Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
Here's a jewel a lot of you will disagree with but I'll add it anyway:

A great way to avoid inner thirst and to keep women off of undeserving pedestals. If you make it known you ain't just trynna get the cat and you're serious about righteous commitments then you'll only increase the quality of women you encounter and keep ratchet chicks at Bay...Masha'allah

I've been celibate past two years


Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


May 17, 2012
do you guys ever sit back and realize how much effort you put into understanding women and relationships, i'm not accusing cause I am guilty as well. It just makes me sick that we put so much thought into them. just writing paragraphs and paragraphs about girls, and talking about girls all the time. i do frequent this thread a lot and also i feel ashamed i frequent it a lot cause i just put too much though into girls.

last night i was talking to my cousin about some situation i was in with a girl and he reminded me that i was overthinking it, i really was and I didn't even realize i was until he told me and i'm happy i caught my self.

i feel you on that. which is why i really couldn't muster up the energy to participate in here as i would have in the past.

the one thing i will say this thread is good for is to help you realize or know when you're being played.

i remember a couple of years ago. i fell badly for a chick. i was on her something serious. when things went sour, i remember all the texts i sent her. with each letter i typed, i knew i was breaking some major game rules. i was very well aware of that fact. but there was a foreign emotion that engulfed me at the time. it was like a whirlwind that whisked me in directions i couldn't control. my inner being was in total shambles. i yearned with an ungodly thirst for the past days of bliss that her and i once shared. i relayed my feelings to her but my efforts were savagely rebuffed with a deadly silence. sadness turned to melancholy and melancholy matured into depression. i was spiritless.

my soul hurt. my heart was stressed. my eyes heavy with an unbecoming torrent of tears. yes i was in tears. to make a long story short, the girl did come back a couple of months later. but it was an opportunity i again screwed up (although i did fucck her that night).

needless to say, the point is, when u meet someone who just gets u, and who u vibe with very well, the only way for u to maintain your status of boss is to have OTHER WOMEN who are like her or even better and who u vibe with equally. if u dont, i'm afraid heartbreak is inevitable. no amount of game can save u.

stay blessed my friends.


Aug 12, 2012
Man I wish I didn't laugh, but it's almost humorous that you can tell just from that interaction, that that guy is about to have huge problems with his woman.

Cat's go around looking for the 'awwwww' when it comes to women, but when women aww you, it's like you are a cute kitten to be played with, not a man to be respected.

Especially the ones thinking they some fly players sitting down right thisclose to their woman touching feeling all over and getting the "Stopppppp!" reaction. Then thinking that because their woman is letting them continue and also flirting with means they are safe.

When we know if another man came in the picture who is the opposite and who actually is being a man without being all over her in public, most females would just say they are "boring", but just watch their actions rather than their words. They know they would prefer the more nonchalant type of man.

As a side note, these older dudes chasing after women barely out of high school, I wonder when will they ever get the memo that courting is dead.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012


Pass the sick bucket. :snoop:

Sixty years ago this probably would have been a good thing, but if dude really thinks that soppy behaviour is gonna fly in this day and age he's in for a serious rude awakening.

I can just look into my crystal ball and predict a 'baby, I'll die without you in my life. Pleeeez take me back' video on WSHH in about six months time. SMH.

I wish this was like ancient times when men made their sons go through the vigorous and tough rites of passage in order to transition into manhood.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
Here's a jewel a lot of you will disagree with but I'll add it anyway:

A great way to avoid inner thirst and to keep women off of undeserving pedestals. If you make it known you ain't just trynna get the cat and you're serious about righteous commitments then you'll only increase the quality of women you encounter and keep ratchet chicks at Bay...Masha'allah



I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
do you guys ever sit back and realize how much effort you put into understanding women and relationships, i'm not accusing cause I am guilty as well. It just makes me sick that we put so much thought into them. just writing paragraphs and paragraphs about girls, and talking about girls all the time. i do frequent this thread a lot and also i feel ashamed i frequent it a lot cause i just put too much though into girls.

last night i was talking to my cousin about some situation i was in with a girl and he reminded me that i was overthinking it, i really was and I didn't even realize i was until he told me and i'm happy i caught my self.

Not really, because despite the title of this thread, I personally think the whole essence of it is how to improve ourselves as men in all aspects but especially in terms of crucial thinking abilities.

The same cats who now and again come in this thread and make underhanded remarks to us like "this thread is long blah blah, y'all dudes found The One yet?" are the same dudes who will sit on a forum for years and talk about the same MAN (i.e. a rapper) and obsess over which broad he's banging, what he said about the next dude, whether his car is fly etc and get nothing from it that will benefit his own life in any way.

We're dropping wisdom and I can honestly say the 'Quick lil gems' I've got from my brothas in here will help me a great deal later on in life. If this thread existed 10 years ago, trust me I wouldn't be in the position I'm in now.

Doin2Much Williams

Grace Under Fiyah
May 18, 2012
Insignificant posting from an insignificant poster
do you guys ever sit back and realize how much effort you put into understanding women and relationships, i'm not accusing cause I am guilty as well. It just makes me sick that we put so much thought into them. just writing paragraphs and paragraphs about girls, and talking about girls all the time. i do frequent this thread a lot and also i feel ashamed i frequent it a lot cause i just put too much though into girls.

last night i was talking to my cousin about some situation i was in with a girl and he reminded me that i was overthinking it, i really was and I didn't even realize i was until he told me and i'm happy i caught my self.

With all the conversation and rhetoric that is being dispersed and shared amongst the breighsteins of the “Gems” thread, just realize that it’s all essentially invaluable information that will lead to a life of self awareness and cerebral nourishment to avoid regret, heartache, depleted funds from your spouse, lost custody and overall ratchedness.

You hear about the stories (links provided by cats in here) revolving around men who have invested SOOOO much into their relationships; trusting women, giving them their entire heart, mind, body and souls… only to find that of all the time, money, effort and energy into these intangibles of domestic unionship – simply results to a broken family, alimony and bankruptcy. .

You ultimately feel cheated. This womans, who started off so pristine and angelic, could be the Cruela Deville to your existence’s 101 Dalmatians.

Dudes KILL themselves because of their negligence/ignorance. We can NO LONGER be callow and apathetic to the truths that are bestowed upon us. And in this kurupt society that favors the female species, it is up to us, to inform each other, offer guidance and spend the time and power to educate before we put ourselves in danger.

I know in other threads, I post a lot of jokes and shiit, but this is the only spot where my dictions are genuine and inspired by fellow piff to uplift and thrive the “Live Smarter, Live Better Amongst The Brotherhood” movement.

All in all, you can never have too much dialogue about life and love because it has so much impact in our lives. As much as we think about our health, careers, vacations, upcoming events… one of the most prominent fixtures in our consciousness (hell, even subconscious) is sex/romance/relationships. We dwell on it so much because we’re social creatures; we yearned to be loved, admired, revered and respected and a lot of these desires stem from the opposite sex (or mates, speaking equally – no homo).

A lot of us started from the bottom, but thankfully… with this wisdom, insight and intelligence – we now here.


Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
Why is it that muscles are more important than brains? See so many buff guys in this gym but most seem like complete idiots/simpletons tbh.


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Why is it that muscles are more important than brains? See so many buff guys in this gym but most seem like complete idiots/simpletons tbh.

I think women instinctively respond to that type, and cant help but notice a man who looks strong in his appearance. sure they might just pass him by with hardly a glance or of little concern if she is already in a relationship, or if she has other requirements that she really wants in a man. but chances are - shes still going to look. its just the self control and values thats missing with a lot of people today.

todays women jock a lot harder and smut themselves out because there are many people telling them that having random sex is cool, and that there isnt going to be an issue with them jumping all over this guy and that guy. women end up riding the cock carousel and taking no one seriously in their prime years, and that is leading to men not taking them seriously. THAT is whats disrupting a lot of the family unit today, and leaving aging women bitter on pof talking about "where is my prince charming?."

I think this involuntary noticing is somewhat the same as when we men notice a curvy, voluptuous woman with a thin waist. and we might look at her features, and like what we see, but it doesnt mean it has to be any more than that. :whoo: this looking might even be something we cant really help. but just because we look, doesnt mean we're buying into it.

its those men who go into thirst mode and start emptying out their wallets for any ol thick ass woman, and revolve their whole lives around these simple impulses that end up fukked up. they go falling for a pretty face with a big ass. they turn into straight simps and have a lack of self control, they begin to start following behind these woman all of the time. have me like :stopitslime: