The Amerikkkan Idol
The Amerikkkan Nightmare
NAACP was ready to give Donald sterling an award before the tapes leaked
That was the LOCAL NAACP chapter of Los Angeles, NOT the NAACP as a whole.
SHE has been honored by the NAACP as a whole
Which she has. She might not have distanced herself from her pops but she makes it crystal clear what she's about. Just like Jennifer Beal. We'll have to agree to disagree here
In the Black Student Association at Harvard, singing on 2pac records, being friends with 2pac, being on Chappelle Show and Jay & Dame's movie.
Sounds a lot like somebody who doesn't want to be Black.
Quincy's kids are as black as Michael Jackson's kids.
Quincy's kids = 50% Black
Michael's kids = 0% Black.