Quote of the night


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012

"Poor Righteous Teacher. What Does that mean? Let's define it.

First, what's up with the "Poor" part? Poor means to have the lack of something in a certain criteria. So I am poor because I lack greed; I am poor because I lack selfishness. I am poor because I lack ignorance. I am poor because I lack the need to keep my people ignorant to themselves. We are poor because we transcend materialism.

Those who teach mathematics, we don't get glory or medals or money for our actions. We will gladly do this for free, our only reward is to save another person from lies and remove weakness off their cipher. The reason why we are poor is because we sacrifice everything that we have in order for the big picture to come into fruition. I study a lot of things I read so much I wonder if it becomes selfish and then I always say I don't keep it, I give it all away to all those who want to learn.

The foundation of PRT: sacrifice. Why? Because we don't interpret the word "Poor" as a reference to being broke! For us, "Poor" refers to transcending materialism, and giving of ourselves for the sake of others. It's the Knowledge (first part), as I see it, to the equation of PRT. Equality refers to the fairness of a cipher, and we deal equally in knowledge. In Supreme Mathematics, six is Equality. As one reference point, carbon in the sixth element in the periodic table, and it's the most fairly distributed element in the universe. Every living thing has a level of carbon in it.

So what does that tell us?

That carbon is a necessity to life and its dealt equality to all things so they can function properly. Original people who study the truth understand that's it's a necessity to tell those who don't know and this too deals with life-giving equality. Knowledge of self for the Black family is a must in life, something all need equally. Thus, we give it, without taking in return.

Now, let's define "Righteous", the Wisdom (second) component in the equation of PRT. I see it as acting in accord with moral thinking. Righteousness does not mean free from error. We are not robots. It means that we strive for what’s right at all times and never lose focus of what’s right and what’s wrong in the world and with ourselves.

Having knowledge of self, I am morally obligated to those who don’t have it. Righteousness is action. So ones actions must strive to be right and in accord with the truth at all times. The actions of the sacrifice that I have made for my people can bring about change to all those I meet and speak to. The nature of Black People is to deal with equality amongst each other, that’s why you see Black love can be the strongest, yet we are so distorted and divided it never truly comes to fruition.

A lot of people always want to do right, yet they never act on these thoughts so nothing ever gets done. What is the sense of having a righteous thought if you don’t act upon it?

Let’s define “Teacher”, the Understanding in the equation of PRT. We all know understanding is the best part of the learning process. A teacher with knowledge of self is the best one to facilitate this process to those who lack the understanding of themselves in the universe. I see a teacher as one who gives knowledge and understanding to those who lack it on any given thing in life to allow them to make progress.

I love the feeling when I hear, 'hmmm….’ when I am making knowledge born. I love the feeling when somebody says ‘let me get your number so we can build’. I love the feeling knowing that I am making a change in someone’s life."

Knowledge of Self: A Collection of Wisdom on the Science of Everything in Life

~*Supreme Understanding

"Freedom, morality, and human dignity of the individual consists precisely in this; that he does good not because he is forced to do so, but because he freely conceives it, wants it, and loves it." ~*Mikhail Bakunin
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May 15, 2012
Twin Cities
Quotes from Rumi (Sufi poet)

Yesterday I was Clever. So I wanted to change the world. Today I am wise. so I am changing myself.

As you start to walk out on the way, the way appears.

Your task is not to seek for love, but merely to seek and find all the barriers within yourself that you have built against it.

The wound is the place where the Light enters you.

This human being in a guest-house.
Every morning a new arrival.
A joy, a depression, a meanness,
some momentary awareness comes.
as an unexpected visitor.
Welcome and entertain them all!
Even if they're a crowd of sorrows,
who violently sweep your house.
empty it of its furniture.
still, treat each guest honorably.
He may be clearing you.
out for some new delight.
The dark thought, the shame, the malice,
meet them at the door laughing,
and invite them in.
Be grateful for whoever comes,
because each has been sent.
as a guide from beyond.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012

"Love is painful because it creates the way for bliss. Love is painful because it transforms; love is mutation. Each transformation is going to be painful because the old has to be left for the new. The old is familiar, secure, safe, the new is absolutely unknown. You will be moving in an uncharted ocean. You cannot use your mind with the new; with the old, the mind is skillful. The mind can function only with the old; with the new, the mind is utterly useless.

Hence, fear arises. And leaving the old, comfortable, safe world, the world of convenience, pain arises. It is the same pain that the child feels when he comes out of the womb of the mother. It is the same pain that the bird feels when he comes out of the egg. It is the same pain that the bird will feel when he will try for the first time to be on the wing. The fear of the unknown, and the security of the known, the insecurity of the unknown, the unpredictability of the unknown, makes one very much frightened.
And because the transformation is going to be from the self towards a state of no-self, agony is very deep. But you cannot have ecstasy without going through agony. If the gold wants to be purified, it has to pass through fire.

Love is fire.

It is because of the pain of love, millions of people live a loveless life. They, too, suffer, and their suffering is futile. To suffer in love is not to suffer in vain. To suffer in love is creative; it takes you to higher levels of consciousness. To suffer without love is utterly a waste; it leads you nowhere, it keeps you moving in the same vicious circle.

The man who is without love is narcissistic, he is closed. He knows only himself. And how much can he know himself if he has not known the other? because only the other can function as a mirror. You will never know yourself without knowing the other. Love is very fundamental for self-knowledge, too. The person who has not known the other in deep love, in intense passion, in utter ecstasy, will not be able to know who he is, because he will not have the mirror to see his own reflection.

Relationship is a mirror, and the purer the love is, the higher the love is, the better the mirror, the cleaner the mirror. But the higher love needs that you should be open. The higher love needs you to be vulnerable. You have to drop your armor; that is painful. You have not to be constantly on guard. You have to drop the calculating mind. You have to risk. You have to live dangerously. The other can hurt you; that is the fear in being vulnerable. The other can reject you; that is the fear in being in love.

The reflection that you will find in the other of your own self may be ugly - that is the anxiety; avoid the mirror! But by avoiding the mirror you are not going to become beautiful. By avoiding the situation you are not going to grow either. The challenge has to be taken.

One has to go into love. That is the first step towards God, and it cannot be bypassed. Those who try to bypass the step of love will never reach God. That is absolutely necessary because you become aware of your totality only when you are provoked by the presence of the other, when your presence is enhanced by the presence of the other, when you are brought out of your narcissistic, closed world under the open sky.

Love is an open sky. To be in love is to be on the wing. But certainly, the unbounded sky creates fear.
And to drop the ego is very painful because we have been taught to cultivate the ego. We think the ego is our only treasure. We have been protecting it, we have been decorating it, we have been continuously polishing it, and when love knocks on the door, all that is needed to fall in love is to put aside the ego; certainly it is painful. It is your whole life's work, it is all that you have created -- this ugly ego, this idea that "I am separate from existence."

This idea is ugly because it is untrue. This idea is illusory, but our society exists, is based on this idea that each person is a person, not a presence.

The truth is that there is no person at all in the world; there is only presence. You are not -- not as an ego, separate from the whole. You are part of the whole. The whole penetrates you, the whole breathes in you, pulsates in you, the whole is your life.

Love gives you the first experience of being in tune with something that is not your ego. Love gives you the first lesson that you can fall into harmony with someone who has never been part of your ego. If you can be in harmony with a woman, if you can be in harmony with a friend, with a man, if you can be in harmony with your child or with your mother, why can't you be in harmony with all human beings? And if to be in harmony with a single person gives such joy, what will be the outcome if you are in harmony with all human beings? And if you can be in harmony with all human beings, why can't you be in harmony with animals and birds and trees? Then one step leads to another.

Love is a ladder. It starts with one person, it ends with the totality. Love is the beginning, God is the end. To be afraid of love, to be afraid of the growing pains of love, is to remain enclosed in a dark cell. Modern man is living in a dark cell; it is narcissistic - narcissism is the greatest obsession of the modern mind. And then there are problems, problems which are meaningless. There are problems which are creative because they lead you to higher awareness. There are problems which lead you nowhere; they simply keep you tethered, they simply keep you in your old mess.

Love creates problems. You can avoid those problems by avoiding love. But those are very essential problems! They have to be faced, encountered; they have to be lived and gone through and gone beyond. And to go beyond, the way is through. Love is the only real thing worth doing. All else is secondary. If it helps love, it is good. All else is just a means, love is the end. So whatsoever the pain, go into love.

If you don't go into love, as many people have decided, then you are stuck with yourself. Then your life is not a pilgrimage, then your life is not a river going to the ocean; your life is a stagnant pool, dirty, and soon there will be nothing but dirt and mud. To keep clean, one needs to keep flowing. A river remains clean because it goes on flowing. Flow is the process of remaining continuously virgin.

A lover remains a virgin. All lovers are virgin. The people who don't love cannot remain virgin; they become dormant, stagnant; they start stinking sooner or later -- and sooner than later -- because they have nowhere to go. Their life is dead.

This is no way to live, and the reason, the fundamental reason, is we have forgotten the language of love. We are no more courageous enough to go into that adventure called love.

Hence people are interested in sex, because sex is not risky. It is momentary, you don't get involved. Love is involvement; it is commitment. It is not momentary. Once it takes roots, it can be forever. It can be a lifelong involvement. Love needs intimacy, and only when you are intimate does the other become a mirror. When you meet sexually with a woman or a man, you have not met at all; in fact, you avoided the soul of the other person. You just used the body and escaped, and the other used your body and escaped. You never became intimate enough to reveal each other's original faces.

Love is the greatest Zen koan.

It is painful, but don't avoid it. If you avoid it you have avoided the greatest opportunity to grow. Go into it, suffer love, because through the suffering comes great ecstasy. Yes, there is agony, but out of the agony, ecstasy is born. Yes, you will have to die as an ego, but if you can die as an ego, you will be born as God.

Love will give you the first proof that God is, that life is not meaningless.

Let there be pain, let there be suffering. Go through the dark night, and you will reach to a beautiful sunrise. It is only in the womb of the dark night that the sun evolves. It is only through the dark night that the morning comes"


Love, Freedom, Aloneness: The Koan of Relationships

"I may have all knowledge and understand all secrets; I may have all the faith needed to move mountains – but if I have no love, I am nothing."


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012

"Let me tell you what I know about Black men. In the beginning, Black men were created spiritually good. This goodness was buried in the core of their being. It was a divine right, not a social title bestowed by human judgments and perceptions. The goodness of Black men is an inborn, natural status, a gift from the Creator. Black men were so very good, all that they did was good. You built civilizations and institutions, and you made remarkable discoveries that continue to influence the world as we know it today. This goodness was passed on from father to son, from generation to generation. As a result, Black men are still good. Anyone who takes the time to make a close examination will discover that Black men are hardworking, family-conscious, loving individuals serving to reach a goal and realize a dream. Black men are well educated, socially and politically astute, good to their wives and mates, dedicated to their children and their communities.

These are average Black men. They are the ones seen daily and known intimately. Unfortunately as a result of racially charged media stereotyping and social disenfranchisement, society forgets about the average Black man: the police officer, fireman, postal clerk, telephone installer, plumber, mail carrier, service station owner, sales clerk, accountant. In my experience, the average, often-forgotten Black man is not in jail, does not drink wine on the street corner, does not steal, rape old ladies, sire and then abandon his children. You are not dangerous, violent, lost, or in need of a social program to fulfill your basic human needs. You are a child of God, born to fulfill a divine mission. That mission is buried in your soul.

A spiritually conscious Black man has an air or an energy of blessed self-assurance and confidence. You can see it when you see him. He is not pushy or aggressive. He is not loud or aggressive. You probably don’t see him often, out in the public, proclaiming his superiority. He is most probably humble, very quiet, slow-moving, and always willing and able to assist and support you.

A spiritually conscious Black man expressing the heritage of his ancestors and one with his Creator is not stressed out. He is not frenzied about or frazzled by the ways of the world. He goes about his tasks, working, building, teaching, in a quiet but dignified manner. When he speaks to you, his words penetrate your being, and you know he is speaking the truth. He knows things. You don’t know he knows them, but he does. And when he speaks to you about the things he knows, it opens your mind to an entirely new level of thinking. A spiritually conscious Black man is still “one of the boys”. He tells good jokes and laughs at your funny stories. When he is in the group, however, the energy is different; the conversation directed, more meaningful. He is teaching and learning at the same time. He does not criticize you but is always able to offer you another way of looking at things. He may get hot under the collar and sometimes angry, but he is able to apologize and ask for forgiveness once he recognizes his mistakes.

A spiritually conscious Black man who is one with his Creator and knows that he is an African stands on principle. He does not look for shortcuts or the easy way out. He is willing to do whatever is necessary, whenever necessary to achieve his desired goal. The quality of his intent is always to achieve the best possible outcome for the good of all involved. He has personal goals, needs, and desires, but he is willing to put them aside, delay his own personal satisfaction, to ensure that whatever group he is in moves ahead collectively. A spiritually conscious African man may not be wealthy. He is certainly not flashy or fancy. He has exactly what he needs; he never worries about how he will get it; and more often than not, he has enough to share with you if you need it. He does not believe in lack, restriction, or limitation. He recognizes the universe as an abundant, benevolent, user-friendly environment to which he always has immediate access through a peace mind and stillness of heart. Through self-imposed periods of stillness, he is empowered with a sense of oneness with his Creator."

The Spirit of a Man: A Vision of Transformation for Black Men and the Women Who Love Them

~*Iyanla Vanzant

[ame=http://youtu.be/lg1MpqdYTGM]Angie Stone feat Alicia Keys & Eve - Brotha Part II - YouTube[/ame]


"By appreciation, we make excellence in others our own property" ~*Voltaire


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012

"The fact is that we regularly and even daily deceive ourselves. We only listen to what suits our image and reject the rest. We allow access to our brain everything that flatters us or that coincides with our own ideas or represents a type of paradigm that enables us to justify our own defects, hereditary defects and deficiencies.

Our hearing becomes particularly sensitive and sharp when we are spoken well of, and suddenly becomes deaf when we are criticized or when we hear ideas that contradict or diverge from our own. Our sight is particularly sharp to discern the “mote in the other’s eye” yet has singular difficulty in perceiving the plank in our own.

We only see what we expect and wish to see, and close our eyes to the rest. Our conversations or discussions on certain subjects are so sterile that we really listen to nothing which we do not want to and only pay attention to words that could mean we are right in our statements. Debates are usually dialogues for the deaf, for nobody is interested in listening but merely in imposing their own ideas. Quarrels between a couple are generally only a process of impatiently and deafly waiting for the other party to finish speaking without caring what he or she is saying, unless it coincides with one’s own version, in which case the faculty of listening is immediately recovered.

We only listen when we are flattered and remain deaf to any criticism. This enables us to develop all kinds of exotic mental and emotional maneuvers to convince ourselves that red is really blue, because this is our favorite color, and that green is yellow, because we do not like green. Dialogue is rare even if there are two or more people involved. It is common for there to be a monologue in which each merely gives out the messages generated in his cerebral program, without any inner disposition to listen to divergent opinions.

Manipulating reality to adapt to one’s own fears and desires represents a moral dislocation, as it deprives us of the pedagogical lessons of life, for we shall never understand what the true cause of our frustrations, pains, lackings, or sufferings really is. This is the same as saying that a teacher gave us a bad grade at school because he does not like us instead of recognizing our own ignorance or lack of diligence in our studies.

The manipulation of one’s own mind may make the individual perceive a saint as a con-man, a boor as an important man, the truth as a lie, and falsehood as authenticity. It makes him visualize himself as a model of honesty and nobility even while he is committing the greatest infamy. It may make him disqualify a wise man and flatter an ignorant one. All this is in accordance with the fluctuation of his desires, faults, and fears, and not with reality.

To speak, think, feel, or behave on the strength of what one believes one is and not what one really is, is no different to the performances of Batman or Superman: pure fantasy. It is possible that the ancient saying nosce te ipsum (know thyself) was designed with the fundamental purpose of attaining honest, truthful communication between people, thus avoiding interminable and useless chatter in which the part of an individual’s mind that is governed by fantasy dialogues with its counterpart in another person.

To a certain extent, people perceive the spurious, irrelevant nature of these contacts, for after conversing, people will often feel dissatisfied, annoyed, or doubtful, just as if they had expressed something in an improper way or still had not said what they really wanted, seeking it always in their minds without ever finding it. What happens is that at that moment they glimpse their true identity, smothered beneath the foliage of the image, and this emotional perception also shows them by contrast, the falsehood of their daily behavior, in which the being is continually relegated and attacked in order to defend its own idealized image. As a result of all this, there appears a vague discontent or frustration, like a feeling of having lost or forgotten something, or of not having managed to do what one really wanted to do. One must consider that when one takes on a false or fantastical identity, as in the case of the idealized image, the “I” as the central point of this formation, attracts around it all the elements of new daily experiences, which, instead of augmenting the being, pass over into the image, as if a computer operator had made a mistake in filing information and put it where it does not belong. The image feeds on all the individual’s experiences; this is the reason why such experiences lose their evolutive usefulness and merely come to augment the effigy, whereas the being, which is the transcendental “I”, remains deprived and underdeveloped.

This is the general misery that attacks people regardless of their social class, creed, race or color. However rich, famous, important, charitable, magnanimous, or intelligent an individual may be, his respective being will most likely be in a state of profound impoverishment, whereas his false identity will suffer from chronic obesity. In this way, each does no more than defend what he sees in the image created by his own dreams, on which he has imprudently and wrongly hung his own identity. The authentic being, meanwhile, languishes in oblivion and abandonment.

It often occurs that certain people, with the covert aim of washing their images, will, throughout their lifetime, wave the banner of fine concepts or ideals that they don’t really feel, understand, or practice, and they certainly do this sincerely with no conscious intentions of cheating anyone. As you will understand, it is very pleasant to boast of frankness and humanitarianism even thought this bears no relation to the individual’s true inner identity.

To confront inner and external truth as it really is, is both an honor and a privilege, and he who does not do this commits a moral offense against his own divine spark, thus dooming himself to spiritual exile."

Morals For The 21st Century

~*John Baines

"I seek strength, not to be greater than my brother, but to fight my greatest enemy--myself." ~*Chief Yellow Lark


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012

"Only in a morally bankrupt society would one find popular, for-profit, generally accept, and blatant exploitation of women in the media. Although such exploitation exists in television programs and Hollywood movies, it has become pervasive in rap videos and rap music. Before going further, understand a major point: Teenagers and young adults are the major audience of rap music and videos. They are being desensitized to the exploitation while being conditioned to love and enjoy the exploitation of women without even knowing that this is being done to them! People are programmed just like computers. The result is that this society has ten-year-old boys believing it’s “cool” to call girls bytch, freak, skeezer, and hoe. Too many girls, and even some women, accept being called derogatory names. In her book Ladies First: Revelations of a Strong woman, Queen Latifiah states:

I’m writing this book to let every woman know that she, too – no matter what her status or placein life – is royalty. This is particularly important for African American women to know inside and out, upside down, and right side up. For so long in this society, we have been given – and have allowed ourselves to take – the role of the slave, concubine, mammy, second-class citizen, bytch, hoe. Many of us have been so hurt and so dogged out by society – and by men and by life – that we can’t even wrap our brains around the notion that we deserve better, that we are queens.

It has been said that if you call a persona name long enough she or he will being to believe it. Imagine if teenage males and females were conditioned and encouraged to address one another as queen and king and to act like royalty! Women will claim their rightful place on this planet only when they being to see themselves as sacred creations. Latifah states that women were created in “Her Image”. Unfortunately, the rap industry tends to shun positive messages put forth by such women as Sista Souljah and others because positive rap is a threat to the patriarchal White male power structure. The power structure understands the necessity of keeping us happy, violent and lustful. Watching and listening to destructive lyrics serves this end.

Popularity and wealth are promised to African American males (sadly, some female rap artists participate in the madness who are willing to call women names and glorify doing all sorts of sadistic sexual acts to women. Put a funky beat to disrespectful lyrics and abracadabra! It’s a chart busting hit! Too often the music industry, as well as other industries under the White male power structure pimp women and girls. I believe that young girls watching rap videos develop two destructive beliefs: They being to view themselves as unattractive if they don’t resemble the half naked, made up, light skinned female with long hair in the videos; and they begin to believe that it’s alright t for boys and men to treat them like toys, especially if the boy or man has an expensive car and money – all she has to do is provide the sex.

Understand: Women and girls are the product of rap music and videos. The "bytch" is tied to money, the "hoe" is tied to the money, the "freak" is tied to the money, and the "bait" is tied to money. Several scenarios provide examples. A teenage male starches his most expensive jeans, buys the latest Jordans, and goes to a find department store to purchase the latest Polo shirt to match his jeans so that he can look "fresh" for the "bytches" or "them hoes". A well educated, professional male puts on his Brook Brothers suit to go to a local hangout so that he can "score" with a female. I personally believe that men and boys seek women and girls that closely resemble those in rap videos – they desire the product. Women are not to be protected, loved, and respected, but to be purchased and used.

Women must protest the blatant, wholesale exploitation of women. Women must critique the rap songs their children listen to. Women must monitor and boycott rap videos that exploit women. Women must sponsor, purchase products, and otherwise support those female rap artists that are about liberation. Women must challenge the wickedly clever argument that these destructive videos and songs are "art". Women must challenge African American rap artists about exploiting their own people"

The Conspiracy to Destroy Black Women

~*Michael Porter

[ame=http://youtu.be/C3m3t_PxiUI]Lupe Fiasco - bytch Bad [Music Video] - YouTube[/ame]

"If thought corrupts language, language can also corrupt thought." ~*George Orwell


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012

"The Law of Attraction is neither good nor evil, neither moral nor immoral; it is a neutral law that always flows in conjunction with the desires of the individual; we each choose our own line of growth, and there are as many lines of growth as there are individuals; and although no two of us are exactly alike, yet many of us move along similar lines.

These lines of growth are made up of past, present, and future desires, manifesting in the ever forming present, where they establish the central line of our being along which we advance; the nature of these desires has no power to check the action of this, for its function is to bring to maturity the bitter as well as the sweet.

An illustration of the neutrality and action of this law is found in the grafting of an apple tree bud into an orange tree, where we find in due time eatable and uneatable fruits growing together on the same tree; that is, wholesome and unwholesome fruits nourished and brought to maturity by the same sap.

In applying this illustration to ourselves, we find that the apples and oranges represent our different desires, while the sap represents this Law of Growth; and just the sap brings to maturity the different kinds of fruit, just so will this Law bring to fruitfulness our different kinds of desires; and whether they be wholesome or unwholesome, it matters not to the law, for its place in life is to bring to our minds a conscious realization of the results that follow all desires we hold, as well as of their nature, their effect and their purpose.

In man’s division of the Law, we come into contact with a larger activity, one that is utterly unknown to the primitive mind, which leads us to a conscious awakening of a newer power in a larger field of action--in other words, a larger truth, a greater understanding, and a deeper insight.

We are touching a greater reality, for let us understand that reality lies in activity and not outside of it; to exist is to be alive to the action of the laws about us; the hidden urge in the plant is its reality, and not the outer form we see.

True knowledge comes to us through our own activities, borrowed knowledge through the activities of others; both together evolves our intellects. And slowly we are forming an unique self, an individualizing unit.

As we move out into the power of our growing intellects, into an ever moving consciousness we are learning to seek for the wherefore and why of things, and in this search we think and imagine that we are original, when in fact we are only students of established beliefs, notions, and facts, gathered throughout generations of tribal and national life.

We live in a state of fear and uncertainty, until we find, and make use of, the unvarying uniformity running through all laws; this is a central truth that we must know and use before we can become masters of self, or masters of conditions. The Law of Growth ripens collectively, for its one function is: “to act upon that which we give it to act upon.”

As the nature of the cause governs the effect, so does thought precede and predetermine action. Each one must use this Law knowingly, consciously; otherwise we use it blindly--use it we must.

In our growth from primitive man to conscious man, there are three seeming divisions or sections. First, our growth through the savage or unconscious state; second, our growth through the intellectual and conscious growing state; and third, our growth into, and conscious recognition of, our conscious state.

We all know that the bulb must first send out roots before it can send out shoots, and it must send out shoots before it can come to blossom in the sunlight. It is just so with us, like the plant, we must first send out roots (our roots are our thoughts), before we can evolve from our primitive or animal bulb-like state into the intellectual and conscious growing state.

Next we, like the plant, must send forth shoots before we can evolve from a purely intellectual state of conscious growing, into a conscious state of conscious knowing; otherwise we would always remain only creatures of the law and never masters of the law.

Lastly, we, like the plant, must individualize, must come to full blossom; in other words, must give forth the radiating beauty of a perfected life, must stand revealed to ourselves and to others, as a unit of power and a master over those laws that govern and control our growth. Each has a force within itself, and this force is the action of law set into activity by ourselves; it is through this consciousness that we begin to master laws, and to bring results through our conscious knowledge of their operation.

Life is a rigid conformity to laws, where we are the conscious or unconscious chemists of our own life; for when life is truly understood it is found to be made up of chemical action. As we breathe in oxygen, chemical action takes place in our blood; as we consume food and water, chemical action takes place in our digestive organs; in our use of thought chemical action takes place in both mind and body; in the change called death, chemical action takes place and disintegration sets in; so we find that physical existence is chemical action.

Life is made up of laws and as we make use of these laws, so do we get results.

If we think distress we get distress; if we think success, we get success. When we entertain destructive thought we set up a chemical action that checks digestion, which in turn irritates other organs of the body and reacts upon the mind, causing disease and sickness; when we worry, we churn a cesspool of chemical action, causing fearful havoc to both mind and body; on the other hand, if we entertain constructive thoughts, we set up a healthy chemical action.

When we entertain negative thoughts, we put into action a poisonous chemical activity of a disintegrating nature, that stupefies our sensibilities and deadens our nerve actions, causing the mind and body to become negative and therefore subject to many ills; on the other hand, if we are positive, we put into action a healthy chemical activity of a constructive nature, causing the mind and body to become free from the many ills due to discordant thoughts.

These analyses can be carried through every avenue of life, but enough has been shown to indicate that life is largely chemical action, and that the mind is the chemical laboratory of thought, and that we are the chemists in the workshop of mental action where everything is prepared for our use, and where the product turned out will be in proportion to the material used; in other words, the nature of the thought we use determines the kind of conditions and experiences with which we meet; what we put into life we get out of life--no more, no less.

Life is an orderly advancement, governed by the “Law of Attraction.” our growth is through three seeming sections. In the first we are creatures of law, in the second users of law, and in the third we are masters of law. In the first we are unconscious users of thought power, in the second conscious users of thought power, and in the third we are conscious users of conscious power. So long as we persist in using only the laws of the first section we are held in bondage to them; so long as we remain satisfied with the laws and growth of the second section we shall never become conscious of a greater advancement. In the third section we awaken to our conscious power over laws of the first and second sections, and become fully awake to the laws governing the third.

When rightly understood, life is found not to be a question of chance; not a question of creed; not a question of nationality; not a question of social standing; not a question of wealth; not a question of power, NO--all of these have a place to fill in the growth of the individual, but we must all eventually come to know that Harmony comes only as the result of a compliance with Natural Law. This rigid exactness and stability in the nature of law is our greatest asset, and when we become conscious of this available power, and use it judiciously, we shall have found the Truth which will make us Free!"

Mental Chemistry

~* Charles F. Haanel

"Thought is deeper than all speech, Feeling deeper than all thought; Soul to soul can never teach, What unto itself is taught" ~*C. P. Cranch


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012

"What is your state of mind? Why would you simply want to attract a Man to you based on the exteriors of your outer physical body? Why would you hold yourself in such “cheap” value and “cheap” esteem? Are you even conscious of what you are doing?

Listen to this real good, sister. If you do attract a Man to you, simply based on your “body”, how long do you really expect this man to be with you? You know that there is always going to be some-“body” better than yours! And as soon as some-“body” better comes along, your so-called Man, has gone along with some-“body” else other than your own “body”! Now you left feeling like a no-“body”. What a shame.

And what kind of “so-called” Man would be attracted to you, if you are dressed like a “cheap-hoar”??? Huh? The truth is no “Real Man”! You can only attract that which is the reflection of your own self! This is just the Law of the Universe.

So this tells you that “Female hoars” can only attract “Male hoars”! If it is a “cheap-two-dollar-and-fifty-cent-Male hoar” that you are looking for, then you just keep right on advertising for one…

I know what you saying, “I ain’t no cheap two dollar and fifty centy hoar!” yeah, well why you trying to dress like one? Huh? So, what you trying to get all mad and upset for? Don’t get mad at me! I didn’t dress you!

How could I have offended you? Did I under-price your value, according to the current street exchange rate or something? Is that what I did?...maybe it’s “two-dollar and ‘fifty-two’-cent hoar” or something? I’m sorry, I just don’t know too much about these things in detail. All that I do know is, if you got a problem with this, that is being said, then YOU got a problem. I cannot offend you, more than you are offending yourself.

If you are offended, this is for you. This is a personal love letter from me to you. I love you, so I’m gonna tell you the truth about yourself. I’m your best friend…the best kind of friend that you will ever have! The others won’t tell you, cause they don’t really care about your well being. But “I” love you! And know that you can do better, and I know that you will do better, once you get some sense up into your head. I know this.

I’m going to let you know that you are much more valuable than you think that you are. I’m gonna help you to help yourself, back into a sane state of mind, just like somebody helped me… and is helping me. I’m loving you because somebody had the heart enough to love me, and begin to lift me up and out of foolishness!

You know that I haven’t told you nothing but the absolute truth. You know that I have not advised you wrong. And if you also know, that if you were Truly Sane and Healthy in mind, you would have never had any problem with this truth. You know that you are suffering from a degraded state of mental and emotional dis-ease.

You know it is pure insanity to dress and act like a “cheap-hoar”, while at the same time expecting to get treated like a “first-class woman”. That is insanely irrational thinking; to dress and act like a cheap-hoar, but at the same time expect to attract a respectably decent Blackman. The world just doesn’t work like that.

Have you ever really thought about these things? Have you ever really thought about why you just can’t seem to attract any decent Men? Have you? Well what do you plan to attract a decent man with, other than the principle of “decency” itself? You can only receive for yourself, what you make yourself worthy enough to receive. You can only get back what you are giving out.

A strong Blackwoman automatically attracts a strong Blackman! And a divine Black Goddess automatically attracts a divine Black God! Yes, and if you are dressed as a Prostitute, you are automatically going to attract some fool that thinks he’s a Pimp! That is the law of The Universe. You attract what you are.

Now what is it that you have been attracting to yourself, by walking around half-naked? Hmmm? Well? Yeah, I thought so. You’re still “reaping” exactly what you’re “sowing”… and you always will reap what you sow.


Constantly reflect and reprove yourself, for your own self. Nobody has to see you more than you. Your own self-reflected beauty has a profound inner psychological effect. Radiate that life and vitality back unto yourself.

This is real, and this is self-healing psychology (science of the psyche). The clothing that we choose to wear, all the way down to the color pattern, has a deep psychological effect upon us every day. It’s true, think about it.

For example… Have you ever noticed that the entire spirit of a “house” can totally change, just with the simple change of a new décor? Have you ever walked into a house that looked so dead, depressing and lifeless that it seemed to drain the energy right out of you? Yeah, me too.

But, have you also noticed that when a new family moves into that same house, the whole spirit of the house can change? I would see that same house later on, with new bright pain, brand new wall-paper, new floors, new furniture, new light fixtures, clean windows, green plants, etc., etc. And the same house that once projected “death”, would now project life! The same house that once “drained” energy from people who came into it, now inspires the people with new “energy” and “vitality”! All of this because of a “New-Décor”!

Well, what about your own personal house… your physical body… your house of God? Do you project “Life” or “Death”? What is your “interior decoration” and your “exterior decoration”? Who lives in your house today, a negro, a slavewoman, a temptress, or a “Royal Queen-Goddess’? Does your house look like the Residence of Royalty? Who lives there?

Do you project “life” or “death”? Listen, you know what I am saying. The point is to look “vibrant” not drab or dead look “vibrant” not wile or flamboyant either. Balance. Clean. Orderly. Neat. Natural. Modest. Radiant. Respectable. Beautiful!

Just remember that you represent the righteous presence of God in the person of you! And, of course, don’t try to say that I am trying to encourage you to go and cover yourself, by wrapping all up in a bed sheet looking like a Mummy or nothing. No, you are not going to get out of this thing like that. I am encouraging you to dress like you have some “good-sense” in your head. No. As a matter of fact, dress like you got some “God-sense” in your head!

You don’t want to be that low-life, class-less, Cheap Woman. You don’t want to be the Degraded shame of your people! You want to be the Uplifted Glory of your People!

Civilized. Beautiful. Queen. That’s You.

Final Affirmation:

The Radiance of your True Beauty begins within your “heart and mind”. Strive to beautify your inner-self, then watch it’s glow radiate to the surface of your physical and beyond. Yes, and just as surely as you allow its Beauty to emanate out from you, it shall surely return unto you. Goddesses attract Gods. And Queens attract Kings.

The Goddess Blackwoman: Mother of Civilization


[ame=http://youtu.be/iQ7mmMe4klQ]Who Is Sara Baartman? Every black woman should know her name - YouTube[/ame]

"The kind of beauty I want most is the hard-to-get kind that comes from within -- strength, courage, dignity." ~*Ruby Dee


May 2, 2012
"Kill the snake of doubt in your soul, crush the worms of fear in your heart, and mountains will move out of your way" - Kate seredy
Oct 31, 2012
"May the lord be my German Shepherd" - Marlon Wayans

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Duality Duel
May 1, 2012

"The True Enemy

Enemy is the inner me. It is this enemy which is the inner me that can bring about the en ê my (end-of-me). You don’t have enemies; you only have inner me’s. It is inner me’s that are your enemies! Here’s a short inner me Proverb:

The inner me
has always prevented me
from reaching my goals.
An outsider is not my enemy.
For, I AM the only inner me
That can bring about the en ê my (end-of-me).

YES, my greatest enemy is that neatly tucked away inner me!

Fear is Self-Imprisonment: a personal bondage. When people fear they are voluntarily accusing, sentencing, and locking themselves up for a crime that they didn’t commit (or perhaps did commit!) In either case, it is self-incrimination!

Fear is personal entrapment. You can become so psychologically trapped in the web of your own personal fears that it will render you helplessly captive in the prison system of your mind. Consequently, this is the basic foundation of one’s enrollment in the prison system called Fear.

Fear is the warden that runs this entire operation! Your brain is the institution; your mind is the cell that stores all the institutional rules of the prison system and YOU are the prisoner.

As the warden of this institution, Fear is responsible for imprisoning every soul on the face of this earth and anxiety, worry, doubt, afraid, scared, nervous, etc., are its prison guards.

However, there is a very strange thing about this prison system that is mind-boggling. Meaning, it populates itself! People actually raise their hands and volunteer to come to this type of prison. This is the only prison system where the prisoners (people) prosecute, convict, and then sentence themselves to lifetime sentences with NO PAROLE!

This institution of Fear is not a correctional facility but rather an “incorrectional” faciality. Fear never intends for you to correct yourself in its facilities. Oh no, this is not the type of operation that Fear is running.

Fear is hell-bent on making you as incorrect with yourself as humanly possible. It is your sole responsibility to try to correct yourself in this evil institutional world – now, properly referred to as your MIND.

Fear is not trying to make you a law-abiding and fearless citizen-no, that would mean that you had been rehabilitated! Fear’s purpose is to do the exact opposite. Fear wants to make you very scared and an extremely fearful citizen whether you are law-abiding or not.

A very interesting paradox is that Fear is not concerned with you being law-abiding as it is with you being fearful in the process! Fear’s infamous motto is:

“Be whatever you want to be,
But just be fearful in the process!
Do whatever you want to do,
But just honor my name.”

You can be a doctor just fear acts of malpractice;
You can be a lawyer just fear being sued;
You can be a high school teacher just fear being shot!

“Be whatever you want to be,
But just be fearful in the process!
Do whatever you want to do,
But just honor my name.”

The moment fear enters your mind it changes your mental and physiological system. Whatever you were trying to do has been overridden by this new program. Wherever you were planning to travel has just been replaced by this New Order.

Fear is a prison system on wheels! Your legs are its wheels! Therefore, Fear will go wherever you go, whenever you go and however you go. Yet its intentions are not to compliment your goals or plans-Fear’s intentions are to disturb them!

Your own personal fears make you an inmate within the prison system that you unknowingly built for yourself. And the new chief-in-charge (thanks to you)-is fear.

Fear, who is officially and properly referred to now as the warden of this prison system-must begin gathering his group of specially, trained soldiers (thoughts). This special group of thoughts is a six-member group called the goon squad.

The goon squad is nothing but a group of specially trained prison guards that have been programmed to keep you in check-fearfully speaking! This six-member group consists of three officers, two sergeants, and one lieutenant whose names are as follow:

1. Officer Worry
2. Officer Scary
3. Officer Doubt
4. Sgt. Anxiety
5. Sgt. Stress
6. 1st Lieutenant Lie!

The most powerful, militant member of this group is 1st Lieutenant Lie. The rest of the crew heavily depends on his direction and leadership. 1st Lieutenant Lie is so filled with lies that not only does his name being with it-it is the first three letters of his rank (lie-U-tenant).

1st Lieutenant Lie is the first one to lie and the first one to enforce and attack. Then he orders the rest of the crew to join in and compound this vicious attack on a continual basis. Your mind comes under intense attack and it is at the mercy of this relentless and senseless group of thoughts 24-hours a day, 7 days a week!

The ultimate duty of 1st Lieutenant Lie is to keep a person’s mind filled with lies but then he orders Sgt. Stress to monitor and compound this gruesome attack until the person keels over. I should forewarn you that anytime 1st Lieutenant Lie assigns Sgt. Anxiety and Sgt. Stress to monitor and compound an affect-he is really try to knock you off (kill you!). It’s only when he assigns Office Worry, Officer Scary, and Officer Doubt that you know he only wants to torture you subtly. But when 1st Lieutenant Lie assigns his two high-powered officers Sgt. Anxiety and Sgt. Stress – oh, he has made the decision to kill you violently! He does not even want you as a prisoner any longer- for, he would much rather see you dead.

At this point, it looks like you are pretty much a done-deal unless you make a radical change to reverse this wrongful sentence and free yourself at once.

Now, because you are your own judge who God will base his judgment on-therefore, you must conduct your own court and rule against these hardened criminals in your life, i.e., fear, anxiety, stress, worry, scary, doubt, lie, and others by imposing your sentence as you receipt this decree:

“My Judgment Against Fear And His Staff:

Fear, I sentence you to death!
Anxiety, I sentence you to death!
Stress, I sentence you to death!
Doubt, I sentence you to death!
Worry, I sentence you to death!
Nervousness, I sentence you to death!
Intimidation, I sentence you to death!
Personal Lies, I sentence you to death!

We are exalted or condemned by the words that we use. The Bible declares: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).” So, Let’s condemn and sentence these accursed words of evil to death and speak the blessed words of righteousness – and truly live."

A Fear Not Degree Is Better Than a Ph.d

~*Aim Og

"The greater part of our happiness or misery depends upon our dispositions, and not upon our circumstances." ~* Martha Washington


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012

"If someone you did not know contacted you in some way and said to you: "Hello, you don‘t know me, but I wanted to tell you that I‘ll never contact you in any way again“, you would say...Alright". You would not feel sad or disappointed that you would not hear from the stranger again. But if someone important to you were to tell you that, you would feel strong negative emotion. The emotion that you feel always indicates the vibrational difference between your point of desire and your current thought. You could say that your emotions indicate the difference between your desire and your belief, or between your desire and your expectation. We like to explain that your emotions indicate the vibrational relationship between the vibration of who you have really become and who you‘re allowing yourself to be right now because of the thoughts you‘re thinking.

For example, when you‘re feeling proud of yourself, the feelings that you‘re experiencing are indicating alignment between the vibration, or thought, of your Inner-Being and the vibration or thought of you right here right now. When you feel ashamed or embarrassed, those feelings indicate that you in your now are thinking thoughts about yourself that are very different from the thoughts that the broader part of you is having about you.

Before your emotions could be meaningful to you, before you could allow them to give you the precise and perfect guidance that they‘re offering, you must understand that you are a being with two points of perspective that are continually relating to each other. When you understand that your Inner-Being, or the expanded being that you‘re becoming, stands as the furthermost culmination of life and constantly calls you forward to that, then you begin to understand that feeling of passion or eagerness is present when you‘re allowing your movement toward your expanded Self. And you also understand that feeling of being unfulfilled or of uneasiness, when you‘re not allowing your movement toward your expanded Self. There is just no way of getting around it. You must allow
yourself to be the being that life has caused you to become, if you‘re to feel joy. And unless you‘re feeling joy, you‘re not allowing yourself to be that which life has caused you to become.

Trying to get another person to stop doing something is truly a futile endeavor. Because even if you had the physical strength or clout to demand a behavioral change, in that effort you offer a vibrational output that completely contradicts your true desire. And you only get even more out of balance. Instead of asking others to change their behavior, your power is in your changing your reaction to their behavior. You have no control over their behavior, but you do have complete control over your reaction to it.

As you give your attention to something, you activate a vibration within you that matches whatever you‘re focused upon. So if you‘re focusing upon something that aligns with who you really are, you feel good when you focus upon it, because the two vibrational aspects of your being are aligned. If whatever you‘re giving your attention to makes you feel bad, it means that the two aspects of your being are out of alignment.

As you understand that the alignment within you is all you need to pay your attention to, and as you work to maintain that alignment, not only will you feel good more of the time, but also more of the things in your life will go the way you want them to go."

The Astonishing Power of Emotions: Let Your Feelings Be Your Guide

~*Esther Hicks

"I define joy as a sustained sense of well-being and internal peace - a connection to what matters."