Behind Enemy Lines
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- DSGB(Down South Georgia Boy)
You actually sound like another girl, just under the guise of being pro African.
While I do agree that BW need to stop focusing on looks and chasing big deekk, I don't agree that BW should settle. Why are BW always told to "settle"? No one EVER tells white women, Asian women or Latinas that they need to "settle". BM never tell each other to "settle".
Far too many BW have already been settling. These BW settle for sharing their men with other women. Many BW settle for sex instead of true love and intimacy. Far too many BW settle for baby mama status instead of being wives. Some BW settle for obesity and unhealthy lifestyles. Too BW settle for the myth that they don't need a man to raise a son.
This is not about crapping on BM. Its about BW elevating. For all of the BM who complain that BW aren't up to their standards; why not encourage BW to raise her own standards to collectively be viewed as better options as romantic partners. Why shyt on BW who are making the effort?
Trying to imply that black men prefer lightskinned black women because of white supremecy is silly because the dude has visual on the woman. He is looking right at her You just dont want to admit the majority of the time lightskinned/mixedblack women look better. Its really as simple as that
Im strictly talking about black women who don't want to date white men,but are being pushed to give them a try because of the myth being pushed there are "no good black men available,they all dead or in jail....There are plenty of good black men available that black women don't want right now because they not attractive as guys they are capable of pulling,they are too nice only point is if you are a black woman and willing to settle for a white man you not attracted to,dont act like its cuz it aint no black men out here for you....maybe you just fell for the okey doke and the agenda these bed wenches is pushin.
And if you agree black women need to stop focusing on looks and big deek you are telling black women to settle,but just on the things YOU feel is shallow and unimportant...looks and sex are important in a relationship.
All im asking is for black women not to fall for this agenda and run to settle for white men they have no attraction to....Try settling for black men you have rejected for years who you didn't find attractive but would've been grateful to have you and take care of you, Try settling for those black men who were nice to you but you put in the friendzone because you just didn't have that feeling,maybe you are attracted to them but they boring
My post wasn't telling black women who wont settle to settle,it was for the black women willing to go over to the white men they don't want and settle...You should settle with us before you jump into bedwench territory is all im saying....the leap makes you look EXTRA weak and desperate and still somebody who settled.....versus look like sumbody who just maybe got more realistic standards or sumbody who just simply settled....people settle all the time,but not everybody becomes a weak,brainswashed, bedwench.
yeah but we are the last ones to be able to take that positionBecome a billionaire and have the potential to marry any woman in the world. Take that potential and use it to marry a pitbull in a skirt brehs.
Im strictly talking about black women who don't want to date white men,but are being pushed to give them a try because of the myth being pushed there are "no good black men available,they all dead or in jail....There are plenty of good black men available that black women don't want right now because they not attractive as guys they are capable of pulling,they are too nice only point is if you are a black woman and willing to settle for a white man you not attracted to,dont act like its cuz it aint no black men out here for you....maybe you just fell for the okey doke and the agenda these bed wenches is pushin.
And if you agree black women need to stop focusing on looks and big deek you are telling black women to settle,but just on the things YOU feel is shallow and unimportant...looks and sex are important in a relationship.
All im asking is for black women not to fall for this agenda and run to settle for white men they have no attraction to....Try settling for black men you have rejected for years who you didn't find attractive but would've been grateful to have you and take care of you, Try settling for those black men who were nice to you but you put in the friendzone because you just didn't have that feeling,maybe you are attracted to them but they boring
My post wasn't telling black women who wont settle to settle,it was for the black women willing to go over to the white men they don't want and settle...You should settle with us before you jump into bedwench territory is all im saying....the leap makes you look EXTRA weak and desperate and still somebody who settled.....versus look like sumbody who just maybe got more realistic standards or sumbody who just simply settled....people settle all the time,but not everybody becomes a weak,brainswashed, bedwench.
Interesting....She should limit herself to the men that have very little in common with her besides skin color.
She should limit herself to the men that have very little in common with her besides skin color.
Backstory on this smiley?:tipsaywhat:
Brother, I think a lot of these sisters secretly desire white men. They've just never been able get one because of stereotypes regarding black women and their attitude.
Observe the way these women go into submissive mode when a white man give them attention. The majority have no respect for black men.
What women isn't attracted to power and unfortunately white men represent power and stability. You combine that with the fact that we as people do not have a culture that promotes cohesion and unity and you'll have an unstable and inately disloyal women.
A WM can NEVER have more in common with a BW than a BM, unless she was raised White.
Sorry but the fact that a man has a similar skin color does not mean that he and I share common interests.