Rate This City: Day 27 - San Diego

Rate: San Diego

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Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
To my non-West Coast brothers and sisters on here:

Alota cats on here look at West cities from the wrong angle. You can't expect the cities to have the level of black influence you're used to in the South (where Black America's foundation is at and derived from), and the North (which were developed long before Western areas and had intrinsic ties and migration with the South earlier, just by virtue of being geographically closer to the South and being "discovered" earlier)...

The common sentiment here is that West cities should have an equal amount of black identity as elsewhere in the US, and while that's true in some cases, most of the time it's a false equivalence. Yall gotta stop that shyt...

San Diego still has over 90,000 black people in the city limits. That's enough to fill up most football stadiums and then some, so saying it's a "small" community has to be kept in context. If it's anything like other California cities, which I'd assume it is, you can go to places in Southeast and see more blacks than non blacks, even if as a whole the city is integrated and blacks are small in percentage...

I know this is true for sure of Sac, Oakland, and LA, where you can go certain places and see so many black people you'd question if the official percentages was accurate...

The same is true of other West cities, particularly Phoenix, Vegas, Denver, and Seattle...

Lastly, just sticking with Oakland and LA as examples, and saying SD "may" be the same, there is a stronger black presence in those cities than there is in many Northern cities. Pittsburgh is 23% black, Boston is 22% black, and neither feel as black as Oakland or LA, which should speak to you a little about all of these cities. So on and so forth...

Black people are still moving to other West cities, we're just leaving California. But we've made an indelible legacy and imprint statewide in California, and California will start attracting blacks again en masse when the insane real estate/COL bubble of the present day bursts. Very few places in North America can offer as well rounded a lived experience in Cali and the major factor keeping black people out of Cali isn't that there "isn't enough black people", but rather that they can't afford to live there comfortably...

When that changes--->and it will, nothing lasts forever---->blacks will head back just like we did during the Migrations...

old pig

Nov 12, 2017
my cuz’n brother was doing training out there...we visited him for a weekend...not enough time to really get a good feel for the city so I won’t vote...first time I’d been to cali...brief time I was there tho I had fun...I would visit SD again...had some of the best tacos ever @ a “hood spot” run by mexicans :ohlawd: there was also an “outdoor” mall...not an outlet but an actual mall...it was like 2-3 floors w/ no main roof...shyt was cool


All Star
Aug 23, 2019
Self Divine, Equality Knowledge Born
To my non-West Coast brothers and sisters on here:

Alota cats on here look at West cities from the wrong angle. You can't expect the cities to have the level of black influence you're used to in the South (where Black America's foundation is at and derived from), and the North (which were developed long before Western areas and had intrinsic ties and migration with the South earlier, just by virtue of being geographically closer to the South and being "discovered" earlier)...

The common sentiment here is that West cities should have an equal amount of black identity as elsewhere in the US, and while that's true in some cases, most of the time it's a false equivalence. Yall gotta stop that shyt...

San Diego still has over 90,000 black people in the city limits. That's enough to fill up most football stadiums and then some, so saying it's a "small" community has to be kept in context. If it's anything like other California cities, which I'd assume it is, you can go to places in Southeast and see more blacks than non blacks, even if as a whole the city is integrated and blacks are small in percentage...

I know this is true for sure of Sac, Oakland, and LA, where you can go certain places and see so many black people you'd question if the official percentages was accurate...

The same is true of other West cities, particularly Phoenix, Vegas, Denver, and Seattle...

Lastly, just sticking with Oakland and LA as examples, and saying SD "may" be the same, there is a stronger black presence in those cities than there is in many Northern cities. Pittsburgh is 23% black, Boston is 22% black, and neither feel as black as Oakland or LA, which should speak to you a little about all of these cities. So on and so forth...

Black people are still moving to other West cities, we're just leaving California. But we've made an indelible legacy and imprint statewide in California, and California will start attracting blacks again en masse when the insane real estate/COL bubble of the present day bursts. Very few places in North America can offer as well rounded a lived experience in Cali and the major factor keeping black people out of Cali isn't that there "isn't enough black people", but rather that they can't afford to live there comfortably...

When that changes--->and it will, nothing lasts forever---->blacks will head back just like we did during the Migrations...

ALL of this. Daps & Reps.


Feb 12, 2017
SMF and LAX to VA and NC
ALL of this. Daps & Reps.

I was curious and just wanted to map out the Southeast area demographics. Seems really demographically similar to South Sacramento, which is what spawned my curiosity...

People say there's "no black people" when they go to LA, but South Central is still 28% black (38% black on the Westside)...

Southeast still looks like it's still 15% black, which is 2½ times more black than the city of San Diego as a whole. So that means the Southeast area is above the national black average. Blackest concentrated areas seem to be around Valencia Park, Lincoln Park, Emerald Hills, Skyline, and Encanto areas...

Does that sound accurate, and would these be the areas you say are the traditional "heart" of Black SD?

Really Streetview looking at SD neighborhoods, a bunch of em look extremely similar to Sac neighborhoods, major differences being SD is hilly and Sac is flat...


All Star
Aug 23, 2019
Self Divine, Equality Knowledge Born
I was curious and just wanted to map out the Southeast area demographics. Seems really demographically similar to South Sacramento, which is what spawned my curiosity...

People say there's "no black people" when they go to LA, but South Central is still 28% black (38% black on the Westside)...

Southeast still looks like it's still 15% black, which is 2½ times more black than the city of San Diego as a whole. So that means the Southeast area is above the national black average. Blackest concentrated areas seem to be around Valencia Park, Lincoln Park, Emerald Hills, Skyline, and Encanto areas...

Does that sound accurate, and would these be the areas you say are the traditional "heart" of Black SD?

Really Streetview looking at SD neighborhoods, a bunch of em look extremely similar to Sac neighborhoods, major differences being SD is hilly and Sac is flat...

Pretty much hit the nail on the head breh.

Historically the Southeast end is were most black people who migrated here ended up moving, majority of them being military men and there families. Very similar to LA but majority of the people moved there for
jobs in the factories at the time. Those kids grow up in the 60’s & 70’s, so that’s when the true cultural black experience of the west coast started, that era of Afrocentricity, Black Panthers, NOI, MLK, Malcolm X, etc.

Sac, LA, and SD are all very similar in that way, that the larger concentrations of black people are in neighborhoods within the city. And yea, SD is full of hills. This city will mess up a car transmission like no other:russ:

Verbal Kint

May 13, 2015
TC, Ap
Spent some days there this summer. Loved most of it. Great weather, beautiful ocean (I was at the Navy Base a lot though), big, lots to do. Downtown was live Fri and Sat night. Problem was there were tons of homeless folks there and this is from a breh that used to work in Downtown Chicago. They were all over. It's real depressing. And its crazy expensive to live out there. That said I'd love to live there someday


Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
I was curious and just wanted to map out the Southeast area demographics. Seems really demographically similar to South Sacramento, which is what spawned my curiosity...

People say there's "no black people" when they go to LA, but South Central is still 28% black (38% black on the Westside)...

Southeast still looks like it's still 15% black, which is 2½ times more black than the city of San Diego as a whole. So that means the Southeast area is above the national black average. Blackest concentrated areas seem to be around Valencia Park, Lincoln Park, Emerald Hills, Skyline, and Encanto areas...

Does that sound accurate, and would these be the areas you say are the traditional "heart" of Black SD?

Really Streetview looking at SD neighborhoods, a bunch of em look extremely similar to Sac neighborhoods, major differences being SD is hilly and Sac is flat...
I had no problem meeting black folks out there even though that wasn't my goal. I appreciated the diversity but it wasn't hard to find "black" spots even in the Gaslamp.

Black people are just in more concentrated areas, like y'all are saying I guess... Same shyt with MIA to me though.

And people want to bring up SD's black population like it's the end all be all, when they got cities on the poll with higher concentration of whites but not ranked nearly as high as well as cities with higher concentration of black people ranked lower as well.

The reason why SD is ranked high is because it's a cool city to live in. Tons of shyt to do, great weather, beaches, tons of places to go, great food, pretty ass females (all races), clean, low crime, events EVERY day, colleges everywhere, etc. People just go and have fun... enjoy life. Plus the people are cool af compared to most places I've been. I never went anywhere and had an issue with anybody... ever.

I know so many black people (mostly ex-military like myself) that move there afterwards and contract work for the DOD and IT institutions... I didn't even think SD would be an issue on here. But apparently not being "black" enough means it's not a chill city on the coli... I never met a black person that didn't like SD. Mexico, Vegas, LA, etc., are all like a few hours drive away as well.

Hater Eraser

Dec 31, 2016
That California Lifestyle ...

Been there a few times .. Tons of white people .

Sunday cruising the beach in old schools is cool . Boating in the bay/lake (whatever that is) is dope.

Bomb azz food .

Most black people Ive seen there is during the Super Bowl .

Women are ok , but not a lot of black ones .. most i met were in school / military or there for an event .

I got a hand rolled Cohiba down there and filled it with kill . :ahh:

Good shopping .. goat weather .

I get the Hawaii comparisons .



Nov 18, 2016
@ PA
Beautiful weather is an understatement. A few ppl I got into conversations with out there, relayed rain was a "rarity"...:wow:

OTW out there...struck up a convo wit some white dude and his chick, that actually ended up inviting me and my lady over, while we were out there. I remember he was chill..an engineer...and was tryin to put us on to Cali weed...:pachaha:

We never took em up on the offer....but I always envisioned this type of situation...

I respected the hospitality...which there was a lot of out there. Truly chill vibes out there and everyone just laid-back. Beautiful beaches everywhere and scenic views. Just a dope look visually. Gaslamp District was dope...but the lack of diversity was noticable...:mjpls:

We hit up Sea World while out there...crossed over into Tijuana (sketchy than a MFer)...hit up Legoland...and just played the city pretty tough before hittin LA. Overall I give San Diego a 9. Could live there....:obama:


Ohio to California
May 10, 2012
Long Beach, CA
Lived in San Diego for two months before having to move to Orange County for work. Like a lot of posters have said, beautiful weather, women, legalized weed, laid back and an abundance of things to get into in. Also, very diverse but not a large Black population if that is a major factor for you. I'm one of the few that doesn't really mind it but it does sucks from time to time if I want to get some soul food, barbecue or being like the only Black person in the grocery store shopping. A lot of Black people are getting priced out of the three big hubs (LA, OC and SD) and either moved to the IE or leave the state all together so that is a major factor why our population is so small. The job market is not that great unless you are in the military, IT or tourism, which was the main reason why I had to moved. If I had more money or a better career path, I would definitely have stayed in San Diego. I give it a strong 7 or light 8 :smugbiden:.

Carlton Banks

Upper Class
Dec 9, 2014
After finally visiting here... I can officially say it's the GOAT city in all of America. Clean, scenic, beautiful, perfect weather in the winter, friendly people, traffic isn't bad, not overpopulated, great food, sea animals, low crime, etc etc.

It's just too good to be true and also VERY expensive. Like damn... Gotta be a millionaire to live here. Unless you wanna live with roommates for the rest of your life or pay $3k for a 350 sq ft apartment.
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Sep 15, 2013
The Truth
After finally visiting here... I can officially say it's the GOAT city in all of America. Clean, scenic, beautiful, perfect weather in the winter, friendly people, traffic isn't bad, not overpopulated, great food, sea animals, low crime, etc etc.

It's just too good to be true and also VERY expensive. Like damn... Gotta be a millionaire to live here. Unless you wanna live with roommates for the rest of your life or lay $3k for a 350 sq ft apartment.
Finally you see my brother :blessed:

GOAT city imo... and thats just cali being expensive. LA is much worse expense wise.