Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Action Mike

All praise..
Feb 24, 2014
You gain nothin from unmatching. sometimes people get busy or overwhelmed with apps and take a step back. instead of unmatching I might just send a follow up message a few weeks later. that way you can keep working old leads. it's all a numbers game and by unmatching you take yourself out of the game.
I disagree, at most it's a week and I'll unmatch. And it's mainly the few times when I've tried to clearly take the interaction off the app that they stop responding.

I've also stopped responding because I wasn't feeling her anymore and they've unmatched me too :manny:

I wouldn't double or triple text if I have her number, so i ain't it doing it on no app.

Anyway, Hinge right now >>>
Winter :blessed:
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May 24, 2022
What’s a good first date with a girl that doesn’t drink?

Ice Cold NYC?
Doesn't drink alcohol?

You already sound like you're trying out for boyfriend, off rip.

Obviously by not drinking, the broad is forcing you into a situation where you have to pay for some food, somehow, someway.

Had a homie tell me this, "If she don't drink, she don't eat" I never understood this until I started drinking.

1) High Tea

The way you play it is to make this first date an adventure.

Both of you have to dress up NICE, and speak in British accents the whole time. Or at least be formal.

She's already a stick in the mud for not drinking, but if the broad is not at least fun and cooperative, BUSH HER.

2) Italian Hot Chocolate

Find out if she's lactose intolerant.

This is an easy one.

Meet her at a bakery, like one of the Italian ones - - This was my go to when I lived in Manhattan. Grab something.

Back to your crib to make Italian Hot Chocolate (it's just super thick chocolate) - but most people ain't have it

3) Ice Skating

There are all sorts of ideas that you can go out of the box, and make sure she's not eating on your dime...



May 26, 2012
San Diego
I don't drink either, and have done some of those tea tasing, did one this year and even invited someone, who didn't go, but it was fun and lots of moneyed women looking at me crazy. Did one in London too.

most higher end spots have a non alcoholic options, mocktails are all trendy right now, the best date spot in my city is a newer boutique hotel with three bars and a lot of space, you don't have to get drunk, but you grab something, walk around, have a convo in the dark corner, people watch, watch the sunset from the pool area.


Nov 17, 2017
Both of y'all are right, because the always game is contexual. Something works in one time, but won't work in another.

OnlyOneBoss is addressing the situation where dudes go on a date, but don't know how to get sexual without getting verbal.

Y'all won't believe this, but women are not good at reading emotions, reading social scenarios, when they're wombs/lives are at stake. And even when they do sense something, other parts of them think that they can control what the guy is gonna do, or control what they're gonna do...

He's hitting on the something don't talk about much - getting hoes ready to hook up is 90% NONVERBAL.
  • Looking at the goods
  • Licking the lips
  • Tone of voice
  • Volume
  • Pace of speech
  • Facial expresssions
  • Pregnant Pauses
  • Inadvertent touching
Lot of cats, especially cats online, want to talk about the slick stuff the say, and how little they can spend to get some 🐱

Meanwhile the dude a lot of these chicks get with AIN'T THAT SHARP. Most of these cats are whispering in a chick's ear that he got a hookah back at his place. She passing on dudes with more money, taller, more clout, more muscles, cause Ray Ray know how to communicate with the CAT, not talk to her brain.

Cheap Skates on here regularly talking about coffee dates, like putting a chick on caffeine, getting her to be super alert and mindful is gonna make him come off better... She banging despite his bad game, not because of it.

The other thing that isn't talked about much

1) Chicks often don't know how they feel about a dude until he puts the D in her face (metaphorically speaking?:smile:.

Sexing ol boy is not on her mind, until he puts her to the question. Females have some sort of "willful blindness" when it comes to men that are obviously trying to bang, until he makes it apparent. Playing dumb is how they skate off with a lot of brother's time, effort, and money.

To be fair, it's largely a survival mechanism, if she were to contemplate everything any man has done for her was to get in her pants - she'd lose her mind.

2) A lot of chicks like dudes that like them, because the dude likes her. Because Dude likes her, She automatically likes him, and wants to figure out how to keep him. She don't care at all, until he shows interest. And then she's all about him.

From behind enemy lines

^she was getting upvoted for this. (and of course they got their super-females on that sub, like we got Supermen on this one, trying shout her down)

The unsaid premise here is that these are guys that she spends time to go out on dates with. The fact that women find 99% of the men out there to be disgusting, not worth her time, means anytime any of us on are on a date - we're in the top 1% - she'll never admit it though...

You don’t like coffee dates? What type of dates do you usually take chicks on?


May 24, 2022
You don’t like coffee dates? What type of dates do you usually take chicks on?

TL DR - I make them meet me, and from there we do something nearby and fun.

TL DR #2 - Do what you want. Lotta cats don't put any thought into broads, and do fine, better than me. The proverbial Pookie and Ray Ray dating Project Patricia is just gonna try to go to her place to put it on her. Females say they hate this, but MBA/JDs have babies by these guys. Love a dude that's a project. He hit it, and she backwards rationalizes why she likes him, and the projects a future together - never ever dealing with the here and now.


I hate coffee dates on GP. That whole "get to know you" BS is how dudes get Sahara D in the first place. See if there's chemistry. FOH.

Make chemistry
, don't depend on the universe to give things spark. Hate a lot of these lazy advice givers...I digress.

Tactics wise, a coffee date has never been a good look - you're depending primarily on your verbals and she's hopped up on Arabica. Coffee date has only been a cheap look. If cats is doing volume, sort of makes sense, but I prefer to convert rather than screen.

The game has changed.

  1. Offline > Online - I prefer to meet chicks offline and make things happen the same day. I.E. if i'm chatting to a chick at a bar/club, the "1st date" starts then.
    1. Make things happen on the first meet, when there's all the excitement and possibility.
    2. She feels more safe with a dude she's just met than
      1. Dudes in her life that want her but don't go for it (creeps)
      2. Randoms she meets online (despite her internet sleuthing)
      3. Why?
        1. She can hear me talk
        2. See how she feels when I talk to her in real life and in real time
        3. See how I make others feel (and usually the others are her friends, her hive mind, because broads do not know how to say yes, they do know how to say maybe (which means no), and no or "take my number" - which usually means no, unless she's 35+)
        4. Smell me
        5. Touch me
        6. See who I deal with
        7. etc
    3. However if things don't work out... the first night
  2. Phone Numbers are for Gamblers- If the stars are not aligning for the particular night, I'll grab a number. But I know from years of doing this (between long term relationships, thank you very much) - that a girl's interest starts to fade the second y'all separate.
    1. My pen is nice, but most of the time a good looking bird has lots of cats shooting at her. Good chance if I grab a #, it's gonna get lost in the sauce. So..
    2. I used to run a date sequence of texts
      1. Send a meme/pic/joke - it doesn't require a response, but it says I'm thinking of you
        1. and if you collect #'s - you can set up your phone to send it out as a mass text
          1. but make sure they can't text each other...
      2. If she bites, ask what are her next 48 hours looking like - not because you're planning something for her. You have to prompt her to volunteer that info.
      3. if free, suggest something
        1. Never
          1. Coffee
          2. Expensive dinner/impressive date (knew a cat that bought Blue Man Tickets in Philly (we was in NYC)
          3. Straight to the house/Netflix and Chill - hoes are crazy, and you will get caught up one way or another.
            1. this doesn't conflict with standard Run and Gun, because you're bringing her to your spot, versus her having time to plot and scheme when you give her the address to come through (or if she wants you to come over, don't want to get Trife Life'd (c) Mobb Deep. And in my case, I'm not worried about G's, I'm worried about cops, apartment staff, nosy neighbors...
        2. Usually an activity
          1. ideally drinking liquor
            1. at bar closest to my spot
          2. anything experiential
            1. Dancing to non urban/reggae/soul/ADOS music - put the broad out of her element
              1. Salsa/Merengue/Bachata
              2. If she white - Swing
            2. Games - pool, putt putt, go karts, arcade...
            3. Experiential food - Fondue, Korean BBQ,
              1. Never Ethiopian
      4. If her time is not free in the next 48, don't ask her out, don't give her a chance to say no, keep it pushing. No plans get made more than 48 hours out, period end of story
    3. Meet Up Sequence
      1. First 2 steps are the same
      2. Step 3 - Come check me out at this thing I enjoy
        1. This is an old school concept - but the chick is trying to see if she wants to be in your world - and your world isn't dumb hookah bars, expensive mixed drinks, listening to the sequence of drill/trap songs and throwback records.
  3. Meet Ups - I'm not waiting for you/I'm not picking you up/ Meet Me someplace where I want to be - From there's it's, "I'm gonna be at such and such place, at such and such time, come check me out. We can roll to something from there/afterwards"
    1. I know where I'm gonna be, I'm gonna have a good time, and a chick should not be surprised to see me rapping to some folks
    2. If she balks, 2 fangaz! Peace, I'm out
      1. If she's gonna be rolling with me, I'm gonna take care of everything. But if she's trying to negotiate on the VERY FIRST MEET - we are not on the same page.
        1. That chick you wit, she like You or What you Got - 50 Cent - get into some theory - but if the shoe was on the other foot, and she said she was going antiquing, a man would do it, just be around the broad. But if you gotta promise a Boys 2 Men concert with Tupac making an actual appearance with Lauryn Hill showing up on time - she's not trying to hang with YOU, she's trying to hang with what you're offering. A good date back in the day was a BAD movie. Cause she's gonna look for some stimulation....
        2. A chick should have a good time with you running errands - Nashville Playboy said he would take a chick to a laundromat and do his laundry. He would have the girl in stitches by the middle of it, and in bed by the end.
        3. The game is always about how you make the girl feel. Even guys that don't know any type of game, the chick is there because he makes her feel good. And if she stops feeling good, the relationship is over.
Can I do a simple dinner date? Movies? Bowling? Etc. - Sure, but broads are late, and it's hard for ME to tolerate that type of disrespect on the very first date. It really shows from the jump, she doesn't know how long things take (to get ready, to travel), she over-packs her schedule because the date is not really that important.

You do an okay looking broad a favor by taking her out, and she repays your kindness with lateness and an attitude.

Behavior can make a fine girl ugly as sin.

One of the homies connected with this FINE as F Cosplay chick. Bruh looking like Shadow King from Legion, and her looking like Elektra from Daredevil. I hung out with them one night, and she snorts, farts, bathroom humor....all of that unbecoming stuff. They deserve each other, but I look at the chick weirdly.

Back to behavior, there's a reason these broads are lonely. They are more than just alienating potential husbands, they run their lives sloppily.

Anyway, I said above that the game has changed.

What I do here, is much more difficult if you meet a chick on Tinder.

If a chick want to go on a date with me after we met offline once, I know she's down.

Everything else? It's a lottery ticket.

Sure you can get her to come out, but then you gotta be better looking than your pics, and more interesting than your text messages.

Otherwise, the narrative she's built up falls flat.


Sonny Bonds

Apr 24, 2014
Besides work and the gym, I should just stay home. I take massive L's otherwise.