Dudes like that are probably the majority. Just look at the thread they made about H.E.R. for instance. In their eyes, if you're not fukking everything with a pulse and actually have the ability to be nonchalant at times about the opposite gender, then you're "gay" or something's wrong with you.
Sometimes we just have to admit that we've outgrown certain people in our lives and simply need to make new friends who are more on our level. I agree with the poster who said that he wishes the dudes he knew were more like the dudes in this thread (obviously not the majority of shyt-for-brains cats in this forum in general).
Every red blooded dude, like you said, naturally has an interest, but some dudes are overly obsessed with females. If they put a quarter of that energy into advancing themselves, then they'd probably bag a lot of these same females they thirst after without even trying.
Not gonna use the phrase "real life" to refer to the internet being unreal and different from real life ....because its cliche and not true....
I look at forums as the inner workings of our minds.....I think its better to let it out on here rather than in public. Dudes in public need to know how to network more like we do on here and release all that tension online......not saying to replace the thirstiness in public with online

but just repress yourselves more...
This whole myth BOTH men and women are age repeat about "Men are supposed to chase women" has got to stop. Especially when these same hypocritical woman will turn around and say a man is being too thirsty.
About the thirstiness again, it really is embarrassing whenever we see one of those older dudes in the hood by the corner store(let's be straight up we have all seen it) just embarrass themselves with how they act around younger women, whether unmarried or married. Saw a dude one day saw this thick tall dark skinned girl with a perfect perfect fat ass walk by........says "wow" .....then starts to say "excuse me...." but then his voice trails off and he stops himself like he came to his senses....
Then this dude started talking about "THERE IS A GOD..." when his friend came out and he showed her......
I forgot to mention by the way.....there is a high school right across my college.....On the main boulevard with all the stores, I saw these two girls I know for a fact attend High School, and I saw this middle aged white dude working in a truck(again.....why are so many dudes acting like this on the job) try and holla at her as they walked by.
With girls who are actually LEGAL....when will we learn to Stop chasing them.......Let them chase you. You are the business and they are the employee.
They are the maple trees and you are the oak trees.
The hilarious thing is that in that Jenna Shae thread, as expected dudes started doing in about how people making comments in threads like this Gems thread are being gay or dramatic by talking about not going out their way to actively chase for women.