Quote of the night


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
We tend to interpret our next experiences based on our interpretation of our previous experiences.

Another way to learn about ourselves is by looking at how other people respond to us. In a way, our relationships with other people are like mirrors in which we see a reflection of ourselves. In fact, we might even think of relationships as classrooms - highly reflective classrooms - in which we learn about ourselves, and our partners learn about themselves.

It is most important for one to be honest and show oneself as one is. Although this approach may seem to have its drawbacks, it will be of benefit in the long run because this openness will become the strongest foundation of happiness/love.

“Deceit breeds deceit” and “frankness encourages frankness”

The person who shows himself as he is, also encourages his partner to do the same and the relationship is thus entered upon by real and not fictitious beings.

It necessarily requires courage and bravery to show oneself as one really is. It means confronting the world face to face, not hiding behind the barrier of a mask.

For this reason many people find it very hard to act openly and naturally, even though they know that by pretending, they are shaping their own unhappiness. They will be exhausted; this process takes up an inordinate amount of energy.

To be able to act naturally and reveal oneself, fear of the other party must be absent, because where there is fear, there is no love; fear prevents one from being frank.

The golden rule between two is not to be afraid of showing who one really is.

Let your domain be reflective from deep inside of your source.

As sun, moon and star is what you are.

Gain your royal birthright, glitter bright and with pure light, be positive, complimentary, and open and most importantly be at peace.

Our eyes, ears, nose, and touch stimulates a vibration which is real to us.
We decide on action according to these so does your inner water become stable, rocky, violent or calm as can be creating high or low pressure around your self-esteem.

Create your own earthly stage in unison with other domains. Only you can make these happen because you are your own King, Joker Or Queen.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
The best parachute folders are those who jump themselves.

Unlike dreams, which tend to gloss over important details, or omit them altogether, goals leave no room for confusion about that which is desired. In order for a goal to be attainable, it must be operationally defined. In other words, it must be expressed in terms of the events or behaviors that constitute the goal.

For example, in the language of dreams, the desire to travel might be expressed simply as, "I want to see the world." By contrast, in the language of goals and realities, it would be necessary to express this desire by describing operations or behavior that define what is meant by "see the world." A goal statement might be: "I intend to travel to three different states and one foreign country each year for five years." Now that this desire has been brown down into steps, it can be managed and pursued much more directly than the ambiguous, "blue sky" dream.

Bottom line: for a dream to become a goal, it has to be specifically defined in terms of operations, meaning what will be done. So decide what it is you want. Identify and define your goal with great specificity.

Know the answers to the following:

- What are the specific behaviors or operations that make up the goal? What will you be doing or not doing when you are "living the goal"?

- How will you recognize the goal when you have it?
- How will you feel when you have it?

Your answers to these questions, expressed in concrete detail, will become essential signposts, telling you whether or not you are effectively moving toward your goal, or weather or not you need to make a midcourse correction.

Remember, "being happy" won't cut it; that's neither an event nor a behavior. When you set out to identify a goal, you've got to stay away from that kind of ambiguity. If you want to be happy, you must define happy.

Goals must be expressed in terms of outcomes that are measurable, bservable, and quantifiable. In order for something to rise to the level of a manageable goal, you've got to be able to determine your level of progress. You need to know how much of your goal you've attained. You have to have some way of knowing whether you have it, in fact, successfully arrived at where you wanted to be.

Major life changes don't just happen; they happen one step at a time.

Goals are structured in such a way that you have some measure of accountability at each and every interval step. Without accountability, people are apt to con themselves, failing to recognize poor performance in time to adjust and keep from falling short.

So consider who in your circle of family or friends might serve as your "teammate", the person to whom you commit to make periodic reports on your progress.

We all respond better if we know that somebody is checking up on us, and that there are consequences for our failure to perform.

Create meaningful accountability for your actions or inactions.

Some days you might feel like working on your goal. Some days you might not. But if you know precisely what you want, when you want it by, and the time and place are scheduled and protected, and there are real consequences for not doing the assigned work, you are much more likely to continue in your pursuit of your goal.

Set up an accountability system for yourself that will make it impossible for you not to achieve your goal.

Well done is better than well said.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Conscious communication begins with mastering the skill of listening. When listening, you give others a chance to be on the receiving end of your loving attention, which allows their subconscious mind to match your vibration.

An awakened being knows listening to be the most direct way to remind someone of their highest value. Whether lost in the beauty of a lover or exchanging smiles with a neighbor, the gift of attention remains an extraordinary treasure you are capable of offering just by observing the innocence around you.

When human interactions become a way of practicing self-acceptance by treating others with more patience, kindness, and respect, a constant need to be heard shifts into listening as an act of love.

When listening becomes an act of self-love, a stunning truth is discovered. In ego, it is common to believe that someone else's words or behavior is the reason you feel unaccepted, judged, or rejected. In reality, other people cannot affect you.

It only seems as if they limit your experience when you refuse to hear a point of view that doesn't match your own. The more you allow yourself to listen, whether you agree with anyone's ideas or not, the less likely you feel rejected in the presence of another.

The catalyst of rejection is life's way of reminding you how other people are not always created to treat you better than you treat yourself. Instead, they help you practice treating yourself better by how lovingly you interact with them.

This doesn't mean you should pretend to enjoy the company of those who treat you poorly. Instead, it invites you to cultivate greater compassion for yourself by allowing others to speak their mind. As the skill of listening is mastered, every heart is healed by the brightness of your being. When others have the right to speak, you inspire everyone around you to shine their light.

By elevating your vibration, you send a message to the other person's subconscious mind to acknowledge the energetic difference between you. In response, their subconscious mind will do whatever is necessary to raise their vibration in an attempt to match yours. This is how you are able to help pull other people up to a higher level of consciousness instead of lowering the standard of our energy to match where they are.

"What are the words I always wanted to hear whenever I felt that way?"

The words that would have made a difference, if only those in your life had known what to say, become the gifts you are here to offer as a way of healing hearts.

One inspired choice at a time, you increase the likelihood of having a positive experience with anyone you meet. No longer will the conditions of another's ego limit your reality because only your choices and perceptions can determine the quality of your experiences.

By maintaining integrity as a conscious communicator, you always create opportunities for everyone to evolve.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
I've always heard that patience is a virtue. But that doesn't mean it's an easy attribute to have in your life. I consider myself to be a patient person but there are days when I feel like I'm at my wits' end and impatience seems to be the leader of my emotions. Getting through times like these is challenging because once you're out of patience, you're out of sync in your energy and your frequency has taken a nosedive. To bring your energy back up and elevate it higher, you have to practice patience even in the worst of times.

If I had to name the most powerful tool you could use to raise your energy, it would be intention. The purpose you put behind your thoughts and actions as you focus on increasing the vibrational rate within your soul's energy is what will allow you to achieve your goals.

Intention is a powerful tool you can use. You can begin your day with a specific intention and add more as your day unfolds. Perhaps today's intention is for inner calm despite tense situations, or for confidence in all you do.

The stronger your intention, the more focused your actions.

You'll tap into your own energy as well as Universal Energy without even realizing what you're doing when your intention is strong.

Having powerful intention behind you doesn't mean that you're trying to control people and situations; it's exactly the opposite. You're focusing on yourself, your own intention and will, which should not affect anyone else.

Intention enables you to have greater control over your life. Without it, you may meander along your path, never really achieving success because you're not focused. Intention makes it easier to deal with obstacles.

Be clear; be specific instead of thinking your intention is a broad generalized way. This gives your intentions purpose so that you are better able to realize what it is you're intending for your life.

Upon awakening, pick a specific intention for the day and hold it in your heart until you go to sleep.

Intend for it to happen and it will.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
One of the biggest failures people make in their lives is that they settle for what is out there.

Instead of building a life and learning to level up as they go, we take the choices available instead of going after what we truly desire. We master jobs we grow to hate and create habits that have no value. We learn to succeed in things that are not important, which is really the same as failing as you go.

If you are a writer, you write in your own way. If you are a pianist, you play the way that best suits your style; if you are an artist, your craft and unique signature will shine through every piece of work you create. You can choose to perform in any style or fashion you desire.

Let’s take the example of two talented musicians. Although they might play the same music and have mastered the same instruments, neither of them is alike. They have their own style and method of self-expression as it is portrayed through their music. And so it is with any role that is played in life.

It is not the role you play, but how you play it; it is not the instrument that sounds great, but the talent that masters it.

There is a limited time frame for every opportunity that exists; this window is only open for a brief moment and is then gone entirely once someone else seizes the moment you failed to grasp. For children, this window remains wide open with unlimited potential and choices as new talents and skills are acquired and the child’s interest in various subjects is quickly recognized.

A child may take a risk or try something new and unique without realizing it; in time, however, the risks taken become fewer. Fear or reason stand in the way to block you from moving on a one-chance-in-a-lifetime opportunity. It is a truth that those who take risks might lose; and yet, those who don’t act at all will certainly lose.

Some people create opportunity where there is none; others destroy it or fail to take action on account of letting fear stand in the way. Like a great tsunami that destroys all in its wake, we are in competition with the window of time as it slowly draws its curtains closed before we can seize life’s prospects.

In order to take advantage of the many opportunities surrounding you, you have to have a solid idea of what it is you are looking for. If not, every idea and every opportunity looks like a good one. You might end up chasing the wrong dream if you don’t know what it is you really need.

You need to know beforehand what it is precisely you are searching for, then, when the chance presents itself you won’t have to question whether it is the right one; you will know intuitively that this opportunity was created for you. If you wander aimlessly without any clue as to what you want, you will fail to recognize that once-in-a-lifetime chance when it does come knocking at your door.

Stay in touch with the things you feel passionate about; keep your interests alive and stay focused on those areas that make a difference to the quality of your life. Do not get caught up in small activities or petty trifles that distract your concentration. When you are focused in on what matters, you are in a strong position to create your opportunity, or you will be ready for it when the time comes.

The key is to know when to act and take action when an opportunity feels right. Don’t be afraid to take an acceptable risk, but weigh the situation carefully if you have to. If you hesitate because of fear, the opportunity will eventually be lost and become another’s profit.

In situations like this, people often say, “Oh, don’t worry, another opportunity will come by.” Maybe it will and maybe it won’t but, in many cases, like being stranded in the middle of the ocean, you can’t always be fussy about every passing ship.

Life is bountiful when you believe the abundance of opportunity you seek is all around you. If you believe your choices in this world are limited and confined, then this is the reality you will experience. You will never find what you are looking for if you think everything happens by mere ‘luck’ or ‘coincidence’.

You are in a position right now to create the opportunity and chances you desire to have. Rarely does life just walk up and hand them to you. There has to be a set of actions beforehand: a decision, a proposal, or an action that produces significant results. When you just wait for things to happen you leave yourself at the mercy of outside forces and no longer control the events that direct your life.

The future is today, in this moment right now, and it is built through the actions and choices that generate the opportunity you seek. You have to know what it is you are going after so you can recognize the right opportunity when it appears.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
I recently learned the first form of a pencil was a ball of lead. Having discovered that lead, if scratched, would leave markings, people then wrestled with chunks of the stuff in an attempt to write. Through the work of many, the chunks were eventually shaped into a usable form that could fit the hand. The discovery became a tool.

I am humbled to confess after a lifetime of relationship that love is no different.

Be it a lover or a friend or family member, the discovery of closeness appears in our life like a ball of lead - something that if wrestled with, will leave markings by which we can understand each other.

But this is only the beginning.

The work of love is to shape the stuff of relationships into a tool that fits our hands. With each hardship faced, with each illusion confronted, with each trespass looked at and owned, another piece of the chunk is whittled and love beings to become a sacred tool.

When truth is held in compassionate hands, the sharpness of love becomes clear and not hurtful.

Take a pitcher full of water & set it down in the water - now it has water inside and water outside. We mustn't give it a name...

Only after declaring healthy boundaries can we discover and experience the true common water of the spirit.

Though we are not always eloquent or clear in what comes out, everyone is clear as water in the source-place where mind and heart start as one.

As Teilhard de Chardin said, "We are not human beings having a spiritual experience. We are spiritual beings having a human experience."

Entering our days with this perspective can make a difference. It provides the ocean for our small pitcher of a life.

It helps to remember that despite all our struggles, despite the weight of living, there is an irrepressible ounce of spirit in each of us, a wellspring we carry within, that can be blocked but not contained.

It emanates through all beings as the longing for love and peace.

When opening our longing, our honest want for love, we open the fountainhead of spirit, and then, like life's pitcher, we are water living in water, love in love, a small thing alive in a big thing alive, a breath inside a wind.

The power of a whirlwind is that it comes out of nowhere and takes over everything. It has a unique beauty about itself - in the sense of ultimate transformation.


Oct 6, 2015
3 Cycles

The main bio rhythms include:
  • The Physical Cycle
There is a strong health factor with this phase. During a positive state, skin feels good, energy levels are high and we feel physically well and prepared. The negative is always the opposite, resulting in a lack of energy and tiredness. This follows a 23 day cycle and is associated with the red (root) and orange (sacral) chakras.

  • The Emotional Cycle
The emotional cycle is governed largely by the nervous system. When positive, we feel optimistic, creative, cheerful, confident and friendlier. Reversed during a negative state, we tend to be less cooperative, moody and as if we are against the world. This is a 28 day cycle and is linked with the yellow (solar plexus) and green (heart) chakras.

  • The Intellectual Cycle
On the positive days of an intellectual cycle, concentration is at its peak, memory is more efficient and understanding is strong. The negative days that follow, however, can leave us feeling dull and lacking effort. It has also been linked to higher crime rates. Intellectually, our bodies flow in a 33 day cycle, which is connected to the blue (throat) and violet (third eye) chakras.

These are the three primary cycles. The secondary cycles include Spiritual, Intuitive, Awareness, and Aesthetic, which are supported by violet (crown) chakra and associated with the higher order thinking and our connection with spirit.
Naturally, biorythms can also affect our compatibility with others as it can contribute to contradicting energy fields.

Hence why people can rub us up the wrong way on some days more than others.

Biorhythms can also be used as a tool for understanding how our natural self affects our mood and preparing for it. For example, if you’re feeling emotionally high but your friend is emotionally low, then you may find their negative energy irritating.

It is important to remember that these cycles can be effected by energetic disturbances, such as universal energy shifts from the Sun, Moon and planets, also.

For example, as we succumb to the energy shifts of a New Moon, detoxifying power is at its peak, making it easier to throw out old habits.

This would be particularly effective if our intellectual cycle was in a positive state. Similarly, a Waning Moon’s frequency makes it easier to lose weight and be active, which will compliment a positive physical rhythm.

Another key cycle within our physical body is our Circadian Rhythm. A circadian rhythm is a 24-hour internal clock and, like all biorhythms, our Circadian Rhythm influences our physical, mental and behavioral changes throughout the day.

In short, this cycle tells our body when to feel awake and when to go to sleep. As our brains synchronize through various waves throughout this time, this cycle can be seen as a modulator for states of consciousness.

Also known as astrology


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
We live inside of Creation.

To create is our fate.

Creation is an internal process, an evolution from the inside outward.

We require four functions:

Energy (fuel)
Inspiration (a reason to do something)
Expression (the ability to do something)
Rejuvenation (rest)

The overall quality and satisfaction of our lives depends entirely upon the health of the relationship we have with these four functions. Consider these as four cardinal points of a compass or a clock.

We will also assign to each of these functions the fundamentals of our experiences in life.

To energy we assign the physical body (Earth)
To inspiration we assign emotion (Water)
To expression we assign mental activity (Fire or Air)
To Rejuvenation we assign silence (Ether)

Each subsequent function relies upon the previous; that is, without Energy there can be no inspiration - there can be no life at all, without Inspiration, without feeling motivated or compelled to act or express there is no fulfilment.

There is a difference between seeking yourself and creating yourself.
Rather than seeking self, we must establish oneself and the events of our life - To build, create, and construct our lives - in the present moment, every moment, based on one’s internal state of being.

We are always creating the circumstances of life through our attitudes and thoughts.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
When we enter a flower garden, we immediately admire the beauty of the garden with our natural eye. We rarely take the time to stop and analyze the process by which it came into existence; we just enjoy what we see.

If we took the time to analyze this beautiful garden, we would realize that a plant does not have its inception on the top of the ground. A seed must first be planted.

Therefore, what we see on the surface is only the result of that which was planted underground. In order to have a healthy plant, the following three elements are necessary: soil, seed and in all cases, healthy roots.

The life of a plant is in its roots. If the roots aren't healthy, the tree is not healthy. If the roots are contaminated, if the roots are dead, the plant will not produce anything.

Before you plant a seed, be sure the soil is free of rocks and stones because the soil is symbolic of your heart. If there are rocks and stones in the soil (heart), they will eventually gravitate toward your seed. They will press themselves against it, preventing its roots from developing, and destroying the roots that have already sprouted.

This is why the planting of your seed must not be based on emotionalism. If it is done according to feelings, the first time sickness occurs, persecution comes, or harsh words are spoken against you, your faith will become shaken. This will happen because your seed is rooted in emotion, which is shallow and not strong enough to support your seed.

We have gone through so much in life that we have had to become hardened to survive. So when your seed is sown in emotions, it is sown on stony ground. You must sow your seed in faith. This is the only environment in which it will grow properly.

What you experience in your life should not be the basis by which you plant or dig up your seed(s).

Absolutely nothing must disturb it; in order for a seed to take root, it must not be moved after it is planted. The slightest movement will stop its growth!

The only way that the life that is within the seed can spring forth: the outer shell must be pressured until it is broken - pressured, not moved or dug up!

During those times when you begin to feel pressure, you should praise the "breaking process" of the outer shell rather than getting fearful and fretful.

Be very careful - doubt will dig up your seed.

If you have already planted a seed, begin to release any unforgiveness or grudges you may be harboring against anyone. If you fail to do this, you impede the growth process of your seed.

Don't allow offenses from others to stop your blessings from coming to pass.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Aristotle defined tragedy as a terrible outcome arising from a person's fatal flaw - a flaw that, had it been fixed, instead would have led to a wonderful outcome. In my opinion two barriers: ego and blind spots - are fatal flaws that keep intelligent, hardworking people from living up to their potential.

Your two "yous" fight to control you. This conflict is universal; if you pay close enough attention.

It's like Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, though the higher-level you is not aware of the lower-level you.

Once you understand how your

a) logical/conscious you and
b) emotional/subconscious you

fight with each other, you can imagine what it's like when your two yous deal with other people and their own two "thems". It's a mess.

Those lower-level selves are like attack dogs - they want to fight even when their higher-level selves want to figure things out. This is very confusing because you and the people you are dealing with typically don't even know that these lower-level beasts exist, never mind that they are trying to hijack everyone's behavior.

To be effective one must not let the need to be right to be more important than the need to find out what's true. If an individual is too proud they will learn less, make inferior decisions and fall short.

If you know that you are blind, you can figure out a way to see, whereas if you don't know that you're blind, you will continue to bump into your problems. In other words, if you can recognize that you have blnd spots and open-mindedly consider the possibility that others might see something better than you - that the threats or opportunities they are trying to point out really exist - you are more likely to make good decisions.

Radical open-mindedness is motivated by the genuine worry that you might not be seeing your choices optimally. It is the ability to effectively explore different points of view and different possibilities without letting your ego or your blind spots get in your way. It requires replacing attachment with always being right with the joy of learning what's true.

When two people believe opposite things, chances are that one of them is wrong. It pays to find out if that someone is you. That's why I believe you must appreciate and develop the art of thoughtful disagreement. In thoughtful disagreement, your goal is not to convince the other party that you are right - it is to find out which view is true and decide what to do about it.

Spinning in your own head about what's going on, which most people are prone to do - wastes time disagreeing past the point of diminishing returns.

Exchanges in which you really see what the other person is seeing and they really see what you are seeing - with both your "higher-level yous" trying to get to the truth - are immensely helpful and a giant source of untapped potential.

To me, it's pointless when people get angry with each other when they disagree because most disagreements aren't threats as much as opportunities for learning. People who change their minds because they learned something are winners, whereas those who stubbornly refuse to learn are the losers.

What's important is that you prioritize what you spend time on and who you spend it with. There are lots of people who will disagree with you, and it would be unproductive to consider all their views. It doesn't pay to be open-minded with everyone. Instead, spend your time exploring ideas with the most believable people you have access to.

Becoming truly open-minded takes time.

Like all real learning, doing this is largely a matter of habit; once you do it so many times it is almost instinctive, you'll find it intolerable to be any other way.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Many people reject following their passion because it doesn’t appear sexy or cool enough. They think a passion should be something that makes us famous or great in the eyes of others. When the things that make us happy come from a place of quiet and unassuming inner truth, we quash their pursuit as unworthy of our time and attention.

We do this because we are confused by the difference between passion and excitement. At its core, passion might more accurately be understood as our “soul’s longing.” We are, in essence, passionate about what our soul longs to do.

I regularly hear people say they want to pursue a particular money-making scheme (be in cash-flowing real estate, working seven days a week or forgoing holidays) so they can eventually give up their jobs. That’s when they’ll do something they really love; that is: their passion.

But putting one’s passion on the shelf, or confusing it with what you do to pay bills, is a soul-sucking endeavour. These people have souls that long to pursue passion. Unable (or unwilling) to do the work necessary to reveal what that authentic passion might be, they write vision statements and goals that are all about excitement. Few realize that “excitement” is often another way to say “big money”.

I believe this comes down to our intense fear about not being as good as others. When we are afraid to be poor, afraid to struggle through retirement, afraid to value today over tomorrow, it’s relatively easy for us to drop everything to pursue wealth ahead of real passion.

The simple truth of the matter is that many passions have an element of mastery that doesn’t always include a massive external reward like money or fame. But if we stay focused on the external rewards to every action we take, it can be difficult to see our own passion as valuable and desirable.

When we see our core passion as something with little or no monetary value, we’ll naturally assume we’re less than others who seem to have it all figured out. We begin to think we’re not good enough or even broken.

This makes it easy for us to attach ourselves to unauthentic goals— especially the kind with easy-to-read-price tags. These goals often include the chance to participate in “club-like” gatherings, where joiners become part of the “in” crowd, be it university alumni, a professional organization or those who claim to share an investment “passion.”

Without realizing it, those who pursue excitement versus passion adopt quickly to become characters in the movie of their own lives. Worse yet, they then compete for parts they don’t really want.

The bottom line is that passion is always an essential part of the story we are meant to live. They may not be flashy, sexy, or even cool, but they are at the core of your soul’s longing. Other people may be able to help you find them— but only you will be able to identify what your passion really is.
Only you can let what’s inside emerge, and come to the surface.

That’s called self-awareness.

Rich On Paper Poor On Life: 3 Paths To More Meaning
~* Philip McKernan


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
"I Am A Tree"

Comfortably settled in a position that allows me to breathe freely and align my spine properly, I imagine that I am a tall and majestic tree. My body stands as straight and solid as the trunk of a tree, which nothing can disturb.

Powerful roots grow underneath my feet from each of my toes. I imagine that those roots, firmly set into the ground, go deeply into the Earth and fork out into several branches. These spread far around me to anchor me and draw from the Earth the energies I need to regenerate my whole being. My roots now unite with Mother earth, who nourishes me with a revitalizing, serene, and beneficial sap.

Moving up along my legs through my veins and arteries, this vivifying sap circulates all around my metabolism. It cleanses and purifies each of my organs, liberating all the existing toxins and blockages. The healing energy flow through all the parts of my body, from the bottom to the top, intensifying in my chest and around my heart. I welcome this soft heat that surrounds, comforts, and appeases me with tranquility.

My arms, like the tree branches, open up to let my feelings and emotions flourish as leaves tosses by the wind. In my head I let thoughts of joy, gratitude, and bliss flower toward this new life that flows into me. My mind empties of any negative thoughts to simply welcome this magical sap that now gives birth to bubbles of love toward me and the universe that lives within.

I feel the sunlight caressing my skin, illuminating my entire being, which now vibrates at the rhythm of the seasons.

I myself am light, with my hair like thousands of antennae, seeds harnessing the energy of the cosmos.

Internally I know these seeds will give birth at every moment to the fruits of the unlimited inestimable happiness, continually for the rest of my life.

I breathe deeply, feeling fulfilled and overflowing with energy. Very slowly, I get back in contact with the reality that surrounds me, knowing that, from now on, my energetic roots allow me to remain well grounded and to radiate love towards all that lives.



Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
You were born with a factory-installed guidance system. It is like the GPS in a car. This system is called your Internal Guidance System, or IGS.

The guidance it gives you has many different purposes. The most important one is to get you from one end of your life to the other with as much joy, ease, and fulfillment as possible.

It is important for you to recognize that it knows and deeply understands everything you desire to achieve, as well as countless things you have yet to even think of. It also knows specifically how you would most like for your desires to be achieved.

Its purpose is to guide you to the specific way of going about your life that will make you, and everyone around you, the happiest. The reason it's guidance is unique and special is because it was designed just for you and your life's purposes.

There are also things in your life that are not yours to do, and your IGS will guide you away from them so you don't waste your life force or use it unsuccessfully.

This inner GPS contains your life's specific road map, which shows on a soul level all the things you are here to participate in, experience, and achieve. Your GPS is with you every moment of every day, constantly there to support you - to give you guidance.

This can sound a bit scary or uncomfortable, until you realize that it has no judgment.
It does not think of you as good or bad. It relates to you as a soul that it is here to guide and to protect. It knows who you really are deep down inside.

One of its purposes is to help you uncover and remember who you really are - the "you" who existed before life took over and covered up your perfection and beauty.

It only has unconditional love for you and the journey you are on.

Your Internal Guidance System becomes a part of how you choose your path and balance your life. Sometimes you will get an opening that indicates you are to do something specific, or that you are to move in a particular direction.

When this happens it likely means there is nothing you need to do right now or even in the near future. The world around you is lining up for you; it is getting all players and resources into the right places, so that you can take your next step.

I like to call this divine timing.

It can be strange for some people to think about the world around them getting organized for what comes next. It becomes easier to believe when you watch the way your IGS guides you through your life.

Timing becomes easy.

You follow your Internal Guidance System and it organizes life so that it's easier, with less waiting in lines and more magical coincidences.

Be Happy

Knowing situation(s), or experience is on its way!

When you experience openings, the change you wish to see becomes enjoyable - you find miracles showing up in your life.

Your lifetime holds many different levels of purpose and destiny. One of the highest levels, comes from living with the mind-set that every day is sacred.

Self-Mastery is following your inner truth.

Do so with the confidence that you have a tool - a built-in sense - that can guide you firmly and lovingly in the direction of your spiritual evolution and highest good.

What is most important is that you love your life, enjoy the journey, and live to the fullest. That is truly the gift of following your thoughts that open you. You get to have the best life, day by day.


🐉⛩️ 𝕿𝖍𝖊 𝕴𝖒𝖒𝖔𝖗𝖙𝖆𝖑 ⛩️ 🐉
Jun 15, 2012
"Nothing is really free of cost, what one gains replaces what one gives up; to possess something, one must get rid of something else. Harmony (ciLuba: cyakànyì) is maintained through sacrifice." --Clementine M. Faik-Nzuji on the Baluba initiatory system called cyakànyì < -akan- "to adjust or adjust oneself; to be or to put in order, to be in agreement or concord, to adapt, harmonize or harmonize oneself, to complete oneself."