Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women


All Star
Oct 15, 2012
New York
simply put drop her

if it was a family issue or someone died or something, most people would let that known .

even the most introverted of women are always around their phone....if you had offered to pay her tuition or buy her something....she would have all of a sudden miraculously been available.

i guess she was using you as a backup for one of her other guys and your one of the "Roster Builders" for her.

in her mind....(not saying its true or anything) your appearing like you NEED her and she can respond when she feels like it

Just turn ghost on her and watch her respond

never thought of it like that, that's crazy true

Poh SIti Dawn

Staying Positive, Getting Better Everyday. Holler!
Feb 8, 2013
yeah I think it is. thats a very good point you bring up. these same women that have men tricking on them today have most likely in the past, as well as today or in the future, have fukked with men who dont spend lots of dough on them. its these men that feel like they need to buy the affections of a woman that play themselves out and get their pockets lifted.
Yeah, but what about rappers who have most likely been broke their whole lives, claim "Money over bytches" but then take women shopping so that they'll sleep with them?
Also during my whole conversation with her sitting down, honestly it was just related to the question I had asked the VP about graduation/credits and long story short there wasn't an outside the box conversation.

But like you mentioned, its like when I was introduced to her, her eyes kind of lit up and was just friendly. And I'm not some stud or anything LOL...just a regular dude. I almost died when at some point one of the guy working up front came to the back and she said she straight up said in a straightforward tone without being rude how she can't talk too much or answer the phone when she has a student with her(guess he had been tryi.g to connect her with someone)

But man the older broads like that, its like you can tell they are big on conversation. I can spot fakeness a mile away especially from those Hoodrat girls who try and pretend they are introverted when as an introvert myself I know what is genuine.

Now I don't know what the PHD woman you mentioned and her physical traits are, but the woman I came across yesterday was just about a 5"3/5"4 short and thin brunette....

But this is what some of us in here were talking about how even if a woman doesn't have a banging body, they can knock you out with their allure....

Also after I came back to thank her for the help with what we were doing.........said no problem and asked if she gave me her card....said no and she gave it to me. Then told me she would call on the number I left sometime after 5 to confirm to me she registered for that summer class for me.....

She called around 5:30 told me confirming she registered me for that summer class I need to graduate .

This is only the second girl like that I've met on campus in my 2 and a half years.....some folks may think its just a polite worker which could be true.....but its actually reading that person and seeing how genuine they are.

Although we did not have a conversation like you and PHD woman, she was open in the same way when we were talking and if out of the workplace I'm sure it would be a great conversation. From the Card that she gave me.....saw her on the school website that she had a masters and in the social work field....(there are bytchy social workers so I don't think its a profession reason)

Man as skinny and short as she is I would smash that woman :ohlawd:

oh, mine was somewhat a PAWG. Kind of heavy, but not fat if that makes sense.

But yeah, it's weird. Feels like they're choosing, but know that they can't so what get's them off is having contact with other males no matter their age as long as they're attractive; I guess. Older women are funny like that, because the smart ones really know how to lure you in easily, just off their conversation (if you're intellectual).
They're definitely great practice items I think


Louder than words
May 9, 2012
Vice City
Yeah, but what about rappers who have most likely been broke their whole lives, claim "Money over bytches" but then take women shopping so that they'll sleep with them?

theres a lot of that going on with men, and a lot of the music is also all about that. fabolous and ti has been basing their hit records around of what theyll buy for a woman. thats all reverse pimpin. its not even game by having a slick mouthpiece, or a man using his status to get a bytch. instead, its just them going out, looking up backpage hoookers, and buying expensive things for these whores. you dont even have to do all of that to sleep with them. they need to stop elevating these groupies, and stop treating them in every song. theyre acting like johns, straught up and down :huhldup:

oh, mine was somewhat a PAWG. Kind of heavy, but not fat if that makes sense.

But yeah, it's weird. Feels like they're choosing, but know that they can't so what get's them off is having contact with other males no matter their age as long as they're attractive; I guess. Older women are funny like that, because the smart ones really know how to lure you in easily, just off their conversation (if you're intellectual).
They're definitely great practice items I think

I have some experience with older women. the thing I noticed most about them, is that they know how to hide their problems better than younger girls. theyre not much different underneath all of that. deep down, they can still act like little girls, and you can make them feel young and giddy. on the plus side, they might know how to treat you like a man is supposed to be treated. on the other hand, they may be bitter, manipulative, and with kids. a lot of what they present might just be a well practiced act.

still, if you can get a cool, easy going older woman with her head in check and who respects you as a man, then :myman: but to take them seriously :whoa: think very carefully about it


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
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From age 18-20 my partner number went from 1 to almost thirty. I snorted coke off some guys dikk because it was free (my lowest moment and turning point for me). I beat myself up for years because of the things I did, but really it's in the past, and I'm the person I am today because of it. Now I don't do any drugs, I watch my drinking, and I have only slept with 2 people in 4 years (both serious relationships). A lot of my friends didn't go off the deep end like me, and they are still doing crazy stuff, that I have no interest in being around. In someway it's been a blessing, because I got it out of my system and was able to move on fast.


Marry her brehs
Only 32 dikks have been in her and she's only 25

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


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Apr 30, 2012
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mao you're not a whore ....i don't mean to laugh at you but i laugh at the idea of you being whore for simply being human.
woman like night stands, 3 somes, kinky, what ever you're into is NOT bad.
You dont have to tell anyone anything you don't want to .
There is nothing wrong with you and you are certainly not a whore slut or other shameful name you could think of.

Stop it! Stop it now! You are NOT a slut. You are NOT a whore. You are a woman who had sex with multiple different men. Join the club. We are not whores and I'll thank you not to call yourself - or me by implication - such.

]mudclub 32 points 1 day ago
Is this something I need to discuss with a future boyfriend?
Do I really need to disclose any of what I've done?
Not if you don't want to.
I really, really hate myself for this
I'm so goddamn ashamed.
Don't be.

You've been tested now put it behind you. Sex lives do not define who we are. You've no reason to be ashamed

This really isn't a crisis unless you tell yourself it is. It is entirely normal to go through a phase of "promiscuity" when you first become sexually active. For a lot of women, their first sexual activity is somewhere in the early teens to early 20s, which is a really turbulent and confusing time. Having a lot of sex is a way to discover what you're into, and if you're particularly insecure it's a way to find validation.

I've had 17-19 sexual partners (can't really remember and can't be bothered to count), most of them in my teens. I've decided that casual sex isn't for me, but I'd put it somewhere between having too much coffee and drinking a beer at lunch in the sins category. In other words, maybe a tiny bit wild but nothing that's worth gossiping over.
Don't worry about the past. I've had a lot of sexual partners, and I was always open about it when it came up. I like sex, I've had it with a bunch of people, so what? If a guy questions you about your so called number and then shuts down if it's 'too high' you don't want to have sex with him because he's a jerk


Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


May 2, 2012
First comment

From age 18-20 my partner number went from 1 to almost thirty. I snorted coke off some guys dikk because it was free (my lowest moment and turning point for me). I beat myself up for years because of the things I did, but really it's in the past, and I'm the person I am today because of it. Now I don't do any drugs, I watch my drinking, and I have only slept with 2 people in 4 years (both serious relationships). A lot of my friends didn't go off the deep end like me, and they are still doing crazy stuff, that I have no interest in being around. In someway it's been a blessing, because I got it out of my system and was able to move on fast.


Marry her brehs
Only 32 dikks have been in her and she's only 25

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh
i was surprised to hear the amount of girls with numbers that high


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
i was surprised to hear the amount of girls with numbers that high

Women lie about their numbers but online anonymous they will say it.

I Remember being young when this chick told me I was her second.

Only to find her diary and she had like 20bfs in the past I'm I supposed to believe only one hit?

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh


May 2, 2012
First comment

From age 18-20 my partner number went from 1 to almost thirty. I snorted coke off some guys dikk because it was free (my lowest moment and turning point for me). I beat myself up for years because of the things I did, but really it's in the past, and I'm the person I am today because of it. Now I don't do any drugs, I watch my drinking, and I have only slept with 2 people in 4 years (both serious relationships). A lot of my friends didn't go off the deep end like me, and they are still doing crazy stuff, that I have no interest in being around. In someway it's been a blessing, because I got it out of my system and was able to move on fast.


Marry her brehs
Only 32 dikks have been in her and she's only 25

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh

Imagine wasting 3 months salary & walking down the aisle with this skag.. Absolutely disgusting..

No rings for sluts..

Huellz Santana

May 3, 2012
Da city where the skinny nikkas die


Staff member
Apr 30, 2012
Top 4
I'm not gonna lie, and im embarassed to say this, but i definitely contemplated suicide when my ex of 5 years broke up with me.

i was driving, shyt was heavy on my mind...


let's just say im glad im still here. heartbreak is a muhfukka​

I've been there after my ex fiance but time heals all

Sent from royalty using Tapatalk breh