I used to post on SOHH as well so I know you Wacky
I'm not insulting you. It just seems u like to discredit rappers u don't like. I see that pattern quite often. And there was nothing to get with Southern Playalistik but ATLiens and Aquemeni were more complex albums that I didn't understand at 1st as a young cat but then one day I was like "Hot damn!
this sh!t is genius!
And I'm probably ur age or older. I'm in my late 20s my friend.
But if u say u do like Outkast and listen to them, u really don't consider ATLiens and Aquemeni to be classics? Let's be serious here.
Also, I'm saying Outkast is one of the best
DUOS to ever do it. A lot of the acts u guys are mentioning are not duos. They are crews with 3 members or more, its not the same.
Its my personal opinion that they are
ONE of the best. Not the best(cause there is no such thing) just
ONE of the best.
But yes, I do consider them to be in the same category as any of the other acts u mentioned.