Racial Whitening - Solution To The Negro Problem


Dec 30, 2013
Some nikkas love non-blk puss and will go to any lengths to justify worshipping the female seed of their ancestor's past rapists. These are women who accused them of rape and then took their children to the picnic of the burning negro tortured and terrorized for being the bedbuck of a white chick. Let's be real. These dudes aren't trying to take over or keep their community alive.

You're insulting the blk community effort to grow and prosper by connecting it to your brainwashed love of the p*ssy the white man has put on a pedestal. Other women have always been trickster agents and y'all are so blinded by your dikks that you fall for it every single time.

You fukking urself to extinction one c00nin nut at a time and creating a population of mixed breeds who think they are better than you and will associate themselves with the less socially marginalized aspect of their racial heritage. Don't believe me, just watch!

Ok. Say you're right. How do you feel about black women dating out?


just your usual nerdy brotha
Jan 26, 2013
and these half cac grow up to think their better than blacks. Look at Brazil, PR, DR, etc
I've never seen this in black areas in the US.

Don't care much about those outside areas that are controlled by non blacks.


May 1, 2012
dikks don't excuse c00ning.
You think like a c00n. Its like your forgetting black woman>>>
Its also like your forgeting that you watered down ya genes by breeding with ming ling. Ya seed is gonna pay for that, not you.:sas2:

Wenching is on the rise bcuz c00ns like yourself set the precedent. What example/message are we sending to our woman when you marry and breed out? They not good enough??
Lown key simp post. Corny.

Black women are bedwenches because black men date women of other races? You sound stupid.

Bedwenching is on the rise because you're broke and don't take black women seriously for anything besides sex but act like they should be proud you're they're youre favorite woman to fukk. Pathetic..

Clowns like you and the nikka you caping for don't have families, just rhetoric to get some woman who doesn't know better in bed to be another nut to brag abOut. Yikes.


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
Lown key simp post. Corny.

Black women are bedwenches because black men date women of other races? You sound stupid.

Bedwenching is on the rise because you're broke and don't take black women seriously for anything besides sex but act like they should be proud you're they're youre favorite woman to fukk. Pathetic..

Clowns like you and the nikka you caping for don't have families, just rhetoric to get some woman who doesn't know better in bed to be another nut to brag abOut. Yikes.
N1gga you corny. You wifed AND bred an asian. can't get any cornier and simp than that.
nothing you posted in this thread makes sense.
Bet you hard on black women and c00n for chinks. I know your type.
In your c00n mind, you believe you upgraded by marring ming ling.

This n1gga BUTT-hurt. in here trying to rationalize his c00ning. :dame: Now you wanna talk about my finances? Stop it. Ya seed will carry your c00ning tendencies.

Young black woman need to see strong black men being a good husband and father. They dont need to see they men chasing down the recessive genes.
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Feb 12, 2015
Ok. Say you're right. How do you feel about black women dating out?
Same deal. Why are whites even a factor in our communities' success?
How much lower does one's self esteem have to be for you to not even be able to imagine a scenario where we build our community up w/o whites being in the equation?

Other communities do it all the time. Asians are model minorities. Africans are too. Out of this entire thread the main priority has been conquering thru "muh dyck".
Come on now, y'all are as transparent as the bytches u worship. There have always been c00ns that attached themselves to the struggle, connecting the fight to their own brainwashed worship of whiteness. That's all that's happening here.

I would have more respect for a dude if he just came out and admitted it. "I've been immersed in white culture since I was a kid. I been led to believe that white women are better, even better than the women my own dyck produces with darker skin and kinky hair. So I'll use any excuse to get a white woman."

I've never been on a site where there are so many justifications for worshipping white p*ssy.

Y'all have let white media convince you of every lie in the book about ur own women and you repeat them to justify loving white women.
Now it's a matter of you needing to "conquer" them by fukkibg white women? That's what you link to blk excellence?!

Bwahahahahahaha! Your just giving them martyr status and elevating whiteness even more!
If this is what you all have to offer in terms of a solution to the ills in our community, we've already lost.


May 1, 2012
N1gga you corny. You wifed AND bred an asian. can't get any cornier and simp than that.
nothing you posted in this thread makes sense.
Bet you hard on black women and c00n for chinks. I know your type.
In your c00n mind, you believe you upgraded by marring ming ling.
We both agree that black women shouldn't be with non black men so really what are you arguing with me about. You agree with me.

As a man i do what I want. I nuts in chun li, maria, britney, Keisha and Darshana then I tell my cousin with a straight face don't ever in your life bring a white man up in this family with no fukks given.

It just takes balls. Wrangle the women in your family bruh because mine are in Check


Souljah inna Jah Army
Aug 8, 2012
Jah Movements
We both agree that black women shouldn't be with non black men so really what are you arguing with me about. You agree with me.

As a man in do what I want. I nuts in chun li, maria, britney, Keisha and Darshana then I tell my cousin don't even in your life bring a white man up in this family with no fukks given.

It just takes balls. Wrangle the women in your family bruh because mine are in Check

N1gga you corny. You wifed AND bred an asian. can't get any cornier and simp than that.
nothing you posted in this thread makes sense.
Bet you hard on black women and c00n for chinks. I know your type.
In your c00n mind, you believe you upgraded by marring ming ling.

This n1gga BUTT-hurt. in here trying to rationalize his c00ning. :dame: Now you wanna talk about my finances? Stop it. Ya seed will carry your c00ning tendencies.

Young black woman need to see strong black men being a good husband and father. They dont need to see they men chasing down ugly ass cac and smelly chinks.


Ocean air
Apr 2, 2015
But you live in the U.S. so that is why you carried out your father culture more than your mother's. If you were in Ethiopia even with a Black American father you would probably consider yourself Ethiopian and carry on those traditions.
Look at the Blasian Ms. Japan. She is not her father's child she is her mother's child, add to that the fact that most kids tend to be closer to their mothers they will be closer to their mothers culture.
Most the European bi-racials' with black fathers are not close to their father's homeland and just attached themselves to whatever European nation they were born in. Compare that likes of Neomie Lenior and Thandie Newton who are close to their mother's African culture. In fact, it seems as though bi-racial children with black mothers tend to consider themselves black more often than those with non-black mothers who more often than not consider themselves bi-racial, which is fine because they are in fact bi-racial. But women in general are more invested in carrying on culture than men.
But Thandie Newton ended up marrying and having kids with a White man. She was a direct product of a White Male/Black Female marriage. And she carried on that legacy. Regardless if she still clings to her African roots, she hasn't procreated with any Africans. Her children seem more likely to marry Whites. But, you never know.


Feb 12, 2015
We both agree that black women shouldn't be with non black men so really what are you arguing with me about. You agree with me.

As a man i do what I want. I nuts in chun li, maria, britney, Keisha and Darshana then I tell my cousin with a straight face don't ever in your life bring a white man up in this family with no fukks given.

It just takes balls. Wrangle the women in your family bruh because mine are in Check
But what if she falls in love for an
Asian dude the way you fell for an Asian chick?