Okay I don't know if I'm being trolled right now.Thats not true. In most BW/WM relationships the WM has money/good job/stable income. Simple as that. The black woman more than likely is a stay at home mom or works pt. She's in her childrens life MORE than the white male. She has the power culturally. Notice in these relationships BW rock natural hair, etc. Yeah they wenching, but her children will indentify more with their black side. Subconsciously the children interpret it as mama had to do what she had to do.Children in these situations are more likely to desire a black partner. See it happen time and time again.
Now on the reverse.
BM that go for the weaker races are beta males. Everyone on earth know that asian women are doormats. A black man opting for a cac or asian is naturally weak, so he has to deal with the weaker gene pool.
Why do you think you see so many White man/asian woman pairing? The weak doormat asian woman are the only woman capable of making them feel like a man.![]()

For one there are stats proving that bw marry down when it comes to IR we made a thread about it.

What them raising the kid's at home got anything to do with the black mother not being mentally black?

Majority of bw in IR still wear weave.

Having natural hair does not make you pro-black or mentally black, if lil Wayne is also pro-black and mentally black.

Mixed kids are not gonna seek a black partner because of they're bed wench mama, because she didn't do it her damn self.

And why you acting like bw in IR are pro-black afro-centric women who are not white washed or hate they're own people but than turn around and say bm are?

Are you a black feminist?

Are you a white troll?

Are you a simp ass black man?

Are you even black?