Racial Whitening - Solution To The Negro Problem

Wild self

The Black Man will prosper!
Jun 20, 2012
Some nikkas love non-blk puss and will go to any lengths to justify worshipping the female seed of their ancestor's past rapists. These are women who accused them of rape and then took their children to the picnic of the burning negro tortured and terrorized for being the bedbuck of a white chick. Let's be real. These dudes aren't trying to take over or keep their community alive.

You're insulting the blk community effort to grow and prosper by connecting it to your brainwashed love of the p*ssy the white man has put on a pedestal. Other women have always been trickster agents and y'all are so blinded by your dikks that you fall for it every single time.

You fukking urself to extinction one c00nin nut at a time and creating a population of mixed breeds who think they are better than you and will associate themselves with the less socially marginalized aspect of their racial heritage. Don't believe me, just watch!

Look at Dame Dash with his half Indian ex wife and him still simping because she can have kids that look "better" than Dame. Straight c00nery.

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015
But you live in the U.S. so that is why you carried out your father culture more than your mother's. If you were in Ethiopia even with a Black American father you would probably consider yourself Ethiopian and carry on those traditions.
Look at the Blasian Ms. Japan. She is not her father's child she is her mother's child, add to that the fact that most kids tend to be closer to their mothers they will be closer to their mothers culture.
Most the European bi-racials' with black fathers are not close to their father's homeland and just attached themselves to whatever European nation they were born in. Compare that likes of Neomie Lenior and Thandie Newton who are close to their mother's African culture. In fact, it seems as though bi-racial children with black mothers tend to consider themselves black more often than those with non-black mothers who more often than not consider themselves bi-racial, which is fine because they are in fact bi-racial. But women in general are more invested in carrying on culture than men.

There has been all types of academic literature written on how women are the carriers of culture. fukk all that 'you are what your father is' noise. Biracials with white moms that consider themselves Black are a rarity, and typically it's because they aren't white-passing and have been treated like they're Black by society (see: J. Cole). Mixed kids with a Black mother that isn't self-hating do far better than ones with a white mother, they definitely consider themselves Black more often than biracials with white moms who want to shout it from the heavens that they are MIXED, not BLACK.
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May 1, 2012
There has been all types of academic literature written on how women are the carriers of culture.

fukk all that 'you are what your father is' noise. Biracials with white moms that consider themselves Black are a rarity, and typically it's because they aren't white-passing and have been treated like they're Black by society (see: J. Cole).
This is a contradiction. We all know that most people born from one black and one white parent aren't able to pass as white. So if you understand that biracials who can't pass for white are treated/classified as black then why you say that it's a rarity?


Feb 26, 2014
Miami Gardens/North Miami
Give me proof.:umad:
Never said they were pro-black I said they were close to their mother's culture. :sas1:
Furthermore Tandie has always spoken up against the racism black actresses face and Noemie black models.
Unless the mother is white washed she will raise her children to appreciate her culture and be proud of it, through the food she cooks, the music she listens to, the stories she tells, etc. when the traditional marriage is for the man to simply be the bread winner and the woman to reer the children this is what happens.
Are you gonna sit here and tell me that if Mariah Carey was raised by a black Venezuelan woman and had an Irish father she would be the same Mariah we know today? :usure:
Lol, if your talking about single mothers with no non-black father in sight than yes.

But what you said has nothing to do with embracing blackness, they're just embracing some benefits of black culture. Mixed from wm/bw never have any loyalty to the black community unless it's black women centered(in which it has nothing to do with the bc). And the people you named that spoke out has nothing to do with helping the bc, they're just speaking out on not being accepted in white institutions.

And lot of these biracial will only embrace the black culture only because they get privileges and worship(especially from they're black mama:sas1:) in the bc, but to be fair same thing with mixed people from the bm/ww union as well.

Tommy Knocks

Oct 26, 2012

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015

This is a contradiction. We all know that most people born from one black and one white parent aren't able to pass as white. So if you understand that biracials who can't pass for white are treated/classified as black then why you say that it's a rarity?

Coli brehs stay thinking being able to provide sources is an insult lmao

Women as Culture Carriers in the Civil Rights Movement:

'Women's bodies and women as a group have been constructed as the locus or carriers of culture.' via States of Conflict: Gender, Violence, and Resistance:

https://books.google.com/books?id=tzLKEX3WlhwC&pg=PA50&lpg=PA50&dq=women are the carriers of culture&source=bl&ots=259Y7L7Vw5&sig=WHsOf4ctGyLyjt2jyHEtzDf77-I&hl=en&sa=X&ei=QUshVc_vGYKRsAX11IDAAw&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAQ

And what I said isn't a contradiction, you just don't seem to be able to critically grasp the concepts :mjlol:. So let me break it down:

I said that biracials with white moms that consider themselves Black are a rarity. It's a rarity because women generally are the carriers of culture, so white mom = kid growing up in white culture, and black mom = kid growing up in black culture.

An exception to this is generally if a biracial kid with a white mom is not white-passing. If they are not white-passing, they usually have an understanding of racism against Black men and women or have been discriminated against. They have been treated like they're Black by society. So they consider themselves to be Black despite growing up in white culture. HOWEVER, even non-passing biracials with a white mom might swear up and down that they aren't black if their white mother and self-loathing black father instilled it in them that they are special non-Black tragic mulatto snowflakes, which a lot of them do. (See: Tony Robinson.)

Not to mention, not all non-white passing half breeds are created equally. A biracial girl that looks like Lauren London is not going to be treated the same as a biracial girl that looks like Zendaya. And Zendaya is quick to tell you her mom is white while Lauren hardly ever talks about the fact that her father is white. There is a difference.

You can't honestly be this obtuse about race relations in this country.
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All Star
Mar 22, 2014
Give me proof.:umad:

Lol, if your talking about single mothers with no non-black father in sight than yes.

But what you said has nothing to do with embracing blackness, they're just embracing some benefits of black culture. Mixed from wm/bw never have any loyalty to the black community unless it's black women centered(in which it has nothing to do with the bc). And the people you named that spoke out has nothing to do with helping the bc, they're just speaking out on not being accepted in white institutions.

And lot of these biracial will only embrace the black culture only because they get privileges and worship(especially from they're black mama:sas1:) in the bc, but to be fair same thing with mixed people from the bm/ww union as well.

And those from a bm+ww unions are? :comeon: Name me a bi-racial from a bm+ww pairing (that is not Jessie Williams or J Cole) that was born post 1980 that is "loyal" to the black community and is pro-black. The only biracials that were pro-black were born pre1980 because racial attitudes made them pick a side and most chose black unless they were like Mariah and could be biracial or pass.
They're just embracing some benefits of black culture as well. They are "down when blacks are around" the bi-racial and "post-racial" every other time.

Tropical Fantasy

Oct 1, 2013
Beverage Fridge, 3rd Row!!
There has been all types of academic literature written on how women are the carriers of culture. fukk all that 'you are what your father is' noise. Biracials with white moms that consider themselves Black are a rarity, and typically it's because they aren't white-passing and have been treated like they're Black by society (see: J. Cole). Mixed kids with a Black mother that isn't self-hating do far better than ones with a white mother, they definitely consider themselves Black more often than biracials with white moms who want to shout it from the heavens that they are MIXED, not BLACK.


10000000000% conjecture


May 1, 2012
Coli brehs stay thinking being able to provide sources is an insult lmao

Women as Culture Carriers in the Civil Rights Movement:

'Women's bodies and women as a group have been constructed as the locus or carriers of culture.' via States of Conflict: Gender, Violence, and Resistance:

https://books.google.com/books?id=tzLKEX3WlhwC&pg=PA50&lpg=PA50&dq=women are the carriers of culture&source=bl&ots=259Y7L7Vw5&sig=WHsOf4ctGyLyjt2jyHEtzDf77-I&hl=en&sa=X&ei=QUshVc_vGYKRsAX11IDAAw&ved=0CB4Q6AEwAQ
Save your "sources". All you did was Google "women carriers of culture":russ: You can literally find literarure on anything. I didn't post that smiley because I doubted that there's literatute on women being the carriers of culture, I posted that smiley because that quote literally made me chuckle. One minute women are victims of culture, the next they're the carriers of it. I'll remember these sources the next time I encounter some feminist whining about how evil and oppressive patriarchy is to women.

And what I said isn't a contradiction, you just don't seem to be able to critically grasp the concepts :mjlol:. So let me break it down:

I said that biracials with white moms that consider themselves Black are a rarity. It's a rarity because women generally are the carriers of culture, so white mom = kid growing up in white culture, and black mom = kid growing up in black culture.
:heh: this dumb shyt. The absurdity of assuming all all biracials with white mothers grow up in "white culture" aside for a moment, race isn't determined by culture. It's determined by what you look like. A biracial person living in "white culture" who's visibly of African descent is going to be seen/classified as black.

As for your "so white mom = kid growing up in white culture" comment, that's more ignorance. White women who have kids with black men are often ostracized by the white community. They're certainly not welcomed. You don't see a lot of white single mothers raising biracial/black children in white neighborhoods. White single mothers raising biracial/black kids usually end up in middle to lower middle class neighborhoods with other blacks. When you see biracials with white mothers being raised in white neighborhoods or "white culture", it's on the strength of the black father.

An exception to this is generally if a biracial kid with a white mom is not white-passing. If they are not white-passing, they usually have an understanding of racism against Black men and women or have been discriminated against. They have been treated like they're Black by society. So they consider themselves to be Black despite growing up in white culture.
This is more than an exception because most biracials aren't able to pass as white. The exceptions are biracials who are able to pass as white.

HOWEVER, even non-passing biracials with a white mom might swear up and down that they aren't black if their white mother and self-loathing black father instilled it in them that they are special non-Black tragic mulatto snowflakes, which a lot of them do. (See: Tony Robinson.)
This goes the same for biracials who have black moms and white fathers.

Not to mention, not all non-white passing half breeds are created equally. A biracial girl that looks like Lauren London is not going to be treated the same as a biracial girl that looks like Zendaya. And Zendaya is quick to tell you her mom is white while Lauren hardly ever talks about the fact that her father is white. There is a difference.

You can't honestly be this obtuse about race relations in this country.
I'm obtuse about anything. You clearly have your biases and agendas when it comes to this issue a that's obvious by your emotional tone and some of the terms that you're using. I originally quoted you to point out that you contradicted yourself. You said that it's rare for biracials wth white moms to ID as black and those that do only donso because they can't pass for white and are seen/classified as black. My point to you is that most biracials with white mothers can't pass for white and are seen/classified as black. So it's not rare for biracials with white moms to ID as black because that's usually how they're seen/classified as anyway.


Don Makaveli.
Jun 18, 2013
East Coast
I don't know, what makes me special? Well I should've been dead when my mom was giving birth but here I am wondering if I'll ever get a chance to procreate and bring new life into the world.

I can get you pregnant with no problem.

Im a health non fat 28 year old black(no kids) man with an 11 inch dikk.

Stacker Pentecost

Mar 19, 2015

10000000000% conjecture

It's my informed opinion and I've already given multiple posts explaining why (aka breaking down how women are the carriers of culture so oftentimes biracials with black mothers feel differently than biracials with white mothers), are y'all fukking slow or what? This illiteracy is not becoming.

Ronnie Lott

Jun 12, 2012
There has been all types of academic literature written on how women are the carriers of culture. fukk all that 'you are what your father is' noise. Biracials with white moms that consider themselves Black are a rarity, and typically it's because they aren't white-passing and have been treated like they're Black by society (see: J. Cole). Mixed kids with a Black mother that isn't self-hating do far better than ones with a white mother, they definitely consider themselves Black more often than biracials with white moms who want to shout it from the heavens that they are MIXED, not BLACK.
