think that will never happen.You repeat the same nonsense over an over because you aren't that bright. You don't recognize when your argument has been refuted.

*sigh* clearly you’re having a hard time with a few things. No on ever said it can’t be used in a non-derogatory manner, quite to the contrary I think I’ve personally stated the opposite. What you’re not grasping is that even when someone doesn’t MEAN it in a bad way the word itself still carries those connotations. Furthermore whether YOU like it or not cracker is NOT a slang term for whites any more than NIGG/ER is a slang term for blacks.
I swear, flip a few words around in your argument and I’ve had this same debate with people on st0rmfr0nt. Youre not white. You're nobody to speak on what kind of connotations come with cracker. You really need to sit your want to be white ass down somehwhere. Doesn't it strike you crusaders that you're fighting harder in this debate than the white posters themselves? Cracker hurts your feelings more than it does white people. Get a grip son.

They are comparable in many ways, one of them is that they are both racist termsNo they are not

they are NOT comparable in the severity nor magnitude in which they are racist terms. A similar comparisons might be to compare “nigg/er” to “wetback”, your argument is that “wet/back” would be non racist as well because it doesn’t have the same degree of historical racism behind it. Im not speaking in terms of degrees you, you just insist upon trying to spin it that way. That's real snake-like and dishonest. I'll say it again for you, the term cracker has no history of racism associated with the word. There has never been a time when the term cracker has been used to reinforce white inferiority. Get that through your thick head so that you can stop mispresenting my position. The term wetback has a history of pain and discrimination against a certain kind of people associated with it, cracker does not.

again the irony here is that your WHOLE argument for crack not being racist is that it historically doesn’t have the same degree of racial usageAnother example of you sneaking the word "degree" in to try and summarize my argument when it's something that I've never said. You're a dishonest clown

couple that with your complete disregard of very simple to read definitions of the word “cracker” and you’ve pretty much embodied what it means to be ignorant. Heres another lie. I haven't disregarded any definitions. Ive said that those definitions aren't the end all be all, and that they don't really support your position. Ok cracker can be used as a slur when used in a certain context but so can the word "boy". Boy isn't a racial slur on its own though is it? Alright then.

Ignorance in and of itself is not a bad thing, it’s a natural thing, your problems stems for STUPIDITY, that’s to say that when presented with facts and logical arguments you SHUN the very things that shed light on ignorance (facts and truth), you remain cowering in your own personal erroneous definitions of well-defined words. Youre a liar, you're dumb, and you're a want to be white boy. That's a terrible combination but it explains why you made this thread. You'd push your mother in front of a moving train if it ment saving a white man. The irony of screen name is comical.

no what you’re trying to do is argue two different things and they don’t compute. Institutionalized racism is more than just racism. This WHOLE argument has been about the very broad term RACISM. Like I said 18 or so pages ago, if you want to argue institutionalized racism then go for it I’m not going to argue with you because I suspect I’d be right along with you. The thing is that there is MORE to racism than institutionalized racism and THAT is at the heart of this whole debate. Perhaps if you took the time to LEARN what the definitions for things are you would not make this mistake, but I guess since learning what things really mean vs what you feel they should mean is above you, again the very definition of ignorance. You insist upon talking about dictionaries and standard definitions, but you're too stupid to realize that the term cracker itself doesn't fit the definition. Here's Webster's definition:

Main Entry: rac·ism
Pronunciation: \ˈrā-ˌsi-zəm also -ˌshi-\
Function: noun
Date: 1933
1 : a belief that race is the primary determinant of human traits and capacities and that racial differences produce an inherent superiority of a particular race
2 : racial prejudice or discrimination
— rac·ist \-sist also -shist\ noun or adjective

Calling someone a cracker doesn't fit that definition because cracker has never been used to define whites as inferior. You can even see that discrimination is an essential part of the definition. This is common sense, something you don't seem to have.

YOU and people like you maintain a double standard for racism based on the lack of institutionalized racism against certain groups. THIS IS WRONG. As I've said over and over, you're too stupid to comprehend what racism is. There is no double standard, whites will not tolerate any other form of racism other than white supremacy. They count on idiots like you who can't see the forest for the trees. You're being a good boy, you deserve a pat on the head.


All Star
May 28, 2012
Nope stop right here. Bill Clinton's comment wasn't in reference to just white people in Florida, he was referencing whites in all battle ground states including Pennsylvania and Ohio. He made this comment on The Larry King show while explaining his role in Obama's campaign. The idea that he was just talking about Florida whites is dumb and a testament to how far you'll go just to try and push your BS agenda. Not even reading the rest of that garbage. Shut up already.

No sir, you are wrong. Clinton did mention winning those other battleground states, that is true. But when he referred to winning the "cracker vote", he was specifically talking about winning Florida.

Wish I could find video but...

Bill Clinton: Will respect Jewish holidays, then 'hustle up ... cracker vote' in Florida - Ben Smith -

Bill Clinton on the 'Cracker Vote' | The Weekly Standard


Second, yes, ignore the part where the definition of cracker explicitly states that it's a racial slur. :rolleyes:. Your selective reading is amusing.


All Star
Jun 8, 2012
Atheist for Jesus
****** at its core is not a term of endearment. Blacks have been degraded so long using the word, that they decided try to "take the word away" from the hateful white man and use it as a sense of pride for their ancestors and their contributions to the country.
Ducktales. When was it decided to take the word back? Seams to me that even the term of endearment started when other black folks were calling other blackfolks nigg/er in a derogatory manner. Unless there’s some underground blacks only news letter that gets delivered to you directly this idea that “we decided to take it back” is a pretty story conjured up AFTER the fact.

It's kinda like a "if you can't beat them join them mentality" saying "well i can't get them to stop calling me ****** so I might as well be the best ****** I can be".
It’s an acknowledgement of defeat. Quite literally “the man” has you effectively calling each other the very word he used to keep you down and you’re defending that under the guise of some type of “we taking it back” tip, which again is BS. You’re not taking shyt back, because guess who still has it and will always have it to use (hint: it’s white people). This is why I said the use of the word perpetuates racism.

I grew up being called and calling others nikka. My pops called me lil nikka and i called others nikka. It's funny cause it got to the point where it didn't matter what I was talking about I would use the word to describe anything from people of all colors to animals or anything else talmbout "look at that puppy dog over there, that nikka looks hungry". As I get older i have an evolving opinion on the words use, but I still find myself saying the word all day. I think the hate, discrimination, and inferiority has been so ground into our very existence, that we can know the meaning and the history of the word but we just can't shake it. I hear the word used by young black males in public and I cringe, but at the same time i go home and call my son a lil nikka.
And yet these words coming from the mouth of the same person that sits there and describes the horrible history behind the word. It’s funny because you cringe when you hear black folk using it but use it yourself. IN your heart of hearts you know the shyt is wrong, but you have literally been taught to keep yourself down at this point. It’s actually painful to me to see ANYONE defending this point for this reason. I mean FUK me, seriously this is just sad (I really mean this too). Every time I see a kid use this word I just know somewhere there’s some old white guy laughing his ass off. They don’t even need to beat you anymore you’re doing it to yourself.

This is why cracker can never be compared to nikka. nikka is the only word in the English language that can make so many different people feel so many different ways.
Like I said if you give up the endearment of the word nigg/er I will stfu about cracker…BUT you’d have to stop using nigg/er too, and ffs stop defending it.


All Star
May 28, 2012
You keep saying the same thing over and over again. So will say this again since you guys seem to ignore the fact.

The definition of cracker is "white person from a certain region or background" the term is SOMETIMES used in a derogatory manner but the actual MEANING of the word is just white person.

The definition of ****** is ignorant, savage, less than human. The definition of ****** alone is an insult no matter who uses it or who they are talking about. The racist history of America has tied this term to black people. But the term itself is an insult, add that with Americas history of racism and discrimination torward blacks while calling them this word and you can see why it envokes so many different emotions.

This is why it's insulting to try to compare the two words. One is merly a physical description the other is a degrading word no matter who says it or who they are talking to.

The definition of cracker you guys keep quoting says the word is SOMETIMES and I repeat SOMETIMES used as an insult. Well so is the word "boy" "them" "you people" ect should we lump all those words together and compare them to nikka as racist as well?

But Meech, the word ****** originated as a term used in a neutral context to refer to black people. The actual meaning WAS black person. It wasn't until much later that it became synonymous with the pejorative usage.

The word cracker is similar in that regard. It use to mean just southern white person, but now has a racist, offensive base behind it, and most reasonable people don't use it because it's an insult. I'm not saying they're equally just as offensive, but in certain contexts they can both be okay and not okay to say.


May 1, 2012
No sir, you are wrong. Clinton did mention winning those other battleground states, that is true. But when he referred to winning the "cracker vote", he was specifically talking about winning Florida.

Wish I could find video but...

Bill Clinton: Will respect Jewish holidays, then 'hustle up ... cracker vote' in Florida - Ben Smith -

Bill Clinton on the 'Cracker Vote' | The Weekly Standard


Second, yes, ignore the part where the definition of cracker explicitly states that it's a racial slur. :rolleyes:. Your selective reading is amusing.
You people are insultingly dumb. Clinton wasn't just referring to whites in Florida, and Florida isnt the only state that whites take pride in calling themselves crackers. You have no point. As far as me ignoring some dictionaries that define cracker as beig a slur in certain contexts, I have done no such thing. Yes it can be used as a slur in certain contexts, but it's not a slur on its own. You see the definitions for it being an insult and a nickname right next to each other. What part of context don't you get? Youre saying thatnits a slurnregardless of context as obviously thats wrong. There is no such diversity with the definition of ******, it's simply defined as a racial slur against black people.


May 1, 2012
But Meech, the word ****** originated as a term used in a neutral context to refer to black people. The actual meaning WAS black person. It wasn't until much later that it became synonymous with the pejorative usage.wrong again, ****** has always been negative. It's a derivative of negro which is a neutral Spanish/Portuguese word, but the word ****** has always been a slur against blacks. Why don't you just stop posting in this thead? You're playing yourself.

The word cracker is similar in that regard. It use to mean just southern white person, but now has a racist, offensive base behind it, and most reasonable people don't use it because it's an insult. I'm not saying they're equally just as offensive, but in certain contexts they can both be okay and not okay to say.This is just insulting. So now cracked has become a racist term over time, just without the history of racism behind it. You're an idiot


All Star
May 28, 2012
You people are insultingly dumb. Clinton wasn't just referring to whites in Florida, and Florida isnt the only state that whites take pride in calling themselves crackers. You have no point. As far as me ignoring some dictionaries that define cracker as beig a slur in certain contexts, I have done no such thing. Yes it can be used as a slur in certain contexts, but it's not a slur on its own. You see the definitions for it being an insult and a nickname right next to each other. What part of context don't you get? Youre saying thatnits a slurnregardless of context as obviously thats wrong. There is no such diversity with the definition of ******, it's simply defined as a racial slur against black people.

Okay, so are you also saying people never use the n-word not a slur, but as a nickname also?


All Star
May 28, 2012
Im saying that there is no comparison between cracker and ******. You don't seem capable of understanding plain English.

Read a book, dummy.


Okay, I'll humor you, what book? Gotta make sure it hasn't been tainted by the evil white man, and is up to your standards. Breh, I've dropped links that contradicts what you've been saying. If you want to continue thinking cracker is not a racial slur, then be my guest. But realize its you with your head in the sand, not me.


May 1, 2012

Okay, I'll humor you, what book? Gotta make sure it hasn't been tainted by the evil white man, and is up to your standards. Breh, I've dropped links that contradicts what you've been saying. If you want to continue thinking cracker is not a racial slur, then be my guest. But realize its you with your head in the sand, not me.
What book? Did you really just ask me that? You can't research the origin of the word ****** on your own? You haven't dropped 1 link that has contradicted anything that I've said. You haven't scored 1 point here.


All Star
May 28, 2012
What book? Did you really just ask me that? You can't research the origin of the word ****** on your own? You haven't dropped 1 link that has contradicted anything that I've said. You haven't scored 1 point here.

I posted the definition and origins of the word cracker, but you selectively read, and pick and choose what you want to read. And if you're going to do that, then there's really no reason to talk to you anymore. You want to ignore the fact that 95% of the English speaking populous view the word as a racial slur. You want to pretend like you have this profound knowledge. If you're not trying to drop any sources, then you're just talking out of your ass.


May 1, 2012
I posted the definition and origins of the word cracker, but you selectively read, and pick and choose what you want to read. And if you're going to do that, then there's really no reason to talk to you anymore. You want to ignore the fact that 95% of the English speaking populous view the word as a racial slur. You want to pretend like you have this profound knowledge. If you're not trying to drop any sources, then you're just talking out of your ass.
I didn't selectively do anything. I posted the definition of cracker myself. Just because it can be defined as a slur in a certain context doesn't make it a slur regardless of the context. You're just like that brown pride clown, you don't even seem to understand your own position. 1st you all were arguing that anytime someone refers to whites as crackers then theyre being racist, now you're falling back trying to make it about context. I've never denied that it can be used as an insult in a certain context. I'm arguing that the term itself is not an insult and certainly not a racist slur.