Quote of the night


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
The trouble with life in the fast lane is that you get to the other end too soon.

Søren Kierkegaard said, “Most men pursue pleasure with such breathless haste that they hurry past it.” Haste makes waste; give time, time.

Many people overestimate what they can do in a year and underestimate what they can do in a lifetime.

There is no road too long to the man who advances deliberately and without undue haste; no honor is too distant to the man who prepares himself for it with patience.

Many times the action you take at the right time has no immediate relationship to the answer — it’s merely to get you to the right place at the right time.

If you are facing the right direction, just keep on walking.

Determine to choose the right pace: If you go too quickly, you can catch up with misfortune, and if you go too slowly, misfortune can catch up with you.

When you are both patient and persistent, you miss the wrong places and end up where you’re supposed to be.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
The physical world is an aggregate of frequencies.

Each chemical element is uniquely identifiable in the electromagnetic spectrum by its own unique set of separately unique frequencies like fingerprints.
We all have some electrical and magnetic forces within us, and we put forth, like a magnet itself, an attractive or repulsive power as we come in contact with something similar or dissimilar.

The truth is, everything is alive, and everything is receiving and giving off energy. Life is not just a material substance. Life is a force, an it is electrical and magnetic - a quality, not a quantity.

We must learn to feel this electromagnetic force with our heart and our consciousnesses.

The intellect is powerless to express thought without the help of the heart.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.
A Warrior unable to see light as anything other than a purely physical phenomenon will be blind to the light.

Lifetimes of learning are still within your mind, and your enlightenment is just a state of remembering...
Know that you're not alone no matter what you're going through. And know that your journey and challenges are not mistakes but tests to bring out the best of your character.

Allow them to speak through your heart, intellect, and inspiration.
Be still and sense there presence all around all around you, knowing that all is in divine order.
We must move forward now without any trace of doubt or fear, lease you place an illusion of obstacle in your way.
The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your experiences.

Think victorious.

We are impeccable warriors
I see what cannot be seen
I feel what cannot be felt
I hear what cannot be heard
I know what is unknowable
because I am the essence of all things
I will do the unthinkable
because within me
is the spirit of sovereignty

I live by the laws of the spiritual warrior:

The law of responsibility
The law of love
The law of Ma'at,
The law of fearlessness, and
The law of refining and giving my gift.

I am a manifestation
of harmonious intuition
and strong will
I am Shemsu Heru in human form
A protector of the sovereign rights of my people
A cultural custodian
I am
an ancestral spirit
from ancient Kash and Kemet
I am the link to immortality
I am past, the present, and the future
I am the impeccable warrior.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Pareto's law states that 80% of output results from 20% of the input; for example, 80% of your income comes from 20% of your work.

Imagine if you could identify the 20% of your efforts that create 80% of the desired results in your life.

How free would you feel if you could cut out 80% of your activities that don't really contribute much to your well being?

When you do less, you can emphasize quality over quantity and be very deliberate about where you place your attention.

When you give with the knowledge that there is always more than enough and your supply isn't limited by giving it away, the "Law" responds with more.

When you understand that the gifts life has for you are limitless, then they are.

You have access to infinite intelligence at all times, but sometimes we need a human conduit to make the information accessible.

All people know all things at all times, but answering specific questions requires allowing and remembering.

Tap into universal wisdom through the voices of the people you admire.

You may be surprised how much is already inside of you.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Being "perceptive" means being able to spot the contradictions between someone's words and their body language.

Body language is an outward reflection of a person's emotional condition. Each gesture or movement can be a valuable key to an emotion a person may be feeling at the time. For example, a man who is self-conscious about gaining weight may tug at the fold of skin under his chin; the woman who is aware of extra pounds on her thighs may smooth her dress down; the person who is feeling fearful or defensive might fold their arms or cross their legs or both; and a man talking with a large-breasted woman may consciously avoid staring at her breast while, at the same time, unconsciously use groping gestures with his hands.

The key to reading body language is being able to understand a person's emotional condition while listening to what they are saying and not the circumstances under which they are saying it. This allows you to separate fact from fiction and reality from fantasy.

Most people believe that when someone is lying they smile more than usual, but research shows the opposite is true - they smile less. The difficulty with lying is that the subconscious mind acts automatically and independently of our verbal lie, so our body language gives us away. This is why people who rarely tell lies are easily caught, regardless of how convincing they may sound. The moment they being to lie, their body sends out contradictory signals, and these give us a feeling that they're not telling the truth. During the lie, the subconscious mind sends out nervous energy, which appears as a gesture that can contradict what was said.

Eight of the most common lying gestures

1. The mouth cover - The hand covers the mouth as the brain subconsciously instructs it to try to suppress the deceitful words that are being said. Sometimes this gesture might be several fingers over the mouth or even a closed fist, but its meaning remains the same.
Some people try to disguise the Mouth Cover gesture by giving a fake cough. When actors play gangsters or criminals, they often use this gesture when discussing criminal activities with other gangsters or when being interrogated by the police, so that the audience knows they're being secretive or dishonest.

If the person who is speaking uses this gesture, it indicates that they could be lying. If they cover their mouth while you are speaking, it can show they might feel you are hiding something.

The Mouth Cover may appear as innocuous as the "Shhh" gesture, when one finger is placed vertically over the lips; this gesture would likely have been used by the person's mother or father when he was a child. As an adult, the person uses it in an attempt to tell themselves not to say something they're feeling. The point is that it alters you to something that is being withheld.

2. The Nose Touch - Sometimes the Nose Touch can be several quick rubs below the nose or in may be one quick, almost imperceptible nose touch. Women perform this gesture with smaller strokes than men, perhaps to avoid smudging their makeup.
The important thing to remember is that this type of action should be read in clusters and context; the person could have hay fever or a cold.
Scientists at the Smell and Taste Treatment Research Foundation in Chicago found that when you lie, chemicals known as catecholamines are released,causing tissue inside the nose to swell. They used special imaging cameras that show blood flow in the body to reveal that intentional lying also causes an increase in blood pressure. This technology indicates that the human nose actually expands with blood during lying and is known as the "Pinocchio Effect". Increased blood pressure inflates the nose and causes the nerve endings in the nose to tingle, resulting in a brisk rubbing action to the nose with the hand to satisfy the "itch".

3. What About an Itch Nose? - The itch of a person's nose is normally satisfied by a deliberate rubbing or scratching actions, as opposed to the light strokes of the Nose Touch gesture. As with the Mouth Cover, the Nose Touch can be used both by the speaker to disguise his own deceit and by the listener who doubts the speakers words. An itch is usually an isolated repetitive gesture and is incongruent or out of context with the person's overall conversation.

4. The Eye Rub - "See no evil," said one of the wise monkeys. When a child doesn't want to look at something, hell cover his eyes with on or both hands. When an adults doesn't want to look at something distasteful, the Eye Rub is likely to occur. The Eye Rub is the brain's attempt to block out the deceit, doubt, or distasteful thing it sees, or to avoid having to look at the face of the person who is being lied to. Men usually rub their eyes vigorously and, if the lie is a real whopper, they will often look away. Woman are less likely to use the Eye Rub - instead, they will use small, gentle touching motions just below the eye, because they either have been conditioned as girls to avoid making robust gestures, or to avoid smudging makeup. They also avoid a listener's gaze by looking away.

" Lying through your teeth" is a commonly used phrase. It refers to a gesture of clenched teeth and a false smile, combined with the Eye Rub. This gesture is used by movie actors to portray insincerity and by "polite" cultures such as the English, who prefer not to tell you exactly what they're thinking.

5. The Ear Grab - Imagine you tell someone "It only costs $300" and the person grabs their ears, looks away to the side, and says, "It sounds like a good deal to me." This is a symbolic attempt by the listener to "hear no evil": trying to block the words he is hearing by putting the hand around or over the ear or tugging at the earlobe. This is the adult version of the Hands-Over-Both-Ears gesture used by the child who wants to block out his parent's reprimands. Other variations of the Ear Grab include rubbing the back of the ear, the Finger Drill - where the fingertip is screwed back and forth inside the ear, pulling at the earlobe, or bending the entire ear forward to cover the ear hole.
The Ear grab can also be a signal that the person has heard enough or may want to speak. As with the Nose Touch, the Ear Grab is used by a person who is experiencing anxiety.

6. The Neck Scratch - The index finger - usually of the writing hand - scratches the side of the neck below the earlobe. Our observations of this gesture reveal the person scratches an average of five times. Rarely is the number of scratches less than five and hardly ever more than five. This gesture is a signal of doubt or uncertainty and is a characteristic of the person who says, "I'm not sure I agree." It is very noticeable when the verbal language says something like, "I can understand how you feel," but the Neck Scratch indicates they don't.

7. The Collar Pull - Desmond Morris was one of the first to discover that lies cause a tingling sensation in the delicate facial and neck tissues, and a rub or a scratch was required to satisfy it. This not only accounts for why people who are uncertain will scratch their neck, it presents a good explanation as to why some people use the Collar Pull when they lie and suspect they have been caught. Increased blood pressure from the deceit causes sweat to form on the neck when the deceiver feels that you suspect he's not telling the truth.
It also occurs when a person is feeling angry or frustrated and needs to pull the collar away from his neck in an attempt to let the cool air circulate. When you see someone use this gesture, ask "could you repeat that, please?" or "Could you clarify that point, please?" This can cause the would-be deceiver to give the game away.

8. Fingers-in-the-Mouth - This is an unconscious attempt by the person to revert to the security of the child sucking on his mother's breast and occurs when a person feels under pressure. A young child substitutes his thumb or a blanket for his mother's breast and, as an adult, he puts his fingers to his mouth, sucks on cigarettes, pipes, pens, and glasses, and chews gum.

Most Hand-To-Mouth gestures can be connected to lying or deception, but the Fingers-in-Mouth gesture is an outward indication of an inner need for reassurance, so giving the person guarantees and assurances is a positive move.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Imagine a farmer gets up every single day and he puts his grain on the back of the tractor, and he puts the tractor in gear, and he drives out a mile into the pasture to feed the cows and they all come running. He dumps the feed, and goes back to the barn.

If he gets up every single day for ten, fifteen, twenty years and starts the tractor, puts the feed on, puts it in gear, and goes out to the same field, what will eventually happen? He’ll build ruts on the path to the cows. Eventually, he could just get up, throw the grain on the back, start the tractor, put it in gear, and let go of the wheel. That tractor will take him right out to that same spot he’s been going to for years.

Apply this story to your life and ask: Have you let go of the wheel? Do you have ruts that keep you doing the same thing every day? It doesn’t necessarily mean your entire life is in a rut, but do you unconsciously do the same things daily expecting a different result?

Do you have habits that make every day the same while simultaneously hoping an outside factor will change it?

Maybe you’re waiting for a shift in the economy, a person to intervene on your behalf, fate to present you with the winning lottery ticket?

Have you become the thermometer instead of the thermostat?

I’m not judging. It happens to us all.

Most people have let go of the wheel. But it doesn’t have to stay that way. So here’s what’s important about that farmer’s story: To change that farmer’s direction, to change his destination, he doesn’t have to make a dramatic 180-degree turn. It’s not like a New Year’s resolution where you feel the need to change everything about yourself.

You don’t have to wake up tomorrow morning and start an entirely new routine –yoga and then meditate and then practice gratitude for an hour. Yes, all those things are worthwhile, but all you have to do tomorrow is put yourself in the position of that farmer and turn that wheel a quarter of an inch. Just a tiny shift.

If he got up tomorrow and turned that wheel a quarter of an inch, by the time he got out a mile in the field, he wouldn’t even be able to see his old feeding grounds because he would be so far away. Those ruts would be no more, because he’d be carving a new path, a quarter inch at a time.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Nothing is real to us unless we make it real. Nothing can touch us unless we let it touch us. Refuse to have the feelings hurt. Refuse to receive anyone's condemnation. In the independence of your own mentality, believe and feel that you are wonderful. This is not conceit. It is the truth.

Repeat: "God is All. There is but One Power, Intelligence and Consciousness in the Universe, but one Presence. This one Presence cannot change. There is nothing for It to change into but Itself. It is Changeless, and It is my life now, It is in me now." Claim that no form of race-suggestion, belief in limitation, subjective idea or any other false belief has power. Accept none of them. If you have ever believed in them, if you have ever believed that the stars govern you, or that your environment governs you, Or that your opportunities govern you, recognize this as an hypnotic condition into which you have fallen, and deny every one of them until there is no longer anything in you that believes in them.

To assert our individuality is to rise above the law of averages into that more highly specialized use of the Law which brings freedom rather than bondage, joy in the place of grief and wholeness instead of sickness. We cannot do this unless we are first willing to "judge not according to appearances." In this judging "not according to aappearances" we are impressing the Law with a new idea of ourselves... a less limited idea; and we are learning to think independently of any existing circumstances.

"Peace, infinite peace, is at the center of my being. I live, move, and have my being in that which is perfect, complete within itself. That Self is my self." ~*Ernest Holmes


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Deep knowledge of principle knows without seeing, strong practice of the Way accomplishes without striving. Deep knowledge is to 'know without going out the door, see the way of heaven without looking out the window.' Strong action is to grow even stronger, adapting to all situations.

Deep knowledge is to be aware of disturbance before disturbance, to be aware of danger before danger, to be aware of destruction before destruction, to be aware of calamity before calamity. Strong action is training the body without being burdened by the body, exercising the mind without being used by the mind, working in the world without being affected by the world, carrying out tasks without being obstructed by tasks.

By deep knowledge of principle, one can change disturbance into order, change danger into safety, change destruction into survival, change calamity into fortune. By strong action on the Way, one can bring the body to the realm of longevity, bring the mind to the sphere of mystery, bring the world to great peace, and bring tasks to great fulfillment.

By deep knowledge of principle, one can change disturbance into order, change danger into safety, change destruction into survival, change calamity into fortune. By strong action on the Way, one can bring the body to the realm of longevity, bring the mind to the sphere of mystery, bring the world to great peace, and bring tasks to great fulfillment.

Comprehension is a state of quiescence, accomplishment without striving, knowing without seeing - this is the sense and response of the Transformative Tao. Comprehension is a state of quiescence can comprehend anything, accomplishment without striving and accomplish anything, knowing without seeing can know anything.

"To be able to do something before it exists, sense something before it becomes active, see something before it sprouts, are three abilities that develop interdependently. Then nothing is sensed but comprehended, nothing is undertaken without response, nowhere does one go without benefit."

~*Sun Tzu, The Art Of War


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
No book, just as no word of encouragement, may achieve anything decisive if the person who encounters it has not been prepared by something quite unintentional for a more profound reception and conception; if his hour of reflection and taking stock had not arrived in any case.

In order to shift that hour into the center of his consciousness, one thing or another may then suffice:

sometimes a book or an artistic object, sometimes a child's gaze, the voice of another person or a bird, and even sometimes a sound made by the wind, a creaking of the floor, or, when people were spending time in front of an open fireplace - a gaze into the transformation of the flames.

All this and even far smaller, seemingly coincidental things can trigger and affirm one's self-discovery or self-rediscovery.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
It is proverbial that we fashion our own experiences.

In our daily life we observe people drawing whatever conclusions they desire from their experiences. There is the man who constantly makes a certain mistake. If you succeed in convincing him of his mistake, his reactions will be varied. He may conclude that, as a matter of fact, it was high time to avoid this mistake.

This is a very rare conclusion.

More probably he will object that he has been making this mistake so long that he is now no longer able to ride himself of the habit. Or he will blame his parents, or his education, for his mistake; he may complain that he has never had anyone who ever cared for him, or that he was very much petted, or that he was brutally treated, and excuse his error with an alibi.

Whatever excuses he makes, he betrays one thing, and that is that he wishes to be excused of further responsibility.

In this manner he has an apparent justification and avoids all criticism of himself. He himself is never to blame. The reason he has never accomplished what he desired to do is always someone else's fault.

What such individuals overlook is the fact that they themselves have made very few efforts to avoid their mistakes. They are more anxious to remain in error, blaming their bad education with a certain fervor, for their faults. This is an effective alibi so long as they wish to have it so.

The many possible interpretations of an experience and the possibility of drawing various conclusions from any single one, enables us to understand why a person does not change his behavior pattern, but turns and twists and distorts his experiences until they fit it.

The hardest thing for human beings to do is to know themselves and to change themselves.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
When we observe objective things like trees, clouds, the things outside of us, there is not only the space between the observer and the observed - the physical space - there is also the space of time. When we look at a tree there is not only physical distance, but there is also psychological distance. There is the distance between you and the tree, the distance created by the image as knowledge : that is an oak tree, or an elm. That image between you and the tree separates you.

But when the quality of the mind of the observer is without the image, which is imagination, then there is quite a different relationship between the observer and the observed. Have you ever looked at a tree without a single word of like or dislike, without a single image? Have you noticed what then takes place? Then, for the first time, you see the tree as it is and you see the beauty of it, the colour, the depth, the vitality of it. A tree, or even another person, is fairly easy to observe; but to observe oneself that way - that is to observe without the observer - is much more difficult. So one must find out who is the observer.

I want to watch myself, I want to know myself as deeply as possible. What is the nature, the structure of that observer who is watching? That observer is the past, isn't it? - the past knowledge which he has collected and stored up; the past being the culture, the conditioning. That is the observer who says, "This is right, this is wrong, this must be, this must not be, this is good, this is bad." So the observer is the past and with those eyes of the past we try to see what we are. They we say, "I don't like this, I am ugly," or "this I will keep." All these discriminations and condemnations take place. Can I look at myself without the eyes of the past? Can I watch myself in action, which is in relationship, without any movement of the past? Have you ever tried this? (I don't suppose you have.)

When there is no observer then there is only the observed. Please see this: I am envious, or I overeat, I am greedy. The normal reaction is, "I must not overeat", "I must not be greedy", "I must suppress", you know all that follows. In that there is the observer trying to control his greed, or his envy. Now when there is an awareness of greed without the observer, what takes place? Can I observe that greed without giving it a name, as "greed"? The moment I name it I have already fixed it as greed in my memory which says: I must get over it, I must control. So is there an observation of greed without the word, without justifying it, without condemning it? Which means, can I observe this thing called greed without any reaction whatsoever?

To observer is a form of discipline, isn't it? Not imposing any particular pattern, which means conformity, suppression and all the rest of it, but to observe the whole serious of actions without condemning, justifying or naming - just to observe. Then you will see the mind is no longer wasting energy. It is then aware and therefore it has the energy to deal with that which it is observing.