How can you listen to 'Kast's catalog and not admit that they're dope?
i dont know. ask somebody that feels that way.
learn how to read, young bul.
All you had to say was, "I don't like OutKast".
I'm not the biggest fan of them either, but to discredit their place in the game is kinda....well, it's kinda bytchmade.
im not discrediting anybody. just putting things in their proper perspective.
theres plenty of people i dont like. i dont like krs-one. i dont like biggie. i dont like scarface. i dont like melle mel. but theres a reason why you dont see me making threads like this about them.
albeit, i think scarface and biggie are overrated but their situations arent on the outrageous scale like this outkast chit.
If you hold an unpopular opinion, just express it. Lol@hiding being "real heads" you invented out of thin air because your argument is so flimsy.
Agumentum ad populum is already logically fallacious and pathetic.
Lying about what

"real heads" that only exist in your mind think to try and give your opinions some traction is just
i hold plenty of unpopular opinions. this isnt one.
im not lying about "real heads". you just arent exposed to such.
Irony = claiming
x poster isn't a 'real rap-head' because they don't know basic information about Outkast, yet they call
y poster a 'real rap-head' because they said:
Outkast barely has a footprint in their own region".
no d*ck.
ive been watching you post on here for a minute now. you dont know chit period. and im familiar with the poster that i gave props too.
Wacky... or fukkit, I think I'ma take the cue and start callin' you Weird Warren...
I believe that YOU believe Outkast was b-level and a glorified Black Eyed Peas. But you also believe that McGruff had hit records. You also believe that Benzino didn't run The Source into the ground. See where I'm goin'?
Your opinion of this group is your opinion, fair enough. But this long-running "they weren't even poppin' like that" shyt has been disproved again and again. Maybe not on your block or area, maybe not on a lot of certain specific blocks and areas. But across the board? Yeah they were. In fact, they popped MORE as their careers went on, while others from their era progressively popped LESS.
no i dont see where youre going. you lost me in that lox thread, and then in numerous other threads i read not long after, you made a bunch of zig-zag turns and eventually fell off the deep in. check yourself before you try to brush somebody else off as being out there.
that statement youre quoting has never been disproved. and no, i never base anything just off my block or area. i dont think from inside of a box. save the cliches for somebody else.
they popped more as their careers went on because they WENT POP. hip-hop wise, they didnt last any longer than most of the groups that were ahead of them. and most of those groups moreso fell apart rather than "fell off".
i give you props for staying on-topic and i still f**k with you. heres a dap.