Also during my whole conversation with her sitting down, honestly it was just related to the question I had asked the VP about graduation/credits and long story short there wasn't an outside the box conversation.
But like you mentioned, its like when I was introduced to her, her eyes kind of lit up and was just friendly. And I'm not some stud or anything LOL...just a regular dude. I almost died when at some point one of the guy working up front came to the back and she said she straight up said in a straightforward tone without being rude how she can't talk too much or answer the phone when she has a student with her(guess he had been tryi.g to connect her with someone)
But man the older broads like that, its like you can tell they are big on conversation. I can spot fakeness a mile away especially from those Hoodrat girls who try and pretend they are introverted when as an introvert myself I know what is genuine.
Now I don't know what the PHD woman you mentioned and her physical traits are, but the woman I came across yesterday was just about a 5"3/5"4 short and thin brunette....
But this is what some of us in here were talking about how even if a woman doesn't have a banging body, they can knock you out with their allure....
Also after I came back to thank her for the help with what we were doing.........said no problem and asked if she gave me her card....said no and she gave it to me. Then told me she would call on the number I left sometime after 5 to confirm to me she registered for that summer class for me.....
She called around 5:30 told me confirming she registered me for that summer class I need to graduate .
This is only the second girl like that I've met on campus in my 2 and a half years.....some folks may think its just a polite worker which could be true.....but its actually reading that person and seeing how genuine they are.
Although we did not have a conversation like you and PHD woman, she was open in the same way when we were talking and if out of the workplace I'm sure it would be a great conversation. From the Card that she gave me.....saw her on the school website that she had a masters and in the social work field....(there are bytchy social workers so I don't think its a profession reason)
Man as skinny and short as she is I would smash that woman