this is all history I havnt made anything up. I gave you my opinion on the word and black people's use of the word. And you discredit it as ducktails then proceed to push your opinion. Why the fukk are you having the debate if your not open to others ideas and opinions, but your are always right. And how is it a pretty story conjured up AFTER the fact. Fact is your in the minority amongst black people in your opinion on this subject, and who are you to say millions of people are just making stuff up about their feelings.
Because the narrative that we took it back is bs to me, yes thats my opinion, not a fact. Looking at the HISTORY of the word the idea that we took it back is some after the fact shyt, there was no movement or direction to take it back. The word has evolved in many ways through normal usage, the idea that it was taken back or flipped sounds nice and powerful but fact of the matter is that word is still NOT in your hands, nothing has been taken back. It still means today what it meant years ago and thats not a good thing.
No an acknowledgement of defeat would be to keep allowing ourselves to be degraded and discriminated against. Again you may not agree with it but to allot of people view this is as an aknowledgment of victory. "I won't let him keep me down with his words or his actions"
I get that and respect the choice people have to allow certain words to not hold power over them, IN MY OPINION the word is simply NOT a good word, period. There is nothing empowering about that word to me and I know Im not black but there are many a black folk who dont find that word to be empowering either.
Again I never defended the word. I gave you reasons for why I think the word is used the way it is. I don't think in this day and age the word keeps anybody down maybe in the past but today no. I am a black man I have used the word and I have been called the word by both whites and blacks. Why can't I give you my opinion on the use of the word without you calling BS. The mentality of the use of the word is "I'm taking it back" and "I'm proud of all the so called nikkas before me".That's how i look at it, that's how I was always taught, You can disagree with the thinking behind it or the suspected outcome. But you can't call peoples feelings opinions and emotions bullshyt. Flawed maybe but bullshyt no. And if we quit complaining and pointing fingers and fighting each other over the word than it would have no power and their would be no reason for a white person to use it other than to expose their own ignorance.
fair enough then I apologize for pissing on your opinion of the word, I read it as a statement of fact, my bad.
This is where gets tricky. I know the history of the word and the hate associated with it. And I know the word is wrong, but I haven't been taught to keep myself down. I've been tought to prop myself up and stand tall as a strong black man. My ancestors were torn down by the word, and i have been propped up with it.
OK, this is the reconciliation I was curious about. So in your eyes/experience being called/using the word nikka has helped prop you up? I
If i teach my son the word is so bad and it is detrimental to your well being, than who knows how he will react the first time someone calls him a nikka. But if I can teach him a sense of pride for himself and his ancestors than the word wouldn't hurt him so much emotionally. I don't want him out mad and catching feelings cause of what some ignorant person might say. I can't have it both ways, I can't teach him to be strong and proud, but to ignore when white people call you this horrible word. So all I can tell him is to be proud of himself and his ancestors, and the word means nothing cause you know where you came from. It may sound stupid, and have flawed reasoning. But it is what it is. The history is so fukked up that not much about the situation makes sense. If MLK, Malcom X, George Washington carver were nikkas. Than that's not bad company and you can lump me with those guys and I'm proud of it. Cause I understand their worth and their place in history.
I think you should teach your son to be proud, is calling him a lil nikka doing that? It sounds like your reasoning is to try to deflate the word do you think it waters down the horribleness of it? When your son is older and hes flinging around the word nikka like its no big deal, like most kids do today do you think hell really know what it means? Theres the danger in this IMHO. Once you change a words meaning you tend to forget why its important, it would be a fuggin travesty (to me) if that word were to mean anything other than what it means. Its an ugly word, it represents ugliness and hatred, ignorance and pain I see no benefit in helping to keep that word alive.
Again I never defended the word. I don't think the word alone is a term of endearment, but some people do use it that way. In my post i said i was indifferent. On one hand i know the hate the word has perpetrated over the years, but at the same time i can't help but feel a sense of pride knowing who those people where before me that where called nikkas.
just trying to understand this here then. SO when someone calls you a nigger you feel a sense of comradery with what? MLK, Malcom, etc? Doesnt that seem like a strange banner to rally under? You know Ive told my kids when someone is trying to make fun of you the best thing you can do is agree with them because usually people do that to get a rise out of you and when you deflate the rise they tend to shut up. IS that how you would view this word?
You obviously have a very closed minded stance on the issue, and that's ok your entitled to that. But don't come in here pretending you want to have a conversation when really you just want to assert your discontent for your own people. I think you do black people more of a disservice than racist whites trying to point the finger and call others wrong and reverse racist.
As far as discussing maybe I circled the wagons a bit. My stance remains, cracker is a racist term as is nigger. Id say the same thing concerning your assertions though. So there are two argument here
1. the use of nigger
2. the use of cracker.
On 1 I can see your side and perhaps why you see it as you do
On 2,
. You clearly see a difference in the two words BUT are ok with both of them?
You wanna talk about what the racist white man is really at home laughing about. Its us arguin back in forth about who can and can't use the word, while he doesn't even need the word to perpetrate his hate and racism anymore. The only way we can defeat racism is if we stand together, you push us apart with your finger pointing and hateful rhetoric. And I'm not sure of your backround or even if your black, but it's obvious you didn't grow up in the struggle so you might not understand the views of people who did or are still there.
Nope not black, hispanic, ironically Ive been called nigger and such. I dont agree that discussing words and the overall message being sent as something the wm is laughing at, if we can discuss and build (admittedly things get ugly sometimes in that process, as they should when discussing things people are passionate about) then thats more fearful in my estimation than entertaining for the man particularly when it is a black and brown person discussing things. Background: I grew up in the PJ then moved to the ghetto. I live in one of the most back aswards states (Arizona). Im read, taught, studied, and such concerning race and race relations, went to college in the mid west, came back home. Have a family. What more do you want to know to establish my credentials?
Here is something you should ponder:
If we all stopped using the word ****** today, would hate and racism disapear tomorow? If the answer is no than how can you say the use of the word promotes racism?
Id answer with. Should we just stop fighting racism since itll never go away? Or should we make the small moves it takes to reteach an entire country so that our small moves can be built upon. Complacency in the struggle for equality, IMHO, is one of the most dangerous things.