Duality Duel
We tend to interpret our next experiences based on our interpretation of our previous experiences.
Another way to learn about ourselves is by looking at how other people respond to us. In a way, our relationships with other people are like mirrors in which we see a reflection of ourselves. In fact, we might even think of relationships as classrooms - highly reflective classrooms - in which we learn about ourselves, and our partners learn about themselves.
It is most important for one to be honest and show oneself as one is. Although this approach may seem to have its drawbacks, it will be of benefit in the long run because this openness will become the strongest foundation of happiness/love.
“Deceit breeds deceit” and “frankness encourages frankness”
The person who shows himself as he is, also encourages his partner to do the same and the relationship is thus entered upon by real and not fictitious beings.
It necessarily requires courage and bravery to show oneself as one really is. It means confronting the world face to face, not hiding behind the barrier of a mask.
For this reason many people find it very hard to act openly and naturally, even though they know that by pretending, they are shaping their own unhappiness. They will be exhausted; this process takes up an inordinate amount of energy.
To be able to act naturally and reveal oneself, fear of the other party must be absent, because where there is fear, there is no love; fear prevents one from being frank.
The golden rule between two is not to be afraid of showing who one really is.
Let your domain be reflective from deep inside of your source.
As sun, moon and star is what you are.
Gain your royal birthright, glitter bright and with pure light, be positive, complimentary, and open and most importantly be at peace.
Our eyes, ears, nose, and touch stimulates a vibration which is real to us.
We decide on action according to these so does your inner water become stable, rocky, violent or calm as can be creating high or low pressure around your self-esteem.
Create your own earthly stage in unison with other domains. Only you can make these happen because you are your own King, Joker Or Queen.
Another way to learn about ourselves is by looking at how other people respond to us. In a way, our relationships with other people are like mirrors in which we see a reflection of ourselves. In fact, we might even think of relationships as classrooms - highly reflective classrooms - in which we learn about ourselves, and our partners learn about themselves.
It is most important for one to be honest and show oneself as one is. Although this approach may seem to have its drawbacks, it will be of benefit in the long run because this openness will become the strongest foundation of happiness/love.
“Deceit breeds deceit” and “frankness encourages frankness”
The person who shows himself as he is, also encourages his partner to do the same and the relationship is thus entered upon by real and not fictitious beings.
It necessarily requires courage and bravery to show oneself as one really is. It means confronting the world face to face, not hiding behind the barrier of a mask.
For this reason many people find it very hard to act openly and naturally, even though they know that by pretending, they are shaping their own unhappiness. They will be exhausted; this process takes up an inordinate amount of energy.
To be able to act naturally and reveal oneself, fear of the other party must be absent, because where there is fear, there is no love; fear prevents one from being frank.
The golden rule between two is not to be afraid of showing who one really is.
Let your domain be reflective from deep inside of your source.
As sun, moon and star is what you are.
Gain your royal birthright, glitter bright and with pure light, be positive, complimentary, and open and most importantly be at peace.
Our eyes, ears, nose, and touch stimulates a vibration which is real to us.
We decide on action according to these so does your inner water become stable, rocky, violent or calm as can be creating high or low pressure around your self-esteem.
Create your own earthly stage in unison with other domains. Only you can make these happen because you are your own King, Joker Or Queen.