Quote of the night


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
There is no force on the planet that can stop time. Nature is just too powerful. We can however, "waste time," "buy time" and "collapse time".

We waste time when we fail to grow and elevate from the activities that we do. Buying time is the artificial way we manipulate others into doing our work for us. We "collapse time" by being productive and learning from our personal experiences.

When we relate to time as something that we have too much of, we sell it cheap; exchanging the one thing we can never replace for the things we've deemed valuable.

Selling time diminishes its quality.

People, who have more money than time, purchase the time of others.

If we are not using our time to support humanity in becoming more whole and healthy, we are wasting our time and the time of everyone whose time we are buying.

In healthy cultures, responsibility is seen as a gift. The development of skill is a rite of passage earned by the deserving.

People are productive when the evidence of their productivity enhances life.

To whom much is given much is required and reflects to whom much is required much is given.

Transitioning is more than mere movement. It's movement forward. When we transition, we're moving into a space that we've never been before.

Transition is created with "that which has yet to be" by connecting to "that which was". Transitioning is an organic response to change which results when wisdom leads evolve-ment. It is the thing that comes out of nothing.

Transitioning creates order out of "chaos". it gives birth to understanding as we move through awareness into being-ness. When transitions occur, it is the confirmation that everything is in motion. When we are in transition we become the motion that verifies Truth.

In nature, learning is the catalyst for evolving. In unnatural contrived social environments wisdom, enlightenment, and truth are seen as acts of "treason" punishable by "law".

When loyalty is predicated on a particular way, anyone venturing off the path is seen as the enemy.

Even the impossible when done long enough becomes the inevitable. Staying on the path, is what makes the difference between mere movement and transitioning.

Transitions are incremental and revolutionary.
While revolutions occur throughout incremental changes, incremental changes create revolutions.

An incremental change occurs when we have a great idea. Revolutionary change occurs when we bring that idea into fruition. Incremental change occurs when we use the system to pass a bill. Revolutionary change occurs when we change the system. Incremental change occurs as we pass from one hour to another. Revolutionary change occurs when we pass a whole day. And yet a day is a mere increment to the change that occurs in the passing of a year.

We are always in revolution.

The time it takes for us to complete the changes that occur during this revolution depends on how willing we are or not to face the changes occuring. We can go the long way around and hope that everyone we love is still around when we get there. Or we can cut to the chase and when life calls for change we respond with choice.

Change is inevitable. The choice is in choosing the change.

Completion is necessary for new beginnings to occur.
If we are going to make transactions, they must be made through completion.

As we welcome one perspective, we must say goodbye to another. If only by degrees, our perspective is always changing.

Time is always on your side.

It is there for you to use as you will.



Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Doubt sees the obstacles
Faith sees the way.
Doubt sees the darkest night
Faith sees the day.
Doubt dreads to take a step
Faith soars on high.
Doubt questions "who believes?"
Faith answers "I"

The law is: 'Until you have spread knowledge acquired, and acted upon it, the channel remains closed to the entrance of further inspiration.'

The next stage for us is action.

When conviction is strong regarding our vision, which tallies with the teachings of both past and present - welds the two together harmoniously.

We can each in our own particular niche set up a growing viewpoint and radiation, becoming little lighthouses guarding and emananting the influences of the future.

Before we can thus radiate, this vibration must be firmly established within ourselves - we must get the picture clear, keep it so, and live it.

We will then sound a creative note out into the universe, the power of effect which will be commensurate with the strength of our own convictions.

Faith the size of a grain of a mustard-seed can move mountains.

One wo/man with utter conviction can deeply affect the world.

To be is to become.

If we are thinking and feeling alright, good action will automatically follow, the requisite magnetism will inevitably flow from us, and the necessary people will be drawn towards it.

It does not matter where we are nor what is our occupation.
Power works in the upper dimensions irrespective of objective circumstances.
We can be as potent an influence whether we are organising a big movement or digging in a backyard allotment.

Let us first make this great truth our own.
To do and to become we must first be.

There must be a sun before it can shine.

This state of being must first irradiate and inspire ourselves, making of us the perfect instrument. Secondly, it must irradiate our immediate surroundings, creating harmony and understanding between ourselves and everyone in touch with us; there should be no wish to change other people, but rather the capacity to accept and appreciate them just as they are, recognising always their latent divine potentialities, which will flower in their own good time.

To establish fusion one must be completely fusible.
To establish the life of love upon earth one must at least have a glimmer of what it is like.

Once we are tuned to the right chord within ourselves our whole being will be flooded with divine melody, and the song of evolution will be clear in our ears.

Let us find each other.
Let us link up, and pool our resources of inspiration, wisdom, strength, purpose and conviction. We shall soon discover that we are sounding a note strong enough to rally both the seen and the unseen to endeavour.

Greater opportunities and joy come to those who make the most of small ones.
Many seem to think that opportunity means a chance to get without earning.

God's best gifts to us are not things, but opportunities. And those doors of opportunity are marked:



Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
There is an intrinsic quality in human consciousness to trust and to be trusted. Everybody enjoys being trusted. It is respect from the other person, and when you trust a stranger it is more so.

One who trusts themselves comes to know the beauty of it - comes to know that the more you trust yourself the more you bloom.

The more you are in a state of let-go and relaxation the more you are settled and serene, the more you are calm, cool, and quiet.

The more you trust the more your calmness deepens, your coolness goes deeper and deeper to the very core of your being. And the more you trust the more you soar.

One who can trust will sooner or later know the logic of trust. And then, one day - bound to trust the unknown.

The unintelligent are easily understood.

They fit with the gestalt of the society; the society has values and criteria by which to judge - it takes years for the society to evaluate a genius.

I am not saying that a person who has no intelligence cannot become successful, cannot become famous - but still they will remain phony.

And that is the misery: you can become famous, but if you are phony you live in misery.

You don't know what blessings life is showering on you, you will never know. You don't have enough intelligence to know.

You will never see the beauty of existence because you don't have the sensitivity to know it. You will never see the sheer miracles that surround you, that crosses your path in millions of ways every day. You will never see it, because to see it you need a tremendous capacity to understand, to feel, to be.

Once in a while a person escapes from the clutches of the society.

Once in a while a person remains unpoisoned by the society.

That must be because of some error, some mistake of the society. Otherwise the society succeeds in destroying your roots, in destroying your trust in yourself. And once that is done, you will never be able to trust anybody.

Once you are incapable of loving yourself, you will never be able to love anybody. That is an absolute truth, there are no exceptions to it.

You can love others only if you are able to love yourself.

A person who loves themself sooner or later starts overflowing with love.

There is no beauty in the world more perfect, more awe inspiring more human and transfixing than unfiltered, unashamed love.

We are at our finest when we give and live in love, and at our worst when we hoard it, deny it, or choke it out of existence.

Love, like nothing else, can make us soar to our highest heights or suffer our deepest lows.

In the moments defined by the presence of love, we touch the face of our highest self and of the Divine.

To stand emotionally open before the world and give of our hearts without fear of hurt, attachment, or demand of reciprocity - this is the ultimate act of human courage, the ultimate experience of Personal Freedom.

Love is our origin and our final destination.

Our spirit was animated by the loving energy of a higher power, and as we release our last breath our spirits will dissipate back into that love.

With love's transcendent power, we can be reborn and redirected. When we open to it, life itself can feel newer, more alive, more magical and meaningful.

Give or Receive.

Love is a divine energy, always present, accessible, flowing. If we accept this much, we can go further.

Let us feel it's abundance and let it emanate through us in its full force so that we might serve at levels beyond human imagination.

Let us declare:

We Shall Amplify Love.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Life is a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Your beliefs are critically important to your happiness for two reasons.

First, the brain is a goal-seeking mechanism, and a very powerful one. Your brain can (and does) make whatever you put into it come true in your life. Second, human beings have a powerful need for consistency between what they believe to be true and what really is true.

A wise man once said people would rather be right than happy.

Regardless of how much your beliefs misrepresent reality, or how much misery they create for you, you will arrange to be right about them by attracting people and creating the circumstances that seem to confirm what you believe is true.

Often a moment of crisis, no matter how small, is exactly the point at which we begin to see things in a new way.

Something is lost, but new possibilities appear. As we begin to move through such a period of intensity, we're more open to change, especially if the crisis forces us to see that what we've been doing, or how we've been seeing things, no longer works.

Through the crisis and because of it, we can accept information we might have been ignoring, avoiding, or simply not seeing.

We're surprised to find that we can now deal with situations, people, or events that once seemed impossible. The crisis doesn't have to be a national or global event; it can be quite personal and internal.

It turns out that crisis can be - and often is - a positive change agent.

Core beliefs and personal ways of dealing with what happens in your life change and evolve as old ways of looking at and dealing with the world are overwhelmed by ever-changing input from your environment.

There comes a time when old attitudes and habits just don't work any more, and must change.

This awareness will allow you to see clearly how you create your feelings, your behaviors, the people and situations you attract into your life.

As you begin to see what you do inside to create your feelings, your behaviors, and the other outcomes in your life, non-resourceful feelings and behaviors will automatically fall away and be replaced by healthier approaches that bring happiness and peace to your life.

It is impossible to create something that does not serve you, and do it with conscious awareness.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Your perspective plays a major role in how confidently you move into the unknown, where the mystery of life awaits you.

A healthy perspective on life will make it easier to trust where the path may lead.

How you tend to "see" life has a lot to do with shaping your attitude.

You are always forecasting your own future, whether you know it or not.

Have you ever considered yourself a mystic?

It has been said all people are mystics, and they fall into one of two categories: A "pessi-mystic", who tends to see the glass as half empty, and an "opti-mystic", who sees it as half full.

Which are you?

I know it's a rather silly play on words, but I bet you get the point.

For a great number of people, the past year has been fraught with uncertainties, disappointments, and fears beyond their wildest imagination. In times like these it is quite easy to allow ourselves to go unconscious and fall prey to the purveyors of gloom and doom who are peddling their latest version of how empty the glass is. The pessimist usually buys what they are selling because it validates his view and gives him permission to continue to stare at what's wrong with life. On the other hand, the optimist isn't even in the market because his attention is gratefully on what is right with life.

Irrespective of whether you are an optimist or a pessimist, Universal Law assures you are predicting your own future based upon where you are putting your attention.

Your perspective matters.

The universe doesn't know or care if our glass is half empty or half full; that is a determination we make. However, an attitude of gratitude automatically brings with it a shift in consciousness, which says, "I am open to receiving with a grateful heart."

With that perspective, life has no alternative but to rush in and fill the glass with good.


Jul 25, 2018
I got two for today:

I see no sense in life if it cannot stop the deaths...

...Being the leader of the world means to be the leader of peace
President Zelensky of Ukraine

These really moved me this morning.

Also, I always remember one of my favorite all time quotes during these tough times:

All wars are civil wars, because all men are brothers


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
The man or woman who is most like you in tastes, motives, and habits of thought, and to whom you feel most attracted, may not be brother, sister, cousin, or any physical relative at all. But such person is to you a very near relation.

You can live neither healthfully nor comfortably, unless with those whose thought-atmosphere is similar to your own. Physical relationships may or may not furnish such an atmosphere.

Compel a laboring man whose thought goes little beyond his eating, drinking and daily round of work, to live exclusively with a company of artists and philosophers, seeing none of his own kind and order of thought, and that man's spirits would in time be depressed, and his health would suffer. The same law works when the superior mind is compelled to constant association with the inferior.

We exist on multiple levels and information / insight / perception / choice operates on all these levels.

We exist in waveform, electromagnetic, mathematical / digital and holographic states as well as pure consciousness / awareness.

There is a 'you' on all those levels with its own point of attention and perspective.

We only experience choices with our conscious mind when they are decoded into the hologram as 'physical' happenings, and before that they are only possibilities / probabilities in other energetic realms.

I saw a quote which said: Accidents happen - that's what everyone says. But in a quantum universe there are no such things as accidents, only possibilities and probabilities folded into existence by perception.

Perception = state of being = information/frequency = which possibility/probability you will sync with and project into holographic existence and which you will not.


Mar 8, 2015
NYC black coffee tough guys aka the Stoozy Boys
"Anger gets shyt done...and that's the problem, its gets things done"

"Everyone wants to be the hero in their story, me? I'm the villain in mine, and apparently, I'm the last one left"

"I've never met a drunk, woman or politician, I couldn't lie to, especially if they're all the same person".

"Power is only given to those who are prepared to lower themselves to pick it up.”


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
f you let a man smack you in the face, you display power and grace. But if he smacks you again? Engage with wisdom and defeat him. You only got two cheeks.

With what I had in mind, I had to be the so-called leader because I was the best knower.

The best leader is somebody who's able to serve. If you're truly able to serve, you're able to lead.

Knowledge is knowing, wisdom is doing.

You and your life - it has a consistency, no matter what you go through. You just have to be detached enough to recognize the good and the bad.

Practice: trusting chaos and confusion - not judging it, not fearing it, not reaching for an immediate solution.

That's not just a secret to production. It's a secret to life.

Time is linear but life is eternal.

So there's really no beginning, no ending.

Linear logic measures only the four dimensions: length, width, depth, and time.

But the fifth dimension, energy, surpasses time.

Time is just a controller of certain planes.

It's not the master.

The true master is consciousness, and I mean true consciousness - not simply being awake - I'm talking about the consciousness that never sleeps. The part of you that is aware of your consciousness. There's a part of you that's always there, always consistent, that represents your true self - the part connected to God.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Envy sees better than 20/20, needs no reading glasses, and can penetrate into the distance, spotting a blemish invisible to Truth. She knows what regret is, and would be glad to see less than she does, for her vision gives her no rest. Peering through the eyes of all birds, Envy alighted one day on that portent of beauty, the feathered sun, the Peacock, bird of Juno. The other birds gazed at him, and saw as many rays as feathers in his showy fan.

From looking, one ascends to admiration, at least when there is no ill feeling. If there is, things spiral downward, and when it cannot turn into emulation, even a glance degenerates into smallness of envy.

The birds soon went blind from so much looking. The Jackdaw, vilest among them, having recently been stripped of his feathers, went croaking from one bird to the other: the Eagles on their cliffs, the Swans in their ponds, the Hawks on their perches, the Roosters on their dung heaps, and the Owls in their dark and gloomy attics.

He began with an artful bit of praise, and ended with scorn. "He's lovely, he's dazzling, this Peacock; who would deny it? A pity he's lost when he vaunts his beauty. For the finest qualities begin to seem trivial the moment one notices them in oneself. Those worth most have the least to say about themselves.

If the Eagle were to fan his patriotic feathers, what do you think would happen? He'd steal the show with his majestic gravity. And don't we admire the Phoenix for fleeing from this sort of vulgar affectation, and keeping to her wise and legendary retirement?"

Those words planted envy in small hearts, which fill up easily with anything. For envy can stick to anything at all, even to what doesn't exist. Cruelest of emotions, which turns the good of others into sadness and venom.

Unable to destroy the Peacock's beauty, the birds conspired to darken it. Adding subtlety to malice, they criticized not his loveliness but his vanity.

"If we can keep him from making such a show of his feathers," the Magpie said, "his beauty will go into a total eclipse."

What is not seen might not as well exist. Persius said it well: "Your knowledge is nothing if others do not know that you know." And all of the other gifts can take a hint, though he spoke only of their queen.

Things are seldom taken for what they are, but for what they seem. There are more fools than intelligent people, and fools are content with appearances. Only the wise consider substance, and they are vastly outnumbered.

The Crow, the Jackdaw, the Magpie, and other ambassadors of the winged republic flew off to take the accusation to the Peacock. Others excused themselves: the Eagle because of his gravity, the Phoenix because no one could find her, the Dove because of her innocence, the Pheasant because he was too timid, and the Swan because he was lost in sweet, dreamy though, preparing his final song.

In the luxurious palace of Wealth, they ran into the Parrot, who was on a balcony in a cage; the proper sphere of those who talk too much. The Parrot was glad to tell them as much as he knew, which was more than they wanted to hear.

The Peacock was delighted to see them, for this was a new occasion to spread his feather. He received them in a spacious courtyard, a stage for his showy splendor, where he could compete with the sun itself, day by day, ray for ray.

But this was the wrong moment for ostentation. It isn't always the right moment for excellent. Envy is harpy, a basilisk: she claws at anything and kills with a glance. And thought beauty can bewitch, today it merely turned applause into insult.

"You're getting what you deserve, you silly, pompous bird! We've brought an accusation from the entire winged senate. When you hear it, you've going to fold that fan of useless feathers and learn to be a little less conceited."

"Know that all birds are deeply offended by that presumptuous plumage. And they're right. Why do you along, among all the birds, have to fan those silly feathers? No other bird even tries, though many could do it far better than you. Does the Crane show off its crest? Does the Ostrich let others see its plumage? Did you ever see the Phoenix show his sapphires and emeralds to the vulgar? You are hereby ordered, without possibility to appeal, to stop making yourself so singular. And believe me, it's for our own well-being. If your brain were the a fraction as big as your fan, you would have notice by now that the more you show off your feathers, the more you discover something very, very ugly!

"Ostentation is always vulgar, and always arises from vanity. It makes others hostile, and the wise give it no credit at all. Serious retirement, a prudent falling back, discretion, circumspection: all of these qualities are content to please only themselves. Reality is enough; it has no need for deceitful appearances and vain applause. And besides, you are the symbol of wealth. It is smart, it is safe, to show your riches in public?"

Juno's lovely bird was amazed, and it took him a second to recover from confusion and emerge from his inner depths.

"Why does praise always come from far away, and scorn come always from one's own?

Can it really be that when I steal everyone's eyes, fastening them to my feathers, I am gossiped about by Magpies and Jackdaws? Which is it you are condemning, my beauty or my ostentation? Heaven told me both to be and to show. What good would one be without the other? What use is reality without appearance? Our best politicians tell us that the best wisdom is to make things seem. To know, and to show you know, are double knowledge. What others say about lucky is equally true of show: better an ounce of it than tons of riches without it. What good is being excellent if no one knows you are?

What if the sun hid it's brilliance, or the rose never left the prison of it's bud, fanning itself into vivid color? What if the diamond, with the help of the jeweler, did not change its depths, and glimmerings and reflections? What would be the use of so much light, so much worth, so much beauty, without ostentation? I am a winged sun and a feathered rose and the jewel of nature, and when the heavens gave me perfection, they also expected me to show it off.

"The Maker of all creation thought of show before He thought of anything else. For He created light, and with brilliance. And come to think of it, light was also the first thing He praised. Because light shows off everything else, He showed off light itself. So that from the very beginning, showing has been as important as being."

As he spoke, the Peacock put up his great shield of changing lights, as defensive about his beauty as he was offensive to Envy, who lost her head completely and led the birds assault against him. The Raven went at his eyes, and all the rest at his feathers. The loveliest of all birds... cried out for help from heaven and earth... and other creatures came flying or running; the Lion, the Tiger, a Bear, two Monkeys...

The Lion asserted his authority, calmed them all down, and smiled when he heard what the rumpus was all about, telling one side to behave more modestly and the other to keep silent. After a few words he decided that Envy had no grounds for her complaints, but proposed that the case be remitted to the judgment of the Vixen, on account of her wisdom and her dispassionate nature. Both parties agreed to abide by her judgement.

The Vixen called on all her slyness in order to please everyone: to flatter the Lion without displeasing the Eagle,; to do justice but not lose any friends.

"It is no easy thing to decide which matter more, reality or appearances. Some things are great in themselves but do not seem so, while others are little and seem much. Ostentation is as powerful as modesty. It can make up for what is missing, and if this is true of material things, for example one's adornment and retinue, just think if can do with the gifts of the spirit. When some fine quality is displayed just at the right moment, its a triumph.

There are people in whom what is little really shines, and what is much is enough to dazzle. When showiness combines with any sort of eminence, a prodigy is formed. We've all seen excellent people who lace that verve and style, and seem only half of themselves. Not many years ago, a great man terrified the world on the battlefield, but trembled and cringed in a staff meeting: he that could do much could say little. There are entire nations that are showy by nature, and here Spain is superior. In word: ostentation is the very polish of heroical gifts. It gives them a second nature.

"But this is only true when it's backed up with reality. Where there is no merit, ostentation is vulgar deception, and all it does is to make defects more visible and laughable. Some people can't wait to show themselves on the universal st age, and once they get there, they show off only their ignorance, which had been hidden safely away.

"Nowhere do we have to be more careful of affection than in displaying our gifts, for affection borders on vanity, and vanity on scorn. Any show of talent must be moderate, and as I was saying, it has to happen at just the right moment. Moderation in a matter like this is even more important than any sort of physical temperance...

"The wise sometimes display their gifts with a kind of dumb eloquence, as though by accident. And sometimes you can win applause by hiding your talents. The best display can be to hold things back, for privation stings the curiosity of others.

"It takes a certain grace to practice this art, and a certain slyness. It is a great stratagem not to reveal things all at once, and lay down your cards one by one, painting perfection with one stroke after another, suggesting it little by little, so that one gift seems to hint at another, greater one and heightens expectation. And the same is true of deeds.

And now, coming to the matter at hand, I say it would be violent to concede beauty to the Peacock and deny him permission to display it. Wise Nature would never agree to that, for she would be condemning her own providence. And no law should violate nature, expect when reason overrules...

Our remedy is both practical and efficient, and it is this. The Peacock is hereby commanded, each time he displays the variety and beauty of his plumage, to draw the eyes of others to his dreadfully ugly... well, feet. I can assure you that this alone will be enough to correct his vanity.

All applauded this sentence, The Peacock obeyed, and the court was adjourned. They sent one of the bird to ask elegant, wise Aesop to add this modern incident to his ancient fables.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Leadership deals with the top line: What are the things I want to accomplish?

In the words of both Peter Drucker and Warren Bennis, “Management is doing things right; leadership is doing the right things.” Management is efficiency in climbing the ladder of success; leadership determines whether the ladder is leaning against the right wall.

You can quickly grasp the important difference between the two if you envision a group of producers cutting their way through the jungle with machetes. They’re the problem solvers - cutting through the undergrowth, clearing it out.

Those behind them are sharpening their machetes.

The leader is the one who climbs the tallest tree, surveys the entire situation, and yells, “Wrong Jungle?”

But how do the others often respond? “Shut up! We’re making progress.

Individuals, often so busy cutting through undergrowth don’t even realize they’re in the wrong jungle. And the rapidly changing environment in which we live makes effective leadership more critical than it has ever been - in every aspect of independent and interdependent life.

We are more in need of a vision or destination and a compass (a set of principles or directions) and less in need of a road map. We often don’t know what the terrain ahead will be like or what we will need to go through it; much will depend on our judgement at the time.

But an inner compass will always give us direction.

Effectiveness - often even survival - does not depend solely on how much effort we expend, but on whether or not the effort we expend is in the right jungle.

Metamorphosis is taking place.

To being with the end in mind means to start with a clear understanding of your destination. It means to know where you’re going so that you better understand where you are now and so that the steps you take are always in the right direction.

“Begin with the end in mind” is based on the principle that all things are created twice. There’s a mental or first creation, and a physical or second creation to all things.

Take the construction of a home, for example. You create it in every detail before you ever hammer the first nail into place. You try to get a very clear sense of what kind of house you want. If you want a family-centered home, you plan to put a family room where it would be a natural gathering place. You plan sliding doors and a patio for children to play outside. You work with ideas. You work with your mind until you get a clear image of what you want to build.

Then you reduce it to a blueprint and develop construction plans. All of this is done before the earth is touched. If not, then the second creation, the physical creation, you will have to make expensive changes that may double the cost of your home.

The carpenter’s rule is “measure twice, cut one.”

You have to make sure that the blueprint, the first creation, is really what you want, that you’ve thought everything through. Then you put it into bricks and mortar. Each day you go to the construction shed and pull out the blueprint to get marching orders for the day.

You being with the end in mind.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Every strong group of people is built upon the principle of bonding where limits meet.
Even sexual attraction is a symbol of joining what we have with what we do not have.
We move beyond our limits when we trust others to lift us where our powers fall.

All wealth is built on collaboration.

From hunting and gathering to invention of currency to the birth of democracy, ours is a species of shared responsibility.

Teamwork is required to solidify the fog of ideas into substance of reality.

When limitations stop us from getting what we desire, we are tempted to overcome them with force, like slamming our bodies against a locked door.

Challenging limitations is healthy, but, in my experience, forcing solutions is counterproductive.

When we fight limitations with force, those limitations fight back and create seperation, both from others and ourselves, that hinders our progress.

Limitations are more easily overcome by living in a state of flow.

Every limitation has a lesson to teach us, and we must learn the lesson before we can move forward.

There is an unseen wisdom in the gravity that holds us down.

The timing might not be right.
Maybe there is an easier way.
Or maybe you are meant to reach out for support.

When we try to hold down a limitation by force, we miss the message hidden in plain sight: "Go another way".

Think of life like a video game.
Every video game has rules and parameters.

These rules and parameters, by defining what we can do and what we cannot do, make the game more interesting.
Without rules there is no game.

According to ancient Eastersn philosophy, there is a system of rules and parameters built into the game of life (Dharma).

Dharma is the cosmic order of the universe, the force that establishes all possibilities and limitations, and defines what each individual can and cannot do.

Universal dharma defines the parameters of existence on a grand scale, and each person has a personal dharma that defines our place in the world in relation to others.

My dharma is different from your dharma.

We have different strengths and weaknesses.

I can do things you cannot do, and you can do things I cannot do.

Neither of us is better; we simply have different dharmas.

The bumblebee cannot build a dam.
The beaver cannot pollinate flowers.

The spectrum of personal dharmas keeps the world in balance.
We are each a single piece of the same puzzle.

Our purpose is not to solve the puzzle.
Our purpose is to find our place.

Together, bolted by the union of our limits, we become shades in God's long gradient.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
The hearing that is only in the ears is one thing. The hearing of understanding is another - a direct grasp of what is right before you that can never be heard with the ear or understood with the mind, alone.

Empathy with others occurs only when we have successfully shed all preconceived ideas and judgements about them. In spite of all similarities, every living situation has, like a newborn child, a new face, that has never been before and will never come again. It demands of you a reaction that cannot be prepared beforehand. It demands nothing of what is past. It demands presence, responsibility; it demands you.

It requires us to focus full attention on the other person’s message.

We give to others the time and space they need to express themselves fully and to feel understood. There is a Buddhist saying that aptly describes this ability: “Don’t just do something, stand there.”

Believing we have to “fix” situations and make others feel better prevents us from being present.

When we are thinking about people’s words and listening to how they connect to our theories, we are looking at people - we are not with them. The key ingredient of empathy is presence: we are wholly present with the other party and what they are experiencing.

No matter what words people use to express themselves, listen for their observations, feelings, needs, and requests.

When we receive messages with awareness, we never feel dehumanized by what others have to say to us.

As Author Joseph Campbell suggested, “What will they think of me? Must be put aside for bliss.” We begin to feel this bliss when messages previously experienced as critical being to be seen for the gifts they are: opportunities to give to people.

The more faithfully you listen to the voice within you, the better you will hear what is happening outside. If we become skilled at giving ourselves empathy, we often experience in just a few seconds a natural release of energy that enables us to be present with the other person.

If we are able to speak nakedly without blame, we hear and are heard.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
People tend to value intelligence, charisma, coolness, talent, inspiration, beauty, and other bright sparkly attributes that can radiate out of even the most narcissistic individuals.

But what about kindness?

Kindness is quiet. It tends to float under the radar.

Kindness doesn't draw attention to itself.

Perhaps kindness is even more kind when offered anonymously.

What do I mean by kindness?

I'm not talking about people pleasing and approval seeking, which aren't the same as true kindness.

Kindness is an impulse of eternal love, whereas people pleasing and approval seeking are motivated by the fear of disappointing people or the need to feel good enough.

But when you sell out your own needs in order to do nice things for others, you grow resentful and fail to be kind to yourself.

Kindness isn't about being selfish and insensitive, but it's also not about sacrificing your needs and desires in order to make other people happy at the expense of your own happiness.

True kindness feels just as good to the kindness giver as to the kindness receiver.

Kindness isn't just a feeling; it's a behavior.

An underrated value.