Duality Duel
There is no force on the planet that can stop time. Nature is just too powerful. We can however, "waste time," "buy time" and "collapse time".
We waste time when we fail to grow and elevate from the activities that we do. Buying time is the artificial way we manipulate others into doing our work for us. We "collapse time" by being productive and learning from our personal experiences.
When we relate to time as something that we have too much of, we sell it cheap; exchanging the one thing we can never replace for the things we've deemed valuable.
Selling time diminishes its quality.
People, who have more money than time, purchase the time of others.
If we are not using our time to support humanity in becoming more whole and healthy, we are wasting our time and the time of everyone whose time we are buying.
In healthy cultures, responsibility is seen as a gift. The development of skill is a rite of passage earned by the deserving.
People are productive when the evidence of their productivity enhances life.
To whom much is given much is required and reflects to whom much is required much is given.
Transitioning is more than mere movement. It's movement forward. When we transition, we're moving into a space that we've never been before.
Transition is created with "that which has yet to be" by connecting to "that which was". Transitioning is an organic response to change which results when wisdom leads evolve-ment. It is the thing that comes out of nothing.
Transitioning creates order out of "chaos". it gives birth to understanding as we move through awareness into being-ness. When transitions occur, it is the confirmation that everything is in motion. When we are in transition we become the motion that verifies Truth.
In nature, learning is the catalyst for evolving. In unnatural contrived social environments wisdom, enlightenment, and truth are seen as acts of "treason" punishable by "law".
When loyalty is predicated on a particular way, anyone venturing off the path is seen as the enemy.
Even the impossible when done long enough becomes the inevitable. Staying on the path, is what makes the difference between mere movement and transitioning.
Transitions are incremental and revolutionary.
While revolutions occur throughout incremental changes, incremental changes create revolutions.
An incremental change occurs when we have a great idea. Revolutionary change occurs when we bring that idea into fruition. Incremental change occurs when we use the system to pass a bill. Revolutionary change occurs when we change the system. Incremental change occurs as we pass from one hour to another. Revolutionary change occurs when we pass a whole day. And yet a day is a mere increment to the change that occurs in the passing of a year.
We are always in revolution.
The time it takes for us to complete the changes that occur during this revolution depends on how willing we are or not to face the changes occuring. We can go the long way around and hope that everyone we love is still around when we get there. Or we can cut to the chase and when life calls for change we respond with choice.
Change is inevitable. The choice is in choosing the change.
Completion is necessary for new beginnings to occur.
If we are going to make transactions, they must be made through completion.
As we welcome one perspective, we must say goodbye to another. If only by degrees, our perspective is always changing.
Time is always on your side.
It is there for you to use as you will.
We waste time when we fail to grow and elevate from the activities that we do. Buying time is the artificial way we manipulate others into doing our work for us. We "collapse time" by being productive and learning from our personal experiences.
When we relate to time as something that we have too much of, we sell it cheap; exchanging the one thing we can never replace for the things we've deemed valuable.
Selling time diminishes its quality.
People, who have more money than time, purchase the time of others.
If we are not using our time to support humanity in becoming more whole and healthy, we are wasting our time and the time of everyone whose time we are buying.
In healthy cultures, responsibility is seen as a gift. The development of skill is a rite of passage earned by the deserving.
People are productive when the evidence of their productivity enhances life.
To whom much is given much is required and reflects to whom much is required much is given.
Transitioning is more than mere movement. It's movement forward. When we transition, we're moving into a space that we've never been before.
Transition is created with "that which has yet to be" by connecting to "that which was". Transitioning is an organic response to change which results when wisdom leads evolve-ment. It is the thing that comes out of nothing.
Transitioning creates order out of "chaos". it gives birth to understanding as we move through awareness into being-ness. When transitions occur, it is the confirmation that everything is in motion. When we are in transition we become the motion that verifies Truth.
In nature, learning is the catalyst for evolving. In unnatural contrived social environments wisdom, enlightenment, and truth are seen as acts of "treason" punishable by "law".
When loyalty is predicated on a particular way, anyone venturing off the path is seen as the enemy.
Even the impossible when done long enough becomes the inevitable. Staying on the path, is what makes the difference between mere movement and transitioning.
Transitions are incremental and revolutionary.
While revolutions occur throughout incremental changes, incremental changes create revolutions.
An incremental change occurs when we have a great idea. Revolutionary change occurs when we bring that idea into fruition. Incremental change occurs when we use the system to pass a bill. Revolutionary change occurs when we change the system. Incremental change occurs as we pass from one hour to another. Revolutionary change occurs when we pass a whole day. And yet a day is a mere increment to the change that occurs in the passing of a year.
We are always in revolution.
The time it takes for us to complete the changes that occur during this revolution depends on how willing we are or not to face the changes occuring. We can go the long way around and hope that everyone we love is still around when we get there. Or we can cut to the chase and when life calls for change we respond with choice.
Change is inevitable. The choice is in choosing the change.
Completion is necessary for new beginnings to occur.
If we are going to make transactions, they must be made through completion.
As we welcome one perspective, we must say goodbye to another. If only by degrees, our perspective is always changing.
Time is always on your side.
It is there for you to use as you will.