The physical world is an aggregate of frequencies.
Each chemical element is uniquely identifiable in the electromagnetic spectrum by its own unique set of separately unique frequencies like fingerprints.
We all have some electrical and magnetic forces within us, and we put forth, like a magnet itself, an attractive or repulsive power as we come in contact with something similar or dissimilar.
The truth is, everything is alive, and everything is receiving and giving off energy. Life is not just a material substance. Life is a force, an it is electrical and magnetic - a quality, not a quantity.
We must learn to feel this electromagnetic force with our heart and our consciousnesses.
The intellect is powerless to express thought without the help of the heart.
It is only with the heart that one can see rightly, what is essential is invisible to the eye.
A Warrior unable to see light as anything other than a purely physical phenomenon will be blind to the light.
Lifetimes of learning are still within your mind, and your enlightenment is just a state of remembering...
Know that you're not alone no matter what you're going through. And know that your journey and challenges are not mistakes but tests to bring out the best of your character.
Allow them to speak through your heart, intellect, and inspiration.
Be still and sense there presence all around all around you, knowing that all is in divine order.
We must move forward now without any trace of doubt or fear, lease you place an illusion of obstacle in your way.
The quality of your thoughts determines the quality of your experiences.
Think victorious.
We are impeccable warriors
I see what cannot be seen
I feel what cannot be felt
I hear what cannot be heard
I know what is unknowable
because I am the essence of all things
I will do the unthinkable
because within me
is the spirit of sovereignty
I live by the laws of the spiritual warrior:
The law of responsibility
The law of love
The law of Ma'at,
The law of fearlessness, and
The law of refining and giving my gift.
I am a manifestation
of harmonious intuition
and strong will
I am Shemsu Heru in human form
A protector of the sovereign rights of my people
A cultural custodian
I am
an ancestral spirit
from ancient Kash and Kemet
I am the link to immortality
I am past, the present, and the future
I am the impeccable warrior.