Duality Duel
The Universe of life responds to our dominate thoughts.
Having what you need and desire is not a reward for what you do. Instead, it is a function of how you think and believe.
The positive energy of what we desire is far more productive and attractive than fear-based, often negative energy of what we need or want - it blocks the positive flow of good into our lives.
A choice is a focused intention that provides the creative catalyst and energetic call to all action. Without choice, there can be no movement. With choice, mental programming is rendered void - if only for a moment.
The choices we make moment by moment are fuled by what we believe about the past and the uncertainity of the future. For this reason, no choice is a bad choice; every choice is an opportunity for learning to unfold.
Life follows the energy of your focus and faith. If you put your faith in what has not, may not, will not happen. Life will deliver more of that to your front door.
Life is about so much more than we can imagine, yet we must give ourselves permission to imagine it if we want to experience it.
Experiences opens mental and emotional space to choose new possibilities.
Life wants to encourage you, inspire you, and motivate you, moment by moment, and that can happen only when you trust life knows exactly what you need, and exactly when you need it.
The process is an incredible journey of wonder, adventure, an evolution that you can experience only in direction proportion to your willlingness to trust it.
Life is on your side.
Having what you need and desire is not a reward for what you do. Instead, it is a function of how you think and believe.
The positive energy of what we desire is far more productive and attractive than fear-based, often negative energy of what we need or want - it blocks the positive flow of good into our lives.
A choice is a focused intention that provides the creative catalyst and energetic call to all action. Without choice, there can be no movement. With choice, mental programming is rendered void - if only for a moment.
The choices we make moment by moment are fuled by what we believe about the past and the uncertainity of the future. For this reason, no choice is a bad choice; every choice is an opportunity for learning to unfold.
Life follows the energy of your focus and faith. If you put your faith in what has not, may not, will not happen. Life will deliver more of that to your front door.
Life is about so much more than we can imagine, yet we must give ourselves permission to imagine it if we want to experience it.
Experiences opens mental and emotional space to choose new possibilities.
Life wants to encourage you, inspire you, and motivate you, moment by moment, and that can happen only when you trust life knows exactly what you need, and exactly when you need it.
The process is an incredible journey of wonder, adventure, an evolution that you can experience only in direction proportion to your willlingness to trust it.
Life is on your side.