One of the guys that I respect most is one of the guys I grew up with, my best friend Erik. He made it a distinct point to never, ever let his standards slip, even in the coldest of cold streaks. That's not to say all the women he's been with have been 10's, but what it does say is that he never stopped believing that he himself deserved the best he could possibly get, and if maintaining that high standard of exclusivity for who he hooked up with or dated meant foregoing easier p*ssy along the way, it meant an occasional dry spell. A lot of guys fall into the trap of, "HURR fukk FATTIES AND WORK YOUR WAY UP!!" No, no, no, no, NO! You'll lower your dating field to uglier girls that you hook up with and word will get around about your "fukk anything that moves" kind of ways.
You know how certain night clubs attract the hottest and most beautiful women? They act extra exclusive. The admission is expensive unless you know the manager. The drinks are expensive. The lines will be made purposely to be VERY long and the door men will only let in the hottest girls. And rightfully so. They have a business to run and by inflating their worth by making it seem like they can only allow the hottest girls in causes women to desperately try to prove their self-worth by being one of the women who was able to make the list. Getting women to desperately clamor to get in is what gets the men to be willing to shell out hundreds of dollars to pay to get in and pay for such overpriced drinks. All of that money goes toward paying for headliner artists, which in turn causes the girls to clamor even harder to get let in. It's a beautiful synergy.
It's something that needs to be embraced by the brehthren reading this. It'll go a long way for you, exclusivity. Especially if it comes from a place of self-respect and lack of willingness to demand less than the best for yourself.
Well done...