do you guys ever sit back and realize how much effort you put into understanding women and relationships, i'm not accusing cause I am guilty as well. It just makes me sick that we put so much thought into them. just writing paragraphs and paragraphs about girls, and talking about girls all the time. i do frequent this thread a lot and also i feel ashamed i frequent it a lot cause i just put too much though into girls.
last night i was talking to my cousin about some situation i was in with a girl and he reminded me that i was overthinking it, i really was and I didn't even realize i was until he told me and i'm happy i caught my self.
With all the conversation and rhetoric that is being dispersed and shared amongst the breighsteins of the Gems thread, just realize that its all essentially invaluable information that will lead to a life of self awareness and cerebral nourishment to avoid regret, heartache, depleted funds from your spouse, lost custody and overall ratchedness.
You hear about the stories (links provided by cats in here) revolving around men who have invested SOOOO much into their relationships; trusting women, giving them their entire heart, mind, body and souls
only to find that of all the time, money, effort and energy into these intangibles of domestic unionship simply results to a broken family, alimony and bankruptcy. .
You ultimately feel cheated. This womans, who started off so pristine and angelic, could be the Cruela Deville to your existences 101 Dalmatians.
Dudes KILL themselves because of their negligence/ignorance. We can NO LONGER be callow and apathetic to the truths that are bestowed upon us. And in this kurupt society that favors the female species, it is up to us, to inform each other, offer guidance and spend the time and power to educate before we put ourselves in danger.
I know in other threads, I post a lot of jokes and shiit, but this is the only spot where my dictions are genuine and inspired by fellow piff to uplift and thrive the Live Smarter, Live Better Amongst The Brotherhood movement.
All in all, you can never have too much dialogue about life and love because it has so much impact in our lives. As much as we think about our health, careers, vacations, upcoming events
one of the most prominent fixtures in our consciousness (hell, even subconscious) is sex/romance/relationships. We dwell on it so much because were social creatures; we yearned to be loved, admired, revered and respected and a lot of these desires stem from the opposite sex (or mates, speaking equally no homo).
A lot of us started from the bottom, but thankfully
with this wisdom, insight and intelligence we now here.