Quote of the night


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Aspiration makes all things possible. It opens the way to advancement. Even the highest state of perfection conceivable it brings near and makes real and possible; for that which can be conceived can be achieved.

Aspiration is the twin angel to inspiration. It unlocks the gates of joy. Singing accompanies soaring. Music, poetry, prophecy, and all high and holy instruments are at last placed in the hands of those whose aspirations flag not, whose spirit does not fail.

The man of aspiration has entered the way which ends in peace, and surely he will reach that end if he neither stays nor turns back. If he constantly renews his mind with glimpses of the heavenly vision, he will reach the heavenly state.

The man of passion sees no straight path before him, and behind him is all fog and gloom. He seizes the pleasure of the moment and does not strive for understanding or think of wisdom. His way is confused, turbulent, and troubled, and his heart is far from peace.

The man of aspiration sees before him the pathway up the heavenly heights, and behind him are the circuitous routes of passion up which he has hitherto blindly groped. Striving for understanding, and his mind set on wisdom, his way is clear, and his heart already experiences a foretaste of the final peace.

Men of passion strive mightily to achieve little things—things which speedily perish, and, in the place where they were, leave nothing to be remembered.

Men of aspiration strive with equal might to achieve great things—things of virtue, of knowledge, of wisdom, which do not perish, but stand as monuments of inspiration for the uplifting of humankind.

As the merchant achieves worldly success by persistent exertion, so the saint achieves spiritual success by aspiration and endeavor. One becomes a merchant, the other a saint, by the particular direction in which his mental energy is guided.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
The True Enemy

Enemy is the inner me. It is this enemy which is the inner me that can bring about the en ê my (end-of-me). You don’t have enemies; you only have inner me’s. It is inner me’s that are your enemies! Here’s a short inner me Proverb:

The inner me
has always prevented me
from reaching my goals.
An outsider is not my enemy.
For, I AM the only inner me
That can bring about the en e my (end-of-me).
YES, my greatest enemy is that neatly tucked away inner me!

Fear is Self-Imprisonment: a personal bondage. When people fear they are voluntarily accusing, sentencing, and locking themselves up for a crime that they didn’t commit (or perhaps did commit!) In either case, it is self-incrimination!

Fear is personal entrapment. You can become so psychologically trapped in the web of your own personal fears that it will render you helplessly captive in the prison system of your mind. Consequently, this is the basic foundation of one’s enrollment in the prison system called Fear.
Fear is the warden that runs this entire operation! Your brain is the institution; your mind is the cell that stores all the institutional rules of the prison system and YOU are the prisoner.

As the warden of this institution, Fear is responsible for imprisoning every soul on the face of this earth and anxiety, worry, doubt, afraid, scared, nervous, etc., are its prison guards.

However, there is a very strange thing about this prison system that is mind-boggling. Meaning, it populates itself! People actually raise their hands and volunteer to come to this type of prison. This is the only prison system where the prisoners (people) prosecute, convict, and then sentence themselves to lifetime sentences with NO PAROLE!

This institution of Fear is not a correctional facility but rather an “incorrectional” faciality. Fear never intends for you to correct yourself in its facilities. Oh no, this is not the type of operation that Fear is running.

Fear is hell-bent on making you as incorrect with yourself as humanly possible. It is your sole responsibility to try to correct yourself in this evil institutional world – now, properly referred to as your MIND.

Fear is not trying to make you a law-abiding and fearless citizen-no, that would mean that you had been rehabilitated! Fear’s purpose is to do the exact opposite. Fear wants to make you very scared and an extremely fearful citizen whether you are law-abiding or not.

A very interesting paradox is that Fear is not concerned with you being law-abiding as it is with you being fearful in the process! Fear’s infamous motto is:

“Be whatever you want to be,
But just be fearful in the process!
Do whatever you want to do,
But just honor my name.”
You can be a doctor just fear acts of malpractice;
You can be a lawyer just fear being sued;
You can be a high school teacher just fear being shot!
“Be whatever you want to be,
But just be fearful in the process!
Do whatever you want to do,
But just honor my name.”

The moment fear enters your mind it changes your mental and physiological system. Whatever you were trying to do has been overridden by this new program. Wherever you were planning to travel has just been replaced by this New Order.

Fear is a prison system on wheels! Your legs are its wheels! Therefore, Fear will go wherever you go, whenever you go and however you go. Yet its intentions are not to compliment your goals or plans-Fear’s intentions are to disturb them!

Your own personal fears make you an inmate within the prison system that you unknowingly built for yourself. And the new chief-in-charge (thanks to you)-is fear.

Fear, who is officially and properly referred to now as the warden of this prison system-must begin gathering his group of specially, trained soldiers (thoughts). This special group of thoughts is a six-member group called the goon squad.

The goon squad is nothing but a group of specially trained prison guards that have been programmed to keep you in check-fearfully speaking! This six-member group consists of three officers, two sergeants, and one lieutenant whose names are as follow:

1. Officer Worry
2. Officer Scary
3. Officer Doubt
4. Sgt. Anxiety
5. Sgt. Stress
6. 1st Lieutenant Lie!

The most powerful, militant member of this group is 1st Lieutenant Lie. The rest of the crew heavily depends on his direction and leadership. 1st Lieutenant Lie is so filled with lies that not only does his name being with it-it is the first three letters of his rank (lie-U-tenant).

1st Lieutenant Lie is the first one to lie and the first one to enforce and attack. Then he orders the rest of the crew to join in and compound this vicious attack on a continual basis. Your mind comes under intense attack and it is at the mercy of this relentless and senseless group of thoughts 24-hours a day, 7 days a week!

The ultimate duty of 1st Lieutenant Lie is to keep a person’s mind filled with lies but then he orders Sgt. Stress to monitor and compound this gruesome attack until the person keels over. I should forewarn you that anytime 1st Lieutenant Lie assigns Sgt. Anxiety and Sgt. Stress to monitor and compound an affect-he is really try to knock you off (kill you!). It’s only when he assigns Office Worry, Officer Scary, and Officer Doubt that you know he only wants to torture you subtly. But when 1st Lieutenant Lie assigns his two high-powered officers Sgt. Anxiety and Sgt. Stress – oh, he has made the decision to kill you violently! He does not even want you as a prisoner any longer- for, he would much rather see you dead.

At this point, it looks like you are pretty much a done-deal unless you make a radical change to reverse this wrongful sentence and free yourself at once.
Now, because you are your own judge who God will base his judgment on-therefore, you must conduct your own court and rule against these hardened criminals in your life, i.e., fear, anxiety, stress, worry, scary, doubt, lie, and others by imposing your sentence as you receipt this decree:

“My Judgment Against Fear And His Staff:

Fear, I sentence you to death!
Anxiety, I sentence you to death!
Stress, I sentence you to death!
Doubt, I sentence you to death!
Worry, I sentence you to death!
Nervousness, I sentence you to death!
Intimidation, I sentence you to death!
Personal Lies, I sentence you to death!

We are exalted or condemned by the words that we use. The Bible declares: “Death and life are in the power of the tongue (Proverbs 18:21).” So, Let’s condemn and sentence these accursed words of evil to death and speak the blessed words of righteousness – and truly live.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
The optimist is right. The pessimist is right. The one differs from the other as the light from the dark. Yet both are right. Each is right from their own particular point of view, and this point of view is the determining factor in the life of each. It determines as to whether it is a life of power or of impotence, of peace or of pain, of success or of failure.

The optimist has the power of seeing things in their entirety and in their right relations. The pessimist looks from a limited and a one-sided point of view. The one has their understanding illuminated by wisdom, the understanding of the other is darkened by ignorance. Each is building their world from within, and the result of the building are determined by the point of view of each the optimist, by their superior wisdom and insight, is making their own heaven, and in the degree that they make their own heaven are helping to make one for all the world beside. The pessimist, by virtue of their limitations, are making their own hell, and in the degree that they make their own hell are they helping to make one for all mankind.

You and I have the predominating characteristics of an optimist or the predominating characteristics of a pessimist. We then are making, hour by hour, our own heaven or our own hell; and in the degree that we are making the one or the other for ourselves are we helping make it for all the world beside.

The word heaven means harmony. The word hell is from the Old English hell, meaning to build a wall around, to separate; to be helled was to be shut off from. Now if there is such a thing as harmony there must be that something one can be in right relations with; for to be in right relations with anything is to be in harmony with it. Again, if there is such a thing as being helled, shut off, separated from, there must be that something from which one is helled, shut off, or separated.

The one who is of the negative, fearing kind not only has their energies and physical agents weakened, or even paralyzed through the influence of this kind of thought that is born within them, but also in this way connect themselves with this order of thought in the world about them. And in the degree that they do this do they become a victim to the weak, fearing, negative minds all around them. Instead of growing in power, they increase in weakness. They are in the same order of thought with those of whom it is true—and even that which they have shall be taken away from them. This again is simply the working of a natural law, just as is its opposite. Fearing lest I lose even what I have I hide it away in a napkin. Very well. I must then pay for the price of my 'fearing lest I lose.'

Thoughts of strength both build strength from within and attract it from without. Thoughts of weakness actualize weakness from within and attract it from without. Courage begets strength, fear begets weakness. And so courage begets success, fear begets failure. It is the man of faith, and hence of courage who is the master of circumstances, and who makes his or her power felt in the world. It is the man who lacks faith and who as a consequence is weakened and crippled by fears and forebodings, who is the creature of all passing occurrences.

Within each one lies the cause of whatever comes to them. Each has it in their own hands to determine what comes. Everything in the visible, material world has its origin in the unseen, the spiritual, the thought world. This is the world of cause, the former is the world of effect. The nature of the effect is always in accordance with the nature of the cause. What one lives in their invisible, thought world, is continually actualizing in their visible, material world. If he would have any conditions different in the latter they must make the necessary change in the former. A clear realization of this great fact would bring success to thousands of men who all about us are now in the depths of despair. It would bring health, abounding health and strength to thousands now diseased and suffering. It would bring peace and joy to thousands now unhappy and ill at ease.

Peace lies not in the external world. It lies within one's own soul. We may travel over many different avenues in pursuit of it, we may seek it through the channels of the bodily appetites and passions, we may seek it through all the channels of the external, we may chase for it hither and thither, but it will always be just beyond our grasp, because we are searching for it where it is not. In the degree, however, that we order the bodily appetites and passions in accordance with the promptings of the soul within will the higher forms of happiness and peace enter our lives; but in the degree that we fail in doing this will disease, suffering, and discontent enter in.

As all truth exists now, and awaits simply our perception of it, so all things necessary for present needs exist now and await simply the power in us to appropriate them.


Sep 20, 2014
It is a waste of energy when we try to conform to a pattern. To conserve energy, we must be aware of how we dissipate energy.

Krishnamurti in London 1966, Talk 5


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
The game of chess is rich with many metaphors, and the greatest metaphor is the manifestation of the Queen on the chessboard.

That wooden piece on the board stands strong and regal, she is free to zoom from one end of the board to the next. She causes opposing Kings great anxiety, and she is prepared to die for her King. Interestingly enough, if she is taken, a pawn can elevate by climbing six ranks and become a Queen. The King is the most important piece on the chessboard and the Queen is the most powerful piece on the board in terms of movement..... I have learned to play without my Queen, needless to say it is very challenging, particularly if the opposing King still has his Queen. The fight without a Queen is brutal.

In many games of chess it is customary to castle within the first 15 moves either Queen side or King side, regardless of the side of the castle, you must separate from the Queen. The King is usually protected in the castle, surrounded by his right hand man the rook, and three or four pawns, serving as bodyguards. The Queen from that point forward works in concert with knights, bishops, rooks and pawns to win the war. Chess is one of the most accurate game metaphors for life, and every man must ask the question, "Does my queen have my back?" God directs her movements at home and abroad. It is a grave mistake in chess to be careless with the movement of your Queen. Loosing her can be potentially disastrous. There is nothing worse than being forked, pinned, or skewered by an opposing piece and watching an opponent smile as he takes her off the board such is a heartbreaking sight for any true chess player. Some chess players gladly trade Queens, it slows the game down, and the game becomes a game that takes on a tactical tone. Her absence if felt in such tactical wars, and it is very similar to a man dealing with the world alone...."



Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
The monkey, having danced in an assembly of the animals and earned their approval, was elected by them to be king.

The fox was jealous.

So, seeing a piece of meat one day in a snare, he led the monkey to it, saying that he had found a treasure. But rather than take it for himself, he had kept guard over it, as its possession was surely a prerogative of royalty. The fox then urged him to take it.

The monkey approached it, taking no care, and was caught in the trap. When he accused the fox of luring him into a trap, the fox replied:

“Monkey, you want to reign over all the animals, but look what a fool you are!”

It is thus that those who throw themselves into an enterprise without sufficient thought not only fail, but even become a laughing stock.

𓂁 𓂂 𓂃 𓂄𓂅 𓂆 𓂀

Everyone around you is a strategist angling for power, all trying to promote their own interests, often at your expense.

Your daily battles with them make you lose sight of the only thing that really matters: victory in the end, the achievement of greater goals, lasting power.

Grand strategy is the art of looking beyond the battle and calculating ahead.

It requires that you focus on your ultimate goal and plot to reach it.

In grand strategy you consider the political ramifications and long-term consequences of what you do. Instead of reacting emotionally to people, you take control, and make your actions more dimensional, subtle, and effective.

Let others get caught up in the twists and turns of the battle, relishing their little victories.

Grand strategy will bring you the ultimate reward: the last laugh!

Readiness is everything.

Resolution is indissolubly bound up with caution. If an individual is careful and keeps his wits about him, he need not become excited or alarmed. If he is watchful at all times, even before danger is present, he is armed when danger approaches and need not be afraid.

The superior man is on his guard against what is not yet in sight and on the alert for what is not yet within hearing; therefore he dwells in the midst of difficulties as though they did not exist…. If reason triumphs, the passions withdraw of themselves.



Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Some people who exist sparingly on the mean side of the hill are threatened by those who also live in the shadows but who celebrate the light.

Nature has proven season in and season out that if the thing that is planted bears at all, it will yield more of itself, there are those who seem certain that if they plant tomato seeds, at harvest time they can reap onions.

Too many times for comfort many expected to reap good when they have sown evil.

Actions can only reproduce themselves.

Plant peace if you do not want discord; plant loyalty and honesty to avoid betrayal and lies.

Of course there is no absolute assurance that those things planted will always fall upon arable land and will take root and grow, nor can we know if another cultivator did not leave contrary seeds before our arrival.

Leaving little to chance, and careful about the kinds of seeds planted; their potency and nature - you can within reason, trust your expectations.

I have found, giving liberates the soul of the giver.

The size and substance of the gift should be important to the recipient, but not to the donor save that the best thing one can give is that which is appreciated. The giver is as enriched as is the recipient, and more important, that intangible but very real psychic force of good in the world is increased.

When we cast our bread upon the waters, we can presume that someone downstream whose face we will never know will benefit from our action, as we who are downstream from another will profit from that grantor's gift.

Since time is the one immaterial object which we cannot influence - neither speed up nor slow down, add to nor diminish - it is an invaluable gift.

Each of us has a few minutes a day or a few hours a week which we could donate.

While our gifts and the recipients should be considered, our bounty, once decided upon, should be without concern, overflowing one minute and forgotten the next.

When we give cheerfully and accept gratefully, everyone is blessed.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Yesterday we obeyed kings and bent our necks before emperors. But today we kneel only to truth 𓂁 𓂂 𓂃 𓂄𓂅 𓂆 𓂀

The human experience is beautifully terrifying.

We all hurt and have felt pain and know the dissatisfaction of being immersed in a petty squabble or disagreement with others about our lifestyle or beliefs.

As far back as we can remember, we’re told to hide our emotions, be strong, and don’t rock the boat, and we listen because it’s usually from our parents, teachers, family and friends. Of course they believe they have our best interest at heart, and in all fairness, they were only teaching us the same things they were taught themselves growing up. It’s a deeply rooted thing, this desire to be accepted by others, and the fear of being rejected.

But until we’re willing to take a good hard look at both of the selves we believe ourselves to be - the person we present to the world and the person we hide at all costs, we’ll be stuck exactly where we are.

You were born to be real, not to be perfect.

“We are here to laugh at the odds and live our lives so well that Death will tremble to take us”

Each person has a story to tell.

Although not everyone’s story ends up in your history book, each person’s story fits into the history of that time.

Like a web, each person is affected by what happens - and in turn, leaves his or her mark upon the world.

One of the best ways to gain perspective about yourself is by asking questions of others who have seen some shyt and know what they’re talking about‼️

A lot of people significantly impact you throughout life and help open your eyes to new ways of seeing the world.

The Eye With Which I See God

Is The Eye With Which God Sees Me

My Eye And The Eye Of God Are One Eye
