A really good article I found:
Command Respect the Mature Masculine Way
I dont tolerate second class behavior.
Not from myself, or from others.
I always strive to conduct myself with impeccable class, and I expect others to do the same.
When someone comes along and disrespects me by testing one of my boundaries, because I conduct myself with impeccable class, I can assertively say to them, I dont appreciate [insert unacceptable behavior here]. I wouldnt do that to you, so please dont let it happen again.
Almost every single time Ive had to do this, the person apologizes, their level of respect for me increases, and the unacceptable behavior never happens again.
In the event that it does happen again, I have no problem walking away from that relationship knowing Im better off not having it in my life.
This is the secret to having a commanding presence.
The Mechanics of a Commanding Presence
Whats happening in the process described above is my personal boundary is being asserted and enforced.
This is the key to being a win/win kind of man (one of the cornerstone characteristics of mature masculinity).
If you let others treat you with disrespect, then you are accepting the presence of win/lose or lose/lose relationships in your life. When this is the case, others can manipulate you, put you down to make themselves feel better, and enter your boundary at will to take whatever they want from you.
This is an inherently suboptimal relationship, and it obviously sucks for you.
If you want to enjoy win/win relationships with everyone you cross paths with, the kind of relationships that bring out the best in yourself and others, then you have to become the kind of man who stringently enforces his boundaries.
The only way to do this is to install doors in the place of the holes in your boundary, (this process is discussed more extensively in my article The One Thing that Stands Between You and Maturity). Once youve installed the doors, you can become the kind of man who only allows first class behavior in and out of his boundary by regulating the operation of your doors judiciously.
You close the doors to win/lose propositions (enforcing your boundary by assertively letting others know that their behavior is unacceptable, or cutting them off if they continue to act inappropriately), and open the doors to win/win propositions (create interdependent relationships with other high quality individuals).
When enforcing your boundary its important to be assertive but not aggressive. Speak calmly and authoritatively, and make sure theres no hostility in your voice.
Your boundary should be like a solid brick wall thats painful to run into, not a barbed wire fence that inflicts permanent damage on anyone who tries to scale it.
You Must Monitor Your Own Behavior
Im really going to harp on this point, because its the most important part of this process.
If you want others to treat you with respect, you must be a man who treats others with respect. If you regularly violate your own boundary by disrespecting others and tolerating second class behavior from yourself, no one is going to take you seriously when you try to enforce your boundary. Theyll see you as a hypocrite, and their second class behavior will continue.
From time to time Ill slip up and will treat a person inappropriately, but whenever that happens Ill be the first to admit to my mistake and will sincerely apologize to the person I disrespected. After that, Ill make sure it never happens again.
Because the person I originally disrespected recognizes the maturity required for me to admit to my mistakes, he/she usually respects me more after I issue a sincere apology.
You must become your own staunchest critic, and strive to conduct yourself with impeccable class at all times. You cant rely on others to enforce their boundaries and let you know when youre acting inappropriately, because they usually wont.
While this may seem like a good thing because you can continue to manipulate others into giving you what you want by invading their personal boundaries, its still suboptimal because its a win/lose relationship. You would get much more out of a win/win relationship.
Even if people are incapable of enforcing their own boundaries, no one likes to be disrespected. If you disrespect others, theyll never completely open up to you and share their unique gifts with you (the key to enjoying synergistic relationships) because they will secretly resent you.
Conducting yourself with impeccable class is the only way to command the respect of others and leave them feeling like they want to share their unique gifts with you (gifts can only be shared willingly, which is why theyre called gifts).
Enforcing Your Boundary in Your Daily Life
I understand the concept of enforcing your boundary may be entirely new to you. As you begin to implement this process to your daily dealings with others, you may encounter some resistance from people who have become accustomed to violating your boundary.
In the past, youve let them invade your personal boundary and gratuitously take whatever they want from you, and now that youre putting up a boundary all of a sudden theyre not happy about it.
When this is the case, you must have patience and understand that these people are this way because you have taught them to be this way. Refuse to let them invade your boundary ever again, and enforce it as many times as necessary until they understand its not going away. Usually, theyll come around.
In my friend circle, I used to be the guy all my friends made fun of because I was easy to pick on and I would laugh along with them to try and win their approval. Then, one day, I learned about boundaries and how to enforce them, and I started to put up resistance when they treated me inappropriately.
Things got heated on quite a few occasions when they tried to plow their way through my newly established boundary, but I wouldnt let them. My boundary became progressively more resilient every time they tested it, and eventually most of my friends stopped disrespecting me.
There were a few friends who couldnt make the adjustment and continued to disrespect my boundary even after it was clear they werent going to break through it. I cut them out of my life with no regret.
Analyze Your Situation
What standard of behavior do you currently hold yourself to?
Do you accept second class behavior from yourself, or do you conduct yourself with impeccable class?
When and how do you let others violate your boundary? Can you solve this problem by asserting your boundary, or do you first need to do some work on yourself so that you are not violating the boundary you expect others to respect?
Where in your boundary do you need to install doors in place of holes so you can judiciously regulate the inflow and outflow of win/win propositions in your daily life?
Carefully contemplate these questions on a regular basis and youll consistently evolve into a more mature masculine man.
Soon enough, you will find you naturally command the respect of everyone you cross paths with.