"We have some serious issues with identity. Were so screwed up on who and what we are, we let other people define us. Black people have been called everything from c00n, darkie, and porch monkey to jigaboo, tarbaby, and some other names that I dont even understand. Hispanics were spics, wetbacks, or mud people, depending on where you came from. Asians were dotheads, gooks, chinks, or towelheads, also depending on where you came from.
These names were intended to dehumanize us. By addressing us as less than a man, we were made to feel subhuman, or less than human. However, you only give a name power when you respond to it. And theres no name in history that has acquired more power than any other.
Thats right. nikka
At some point during slavery, Blacks adopted the use of the word nikka to take the sting off it. Basically, it meant less when whites said it because Black people could use it as well. So nikka (which the southern whites would sometimes say as "nikkah") became a powerful word in the Black community.
And over time, we forgot about its origins and its purpose. And it became standard. The problem isnt that we use a word with a fukked up past. Its how we think. And its not just us. Its everyone who has been made to feel subhuman. There are Mexicans who call themselves wetbacks. There are women who call themselves and each other bytches. But its not everyone!
As Ludacriss character said in Crash:
Its just Black people demeaning other Black people, using that word over and over. You ever hear white people callin each other "honky" all the time? "Hey, honky, hows work?" "Not bad, cracker, were diversifying!"
Makes you think about how we see ourselves, huh?
Here are some of the things we call ourselves and each other
and why.
Animals: We call each other by every LOWLY member of the animal kingdom out there (cat, dog, snake, rat, bytch, monkey, bird, duck, pigeon, pig, hog, chick, etc.) Are we really subhuman? Who was the first person to call us animals? Think about it.
Pimp: Whats funny about this word is that most dudes who call themselves pimps are actually considered "tricks" in the pimp game. Sleeping with six different girls does not make you a pimp, especially if youre breaking bread to do so. Most real pimps dont even deal with their girls sexually. A pimp is a man in control of himself and his finances. That eliminates 90% of the young boys claiming to "pimp" nowadays, huh?
Thug: Before Tupac, a thug was another word for a goon. A mindless muscle, especially in criminal endeavors. Now its a lifestyle. See, if everyone who was a thug, goon, or gangsta had something that was really worth fighting for and killing for, I wouldnt say shyt. Tupacs definition of thug described a Black man who was willing to fight for what he believed in, not just an ignorant dude willing to kill another black man behind a little bit of money.
Goon: People been saying this word pretty heavy every since Plies hit the scene. Gradually, the word "goon" is becoming the new "thug". In the same way, it was originally a word for dumb criminal muscle, basically a guy who does the dirty work for the smart guy whos really running the operation. Wow, thats really shooting for the stars, huh? If you have to use a word you heard from someone else, at least have the aspirations to call yourself a fukking boss, not a fukking worker!
Boy: Thats your boy, huh? Read the isis Papers by Francis Cress Welsing. Or watch Baby Boy.
Some of us gotta grow up and be men. Think about it
almost every rapper nowadays is "Lil" this or "Young" that. Im talking about grown men, 30 and up, callin themselves by kids names. Doesnt that make you think about how we see ourselves?
Motherfukker: You ever heard of an Oedipus complex? Look it up later. For now, see above. Anyway, the only ones who really f*cked our mothers were the slavemasters raping them. Me personally, I dont wanna f*ck your mama or mine.
Gangsta: A "gangster" was a mob dude like Al Capone or Lucky Luciano. We supposedly appropriated that image and made it our own. But a gangster is supposed to be someone who controls an operation, not a goon who serves in an operation that is bigger than him. And drugs are bigger than you. Its CIA big. When you start controlling your own life, and the lives of people around you, thats gangsta.
Dime, Silver Dolla: Woman think their worth is measured on a monetary scale. Are their looks what determine their value? And is that how theyre gon measure it? In monetary terms? That tells you a lot about their values. But I guess it kinda makes sense, since most of them "dimes" and "silver dollas" out there would look like rusty nickels if they didnt spend most of their paychecks on their appearance.
B!tch: A term given to Black women by white men and made popular in the 17th century. She was seen as a sexual being, good for breeding and animalistic pleasures. And they call themselves that because its cute. Its just like n!gger. If a man says "b!tch" its a problem. But a woman calls herself "b!tch" and feels good about it.
Diva: It kills me when women call themselves a diva. She dont sing opera. Shes not a diva. A diva is another word for an "operatic prima donna." (I looked it up) The other meaning of "prima donna" is a temperamental, conceited person. And shes wearing that like a badge of honor?
The names we call ourselves
How to Hustle and Win: A Survival Guide for the Ghetto
~*Supreme Understanding