One thing my pops told me is when you think you found the one, then you make your decision only after you:
A Live with her
B Piss her off
exactly. piss off ur woman and see what she'll do to get back at u. a woman that decides to flirt with other men (jjust to get u jealous or anger u), a woman that does sh1t along those lines are to be immediately crossed off the list of wifey material.
i was watching a movie a couple of days ago. these two girls found out they were dating the same guy. so they both planned to show up in his apartment at the same time. when the guy was confronted by both of them, and as the movie played on, u can tell which one of the girls actually cared for him.
one of the girls cussed him out, called him all sorts of sh1t, called him short. the other girl was angry, but she kept whatever she said on a leveled playing field. called him a pathological liar but didn't say anything that can be considered lowblow or "defects" she found in him. at the end of the movie, the guys mother dies, and guess who's there to console him, and making funeral arrangements for him? the girl who didn't insult him.
yeah i know its just a movie. but, something to think about.