Quote of the night


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
The Universe of life responds to our dominate thoughts.

Having what you need and desire is not a reward for what you do. Instead, it is a function of how you think and believe.

The positive energy of what we desire is far more productive and attractive than fear-based, often negative energy of what we need or want - it blocks the positive flow of good into our lives.

A choice is a focused intention that provides the creative catalyst and energetic call to all action. Without choice, there can be no movement. With choice, mental programming is rendered void - if only for a moment.

The choices we make moment by moment are fuled by what we believe about the past and the uncertainity of the future. For this reason, no choice is a bad choice; every choice is an opportunity for learning to unfold.

Life follows the energy of your focus and faith. If you put your faith in what has not, may not, will not happen. Life will deliver more of that to your front door.

Life is about so much more than we can imagine, yet we must give ourselves permission to imagine it if we want to experience it.

Experiences opens mental and emotional space to choose new possibilities.

Life wants to encourage you, inspire you, and motivate you, moment by moment, and that can happen only when you trust life knows exactly what you need, and exactly when you need it.

The process is an incredible journey of wonder, adventure, an evolution that you can experience only in direction proportion to your willlingness to trust it.

Life is on your side.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
The glow of respect nurtures all other virtues of human connection: kindness, compassion, fairness, empathy, love.

We must show tremendous respect to those we seek to inspire.

No matter the position we hold at work, at school, or in our community, we shall show the world an alternative example by always caring enough to be remarkable and unifying.

Let us be unafraid of the demands of greatness and choose to pick up the dimming golden torch of human excellence and ignite it once more with life and power for all to see.

Each of us serves as a living example to others.

Our characters and conduct can cast either the bright glow of greatness and service to the far corners of our influence, or a shadow of smallness and selfishness to the unfortunate few nearest us. Our striving for a better life and a better world can leave others inspired if it comes from a genuine place of service, or diminished if it comes from a place of greed.

We must have the courage to ask, "In this confused era, am I seeking to be a role model on a daily basis for all of those I love and serve? Am I lifting those around me? Am I in some way elevating humanity by leading others to see and activate their potential?

Seeking greatness - and doing the work to deserve it - must come back into our collective consciousness.

The moment we succeed is when our people say "us" or "we" more than "I" or "me", when we see our people celebrating wins together, dining together, crying together, striving together.

Honesty. Responsibility. Intelligence. Excellence. Courage. Respect. Vigilance. Service. These are the virtues of greatness that we must exemplify and expect. These are the virtues that forge remarkable people and may be wielded like a sword against many of the world's ills.

Let us take our position as generals of generosity, as leaders of the highest caliber who give a damn about others and the world. Let us declare with firm intent, to the world and ourselves:

We shall inspire greatness.

Out of respect for the blood and hard-won triumphs of those who have inspired us, and in duty to those we love and serve and those we shall never know who await inspiration, arise and become great.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
The center of the evolutionary process is choice.

It is the engine of our evolution.

Each choice that you make is a choice of intention - a quality of consciousness that you bring to your action or your thought.

Each of these aspects has its own values and goals. If you are not conscious of all the different parts of yourself, the part of yourself that is the strongest will win out over the other parts. Its intentions will be the one that the personality uses to create its reality.

The choice of intention is also the choice of karmic path. If you speak or act from anger, for example, you create a karma of anger. If you speak or act with compassion, you create the karma of compassion, and a different path opens before you. This happens whether you are aware of the different parts of yourself or not, whether even you are aware of the choices you make at each moment.

As you become conscious of the different parts of your personality, you become able to experience consciously the forces within you that compete for expression, that lay claim to the single intention that will be yours at each moment, that shape your reality.

Only through responsible choice can you choose consciously to cultivate and nourish the needs of your soul.

This is the choice of clarity and wisdom, the choice of conscious transformation.
It is the choice of the higher frequency energy currents of love, forgiveness and compassion. It is the choice to follow the voice of your higher self, your soul. It is the decision to open yourself to the guidance and assistance of your guides and Teachers. It is the path that leads consciously to authentic power.

When you choose the energy of your soul - when choosing to create with intentions of love, humbleness and clarity - you gain power. When you choose to create with the energy of your personality, with anger, jealousy or fear - when you choose to learn through fear and doubt - you lose power.

You gain or lose power, therefore, according to the choices that you make.

The personality is interested in itself. It likes thrills, so to speak. It is not necessarily responsible nor caring nor loving. The soul is the energy of Universal Love, wisdom and compassion. It creates with these energies.

The personality understands power as external; it perceives in terms of competition, threats, and gains and losses that are measured against those of others. When you align yourself with your personality, you give power to the realm of the five senses, to external circumstances and objects. You disempower yourself.

As you grow aware of your spiritual self and origin, your immortalness, and choose and live according to that first, and the physical second, you close the gap that exists between the personality and the soul. You begin to experience authentic power.

The effort that you apply to each decision to align yourself with your soul is rewarded many times.

You are constantly receiving guidance and assistance from your guides and Teachers, and from the Universe itself. When you choose consciously to move toward the energy of your soul, you invite that guidance.

You assist their efforts to assist you. You invoke the power of the nonphysical world.

That is what a blessing is: the opening of a passageway between you and nonphysical guidance.

With each choice that you make to align yourself with the energy of your soul, you empower yourself. This is how authentic power is acquired.

It is built up step by step, choice by choice. It cannot be mediated or prayed into being. It must be earned.

The Universe backs the part of you that is of clearest intention.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Pay attention to how you feel when you’re around someone.

And also how you feel when you leave them.

The consciousness of “I Am” pulsates through the entire universe.

Cycles and transits come and go.

In the end, what really matters is the right state of mind.

Without a feeling of expansion and contentment, even the blessings from the best won’t matter, since abundance is something to be, not seek or await.

If you embody generosity and flow, if you move from Divine Source, what needs to come will always come regardless.

You are a powerful magnet attracting things according to who you are (which is indicated by what you think and feel most of the time).

It may all begin with a tiny thought.

You gave that thought attention and it became a consideration, and then it became a normal-sized thought. It starts getting bigger and accumulating all kinds of similar thoughts. This huge thought then attracted emotions and energies. It becomes bigger and starts interacting with people and events.

In a positive and negative sense, the more you get of something, the more you get.
Since infinity does not recognize anything to be “negative” the way the world means it, any experience is of value.

A small thought indicates and opens the probability of reality.
Continue to focus or evolve yourself with it & it will be your absolute reality.

Basically speaking, consciousness creates everything you want and everything you don’t want, whether you are aware of what you desire and resist.

This duality provides balance.

We attract what we are.

Run from anyone and anything that does not strengthen your budding wings.

Set your life on fire - seek those who fan your flame.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
This random bump :dead:

I swear this the only site on the internet where threads get bumped and stay active with the same posters nearly ten years later.

In life - or even a day - emotions, thoughts, and sensations end. Anything that has a beginning has an end. This is both factual and obvious, yet the seeming starkness of the fact causes it to be overlooked, denied, and fought.

If we become sentimental about the preciousness of our story, we display infantile behavior when the inevitable end is perceived. We rage, sob, or crawl into a pseudo coc00n of some kind - drugs, alcohol, mind-numbing activities, etc.

If we are sober in our recognition of endings, our stories can be viewed as reflections of our particular love affairs with life. Not always smooth and easy by any means and genuinely tragic, but worth it all the while.

The recognition of and peace with endings is a mark of all-too-rare maturity. The necessary of the inevitability of endings is preparation for the mind to open to the realization of limitlessness.

It is certainty that gives our individual and universal stories their immediacy and poignancy.

Surrender, is the preparation for meeting our teacher(s).

My story and your story have had many endings.

Hopefully: Our story ends with the beginning of renewed prosperity.

I was advised to find what “doesn’t come and go”.

Only what is changeless is real.


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
Thoughts are powerful in the measure that their parts are strongly and intelligently interconnected.

Purpose is highly concentrated thought.

All the mental energies are directed to the attainment of an object, and obstacles which intervene between the thinker and the object are, one after the another, broken down and overcome.

Purpose is the key-stone in the temple of achievement.
It binds and holds together in a complete whole that which would otherwise lie scattered and useless.

Empty whims, ephemeral fancies, vague desires, and half-hearted resolutions have no place in purpose.

In the sustained determination to accomplish there is an invincible power which swallows up all inferior considerations, and marches direct to victory.

All successful wo/men are individuals of purpose.

They hold fast to an idea, a project, a plan, and will not let it go; they cherish it, brood upon it, tend and develop it; and when assailed by difficulties, they refuse to be beguiled into surrender; indeed, the intensity of the purpose increases with the growing magnitude of the obstacles encountered.

What can resist an unshakable purpose?
What can stand against it or turn it aside?

Inert matter yields to a living force, and circumstance succumbs to the power of purpose. Truly, the man of unlawful purpose will, in achieving his ends, destroy himself, but the man of good and lawful purpose cannot fail.

It only needs that he daily renew the fire and energy of his resolve, to consummate his object.

The weak man, who grieves because he is misunderstood, will not greatly achieve; the vain man, who steps aside from his resolve in order to please others and gain their approbation, will not highly achieve; the double-minded man, who thinks to compromise his purpose, will fail.

The man of fixed purpose, who whether misunderstandings and foul accusations, or flatteries and promises rain upon him, does not yield a fraction of his resolve, is the man of excellence and achievement; of success, greatness, power.

Hindrances stimulate the man of purpose; difficulties nerve him to renewed exertion; mistakes, losses, pain, do not subdue him; and failures are steps in the ladder of success, for he is ever conscious of the certainty of final achievement.

"Out of the night that covers me,
Black as the pit from pole to pole,
I thank whatever gods may be
for my unconquerable soul.

In the fell clutch of circumstance
I have not whined nor cried aloud;
Under the bludgeonings of change
My head is bloody but unbowed.

It matter not how strait the gate,
How charged with punishment the scroll;
I am the master of my fate,
I am the captain of my soul."


Duality Duel
May 1, 2012
3 Cycles

The main bio rhythms include:
  • The Physical Cycle
There is a strong health factor with this phase. During a positive state, skin feels good, energy levels are high and we feel physically well and prepared. The negative is always the opposite, resulting in a lack of energy and tiredness. This follows a 23 day cycle and is associated with the red (root) and orange (sacral) chakras.

  • The Emotional Cycle
The emotional cycle is governed largely by the nervous system. When positive, we feel optimistic, creative, cheerful, confident and friendlier. Reversed during a negative state, we tend to be less cooperative, moody and as if we are against the world. This is a 28 day cycle and is linked with the yellow (solar plexus) and green (heart) chakras.

  • The Intellectual Cycle
On the positive days of an intellectual cycle, concentration is at its peak, memory is more efficient and understanding is strong. The negative days that follow, however, can leave us feeling dull and lacking effort. It has also been linked to higher crime rates. Intellectually, our bodies flow in a 33 day cycle, which is connected to the blue (throat) and violet (third eye) chakras.

These are the three primary cycles. The secondary cycles include Spiritual, Intuitive, Awareness, and Aesthetic, which are supported by violet (crown) chakra and associated with the higher order thinking and our connection with spirit.
Naturally, biorythms can also affect our compatibility with others as it can contribute to contradicting energy fields.

Hence why people can rub us up the wrong way on some days more than others.

Biorhythms can also be used as a tool for understanding how our natural self affects our mood and preparing for it. For example, if you’re feeling emotionally high but your friend is emotionally low, then you may find their negative energy irritating.

It is important to remember that these cycles can be effected by energetic disturbances, such as universal energy shifts from the Sun, Moon and planets, also.

For example, as we succumb to the energy shifts of a New Moon, detoxifying power is at its peak, making it easier to throw out old habits.

This would be particularly effective if our intellectual cycle was in a positive state. Similarly, a Waning Moon’s frequency makes it easier to lose weight and be active, which will compliment a positive physical rhythm.

Another key cycle within our physical body is our Circadian Rhythm. A circadian rhythm is a 24-hour internal clock and, like all biorhythms, our Circadian Rhythm influences our physical, mental and behavioral changes throughout the day.

In short, this cycle tells our body when to feel awake and when to go to sleep. As our brains synchronize through various waves throughout this time, this cycle can be seen as a modulator for states of consciousness.