Essential Quick Lil Gems on Dealing with Women

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
I feel you. I used to think just like you.

I had seen some shyt and I wanted to hold every woman responsible for it. Suddenly every girl I looked at was the devil incarnate and I would just shake my head :snoop:. I would feel guilty about crushing on a chick, and hate myself for it because, in my mind, I knew where this would head: me getting compromised somehow. I thought that catching feelings automatically equaled being weak, and I would look at dudes in relationships like :childplease:, "you know what's gonna happen, right? :mjpls:"

So if I ever liked a girl, I would disregard that shyt with the quickness after a while.

The truth is, as it is with anything, some individuals earn your respect and admiration, and others get tossed to the bushes. :birdman:

Women are no different. Nobody's perfect.

Because of that, in the future, I'm going to avoid the foul women and I won't give the "good" ones any incentive to hit me with that dirt.

There's a big difference between love and simping and I'm not ashamed to say that I'm still learning the differences (the obvious stuff is easy, though: don't buy her shyt...etc.), but this will help the quality of women that I attract.

It's like dude said earlier in the thread, if you attract the highest quality people like a fortune 500 company, you won't get any of that low quality behavior that we've both seen and know all too well. :smugbiden:

I agree with what you're saying overall. In my case, I was never the type to buy women's affection and overall cupcake with them. The main thing that I did was treat certain women with decency but these same women tried to play me like I was a simp. Stuff like this is the reason I have become apathetic towards women and people in general because it seems likes damn near everyone has contempt for decency of any kind.


Dec 3, 2012
Stuff like this is the reason I have become apathetic towards women and people in general because it seems likes damn near everyone has contempt for decency of any kind.

Amen to that.

You find a girl who you think actually has a somewhat admirable character to go with that beauty and you're like :whoo:.

But then she hit you with that dirt and she shows out to be a straight sham. :shaq2:

Leave you lookin' at the rest of these females with the :stopitslime: :aicmon: :comeon:.

Jason B

Dec 4, 2012
Amen to that.

You find a girl who you think actually has a somewhat admirable character to go with that beauty and you're like :whoo:.

But then she hit you with that dirt and she shows out to be a straight sham. :shaq2:

Leave you lookin' at the rest of these females with the :stopitslime: :aicmon: :comeon:.
Exactly. My new-found apathetic mindset scares me at sometimes because being apathetic or borderline coldhearted was inconceivable when I was younger and relatively naive to how many people operate.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
In a lot of ways, just knowing what it is is partly why I slowed down my posts in this thread. There's only so far you can take your game until you realize it's not you, it's the women you are coming across. When you first start learning about this game, you get mad excited, thinking it will allow you to just have this superbad, loyal chick... and then you eventually come to realize there is nothing you can do to 'win' a woman's loyalty. Either she is or she isn't. Past being a man, the best game pretty much involves finding the right woman...

but along the way you're going to come across a ton of ones who play the game dirty... who pretty much look at you as the 'man of the moment' until they find something better in their mind... in which case they will cheat outright if he doesn't have the 'long-term potential' but they like his 'swag', or they will force you to break up with them if they are feeling him long-term as well.

It's coming to a point to where I'm getting nonchalant across the board and don't care too much. What's funny is all the women I had the nonchalant attitude towards, as in I didn't feel like being in a relationship with them and just was friends with them... they are still here to this day. The ones I allowed to get into the whole emotions thing with, tried being there for them, etc., they are nowhere to be found for the most part.

It pretty much seems like the relationship that actually lasts is where you think the woman is pretty cool, but you ain't feeling her like crazy, but she is feeling YOU like crazy. But really, who wants to be in that kind of joint where you can't really feel her deeply? The name of the game is women holding out or having temporary negroes until they can punch in with a negro well above their worth... aka finding the man they 'look up to.'

The nonchalant negro, they perceive him more as the 'boss' type because he leaves her room for her to impress him. It's funny how once I really stopped caring is now when all the females come around.

Something cats need to learn to do is start demanding things from females. Women will act like they are angry about it and simps will try to call you all kind of things, but if you got to do all of this, at least a brotha can get a sandwich or have her get something to drink.


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
Something that is tough but must be done is consistency. A lot of times, we start off mad cool, calm and collected, but the more we deal with a woman, we start changing up and start getting more off into that emotional zone... thinking if you start expressing your feelings, you will build with her and all of that jazz. Wrong answer. In the MOMENT, she will be impressed, but afterwards, she will start getting distant. The same negro you attracted her as is the same negro you have to stay... never get into all of that expressing your feelings and telling her your undying love and how ya'll are soulmates that need to be together forever type of nonsense. Ain't nothing wrong with complimenting a woman and letting her know you appreciate how she gets down for you, but you always have to maintain your same emotional temperature throughout the relationship.


Dec 3, 2012
Yep, in the end you just gotta keep looking and sift through the baddies. You can improve yourself and make yourself more attractive, and have air-tight game and be the manliest person in existence, but it really does come down to can only do so much.

The ones I allowed to get into the whole emotions thing with, tried being there for them, etc., they are nowhere to be found for the most part.

Could you elaborate on "be there for them"?

Do you mean some shyt like she's having trouble with another boyfriend and needs support? In which case I co-sign with you and I'd give her the :childplease:.

Not tryin' to solve your problems and sh*t.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
If she's disrespected you before, she will do it again.

Words have power. If a woman really respected you, under no circumstances would she ever come out of her face to disrespect you.

The moment a woman comes at you in a way in where you feel disrespected, I would advise for you to stop and think. Do not fight fire with fire... women argue for a living. Calmly tell her that you feel disrespected, this behavior is unacceptable, and you either leave or if she is in your house ask her to kindly leave.

Like KevM says, we need to demand more from these women than just a pretty face and sex.

Women feel that they can say all types of things to you and that you have to accept it. They feel they can use the fact that they're a woman and that they're emotionally to make it acceptable. They try to make it the norm. You don't have to accept that behavior. Ever!!


follower of Jesus
May 2, 2012
What do you feel guys feel about couples who buy each other TONS of gifts?

I see this shyt in college relationships all the time, seems like every week dudes are spending their part-time paycheck to buy their girl something new, and then, to their credit, most girls will return the favour once in a while. I find it crazy that people in college who are already piling up debt have so much money to freely spend on their S/O, especially when they haven't been dating that long.

I don't see anything wrong with it as long it is reciprocal and none of the parties are going into debt in order to buy each other gifts. If it's some one sided affair or largely lop-sided with the man buying expensive gifts while she gets him a $5 wallet from Ross, then he needs to cut that out.


Let That Hoe Go
May 30, 2012
Something that is tough but must be done is consistency. A lot of times, we start off mad cool, calm and collected, but the more we deal with a woman, we start changing up and start getting more off into that emotional zone... thinking if you start expressing your feelings, you will build with her and all of that jazz. Wrong answer. In the MOMENT, she will be impressed, but afterwards, she will start getting distant. The same negro you attracted her as is the same negro you have to stay... never get into all of that expressing your feelings and telling her your undying love and how ya'll are soulmates that need to be together forever type of nonsense. Ain't nothing wrong with complimenting a woman and letting her know you appreciate how she gets down for you, but you always have to maintain your same emotional temperature throughout the relationship.

True indeed and let me build on that

Even though we talk a lot in here and discuss our relationship issues regarding women, keep in mind that you can't have these kind of conversations with women, especially the women you're dating. She will never understand and will mistake you for an emotional sap.

Learn to keep your talking and expression of your feelings to a minimum. Of course, let your woman know that you care about her. But there are certain relationship behaviors designated for females.. don't engage in them.

Be a man at all times. Never compromise your beliefs on how you feel your relationships should be. Make decisions and remain firm. Never second guess yourself, and never allow a woman to second guess you. Cause once you lose control of your relationship you will never get it back.


May 6, 2012
In a lot of ways, just knowing what it is is partly why I slowed down my posts in this thread. There's only so far you can take your game until you realize it's not you, it's the women you are coming across. When you first start learning about this game, you get mad excited, thinking it will allow you to just have this superbad, loyal chick... and then you eventually come to realize there is nothing you can do to 'win' a woman's loyalty. Either she is or she isn't. Past being a man, the best game pretty much involves finding the right woman...

but along the way you're going to come across a ton of ones who play the game dirty... who pretty much look at you as the 'man of the moment' until they find something better in their mind... in which case they will cheat outright if he doesn't have the 'long-term potential' but they like his 'swag', or they will force you to break up with them if they are feeling him long-term as well.

It's coming to a point to where I'm getting nonchalant across the board and don't care too much. What's funny is all the women I had the nonchalant attitude towards, as in I didn't feel like being in a relationship with them and just was friends with them... they are still here to this day. The ones I allowed to get into the whole emotions thing with, tried being there for them, etc., they are nowhere to be found for the most part.

It pretty much seems like the relationship that actually lasts is where you think the woman is pretty cool, but you ain't feeling her like crazy, but she is feeling YOU like crazy. But really, who wants to be in that kind of joint where you can't really feel her deeply? The name of the game is women holding out or having temporary negroes until they can punch in with a negro well above their worth... aka finding the man they 'look up to.'

The nonchalant negro, they perceive him more as the 'boss' type because he leaves her room for her to impress him. It's funny how once I really stopped caring is now when all the females come around.

Something cats need to learn to do is start demanding things from females. Women will act like they are angry about it and simps will try to call you all kind of things, but if you got to do all of this, at least a brotha can get a sandwich or have her get something to drink.
I think that deep down they all see us as a man of the moment. it's just that when you're "The Man" provide guidance she needs in her life, that moment could last for decades and she will love you/be attached to you...until she finds someone better. it becomes riskier for them the longer they stay with you cause they've invested more and will think longer before jumping ship. but don't ever think just because you've been with her 3 years (or 30 for that matter) that she owes you anything or that she'll stay just because. The amount of time will make her think twice and the other option will have to be MUCH more attractive/desirable. but no bond is unbreakable.

as far as letting women in your emotions, it really is like our "p*ssy", lol. And the funny thing is, just like we're trying to fukk as much p*ssy as we can, they are trying to fukk as many men as they can emotionally. and once they got your "p*ssy" they're moving on to the next man. They want to be loved by MANY men at the same time and they want to be the only one for each one of the men. Of course you gotta "give it up" from time to time but if you do it without having any standards or respect for yourself, you WILL get smutted like a cheap emotional hoe. The main difference though is that when we try to get p*ssy, it's considered cheating. but society kinda accepts the fact that women are trying to get as many men as possible sprung on them. the solution is to not worry about what society thinks and just set your own standards. Do not accept this.


Absolute Sovereign
Nov 17, 2012
Liberia, Madagascar
Not to shame a YouTube kid but he ho chased, had several girls call the cops on him and he is shocked/stunned at the result. The game is very serious these days. All this ho chasing, shotgunning has to go. People are literally getting in trouble with the law doing it but some refuse to stop. Disaster.

Basically, the kid gets shamed in another YouTube video of a player saying you should not ho chase and be so creepy, then the kid threatens to sue the guy for using a still from the kid's YouTube video. So the other guy deletes the video and blurs out the kid's face.

The kid still does not get simple ideas like eye contact, checking for choosing signals, having high standards, not being creepy or needy, avoiding any and all PUA material, and so forth.

When guys choose a girl right away too hard, she often rejects you. But if she does not, she has all the power. With your uber hard choosing, she can just remain neutral but if you're a creep/low confidence guy, you'll assume just because the girl gave you her number, she's choosing you just as hard right back. Not really. And when you find she flakes out entirely one day or some other dude is having sex with her, you realize that in all that time it was only you who chose her. She never really chose you back. So never get hung up and all star-eyed over a girl who never chose you back. It's just dumb to be like that.

But guys are like, "If I wait for some choosing, my numbers will be lower." Exactly. If you don't ho chase, your numbers are lower but your quality is much higher and you run into less crazy females. The choice is yours.


I think very deeply
May 4, 2012
A really good article I found:

Command Respect the Mature Masculine Way

I don’t tolerate second class behavior.

Not from myself, or from others.

I always strive to conduct myself with impeccable class, and I expect others to do the same.

When someone comes along and disrespects me by testing one of my boundaries, because I conduct myself with impeccable class, I can assertively say to them, “I don’t appreciate [insert unacceptable behavior here]. I wouldn’t do that to you, so please don’t let it happen again.”

Almost every single time I’ve had to do this, the person apologizes, their level of respect for me increases, and the unacceptable behavior never happens again.

In the event that it does happen again, I have no problem walking away from that relationship knowing I’m better off not having it in my life.

This is the secret to having a commanding presence.

The Mechanics of a Commanding Presence

What’s happening in the process described above is my personal boundary is being asserted and enforced.

This is the key to being a win/win kind of man (one of the cornerstone characteristics of mature masculinity).

If you let others treat you with disrespect, then you are accepting the presence of win/lose or lose/lose relationships in your life. When this is the case, others can manipulate you, put you down to make themselves feel better, and enter your boundary at will to take whatever they want from you.

This is an inherently suboptimal relationship, and it obviously sucks for you.

If you want to enjoy win/win relationships with everyone you cross paths with, the kind of relationships that bring out the best in yourself and others, then you have to become the kind of man who stringently enforces his boundaries.

The only way to do this is to install doors in the place of the holes in your boundary, (this process is discussed more extensively in my article The One Thing that Stands Between You and Maturity). Once you’ve installed the doors, you can become the kind of man who only allows first class behavior in and out of his boundary by regulating the operation of your doors judiciously.

You close the doors to win/lose propositions (enforcing your boundary by assertively letting others know that their behavior is unacceptable, or cutting them off if they continue to act inappropriately), and open the doors to win/win propositions (create interdependent relationships with other high quality individuals).

When enforcing your boundary it’s important to be assertive but not aggressive. Speak calmly and authoritatively, and make sure there’s no hostility in your voice.

Your boundary should be like a solid brick wall that’s painful to run into, not a barbed wire fence that inflicts permanent damage on anyone who tries to scale it.
You Must Monitor Your Own Behavior

I’m really going to harp on this point, because it’s the most important part of this process.

If you want others to treat you with respect, you must be a man who treats others with respect. If you regularly violate your own boundary by disrespecting others and tolerating second class behavior from yourself, no one is going to take you seriously when you try to enforce your “boundary”. They’ll see you as a hypocrite, and their second class behavior will continue.

From time to time I’ll slip up and will treat a person inappropriately, but whenever that happens I’ll be the first to admit to my mistake and will sincerely apologize to the person I disrespected. After that, I’ll make sure it never happens again.

Because the person I originally disrespected recognizes the maturity required for me to admit to my mistakes, he/she usually respects me more after I issue a sincere apology.

You must become your own staunchest critic, and strive to conduct yourself with impeccable class at all times. You can’t rely on others to enforce their boundaries and let you know when you’re acting inappropriately, because they usually won’t.

While this may seem like a good thing because you can continue to manipulate others into giving you what you want by invading their personal boundaries, it’s still suboptimal because it’s a win/lose relationship. You would get much more out of a win/win relationship.

Even if people are incapable of enforcing their own boundaries, no one likes to be disrespected. If you disrespect others, they’ll never completely open up to you and share their unique gifts with you (the key to enjoying synergistic relationships) because they will secretly resent you.

Conducting yourself with impeccable class is the only way to command the respect of others and leave them feeling like they want to share their unique gifts with you (gifts can only be shared willingly, which is why they’re called gifts).
Enforcing Your Boundary in Your Daily Life

I understand the concept of enforcing your boundary may be entirely new to you. As you begin to implement this process to your daily dealings with others, you may encounter some resistance from people who have become accustomed to violating your boundary.

In the past, you’ve let them invade your personal boundary and gratuitously take whatever they want from you, and now that you’re putting up a boundary all of a sudden they’re not happy about it.

When this is the case, you must have patience and understand that these people are this way because you have taught them to be this way. Refuse to let them invade your boundary ever again, and enforce it as many times as necessary until they understand it’s not going away. Usually, they’ll come around.

In my friend circle, I used to be the guy all my friends made fun of because I was easy to pick on and I would laugh along with them to try and win their approval. Then, one day, I learned about boundaries and how to enforce them, and I started to put up resistance when they treated me inappropriately.

Things got heated on quite a few occasions when they tried to plow their way through my newly established boundary, but I wouldn’t let them. My boundary became progressively more resilient every time they tested it, and eventually most of my friends stopped disrespecting me.

There were a few “friends” who couldn’t make the adjustment and continued to disrespect my boundary even after it was clear they weren’t going to break through it. I cut them out of my life with no regret.
Analyze Your Situation

What standard of behavior do you currently hold yourself to?

Do you accept second class behavior from yourself, or do you conduct yourself with impeccable class?

When and how do you let others violate your boundary? Can you solve this problem by asserting your boundary, or do you first need to do some work on yourself so that you are not violating the boundary you expect others to respect?

Where in your boundary do you need to install doors in place of holes so you can judiciously regulate the inflow and outflow of win/win propositions in your daily life?

Carefully contemplate these questions on a regular basis and you’ll consistently evolve into a more mature masculine man.

Soon enough, you will find you naturally command the respect of everyone you cross paths with.


May 1, 2012
These hoes are bold these days. The past 48 hours I've had a female co-worker admit that she has cheated before in spite and has a container of gasoline in the garage to burn her nikka's shyt if he fukks up. :ohhh:

It never ceases to amaze me the things bytches will admit to in casual conversation and if their current or future s/o could hear these things. :wow2:


Absolute Sovereign
Nov 17, 2012
Liberia, Madagascar
These hoes are bold these days. The past 48 hours I've had a female co-worker admit that she has cheated before in spite and has a container of gasoline in the garage to burn her nikka's shyt if he fukks up. :ohhh:

It never ceases to amaze me the things bytches will admit to in casual conversation and if their current or future s/o could hear these things. :wow2:

At the work of a friend of mine, a female co-worker is cheating and having an affair with the boss. She has casual conversations about it at work and co-workers overheard everything. Backstage politics, dirty old men, scandalous girls - just politics as usual.

If a guy is repeatedly with girls like this, it reflects poorly on himself. He is attracting lackluster females, is a lackluster male himself, lacks standards and green lights all these girls. It's a total disaster. I feel bad for guys. But when this happens over and over, it's time to improve yourself, take a time out and come back a better and different man. Enough's enough. The boyfriend of the cheating chick at my friend's job was a simp, had no balls/confidence and felt just having any girl was good enough. And he paid for it and continues to pay for it because the boss is still running a train on his girl.


May 27, 2012
These hoes are bold these days. The past 48 hours I've had a female co-worker admit that she has cheated before in spite and has a container of gasoline in the garage to burn her nikka's shyt if he fukks up. :ohhh:

It never ceases to amaze me the things bytches will admit to in casual conversation and if their current or future s/o could hear these things. :wow2:

If you come off non judgmental and let a chick know something shady youve done to the opposite sex (true or not) shell open up and tell you some little dirt she did and gauge your reaction. If you seem cool with it youll get the 411 straight from the horses mouth. Ive weeded alot of women this way, and figured out crucial info that would let me know exactly where to put these hoes on my hoe scale.

Some of the things the prettiest chicks have told me :merchant: I remember this bytch I met while she was on vacation from Michigan and ended up coming come back to SD 4 months later. I was trying to figure out how she got out here again as a current student. :ohhh: So i did my system and got her to admit she used some old dude she met at the beach in la jolla to fly her out and wired her money for a hotel and allowance. :2much:Then she goes he hasnt seen me and he wont :russ: She literally busted up laughing like she couldnt wait to tell someone she hustled someone :smh:

I know dudes get suckered but thats some foul shyt to even do to someone even if they were incapable of rational thoughts:whoa: Its disgusting to blatantly take advantage of someone like that.

Long story short my system works so try it :salute: